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How do you change your legacy name??


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It would be nice if there was at least a confirmation window to help avoid typos since it's such a permanent solution.


I was among the first batch of people to get to choose names and typed in Dragon just wondering if it was available and was shocked when it went through without a single prompt. Thank god that you can display as a title. "Dastion Dragon" sounds stupid, but "The Dragon Legacy" is bearable.

Edited by Dastion
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It would be nice if there was at least a confirmation window to help avoid typos since it's such a permanent solution.


I was among the first batch of people to get to choose names and typed in Dragon just wondering if it was available and was shocked when it went through without a single prompt. Thank god that you can display as a title. "Dastion Dragon" sounds stupid, but "The Dragon Legacy" is bearable.



I tried many names that where all taken, then to my surprise like you I was testing another name and it accept it. Well, I didn't want it but it was okay for a stealth character. Then come to find out all my characters have it. Oh great, this blows.


Patch notes 1.3


A confirmation dialog is now displayed when choosing a Legacy name. The UI has been updated to better communicate Legacy name decisions.


That doesn't do a lot of us any good however.

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"Legacy - patch 1.1.3


* A confirmation dialog is now displayed when choosing a Legacy name. The UI has been updated to better communicate Legacy name decisions."


Well we are screwed if we chose a name already and want to change but at least the future generations are safe from our fate.


Why cant we just get one free reset. Obviously many people were mislead or they wouldn't be adding that.

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Only legitimate gripe here is the continual pop-ups. That sucks.



Thats exactly why I felt forced to choose. Then at 3am I put the first thing in that popped in my head. When I woke up the next day and saw my name I was pretty disappointed in myself. It was like the nerd version of coyote ugly.

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I read some people saying the sent a ticket to CS and received an automatic answer on the lines of "legacy Name Change Service Not available at this moment"


What a croc the CS are, seriously, this is why I hate them. They are the worst CS I have EVER come across.


I was forced to change my legacy name so they CAN change it.


What a pack of liers....

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Great another person blaming alcohol for their actions. Such irresponsibility. It's your fault .. you, you and you alone. It's not your neighbor, it's not music, it's not TV, it's not your dad and it's not alcohol.. it's ALL you! Man up and accept responsibility for your own actions!


Not once did he say he blamed Bioware for his fault. Not once. Nor did he even imply it.

So the point of your comment? Completely pointless.

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What I want to know is how the f**k do you mess up a name?? Its as bad those people that choose the wrong AC..


I hope these people don't operate heave machinery or drive ! :rolleyes:



one can think of better versions of the name you chose


i chose Simo hayha as my legacy name (famous sniper, most confirmed kills in history , 700+ in the space of 100 days in sub freezing temperatures, this guy alone got a whole battallion sent after him and he sent half of them home in bodybags and they never even saw him so they decided to airstrike the entire area, and they still didnt get im) but after reading a bit more about him, he was nicknamed "white death" , i would have picked that instead but ce la vie, ill just wait if not its no biggie

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I had similar problems as many of you did but when creating my character's main name. I tried MANY different names that I have used on everything for years, all were taken. It was crazy... there must be a lot of people that like putting the name "Dingus" in their usernames. Anyway, I just started typing basic names thinking there may be a glitch (as I experienced many while installing the game). Still, they were taken... until I typed "Tom-Brady"... then the game just started. No confirmation, no nothing. I HATE TOM BRADY! Lol I hate the Patriots, and I was stuck with this name.... but I just let it stay because I am Sith and Tom Brady is evil...


SO when the Legacy name popped up, I wanted people to understand I didn't like Tom Brady (as many assumed I did by my character's name) so I entered "IsTheAntiChrist". Boom, now my character shows Tom-Brady IsTheAntiChrist. Buuttttt I do not like that every character now shows this! I'm screwed.

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I would like to change my legacy name or simply delete is and opt out of it all together.. Thanks.. :cool:


Haha, welcome to one of the worst implimented ideas in MMORPG history. Legacy could have been a GREAT system, instead it was put in the hands of someone that seems to know nothing about RPGs or MMOs.


Cant wait for the family tree thats going to be even WORSE!


Imagine, the only way they can do it is to either A: allow different races (alts) in the same family tree or B: make it so only the same race can be in the same tree forcing everyone to have alts of all the same race!


hahahahha...gawd :mad:


Good idea gone all wrong.

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i really struggled with mine as since i didnt know about them it looks like my character already had one so i decided to give my chars a starwars characters last name after trying starkiller and a series of rejections i named my chars after the a great jedi knight who was killed off by grevoius shortly after being given the rank of master the great soon bayts
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i really struggled with mine as since i didnt know about them it looks like my character already had one so i decided to give my chars a starwars characters last name after trying starkiller and a series of rejections i named my chars after the a great jedi knight who was killed off by grevoius shortly after being given the rank of master the great soon bayts


Hmm... Master Bayts eh.... ^^

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The problem I have with it is legacy should not be tied to last name. There is no way different species and professions would have the same last name. It's not canon and is very limiting from a roleplay perspective by today's MMO standards. They need to separate legacy and last name and give people a one time free option to change them.
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It can be changed, do your research next time before posting?


You picked a Legacy named that violated the Rules of Conduct and were forced to change it. That is not the same thing as saying that players can, voluntarily, change their legacy name.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The problem I have with it is legacy should not be tied to last name. There is no way different species and professions would have the same last name. It's not canon and is very limiting from a roleplay perspective by today's MMO standards. They need to separate legacy and last name and give people a one time free option to change them.


I agree with you there, give everyone a chance to change thier legacy name because to me, Bioware didnt really in depth explain the legacy system

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And seriously if you are going to link Rebellion and Imperial Legacies at least let me be able to acknowledge they exist and mail between them. I too made my Legacy name based on one toon not knowing they all link.


I based my legacy name on my sith inquisitor so my legacy name is Purgatory and I actually do like it however I have a Jedi counselor walking around as Calypso Purgatory.. I mean if i was going to take her down the dark path it would be fine, but i plan on taking her down the light path.. I personally do not think they should be cross factioned, but what are you gonna do.


As for the people that keep saying that people should stop complaining and wasting their time complaining about it; how about not everyone had all this extra time to sit and pick out their legacy names a year or 6 or 3 months before the game was released. Some of us work; have children, school; some of us have all of the above. This does not mean we have extra time in our days to sit and read and make up lists of names for a video game. For a lot of people the legacy name just pops up at you and you are taken by surprise. Instead of wasting your time and actually complaining about the people that are complaining about their legacy name go read a thread that actually interests you. There are so many people that are unhappy with their legacy name or didn't quite understand it at first; there should be a way to change it and yes eventually there probably will be. Until then those people will just have to hide their legacy name.


I agree with the person who said that I hope that everyone who is making fun of the people who messed up their legacy name never MISUNDERSTANDS anything for the rest of their lives, because if so I hope they get made fun of as well.

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They do, sadly. Now are you surprised that in the US the number of yearly deaths from automobile wrecks rivals the amount of US deaths in the Korean War (1950-1953)? People cannot pay attention to save their lives, literally.


It isn't the fact that people weren't paying attention when they made their legacy name; it is the fact that not everyone who got this game had time to sit on their *** and read about the game and its legacy surname. Its called people MISUNDERSTOOD what it meant and didn't get to make up names for a year before the game was released.


People do make mistakes sometimes and I highly doubt any of the people here that are making fun of the people that made typos, were drunk, or didn't understand what it meant at first, are perfect. No one is perfect not even you; instead of reading threads about peoples concerns on legacy names go find a thread that actually pertains to something that you need.

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I made my decision at 3am in the morning. I wasn't thinking clearly and I got annoyed at the constant pop ups every time I zoned. So I just threw something in there really quick to get rid of the stupid pop and keep playing before bed. When I woke up the next game I did face palm so hard I flung myself halfway across the room. All im asking for is a one time reset. BW themselves have even addressed that the naming policy was misleading by amending the dialog for it. I was hoping for a one time reset with 1.2 but oh well. I dont know why but its the biggest pet peeve I have going right now, even with all the other issues. It just really bothers me lol.
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