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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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I'm guessing some people wont be happy that the SH is related to PvP.

I love PvP, so I'm quite thrilled.:rak_03:

Wasn't expecting a roadmap however! Thanks for the update and I'm quite excited about this fall. :)


As far as I can see it doesn't mean you have to pvp in the stronghold so I don't see a problem with it, even though I am not a pvp player.

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


I agree. I've always disliked the cross faction warzones. Now they are ruining the old Warzones with this crap! Leave the old warzones alone please!! It has always been the Empire vs the Republic. The next expansion was supposed to return to this theme. Why on earth would they do this now? Force us to play with the enemy? By all means ruin the new warzones but PLEASE leave the classic warzones alone!

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Once Anthem launches, you can bet they will begin work on an expansion for it. However, it will likely need fewer dev resources than the base game.


Of course, that just means they will shift resources to a new project or just lay people off. I'd say the chances of SWTOR gaining extra dev help are slim and none. EA would have to see a very lucrative reason to devote the staff and money to this game in hopes of bringing in new customers. Can anyone realistically say they can think of what it would take to bring a new audience to this game? Being completely objective, even if there was a great idea, I can't imagine how hard it would be to pitch it, successfully, to the bosses.


Here's the pitch that E.A. looks for: "It won't cost you anything!!!" Otherwise all they hear is "It costs us money to make a big addition to the game to bring more paying customers. That's bad for business because it's bad business."


Unless it's a new game, they're not willing to dump the cash into a game to really revitalize it, unless it's caused them problems like SWBF2 did and put it under everyone's watch. And even then they're hesitant. E.A. is acting a lot like the big incumbent monopoly Cable/ISPs have: "We get all the money and customers, customers get very little, we hardly spend anything."

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Questions for Keith/Eric;



- Will this Stronghold (I assume Rishi?) require active PvP'ing to obtain?

- Can it be used without PvP'ing?


I've been wanting a Rishi SH for years now but I am absolutely not a PvP'er in any way. I'd be positively crushed if this ends up being a SH I can't obtain/use because of this PvP connection.



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I'm VERY EXCITED about this roadmap! And :D the PvP Stronghold - this could be a gamechanger! Gosh, this was really unexpected and I like good surprises!! And as far as "tone", the roadmap hit all the right notes too. Well done Keith and devs!!!:D:D
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Though not much in the summer roadmap for me since I don't pvp and really have no intentions to either, I am glad for the pvp players. While the idea may have been to get more players with what is happening, that will not get me to pvp but I do wish pvp players the best this summer.


The only wish I have is that the Rishi stronghold doesn't have to be pvp if you don't pvp and it can be purchased with pvp.

Edited by casirabit
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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Maybe you don't PvP very much, at least pub side. I do very much agree with the where this sentiment comes from - in theory PvP from an immersion perspective is much better when it's pubs v. imps. In practice, the faction imbalance makes it so that if you're a pub, you won't get a pop. And even though there can be a ton of imps in the queue, they won't get a pop either - so no one plays. Cross-faction is the fix for that...

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I don't mind cross faction warzones. No matter what, red is dead. And even though I'm not a huge fan of hutt ball, I look forward to a new map. Reskinned or something totally different, doesn't matter to me. Would also love to see ranked warzones, not just 4v4 arenas. I don't know why but I just can't get into arenas.
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After Anthem is released, one of two things will happen...those Devs will go right to work on an Anthem expansion, or, and more likely imo, Anthem will fail and Bioware will be closed and folded into other EA offices. Either way, Anthem's launch has no positive benefit on SWTORs future.


From my experience, there is a very real third possibility (no opinion on the probability). That is that Anthem is huge commercial success, raking in lots of cash for BW/EA. This extra cash will allow BW to work on other projects, hire more devs, take more "moonshots", etc. That's almost always how it works. This could mean more love and resources for SWTOR.


Now, for what I'm saying to become reality, Anthem needs to be a resounding success (commercially)...

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Yeah.. scoundrel rewards in Casino event.. i bet i know one of them.. Paxton Rall? 0,0001 % chance of getting him, am i right? Hopefully i'm wrong. Please tell me i'm wrong. :(


You really are wrong. The big reward will be a....





Kai Zykken companion!! WOOO!


Kai Zykken will follow you around due to the possibility of making a profit. His abilities include "Bad liar", "lost items", "easily manipulated", "con artist", and much much more!

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Though not much in the summer roadmap for me since I don't pvp and really have no intentions to either, I am glad for the pvp players. While the idea may have been to get more players with what is happening, that will not get me to pvp but I do wish pvp players the best this summer.


The only wish I have is that the Rishi stronghold doesn't have to be pvp if you don't pvp and it can be purchased with pvp.


I understand your and other players' feelings on that--


However, how do you think the PvPers felt when the Umbara Train was locked behind running PvE content over and over and over?

Not to mention if they want certain decos for their strongholds they would have to run PvE content as well.


If they decide to lock the new SH behind PvP, it would be only the fourth thing that PvErs would miss out on if they simply refused to PvP-- MX and Pierce as companions, part of the DvL event (when you had to do, what, 3 matches?) and this.


Not saying they should do one way or the other, but I don't believe locking it behind PvP would be really unfair.

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Love the idea of more cross-faction que'ing, however, why more huttball? That is literally the aids of PvP.


It is not LITERALLY the aids of PVP.

What you mean is you view huttball as the aids of PVP, figuratively speaking.


I don't understand why people (in general) seemed to be in love with the word "literally" these days.

Back in my day, people used the word "like" like every other word. Then, people used to love to add "and stuff" to the end of every sentence. And now, the word de jour is "literally" even when they actually mean figuratively. (Some people still use the word "like" generously in their sentences, and people still do add the "and stuff" to the end of their sentences.)


Okay, I'm doing being the grammar police for today and will get off my soapbox.

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Questions for Keith/Eric;



- Will this Stronghold (I assume Rishi?) require active PvP'ing to obtain?

- Can it be used without PvP'ing?


I've been wanting a Rishi SH for years now but I am absolutely not a PvP'er in any way. I'd be positively crushed if this ends up being a SH I can't obtain/use because of this PvP connection.


I'm an avid PvPer, but still I totally agree with this. I hope there will be a way for non-PvPers to get and enjoy this SH...

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We are turning our attention to Guilds, their management tools and related competitive features.


On topic (instead of being the grammar police) , I am a concerned about that statement.

People still remember the fiasco that was GC when it was introduced in 5.0. And, it's fresh on people's mind how unpleasant the overhaul of Conquest was.

Now, next on the hit list is guilds and guild management.


Now, as for me, I don't participate in guilds. I haven't been a member of a guild since 2016. So, whatever changes will come regarding guilds probably won't affect me (unless they plan on "punishing" those of us who aren't in a guild).


But, for those that are totally into guild stuff, I am concerned.

What terrible things will they do to guilds now that guilds are up next for "improvements" Are these changes going to be as "exciting" as GC is/was?

Are they going to completely mess up guilds and pat themselves on the back and then spend a good portion of 2019 "fixing" things?


I hate to be a pessimist, but given the history of the game, I can't help but expect bad things. It may be pessimistic, but are my concerns without warrant?

Edited by SolarSaenz
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Nice surprise. Most of what's mentioned holds little bearing for me with my current activities in the game right now, but I'm quite ok with that.. Hope it hits its mark with the PvP population at least. What I am personally most happily surprised to see and for me is a sign that they're not giving up on the game yet, is the re-inclusion of the PTS in the dev cycle. :)
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Questions for Keith/Eric;



- Will this Stronghold (I assume Rishi?) require active PvP'ing to obtain?

- Can it be used without PvP'ing?


I've been wanting a Rishi SH for years now but I am absolutely not a PvP'er in any way. I'd be positively crushed if this ends up being a SH I can't obtain/use because of this PvP connection.


My thoughts exactly. I love decorating strongholds in this game, but I find PvP about as fun as pulling out your own teeth with a rusty pair of pliers and no painkillers. Please don't make me have to deal with the toxicity that is so prevalant in the PvP community to get the new stronghold.

Edited by AscendingSky
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It is not LITERALLY the aids of PVP.

What you mean is you view huttball as the aids of PVP, figuratively speaking.


I don't understand why people (in general) seemed to be in love with the word "literally" these days.

Back in my day, people used the word "like" like every other word. Then, people used to love to add "and stuff" to the end of every sentence. And now, the word de jour is "literally" even when they actually mean figuratively. (Some people still use the word "like" generously in their sentences, and people still do add the "and stuff" to the end of their sentences.)


Okay, I'm doing being the grammar police for today and will get off my soapbox.


*done :d_wink:


Ugh. The "like" usage and addition of "and stuff". Don't forget about the constant misuse of "or whatever".


I think you'd appreciate

. Or even
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I understand your and other players' feelings on that--


However, how do you think the PvPers felt when the Umbara Train was locked behind running PvE content over and over and over?

Not to mention if they want certain decos for their strongholds they would have to run PvE content as well.


PvE people weren't exactly thrilled about the train being locked behind grinding Umbara over and over again. Boring! I still don't have my train since they STILL haven't made the currency legacy wide like they said they would.


And if you want to get those flashpoint decorations without running the flashpoints, they cost peanuts on the GTN.

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