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All my incomplete achievements reset today


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So I reported the fact that as off tank on Primal Destroyer, I not only participated in the final kill but was instrumental in saving the main tank without which effort the raid would have wiped. I didn't get the title, nor the conquest. I reported this to a CSR who said the game had no record of me even being there. Am I now forced to screen cap every dam raid I tank on because your game is too stupid to log the fact I was actually there? And how about fixing my Alliance Commander progress as well?


Still lets be sure that the achievements are fixed shant we? And I wont even get started about the Legacy screw up where you carefully ported a legacy over with less achieves and wiped my main legacy and legacy name....

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Yeah, not pleased, was working on companion kill x/1000 achievements for several companions, all zeroed out.


I don't trust that they'll get the actual count right, either, when they're done, so I won't be bothering with achievements until after they declare they've made their fix, and even then, might wait a few days.

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Usually with bugs I just roll with it, but this has really taken the wind out of my sails. Whole week's worth of work, gone.

I don't even care right now if they do restore it, I've lost interest. Not sure if/when/how I'll get the motivation to try again.

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Hi all, the fix has been verified. We will take the Game Servers offline beginning at 04:00PM Central Time for about an hour, including the 15-minute notification you'll receive in-game.


Thanks for your patience!




Except your fix, just reset all mine. So yeah thanks for that.


I didnt have the bug, until the Dev's gave it too me.

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Except your fix, just reset all mine. So yeah thanks for that.


I didnt have the bug, until the Dev's gave it too me.


The same for me. I have already completed Nathema three times and have the "Space Cowboy" achievement, but "The Shepherd of Nathema" now says 0/80. :(

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For shepherd I decided to do it quickly instead of waiting for a specific fix for it. Just run the beginning of the flashpoint up to the second pair of Acklay, then exit the flashpoint, abandon the mission, reset the phase, pick up again, and repeat for a total of five times (the fifth time just up to the voreclaw pair). Happened to pick up some decos and two schematics just from that.
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Just adding myself to this


Found all my "in progress" achievements gone. 30k manhuter kills.. all my lightside DVL bosses.. all incomplete planetary kills, 9/10 walking on sunshine gone...


:babyrage: seems fitting

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we'll begin working on retrieving past achievement progress and, where possible (my disclaimer), add progress made since 5.9, for players who experienced this issue. You do not need to submit a Customer Service ticket!




can you inform us when to expect the achievement fixes, thanks in advance.


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achievements still have not been fixed, i have one for lvl 50 smuggler done, but achievement for all lvl 50 republic classes and all lvl 50 classes are not finished cos i am missing lvl 50 smuggler


Did you try to log into that character to see if it restores it. sometimes they've fixed stuff but requires you to log into that character to trigger it. If not then I would just submit a ticket as well since it was supposed to be fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news to read the roadmap, BUT...


The patch 5.9.1 is on air the next monday.


So can we expect with this patch :

- Fix for achievement reset to 0 for ALL players (as said in my tickets, my reset took place at least from the April 30, 2018, so nothing to do with the patch 5.9 ?

- Fix achievement for Nathema, still stuck at 0 regardless of the number of times we did it.

- Fix the randomly reset for daily conquest objectives.


Thanks for answering.

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FIx achievement behavior for Nathema :good.

Add new achievements for Nathema : very good.




It seems you have miss the occasion to fix my achievements during the patch 5.9.1, when do you intend to fix my achievement ?

And you missed the occasion on last Wednesday (2018/05/23) when you fix double XP/CXP.


Near one month with this reset. When do you intend to fix my achievements ?

More the time pass, more your server/database backups with my achievements were erase on the next rotation slot.




I have just finish rank 300 on my Commando, the 6th. Next the 2 jedi.

I have already accomplish all class for Empire, and the FT in Republic.

But for the global achievement all class are set 0/1.





And if you have not notice it : FIX MY ACHIEVEMENTS PLEASE.



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