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wrong , terrible all kinds of bad ! ( returning companions )


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- it was perfect ( Aric Jorgan , Kalyio , Torian .... ) u had a whole chapter where u also got to experience the story plus an extra companion that was integrated in a lore friendly way

- i am extremely disappointed by these new 2 min cutscenes

- these are integral characters that are part of the story why just blow them off in this way , it's a VERY BAD decision

- and WHY ? ... are they locked to only 1 class , think about it u made the content that can be experienced by only 12% of the player base

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This big change is because people didn't like the chapters and KotFE style approach so they cut out over half the story line to swap to what we got post KotET instead, which means the decent companion returns are no longer able to be done. Really sucks and is a huge downgrade but sadly no changing it back now :( Edited by Asmodesu
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Originally the plan was indeed to have either companions returning with Chapters or Alliance alerts, however the feedback from the community made Bioware decide to focus on delivering all chapters at once, such as is the case with KOTET, instead of having monthly chapters. Now I guess it has been so long they're just trying to give people's companions back and with the game's budget not being that big seems we'll have only 2-minute cutscenes, I'd honestly prefer if they had went with the KOTFE Alliance Alerts with these returning companions, not having the VA there is indeed mildly disappointing but I think it would be nice to do a pirate raid with Andronikos or save some Voss mystic with Ashara before recruiting them into the Alliance.


Addendum: I'm also disappointed by how companion returns are class-specific now, I was looking forward to recruiting Lord Scourge on my Sith Inquisitor as I find him one of this game's most interesting companions.

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  • 1 month later...
- it was perfect ( Aric Jorgan , Kalyio , Torian .... ) u had a whole chapter where u also got to experience the story plus an extra companion that was integrated in a lore friendly way

- i am extremely disappointed by these new 2 min cutscenes

- these are integral characters that are part of the story why just blow them off in this way , it's a VERY BAD decision

- and WHY ? ... are they locked to only 1 class , think about it u made the content that can be experienced by only 12% of the player base


Preach! As for the problem, player response + lack of funds = the problem. Hopefully they will do something special in the upcoming expansion.

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Preach! As for the problem, player response + lack of funds = the problem. Hopefully they will do something special in the upcoming expansion.


Yeah.. something special.. like an announcement about SWTOR being developed by* insert company name here, other than BW/EA* and the future being bright again.. as Darth Lachris said. LOL.

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I really dont blame BW for doing such a thing. I mean they put all this time, money and effort into creating these 2 new story lines, and most of the feed back was, its more or less, crap. No one liked how Companions were returning. There was complaint after Complaint on how this is done and this should of been like this Bluh bluh bluh...


I myself, Didn't like the concept that this story was for all Classes. I still see any range class not being able to beat a family or Ultra Force Users. That the Father was more or less a God and the off-springs, Demi Gods. And they say Fight fire with fire, so how can mer-mortal range users combat a God and his Demi God off springs? I said they should of gave the Force users the 2 storys that every one got and the range users should of have some story line dealing with an up and coming Master Mandalorian Warmonger, that has secretly built up Mandalorian Army like no other ever did before him in the history of Mandalorians. They want to take out the Republic and the Empire as well. How they would do that would be by Having a army 20 times bigger then the Republics own or the Empires Armies, an army like they never have seen before. I mean Imagine Mandalorians building up there numbers way out in the outer rim of space where no others gone before. No one in main space has a clue that another faction is building a Juggernaut of an army. A Legion bigger then the 2 already Warring factions put together. Which would be a reason to have an alliance to join forces to combat this together. That should of been the story line or something like that, for Range user classes. While Force Users had KOTFE/KOFET. That just makes sense.


If i was BW I'll just throw back the remaining companions back at their original classes and for get about it too. As Far as the Players go, i would see ya as all ungrateful, ( i include myself in with that ) and if you all think you could do it better then get a job doing what these people do and teach them how to do it right, according to you/me, that is.


I have learned a little bit about video Games over the years, on how to crate them, that i can appreciate what it takes to make games, like SWTOR. Just not the Coding of it all but the script writing and the Environments and Character development, Directing the scenes, just every time consuming, agonizing task, after tasks & then the pressure of a DEADLINE and Budget. I would pull my hair out.


What i am saying, we all complain and we do have a right to because we do pay to play, but lets remember how hard it is to create a Video Game that you hope millions of People will like and play and tell their friends. So lets Cut BW a little Slack and lets pick and choose worthy things to Complain about. Like PVP unbalancing. Now that's a good one to complain about. And stop complaining over little 2 bit stuff. Nuff Said........


Do take Care and All Be Well..........

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I don't like the 2 minute cut scenes either - especially on romanced companions. I liked the chapter reunions and alliance alerts where you did a quest with them first like with Blizz, Rusk, or Guss. But they probably won't have time for that. I wonder if at this point some of them will come back at all. No word on Dr. Tharan Cedrax and his holo-girlfriend, Zenith (!!), Nadia, Doc? I heard just Dark side Jaesa is coming back which sucks for people who had a light side Jaesa. It's ridiculous that it's taken so long and that they are gearing up for new companions in the future (Paxton Rall??). I hope Paxton at least speaks basic and not a language I have to read subtitles on. So I don't know, maybe these new companions they are planning will be more interesting. If they decide to not return my Jedi's missing companions, I will just use the terminal and create my own story on their return.
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I don't like the 2 minute cut scenes either - especially on romanced companions. I liked the chapter reunions and alliance alerts where you did a quest with them first like with Blizz, Rusk, or Guss. But they probably won't have time for that. I wonder if at this point some of them will come back at all. No word on Dr. Tharan Cedrax and his holo-girlfriend, Zenith (!!), Nadia, Doc? I heard just Dark side Jaesa is coming back which sucks for people who had a light side Jaesa. It's ridiculous that it's taken so long and that they are gearing up for new companions in the future (Paxton Rall??). I hope Paxton at least speaks basic and not a language I have to read subtitles on. So I don't know, maybe these new companions they are planning will be more interesting. If they decide to not return my Jedi's missing companions, I will just use the terminal and create my own story on their return.



I still believe Paxton Rall will be a replacement for Zenith and he (Paxton) will speak Huttese. Get ready for a wampa-chumpa- chang-ceai-ceai kind of conversation :D:D:D

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I still believe Paxton Rall will be a replacement for Zenith and he (Paxton) will speak Huttese. Get ready for a wampa-chumpa- chang-ceai-ceai kind of conversation :D:D:D

I doubt that. Every class except the agent has precisely one class companion who doesn't speak basic. For the consular to lose a base companion - a character with a strong connection to the consular's story - and be given a second non-Basic-speaker with no connection to their story, would be unfair. This is particularly so when the consular has already been treated quite badly in terms of companion returns. I mean, really, giving the agent and bounty hunter two companions each who return through repeatable chapters, and not giving the consular any, and then going on to permanently take away a consular companion, would only heap inequality on inequality.

Edited by Estelindis
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I doubt that. Every class except the agent has precisely one class companion who doesn't speak basic. For the consular to lose a base companion - a character with a strong connection to the consular's story - and be given a second non-Basic-speaker with no connection to their story, would be unfair. This is particularly so when the consular has already been treated quite badly in terms of companion returns. I mean, really, giving the agent and bounty hunter two companions each who return through repeatable chapters, and not giving the consular any, and then going on to permanently take away a consular companion, would only heap inequality on inequality.


Which means it's probably already off the drawing board and in the development stages.

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I doubt that. Every class except the agent has precisely one class companion who doesn't speak basic. For the consular to lose a base companion - a character with a strong connection to the consular's story - and be given a second non-Basic-speaker with no connection to their story, would be unfair. This is particularly so when the consular has already been treated quite badly in terms of companion returns. I mean, really, giving the agent and bounty hunter two companions each who return through repeatable chapters, and not giving the consular any, and then going on to permanently take away a consular companion, would only heap inequality on inequality.


While browsing this forum i have noticed a strong dislike when it comes to Zenith,that explains all.

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While browsing this forum i have noticed a strong dislike when it comes to Zenith,that explains all.

From whom? Yourself? :confused:

Actually i vote for Zenith to be returned the last or not at all. Why? Cause of him being an a-hole, aka suggesting to drug the president of Balmorra in order to make him able to pass the office to Tai Cordan. Aka suggesting to arrange for Nalen Fiskin's speechwriter to have an accident and so on. He is a very deranged individual and i don't understand why we got him as a companion in the first place, to be honest.
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