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I ain't some "delivery boy" of Disney but I desire to tell that ...


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How can I prove the truth of the very first sentence of the title? Well, somehow I can...

I can through a link to this very thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=941847!


Therefore I feel that I have the right to declare my humble opinion: the "SW; Solo" movie will become (most probably) a financial failure but it doesn't deserve it!...

Imho it is ...

a movie with life, it is quite different from any SW movie aL (after George Lucas) and in fact it's very solid from every aspect; story, screen writing, direction, acting, tempo, photography and all!! In fact it's a great diving into the underworld of the Lucas' SW Galaxy and it depicts the origins, the environment, the life, the feelings, the dilemmas and the fate of the runaways of the SW (and every) Galaxy in a great fashion!!


The one and only reason that this movie will become a financial failure is the fact that the SW fans are disappointed with TFA and TLJ and they gonna make use of this very movie (a lovely movie imho) in order to have some revenge :mad: and deliver a ... message to Disney Corporation.


Alas, :( they gonna deliver the ... :o wrong message; according to my tastes that is... :)

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No, we are gona deliver very good message that not everything that has SW logo sells. TFA was good R1 was also very good and Last Jedi was absolute garbage. So until they make good SW movie that pays respects to lore and its keys characters im spending my money elsewhere...except swtor sub thats different :D
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This was NOT a lovely movie from my PoV. L3 was atrocious, most of the cast felt like they were playing star wars cos play rather than being an actual character.


Like I looked at Tobias Beckett. I didn't see Beckett. I saw Woodie Harrilson being Woodie in a star wars getup doing some good pistoleering.


Same with Emila Clark and Paul Brittany.


The direction for the character of Han was too wet behind the ears and not enough cocky scoundrel. Sure he should of been inexperienced, but not so new to the world he needed his hand held till the end.


5 out of 10. And LF needs to stop calling it's fans man babies, sexist, misogynistic, etc and stop promoting a political agenda and just tell a damn good story.


This movie could of been far better. I am disappointed with Solo.

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It just boils down to the expectations game. If Disney's model for the I.P. includes "not every movie with the Star Wars brand needs to be a Ben Hur-level epic event, we can also tell smaller stories set in this universe with the 'A Star Wars Story' line of movies", then I think that's perfectly fine. But the market analysts and commentators (both inside Disney and out) need to understand that while these smaller side-stories will still bring in obscene amounts of money, they won't necessarily bring in record-breaking amounts at every single turn.


The problem isn't that Solo "only" broke $100,000,000 over Memorial Day weekend, it's that analysts we're expecting a $150,000,000 opening, which is substantially more than any movie has ever brought in on Memorial Day. A "Star Wars: Episode __" film could certainly blow up a record like that, but that may not be the league that "A Star Wars Story" movies are playing in.


Disney doesn't need every single movie in the brand to be a record-breaker for it to be a success -- they've locked up the #1 movie for 2018 already with Infinity War, the fact that Ant-Man and Wasp won't come close to beating it doesn't mean that A-M & W will be a failure, even by the standards of a Marvel movie. But Disney does need to establish the paradigm it's going for with these "A Star Wars Story" flicks, and get expectations to be in line with that paradigm.

Edited by DarthDymond
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This was NOT a lovely movie from my PoV. L3 was atrocious, most of the cast felt like they were playing star wars cos play rather than being an actual character.


Like I looked at Tobias Beckett. I didn't see Beckett. I saw Woodie Harrilson being Woodie in a star wars getup doing some good pistoleering.


Same with Emila Clark and Paul Brittany.


The direction for the character of Han was too wet behind the ears and not enough cocky scoundrel. Sure he should of been inexperienced, but not so new to the world he needed his hand held till the end.


5 out of 10. And LF needs to stop calling it's fans man babies, sexist, misogynistic, etc and stop promoting a political agenda and just tell a damn good story.


This movie could of been far better. I am disappointed with Solo.


Is this simply one of the pitfalls of using established actors?

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Is this simply one of the pitfalls of using established actors?


No, not always. Paul Bettany for example is very convincing as Vison, or Geoffrey Chauser in "A Knights Tail". Just didn't get a character out of him this time.


Woodie was more of his character in Hunger Games.


And Emila Clark owns mother of dragons.


I just didn't see that level of care this time out of them.

Edited by TalonVII
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It just boils down to the expectations game. If Disney's model for the I.P. includes "not every movie with the Star Wars brand needs to be a Ben Hur-level epic event, we can also tell smaller stories set in this universe with the 'A Star Wars Story' line of movies", then I think that's perfectly fine. But the market analysts and commentators (both inside Disney and out) need to understand that while these smaller side-stories will still bring in obscene amounts of money, they won't necessarily bring in record-breaking amounts at every single turn.


The problem isn't that Solo "only" broke $100,000,000 over Memorial Day weekend, it's that analysts we're expecting a $150,000,000 opening, which is substantially more than any movie has ever brought in on Memorial Day. A "Star Wars: Episode __" film could certainly blow up a record like that, but that may not be the league that "A Star Wars Story" movies are playing in.


Disney doesn't need every single movie in the brand to be a record-breaker for it to be a success -- they've locked up the #1 movie for 2018 already with Infinity War, the fact that Ant-Man and Wasp won't come close to beating it doesn't mean that A-M & W will be a failure, even by the standards of a Marvel movie. But Disney does need to establish the paradigm it's going for with these "A Star Wars Story" flicks, and get expectations to be in line with that paradigm.


It's not even that. People are fed up with the extreme left agenda. Identity politics(Lando=Pansexual ring a bell?) Or droid rights in a movie where it wasn't needed. Or the whole heap of Social Justice crap in TLJ.


People are sick of it. Here's what would of made Solo a solid 8+ for me.


1. Get rid of L3's social justice crap. She could of been funny without it.

2. Han Solo's writing. Less wet behind the ears, more cocky. Especialy when L3 mouths off to him to get out of the seat, and Han simply jumps up without a word? Come on! He should of told L3 to stick it where the sun don't shine.

3. More acting and less cosplay out of some of the characters.

4. Lando retired? What are we trying to say Lando is what 10 years older than Han now? I thought Lando and Han were around the same age. Lando should of been in his smuggling PRIME.

5. Sabaac. Is NOT POKER. It's way more than that. If you ever read some of the books, you'd understand.


Now don't think I totally hated the movie. The opening act through the train heist was good. And the Kessel chase scene was the best chase in Star Wars IMHO. Kessel run wasn't exactly what I thought it would be, but it was still FANTASTIC.

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It's not even that. People are fed up with the extreme left agenda. Identity politics(Lando=Pansexual ring a bell?) Or droid rights in a movie where it wasn't needed. Or the whole heap of Social Justice crap in TLJ.


People are sick of it. Here's what would of made Solo a solid 8+ for me.


1. Get rid of L3's social justice crap. She could of been funny without it.

2. Han Solo's writing. Less wet behind the ears, more cocky. Especialy when L3 mouths off to him to get out of the seat, and Han simply jumps up without a word? Come on! He should of told L3 to stick it where the sun don't shine.

3. More acting and less cosplay out of some of the characters.

4. Lando retired? What are we trying to say Lando is what 10 years older than Han now? I thought Lando and Han were around the same age. Lando should of been in his smuggling PRIME.

5. Sabaac. Is NOT POKER. It's way more than that. If you ever read some of the books, you'd understand.


Now don't think I totally hated the movie. The opening act through the train heist was good. And the Kessel chase scene was the best chase in Star Wars IMHO. Kessel run wasn't exactly what I thought it would be, but it was still FANTASTIC.


Looking at it objectively, did this movie pander the "extreme left agenda?" No, it did not. It was just a fun movie.


The Lando pan-sexual thing is not mentioned or referenced or anything in the movie. It's just something that Kasdan brought up in an interview and said he wished he could do more there. The only "left agenda" touched on is L3 wanting equal rights. Is that really extreme? Just as all people deserve equal rights, if you make robots who think for themselves, the issue will be brought up. But, outside of that, I thought the jokes were funny and appropriate.


Aside from that, I think your points are fair. I don't know what Sabaac is really like and I honestly don't care. I just know it's a game of chance and that Han played it with Lando. So, for the purists, maybe it was an annoyance?

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No, we are gonna deliver very good message that not everything that has SW logo sells. TFA was good, R1 was also very good and Last Jedi was absolute garbage. So until they make good SW movie that pays respects to lore and its key characters I'm spending my money elsewhere ... except swtor sub that's different! :D


I humbly disagree with your evaluations; TFA was extremely weak regarding way too many essential aspects and Rogue One was nothing more than a cheapo, a few merits aside. The artistic contribution of R1 is almost zero...

SW ... Episode VIII, TLJ was a mixture of an immense ... joke and a few strong, seductive points; essentially a very profitable garbage for (mindless) spectators and fans. :mad: Like myself too?!? :p


SOLO; a SW movie is really something else; this movie is a real contribution to the SW universe and also an essential contribution to the genre of action movies about runaways! Imho, that is..

Edited by cunctatorg
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This was NOT a lovely movie from my PoV. L3 was atrocious, most of the cast felt like they were playing star wars cosplay rather than being an actual character.



Like I looked at Tobias Beckett. I didn't see Beckett. I saw Woodie Harrilson being Woodie in a star wars getup doing some good pistoleering.


Same with Emila Clark and Paul Brittany.


The direction for the character of Han was too wet behind the ears and not enough cocky scoundrel. Sure he should of been inexperienced, but not so new to the world he needed his hand held till the end.



5 out of 10. And LF needs to stop calling it's fans man babies, sexist, misogynistic, etc and stop promoting a political agenda and just tell a damn good story.


This movie could of been far better. I am disappointed with Solo.


OK but please consider editing your post and making use of SPOILER Wrap!... lol


By the way Woody Harrelson's performance was very strong (imho) and the same holds for Val and Qi'ra, particularly Qi'ra! Regarding ... pansexualism you just have to watch

Oi'ra's face!

Hey, I almost love my car, myself that is; however I doubt that I am either "pansexualist" or narcissist... And certainly I never fell in love with either Wookies or ... any sheep!! Well, the same is true regarding

Han Solo

... Who is "LF" btw?!?

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I humbly disagree with your evaluations; TFA was extremely weak regarding way too many essential aspects and Rogue One was nothing more than a cheapo, a few merits aside. The artistic contribution of R1 is almost zero...

SW ... Episode VIII, TLJ was a mixture of an immense ... joke and a few strong, seductive points; essentially a very profitable garbage for (mindless) spectators and fans. :mad: Like myself too?!? :p


SOLO; a SW movie is really something else; this movie is a real contribution to the SW universe and also an essential contribution to the genre of action movies about runaways! Imho, that is..


ok..u and I look at movies very differently. I kinda dont look for artistic evaluations etc... TFA for me had moments that made it fun movie to watch, Snoke was presented like mysterious and cool looking old school sith lord, Rey with her powers made me believe that she is Revan like mind wiped, Kylo was cool and ending was best ending of any SW movie ever for me. That moment when Luke turns on ahch-to gave me chills and i wanted to see more asap!

R1 was also fun to watch with nice characters, good lore and great ending. i left movie very satisfied.

Last Jedi was pain to watch from 1st scene. Only good scene in that movie was praetorian guard fight until i saw that mistake with swords. And LJ failed only and ONLY because of Rian Jonson and his moviemaking genius. From visual side..i mean cmon moving Kylos scar because it looks "goofy"? So what if it looks like that! It was made by someone and it is part of SW now. DEAL WITH IT! Making Leia fckin Superman? Fuel in ships? Lightspeed ramming? Save space horses? Rose and Finn? Holdo keeping plan a secret cos...reasons? Rey like she got Master Datacron from Cartel market? Snoke, the most powerful force user we ever saw on screen, killed of like that? Ackbar? Phasma? Entire movie two lightsabers did not touch or clashed or whatever u call it. I will not even mention hermit Luke cos i will start cursing.


Bottom line is i can live with bad movie. If KK or Rian came clean at some point and said..sorry fans we ****ed up, we wanted to try something different bla bla... there would be no boycott or stuff like that i guarantee. But call us fckin names, racists, manbabies etc i just dont feel like its for me anymore. Im sure Solo is good film and im sorry that i cant enjoy in star wars like i used but it is what it is. My money is going somewhere else this time

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No, not always. Paul Bettany for example is very convincing as Vison, or Geoffrey Chauser in "A Knights Tail". Just didn't get a character out of him this time.


Woodie was more of his character in Hunger Games.


And Emila Clark owns mother of dragons.


I just didn't see that level of care this time out of them.


Really that comes down to direction. Even with very talented actors, having a competent director is very important to getting good performances on the screen. (Just look at the prequels. Lucas - though very talented at visual design - is not good with actors, hence why you had some big names giving very not-big-name performances.)

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Well, I like some ways of thinking (ways of thought and expression!!) and I have questions about the "war" regarding -at least- a portion of the SW fans; I don't know who called SW fans ... racists (we all fell in love with both Darth Maul and Obi Wan, with both Darth Vader and Master Yoda!! "Racists"???) or "manbabies" but calling such not well defined names is too easy... Anyways...

However I desire to repeat that the artistic contribution (or dimension) of Rogue One is almost zero; a very trivial movie, I felt immediately that I had watched it thousand times already... :p


Regarding Ron Howard's direction, I will not speak about the movie "Rush", Niki Lauda and James Hunt or other achievements of his; they have nothing to do with SW and they have nothing to do with this very movie...

I'll speak just about Woody Harrelson's performance in that very movie; his acting is extremely rich, wide and ... balanced!! He expresses very swiftly and convincingly a widest, richest spectrum of feelings, being always the very same character, a "compact" character!... Furthermore his performance in that movie combines the performance in a comedy with the performance in a drama and much more; and many times this happens at the very same time!...

Thus I wonder which movie did you watch and which movie did I watch ... already twice!!

And there is a rich spectrum of outlaws and runaways, a very rich and very dense spectrum including Rio, Val, ...


Qi'ra, Han, Beckett up to Lady Proxima and Dryden Vos...



And last but not least; perhaps Emilia Clarke's performance was the most touching performance in that movie...

I hate spoilers and spoiler wraps but

she was able to speak to the spectator about the feeling of the ... chains of some fates or "the chains of the fate"!! A great performance that is!!


However my point is that it isn't only about Woody and Emilia....

Edited by cunctatorg
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OK but please consider editing your post and making use of SPOILER Wrap!... lol


By the way Woody Harrelson's performance was very strong (imho) and the same holds for Val and Qi'ra, particularly Qi'ra! Regarding ... pansexualism you just have to watch

Oi'ra's face!

Hey, I almost love my car, myself that is; however I doubt that I am either "pansexualist" or narcissist... And certainly I never fell in love with either Wookies or ... any sheep!! Well, the same is true regarding

Han Solo

... Who is "LF" btw?!?


Lucas Films.

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Well, I like some ways of thinking (ways of thought and expression!!) and I have questions about the "war" regarding -at least- a portion of the SW fans; I don't know who called SW fans ... racists (we all fell in love with both Darth Maul and Obi Wan, with both Darth Vader and Master Yoda!! "Racists"???) or "manbabies" but calling such not well defined names is too easy... Anyways...

However I desire to repeat that the artistic contribution (or dimension) of Rogue One is almost zero; a very trivial movie, I felt immediately that I had watched it thousand times already... :p


Regarding Ron Howard's direction, I will not speak about the movie "Rush", Niki Lauda and James Hunt or other achievements of his; they have nothing to do with SW and they have nothing to do with this very movie...

I'll speak just about Woody Harrelson's performance in that very movie; his acting is extremely rich, wide and ... balanced!! He expresses very swiftly and convincingly a widest, richest spectrum of feelings, being always the very same character, a "compact" character!... Furthermore his performance in that movie combines the performance in a comedy with the performance in a drama and much more; and many times this happens at the very same time!...

Thus I wonder which movie did you watch and which movie did I watch ... already twice!!

And there is a rich spectrum of outlaws and runaways, a very rich and very dense spectrum including Rio, Val, ...


Qi'ra, Han, Beckett up to Lady Proxima and Dryden Vos...



And last but not least; perhaps Emilia Clarke's performance was the most touching performance in that movie...

I hate spoilers and spoiler wraps but

she was able to speak to the spectator about the feeling of the ... chains of some fates or "the chains of the fate"!! A great performance that is!!


However my point is that it isn't only about Woody and Emilia....


But Woody through out the movie CONTRADICTS himself. Never trust anyone, but trusted the woman he was with completely.


But here's thing. Everything he did in this movie he's done before. He brought nothing new that he basically hadn't done in "The Cowboy Way". Take the character he played there, age him up, and you get Tobias Beckett.


That's why I claimed he simply put on a cosplay outfit and was himself. Cause he literally was!


And if he was the most rich in-depth performance, what the hell does that say for the rest of the cast?

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"TFA" (being what it is...) grossed more than one billion, "Rogue One" (being what it is) also grossed about one billion, "TLJ" (...) also grossed more than 1.3 billions...


DISNEY obviously has the luxury (can afford) to sacrifice ... one Rook of 250 millions as the SOLO movie is; the fans will come back later, feeling guilds (guilt) towards themselves and the SW Legacy...


You "gonna deliver very good message" helping the aforementioned movies (to) become GOLDEN and sacrificing the really good movie... :eek: Oh, well!!.... ;)


I think I had enough...

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It was... decent. Nice visuals, mostly good characters, not bad story (not as good as Ms Crispin's book trilogy, but still). Probably the best of Disney era movies.

DISNEY obviously has the luxury (can afford) to sacrifice ... one Rook of 250 millions as the SOLO movie is; the fans will come back later, feeling guilds (guilt) towards themselves and the SW Legacy...

I feel no guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ.

I feel deep sadness because LucasFilm discontinued Legends universe (I don't mind not following it in the new movies, just the fact that I don't get more stories).

Edited by juliushorst
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It was... decent. Nice visuals, mostly good characters, not bad story (not as good as Ms Crispin's book trilogy, but still). Probably the best of Disney era movies.


I feel no guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ.

I feel deep sadness because LucasFilm discontinued Legends universe (I don't mind not following it in the new movies, just the fact that I don't get more stories).


Definitely agree with all points in the latter - especially the last point regarding legend continuity and having it parallel this current continuity (I have been wondering recently if they will cave into that demand, just based on a hunch).


I personally liked TFA, but like everyone else was deeply disappointed by TLJ. In regards to Solo, I think I am about the only person who has this criticism, but I didn't like it visually. I loved the story (really loved), and I loved the characters (I know others in this thread did not like Ehrenreich performance, but I thought he was both good in itself and also tremendously better than I thought he would be going into it). I think that they did a fantastic job when it came to all of those aspects, but at times I did not feel like I was watching a film set in the Star Wars universe. I mean that literally not metaphorically. It at times didn't look like it was set in the same universe visually. In the original trilogy and the prequels despite the use of physical locations in the former and CGI in the latter, they still felt visually consistent. Even in the TFA, R1 and also (yes I know) TLJ. But this is the first one I looked at visually and didn't feel like I was watching something that was part of the same universe.


Of course this is part of Disney's plans to keep things 'fresh' and 'new' and I think many on this thread would argue that visually SOLO was pretty akin to the other films of the sequel trilogy and anthology series? I personally don't think so:



Was particularly disappointed in this context with Corellia and the war scene of Mimban


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  • 3 weeks later...
... In regards to Solo, I think I am about the only person who has this criticism, but I didn't like it visually. I loved the story (really loved), and I loved the characters (I know others in this thread did not like Ehrenreich's performance, but I thought he was both good in itself and also tremendously better than I thought he would be going into it). I think that they did a fantastic job when it came to all of those aspects, but at times I did not feel like I was watching a film set in the Star Wars universe. I mean that literally not metaphorically. It at times didn't look like it was set in the same universe visually. In the original trilogy and the prequels despite the use of physical locations in the former and CGI in the latter, they still felt visually consistent. Even in the TFA, R1 and also (yes I know) TLJ. But this is the first one I looked at visually and didn't feel like I was watching something that was part of the same universe.


Of course this is part of Disney's plans to keep things 'fresh' and 'new' and I think many on this thread would argue that visually SOLO was pretty akin to the other films of the sequel trilogy and anthology series? I personally don't think so:



Was particularly disappointed in this context with Corellia and the war scene of Mimban


Very sharp point and I confess that you have much broader vision and much more keen eye than I do. I was interested to observe the (horrible) weaknesses I pinpointed at Rogue One, TFA and TLJ, I felt relief and I completely forgot about all that...


For the fans of Lucas (George Lucas...) SW, it's obvious that he had made extreme use of particular landscapes in order to give a particular feeling to activities and heroes' perspective; somehow this environmental feeling encircles and dresses the character's feelings and his actions together with the music!! Of course this isn't some George Lucas' recipe but he made extreme and extremely successful use of these two dresses, the peculiar landscape and the music!!


DISNEY also did there and there but not here, in SOLO; figures due either to budget cuts or to time limitations; the most obvious example is the landscape of the last refinery; it wasn't some industrial area or something, it is rather primitive, too limited and miserable for a HYPERFUEL refinery!... All of your examples speak for themselves also...

Thus either budget cuts or cuts due to research/creation time limitations...



And that's the funny and more intriguing aspect of all that; George Lucas created a colossal financial capital by delivering to the audience a creative artistic achievement, namely he created both a financial and artistic Capital...

On the other hand DISNEY is in a rush; they know that Lucas (GL, not Lucas Arts...) had delivered one movie every three years in his mature era. They also know that ... FIFA delivers World Cups every four years. However they, DISNEY, insist to rush it!!...


No more comments here but I'll return to George Lucas SW; in my opinion the most sharp, touching and successful SW movie of his is Episode V, The Empire strikes back, it is the cornerstone of the SW Universe. However the more complete, "rich" (=artistically and story-wise/script-wise creative) and "compact" SW movies of his are Episode I; The Phantom Menace and Episode II; Attack of the Clones. The fans are whining, they have many complaints about Episode I but we all have been impressed by Darth Maul, the very whiners fell in love with him and the die-hard fans keep speaking about the ideology of Quin Gon Jin!!... Episode III was the most dark, dramatic and intense but it wasn't so much artistically creative... Why?!?

In my opinion the explanation is obvious; George Lucas had enough time to conceive and plan Episodes I and II (in his mind or papers etc.), he also directed these movies when he wasn't tired, when he was very fresh; this isn't the case of Episode III...






The bottom line is that DISNEY needs Producers able to deliver an almost complete and fully developed/planned piece of work... The TFA, TLJ (and such business) are ..., well, they aren't completely "USA" pieces of work, they are a little bit "Third World" pieces of work... If you like it more, these products are mostly fireworks instead of H-Bombs... I mean that they are up for the :o easy and swift money, they don't care so much -in this phase- for the foundation of the SW Legacy; the SW Legacy is very well founded after all!! :):rolleyes::)

Edited by cunctatorg
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... Probably the best of Disney era movies.


I feel no guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ.


I feel deep sadness because LucasFilm discontinued Legends universe (I don't mind not following it in the new movies, just the fact that I don't get more stories).


Not guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ; I guess (and wrote) that the fans will feel guilt for "abandoning" a good SW movie like SOLO is/was!




By the way; either "Maul" is something different from the legendary Dark Lord DARTH Maul or :mad: ... save the fallen, heroic Sith Lords from DISNEY's greed!!!



Don't mutilate their dead bodies please, don't rape their sacred corpses!! Respect their artistic rights, their artistic contribution and our memories!!


Let "Maul" be Darth Maul's cousin or something!!


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Not guilt for not liking TFA and TLJ; I guess (and wrote) that the fans will feel guilt for "abandoning" a good SW movie like SOLO is/was!




By the way; either "Maul" is something different from the legendary Dark Lord DARTH Maul or :mad: ... save the fallen, heroic Sith Lords from DISNEY's greed!!!



Don't mutilate their dead bodies please, don't rape their sacred corpses!! Respect their artistic rights, their artistic contribution and our memories!!


Let "Maul" be Darth Maul's cousin or something!!


Darth Maul came back like that -- as a crime boss and all -- before the Disney takeover, in Seasons Four and Five of The Clone Wars. They're actually just sticking to Lucas-era canon with that one.

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Darth Maul came back like that -- as a crime boss and all -- before the Disney takeover, in Seasons Four and Five of The Clone Wars. They're actually just sticking to Lucas-era canon with that one.


You obviously mean that DISNEY is sticking to Lucas-era (sick) canon with that Darth Maul's ... resurrection and all... :eek:


Well, Lucas-era canon isn't always SW canon and The Clone Wars was nothing more than a tv-series... Imho the Clone Wars tv-series ... canon as SW canon is obviously (to put it mildly...) Canon, Dust and Ashes...



And here two elementary and essential questions: well, I'll go to the other thread for that...:)

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