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Outrageous Respec Cost


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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.

Edited by Dinn
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I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.



This is exactly why they added an increase in costs and why they should keep it as is. Respec isn't intended to be done after every grouping, it is made for when you made the wrong decision regarding your play style.


Go look for an additional guild member who has either dps or healing and stick to one.

Edited by Ealhdun
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I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.



Your 'problem' is you are using respec in order to dualspec. Dualspec has been confirmed to come in a later release so untill that time you cant spec heal and dps. Unless your willing to spend the credits to respec. But again: dualspec and respec are two different things.


And 50k is offcourse a lot of credits, but on the other hands if you follow the quest lines, do some heroics, then you can easily make that in one day.

Edited by Uthyr
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Ok many of you have been force to live with the fact the respecing so often is a no no because hey the devs do not like that and balancing the game around every possible spec is hard and game would be too difficult for players to analyze.


Bioware why dont you just copy and paste another one of Blizzard's game and allow for unlimited free respecs. Those people above me that complain about "sitck to one build" need to get out of that frame of mind the devs have forced onto you. Flexibility is a feature the gamers value and to deny them is bad product development. I am sorry if everyone here likes being boxed into one play style for the entire game but I rolled an operative to be able to heal and dps because it is what I feel like doing and helps in progression.


Only legitimate complaint I have seen on this thread is my math. yea it is roughly 25-30 games, but have many game will the 6th one cost.

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I have no problem with the charges for respec. If it's used as intended then it's a non-issue. However clearly the OP isn't doing this and moaning about it. If you think this is bad then you should have tried Fallen Earth before it went F2P.


Admittedly it takes time to understand game mechanics but there are some good, informative posts out there amongst a lot of the dross.

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Ok many of you have been force to live with the fact the respecing so often is a no no because hey the devs do not like that and balancing the game around every possible spec is hard and game would be too difficult for players to analyze.


Bioware why dont you just copy and paste another one of Blizzard's game and allow for unlimited free respecs. Those people above me that complain about "sitck to one build" need to get out of that frame of mind the devs have forced onto you. Flexibility is a feature the gamers value and to deny them is bad product development. I am sorry if everyone here likes being boxed into one play style for the entire game but I rolled an operative to be able to heal and dps because it is what I feel like doing and helps in progression.


Only legitimate complaint I have seen on this thread is my math. yea it is roughly 25-30 games, but have many game will the 6th one cost.


Wow, you really didnt read what i wrote then. I didnt say you were wrong, i just said what you need is dualspec instead of respec and that it has been promissed to come in a future release.

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Thats you're problem right there...you are using the respec mechanic as a dual spec mechanic.


This game currently does not support dual speccing and BW have stated its something that *may* be added in the future. There is a refreshed statement from today I think floating around the boards, which is actually a little less committed to dual spec than the previous statement so it all seems as if it is yet to be decided either way.


Until they confirm however, the respec mechanic is supposed to grant the ability to respec a handful of times in case you make bad choices.


It is not intended or designed to allow quick and multiple respecs which is why the cost becomes prohibitive so quickly.



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agree that cost are to high.

1st. free

2nd. 300

3rd. 2k

4th. 10k


tried dmg to start wanted to try pvp spec and didnt like so went back to dmg and then moved to tank once i got to a high enough lvl to utilize a tank spec. I bet tons of ppl did the same thing only to loose 12300 credits just for that "let me play with my new toy feeling."

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 100 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


Seems low if it caps at $50k

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Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 100 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


Or 3 to 5 dailies. :confused: Are you exaggerating the amount so you can scare some lower level players?

Edited by GhoXen
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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 100 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


It's a respec, not a multispec or dual spec.

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This is UNHEARD of! After they nerfed slicing knowing this cost was in the game? The game is gonna DIE because of this right here!


haha! no, it won't. Overdramatic much? Games do not die because of that. There is no one single thing that ever kills a game.

Edited by Raximillian
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Wow, you really didnt read what i wrote then. I didnt say you were wrong, i just said what you need is dualspec instead of respec and that it has been promissed to come in a future release.


I did not mean it directly towards you, but dual spec is still not completely in line with my idea of how speccing should be, dual spec is not the same as unlimited free respec but it is a step in the right direction.


But on a different point, people can promise and say they will do this and that but the failure to implement all the improvements a game has made over the years when you are copying them directly is just quite frankly a partial failure. Why would you half bake copy something and spend that much money on it. It is backwards and lazy program probably forced onto programmers because of decision makers who have never even play an mmo and only understand $15 a month from 10million people.

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haha! no, it won't. Overdramatic much? Games do not die because of that. There is no one single thing that ever kills a game.


This is what we call an ironic post. If you look at the boards, every thread says this, I was just getting it out of the way early so the trolls will have something else to talk about.

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Has anyone ever thought that getting people to stick to a spec and class in all methods of the games forces the player base to learn that class and spec before the duel spec fairy comes.


Frankly I'm glad for this instead of a bunch of min maxing half wits just applying the best spec to the job without learning how to cope. I'd like to think as a healing IA I've learned lots of what I can and cannot do within my spec be it in pvp, pve or questing.


Learning your class in a one spec and telling someone else who took another spec is not a bad thing.

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This is what we call an ironic post. If you look at the boards, every thread says this, I was just getting it out of the way early so the trolls will have something else to talk about.


Sorry, my irony detector runs on lots of coffee, and it hasn't been properly charged this morning :(

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Wow, you really didnt read what i wrote then. I didnt say you were wrong, i just said what you need is dualspec instead of respec and that it has been promissed to come in a future release.




'From Stephen Reid


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure.


But they have not yet deceided about if the game would benefit of Dual specc

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agree that cost are to high.

1st. free

2nd. 300

3rd. 2k

4th. 10k


tried dmg to start wanted to try pvp spec and didnt like so went back to dmg and then moved to tank once i got to a high enough lvl to utilize a tank spec. I bet tons of ppl did the same thing only to loose 12300 credits just for that "let me play with my new toy feeling."


I agree here. I was leveling up a Shadow as dps and I tried respeccing to tank an instance for my friends. The cost adds up incredibly quick especially at lower level when people want the ability to try out the different specs to see which one they like best.

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Has anyone ever thought that getting people to stick to a spec and class in all methods of the games forces the player base to learn that class and spec before the duel spec fairy comes.


Frankly I'm glad for this instead of a bunch of min maxing half wits just applying the best spec to the job without learning how to cope. I'd like to think as a healing IA I've learned lots of what I can and cannot do within my spec be it in pvp, pve or questing.


Learning your class in a one spec and telling someone else who took another spec is not a bad thing.


And what happens in a game that is new, like this one, where people are trying out classes for the first time, like this one, and they want to figure out which spec they like best because they have not had any chance to try out any of the specs?


Yep, that was one heck of a run-on sentence! Still, I believe respec costs should be high at 50, but much lower while leveling up so people can try out the other specs. Especially if they want to see if tanking or healing is for them.

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