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Please stop with the min-pets.


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This is a response to Celebrate EA Play to Give 2018.


Please stop with the mini-pets. You've handed so many of them out now that our inventories grow utterly cluttered each time we create a new character, provided you have been playing and subbed for a while, and bought the expansions when they came out.


Furthermore, the pets are useless and a reskin of each other. If you want to 'celebrate play to give' hand people a free cartel pack or something useful to indicate that you appreciate your players.

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It's a bit odd to feel so strongly about it, judging by your post. I mean, it is free stuff for little to no effort.

That said, I do think the mini pets are generally a bit underwhelming, so I wont really bother with it myself. But there are those who like to collect everything they can so it's nice for them.:)

But considering it's a charity event, I don't see how it matters in this case.

Edited by Eshvara
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It is a charity event. People should do it just because it's the right thing to do, not because they're offering something good in exchange. You can always delete the email without claiming the items if you don't want them.


Also participating shows that you support the event and it will likely lead to more events in the future which will lead to more charities receiving more money, all for doing the same things you likely do already in the game.

Edited by BarbarikDave
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It is a charity event. People should do it just because it's the right thing to do

The flaw in that is that "it's the right thing to do" does not *automatically* follow from "It is a charity event." Giving to a charity or doing something for that charity is not a *politically* neutral action.


If I give money to Comic Relief or participate in a Comic Relief event, then I must accept the political baggage that goes along with it. Some charities are relatively free of that baggage - the RNLI and SNSM(1) seem to be in that group - but others carry a significant "political correctness" burden.


But yes, subject to the caveat above, "because it is the right thing to" is, indeed, why we should do any sort of "good works". That makes me think of an interview I saw many years ago. Larry King was interviewing Mr T (of "The A Team" fame), and the subject of celebrity "good works" came up. Mr T was intensely dismissive of stars / celebrities / "slebs" who "noisily" do their good works / charitable stuff, especially if there was a strong element of "Look At Me!" about it - his assertion was that one should do those things because they are the right thing to do rather than "for the publicity value".


(1) Royal National Lifeboat Institute and Société Nationale des Sauveteurs en Mer, British and French charities that operate volunteer-crewed lifeboats. Other countries have similar organisations, but those are the two that I know best.

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The flaw in that is that "it's the right thing to do" does not *automatically* follow from "It is a charity event." Giving to a charity or doing something for that charity is not a *politically* neutral action.


I can always count on you to analyse stuff and point out the flaws, which I can see now you are right. It goes without saying that not all charities are for everyone and if you don't agree with the cause or the potential baggage that follows it then you shouldn't support it. The point I was trying to make was you should support it because you believe it's a good cause, not because of the reward they offer and asking for a better reward is incredibly selfish.

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Don't mind getting free stuff, but not if it requires me doing group stuff. So thank you for the offer BW but no thanks. Nothing is going to make me to group stuff not even behind a charity. If you add solo items for us solo players instead of group, then sure. However to make a complaint thread about it is a bit OTT. Edited by StormForceDax
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1) Actually, I look forward to seeing all those emails when I start up a character. :)


2) Can't say I fully understand the connection between the "challenge" and the charities. As far as I could tell from perusing the linked sites, the charities get the money regardless of who/how many do the challenges, or even log in. I guess it did get me to click through the links and be aware of the charities. So ... mission accomplished?

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1) Actually, I look forward to seeing all those emails when I start up a character. :)



Me too! Sometimes I make a new character just to see how many emails I get.


Edit to add: If they're cluttering up the inventory then just add them to your list of pets. That gets them out of the inventory. If you think your list of pets is too long then just delete them. If you want to keep them but don't want them in your inventory/cargo/pet list then just leave them in the email. SWTOR system emails like that never get deleted automatically although I don't know if they count against a mail cap (if there is one).

Edited by Elessara
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1) Actually, I look forward to seeing all those emails when I start up a character. :)


2) Can't say I fully understand the connection between the "challenge" and the charities. As far as I could tell from perusing the linked sites, the charities get the money regardless of who/how many do the challenges, or even log in. I guess it did get me to click through the links and be aware of the charities. So ... mission accomplished?


True that, I mean it's not hard to just delete them if you don't want anything from them or just takes what 30 to 60 seconds to get the ones you want. Not really end of the world cry out loud stuff to warrant complaint threads. I think I have over 40+ on my main account use a few of the mounts and boosts mainly from mine. Just as quick to get from mailbox than go to stronghold get one out of storage or collections.

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2) Can't say I fully understand the connection between the "challenge" and the charities. As far as I could tell from perusing the linked sites, the charities get the money regardless of who/how many do the challenges, or even log in. I guess it did get me to click through the links and be aware of the charities. So ... mission accomplished?


The event itself is about inclusion. The challenge requires you to group up with people. Grouping up gets people to join together for whatever it is their doing regardless of their personal history or life. The charities that are involved this year are all about making people feel welcome, dealing with bullies, and such. The goal is to bring people together under something they all have in common, the game in which they are playing.

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It's nice with the hundreds of droids in different colors.

Good, it's a gift. But it's like a gift from an aunt you barely know. Do not think about it, but take one of three droids and dye them differently. The same applies to vehicles. I was happy when there was a mount last time.


Do not get me wrong, I think it's nice if you get something. But next time you should think about it a bit. What I would personally like: mounts, mini pets (no droids), decoration (much decoration), flair, armor, weapon, companions. So much choice, you do not always have to take droids. ;):)

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It's a bit odd to feel so strongly about it, judging by your post. I mean, it is free stuff for little to no effort.

That said, I do think the mini pets are generally a bit underwhelming, so I wont really bother with it myself. But there are those who like to collect everything they can so it's nice for them.:)

But considering it's a charity event, I don't see how it matters in this case.


Come on, they are only recolored duplicates of what we already have. If they did something different, people probably wouldn't mind so much.

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The event itself is about inclusion. The challenge requires you to group up with people. Grouping up gets people to join together for whatever it is their doing regardless of their personal history or life. The charities that are involved this year are all about making people feel welcome, dealing with bullies, and such. The goal is to bring people together under something they all have in common, the game in which they are playing.


That is fine and good for the most part especially in real life but in the game life it does sometimes create problems. When I first did group pickups it became a nightmare with people blaming everyone for something except themselves and then some acting like a jerk and an idiot so I decided it was better to have at least either my boyfriend or a guild member before even doing group pickups for the one or two other spots we needed.


I have done random groups in the heroics but that is normally just a couple of minutes to get something done and you go on. Flashpoints and operations last a bit longer.

Edited by casirabit
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That is fine and good for the most part especially in real life but in the game life it does sometimes create problems. When I first did group pickups it became a nightmare with people blaming everyone for something except themselves and then some acting like a jerk and an idiot so I decided it was better to have at least either my boyfriend or a guild member before even doing group pickups for the one or two other spots we needed.


I have done random groups in the heroics but that is normally just a couple of minutes to get something done and you go on. Flashpoints and operations last a bit longer.


Completely understandable. All games have those players who lack patience and think everyone else is at fault when something goes wrong OR even worse, don't tolerate even the slightest mistakes and in those situations I think exclusion would be considered okay lol.

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You're getting free stuff for participating in things you already participate in. I don't see a downside. It's like complaining that your free cookie with lunch is chocolate chip instead of mint chocolate chip. Those bastards!
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You're getting free stuff for participating in things you already participate in. I don't see a downside. It's like complaining that your free cookie with lunch is chocolate chip instead of mint chocolate chip. Those bastards!

Depends. If they gave me mint rather than ordinary, I'd complain (at least in my head) because I don't eat mint anything, so it's essentially wasted, whereas I'd eat an ordinary one. (Double complaint if they *insist* on giving it to me when I tell them "No thanks.")

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It's a bit odd to feel so strongly about it, judging by your post. I mean, it is free stuff for little to no effort.

That said, I do think the mini pets are generally a bit underwhelming, so I wont really bother with it myself. But there are those who like to collect everything they can so it's nice for them.:)

But considering it's a charity event, I don't see how it matters in this case.


Eh, that makes it too easy to give sub-par stuff. "It's free, don't complain!". "It's for charity, how dare you complain!". Very easy to shift the negativity from the giver to the receiver, IMNSHO.

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Eh, that makes it too easy to give sub-par stuff. "It's free, don't complain!". "It's for charity, how dare you complain!". Very easy to shift the negativity from the giver to the receiver, IMNSHO.


Well no, generally, if something is free, for me at least, I don't complain. If I'm not interested, such as now, I don't participate. If it's in real life and the clerk at the store offers me a free banana, I say no, but I'm not going to be "offended" for getting something I'm not interested in.

But you can always ask for more or for something else I guess, just don't get upset when you're not given what you asked for. *Speaking in general*

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What exactly are you arguing against here?


I agree 100% with the OP. Enough is enough. Do we need 50 droids that look exactly alike except for the colors? No we don't. BW needs to get inventive and give us pets that are unique or don't bother at all.

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I agree 100% with the OP. Enough is enough. Do we need 50 droids that look exactly alike except for the colors? No we don't. BW needs to get inventive and give us pets that are unique or don't bother at all.


Of course it is your right to agree with the op, and new and refreshing items are probably desired by all. And while someone may find Recolored Droid pet 5000 a boring reward, it's still free and you can delete it if you don't want it or just not participate. Like me, I wont be getting any droid, mainly because I'm not very active in swtor at the moment, but yeah!:o

Now I guess you could argue and say, "But if it was something new and refreshing you would get it":rak_03: and yes I would, but this isn't really about me.

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Of course it is your right to agree with the op, and new and refreshing items are probably desired by all. And while someone may find Recolored Droid pet 5000 a boring reward, it's still free and you can delete it if you don't want it or just not participate. Like me, I wont be getting any droid, mainly because I'm not very active in swtor at the moment, but yeah!:o

Now I guess you could argue and say, "But if it was something new and refreshing you would get it":rak_03: and yes I would, but this isn't really about me.


May not necessarily be about you specifically, but (general)you the gamer are what the game needs to be able to do this type of thing, to keep the light on, etc..., so maybe they should take heed and try a little harder :p

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Yes, we have seen the little droids like 1000x now. If you've bought Cartel coins from Amazon etc. you have even more of the little critters running around. But I'm willing to accept the fact that there ARE the folks in game who love having different shades of pets for their various outfits. And I'm sure this little blue guy will go fine with some blue outfit or another. And I'm happy those people are getting it. So I'll go group and get mine without griping about it.
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