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Need to vent PVP thread 2018


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I have a 57 sniper I last played a couple years ago, so decided to recreate a new sniper just to reacquaint myself with the abilities and to mess through the early class quests for fun.


After doing Hutta for about 15 levels, I thought to myself some warzones might be fun just to break up the monotony, so I queued.


Within a few minutes lowbies popped, and it was the new Odessen mixed imp/pub WZ, the reskinned version of the Civil War map.


As one went left, the rest of us went to mid... So far so good!


As we entered mid, I got a few shots off, hid around a pillar got found and then obliterated by a 36 sentinel and more in a mass of red that easily decimated the others who entered mid with me.


As the WZ went on, we started to trickle together and no matter where we went, it seemed we were always outnumbered, and we also got obliterated.


I then noticed we were fighting mostly higher lvls, at least their higher lvls were doing the most damage of course. It was frustrating, but I started doing what I do when things like this happen, I started to tell the team to go left and under we could try to take the right together and amazingly some actually did this!


We arrived to the relic or jungle I aint sure what it's actual name was, and the other team seemed not to be caught off guard one bit, they responded and obliterated us in quick fashion again!




As usual, instead of trying to organize together, some of our team began to complain that the other team had higher lvls. Although, I did notice a 14 sin on the other team, and I also noticed one of our vocal complainers was a 26 merc, not exactly a baby in WZ terms.


One guy mentioned his defenses were paltry still, and that he was getting destroyed pretty fast as of this time seeing he was fairly low lvl still... So the crying merc told him he shouldn't queue then, and another chimed in from the peanut gallery, "yeah!" The merc then went on a diatribe saying how the lower lvls in the WZ like myself and others were "useless," and then he asked us, "so, are you having fun now?" Which I instantly said yes, in fact I am having fun regardless that we are losing...


I then said it was dumb to tell a lowbie not to queue for lowbies just because he was not mid 30s or capped in lowbies, it was lowbies.... And, luckily another guy said something along the lines, "if someone is complaining in lowbies that people are too low lvl to queue lowbies, they need to go to 70s and queue then..." Which I thought was pretty poignant! Another fellow then said lowbies was a place for people to practice, and that it wasn't bad that lower levels were in lowbies to PVP.


Overall, I was impressed that there were two others besides me that defended the stance that lowbies should queue if they want to.


I was annoyed, and thus my rant here is that a few were in the WZ trying to discourage others from queuing lowbies, actually going so far as to tell them to NOT queue. This is a problem if players have this attitude!


Personally, it would have no effect on me because I can muster getting destroyed when i am learning my starting abilities and we level so fast from 10-20+ now. I also wasn't deterred by the malcontents, in fact when they started complaining about my level and other lower levels in the WZ I just became more determined to try to win and actually found I almost solo'd a sniper at mid except his help came ruining my near solo kill!


My point is, newer players or those who are not as thick-skinned as myself would easily turn away from PVP if they got insulted and bombarded with this negative attitude after queing for the first time. Players need to understand lowbies is for lowbies, no matter the levels and it's where people LEARN their class and skills in PVP!


In the end, I found it interesting that the most vocal player against the lowbies queing who called people "useless" and told them to stop queing, the 26 merc did 800,000 damage, while myself on a 15 sniper did 1.2mil despite dying 8 times. I did more damage, and was 3rd in objectives on the team yet before he quit the match he pointed out he had more objective points. :p







Stop taking lowbies so seriously! Don't tell other players to stop queuing because they are "too low level" and don't be such sore losers that you lash out at your own teammates due to your team failing. It's a team effort.

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Sadly, some people don't understand you have to start somewhere, that lowbies are the right place to do it and learn.


At same time, some people get annoyed because some newbies don't seem willing to learn and/or do warzones just to randomly deatchmatching others.

Ex: Novare Coast, we got South and East. I'm defending east. People are calling for help at mid. A dude comes and stand next to me. I tell him to go help mid, no answer. I start going mid, he follows me. I stop and tell him to stay to defend east or go help mid, he stays with me, I go back to east not to leave it undefended, he follows me back there...

I know there might a language problem but not always.


Also on Darth Malgus servers, theses days, on lowbies, there's someone with multiple alts that does 0 dmg (or only 10k or less to not get kicked), threaten to report others, insult them and complain about how SWTOR is dead and how the community is toxic...


End of my rant :p

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Lately, when I've started a new toon, I usually end up leaving the starter planet around level 12. And I immediately queue up for PvP. I've gotten told a few times about "you shouldn't queue until level XXX" (insert favorite level for XXX). Then I do fine and they shut up.


I also usually reply with something snarky like, "I know, I should probably queue in the bracket made for learning when I'm low level. Oh wait. I am!"


If I'm high level, and I see the complaints about someone else, I'll still usually reply, "IRK, if only bioware made a low level bracket for those people." Or I'll whisper the "victim" and tell them to ignore the moron, they are in the right place.


Don't forget though, PvP is not about playing well, sportsmanship, trying to get better, winning gracefully, losing with dignity or anything like that... it's about being the first to place blame on the rest of your team when things go badly. :rolleyes:

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Lately, when I've started a new toon, I usually end up leaving the starter planet around level 12. And I immediately queue up for PvP. I've gotten told a few times about "you shouldn't queue until level XXX" (insert favorite level for XXX). Then I do fine and they shut up.


I also usually reply with something snarky like, "I know, I should probably queue in the bracket made for learning when I'm low level. Oh wait. I am!"


If I'm high level, and I see the complaints about someone else, I'll still usually reply, "IRK, if only bioware made a low level bracket for those people." Or I'll whisper the "victim" and tell them to ignore the moron, they are in the right place.


Don't forget though, PvP is not about playing well, sportsmanship, trying to get better, winning gracefully, losing with dignity or anything like that... it's about being the first to place blame on the rest of your team when things go badly. :rolleyes:


lol yes, if only there was a pre-lowbie bracket!

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Pre-70 pvp... very untolerable IMO. Hmm, maybe only tolerable on stealth classes, and pre-5.0 era because you could accumulate WZ comms on your way to 65, making it semi-worthwhile. The amount of trollage I used to do as a shadow/smuggler in pre-70 made it pretty fun, sort of. Otherwise your just asking for a "bang head against wall here" type of experience with any other class. Edited by DenariusJay
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I have found the pre 70 is actually fun where the 70 is where I just want to go outside and shoot myself because sure the pre 70 is less organized but you can at least do stuff, where at 70 if you go in without 248 you might as well play dead and hope the other team 3 caps to end it fast enough so you can get in all your weekly as fast as possible. Pre 70 I have put in green armorings, enhancements, and mods from the shop and been able to hold my own in the fight. At 70 until I finally get my command high enough to actually get tier 4 or get in enough raids to get geared to go to the raids that gets the tier 4 I'm just out of luck. I feel if they would just bolster all the 70 pvp up to 248, we could have some real fun where organization and teamwork would actually matter again Edited by Davetiger
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Lowbie and mids is where people should be learning. Expecting people to have a clue is like expecting preschoolers to sit highschool exams.


The only thing that infuriates me more than people complaining about higher lvls in lowbie matches (seriously, what do they expect) are ones that tell others to stop queueing or uninstall.


If they are so good, they should be teaching the lowbie guys how to get better and maybe offering some tactical advice. I bet if you put that person in lvl 70, they would be the one who rage quits if his team isn’t good enough to carry him.

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I have a 57 sniper I last played a couple years ago, so decided to recreate a new sniper just to reacquaint myself with the abilities and to mess through the early class quests for fun.


After doing Hutta for about 15 levels, I thought to myself some warzones might be fun just to break up the monotony, so I queued.


Within a few minutes lowbies popped, and it was the new Odessen mixed imp/pub WZ, the reskinned version of the Civil War map.


As one went left, the rest of us went to mid... So far so good!


As we entered mid, I got a few shots off, hid around a pillar got found and then obliterated by a 36 sentinel and more in a mass of red that easily decimated the others who entered mid with me.


As the WZ went on, we started to trickle together and no matter where we went, it seemed we were always outnumbered, and we also got obliterated.


I then noticed we were fighting mostly higher lvls, at least their higher lvls were doing the most damage of course. It was frustrating, but I started doing what I do when things like this happen, I started to tell the team to go left and under we could try to take the right together and amazingly some actually did this!


We arrived to the relic or jungle I aint sure what it's actual name was, and the other team seemed not to be caught off guard one bit, they responded and obliterated us in quick fashion again!




As usual, instead of trying to organize together, some of our team began to complain that the other team had higher lvls. Although, I did notice a 14 sin on the other team, and I also noticed one of our vocal complainers was a 26 merc, not exactly a baby in WZ terms.


One guy mentioned his defenses were paltry still, and that he was getting destroyed pretty fast as of this time seeing he was fairly low lvl still... So the crying merc told him he shouldn't queue then, and another chimed in from the peanut gallery, "yeah!" The merc then went on a diatribe saying how the lower lvls in the WZ like myself and others were "useless," and then he asked us, "so, are you having fun now?" Which I instantly said yes, in fact I am having fun regardless that we are losing...


I then said it was dumb to tell a lowbie not to queue for lowbies just because he was not mid 30s or capped in lowbies, it was lowbies.... And, luckily another guy said something along the lines, "if someone is complaining in lowbies that people are too low lvl to queue lowbies, they need to go to 70s and queue then..." Which I thought was pretty poignant! Another fellow then said lowbies was a place for people to practice, and that it wasn't bad that lower levels were in lowbies to PVP.


Overall, I was impressed that there were two others besides me that defended the stance that lowbies should queue if they want to.


I was annoyed, and thus my rant here is that a few were in the WZ trying to discourage others from queuing lowbies, actually going so far as to tell them to NOT queue. This is a problem if players have this attitude!


Personally, it would have no effect on me because I can muster getting destroyed when i am learning my starting abilities and we level so fast from 10-20+ now. I also wasn't deterred by the malcontents, in fact when they started complaining about my level and other lower levels in the WZ I just became more determined to try to win and actually found I almost solo'd a sniper at mid except his help came ruining my near solo kill!


My point is, newer players or those who are not as thick-skinned as myself would easily turn away from PVP if they got insulted and bombarded with this negative attitude after queing for the first time. Players need to understand lowbies is for lowbies, no matter the levels and it's where people LEARN their class and skills in PVP!


In the end, I found it interesting that the most vocal player against the lowbies queing who called people "useless" and told them to stop queing, the 26 merc did 800,000 damage, while myself on a 15 sniper did 1.2mil despite dying 8 times. I did more damage, and was 3rd in objectives on the team yet before he quit the match he pointed out he had more objective points. :p







Stop taking lowbies so seriously! Don't tell other players to stop queuing because they are "too low level" and don't be such sore losers that you lash out at your own teammates due to your team failing. It's a team effort.



Dont take anytthing serious that happens in lowbies... literally nothing there is somewhat meaningful...

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Agreed on this. I always have at least one toon I'm leveling so I'm always doing at least some lowbies. We have a lot of vets in lowbies running alts and they assume everyone knows everything about how to play. The first time I entered a warzone, I had NO IDEA what was going on - not even a remote clue. I'm sure I was this way for my first 100 or so matches till I got the hang. But generally, getting up to speed on things in this game is challenging for new players (I know from experience). Then to come in and get yelled at and name called? I believe this turns a lot of players off from PvP (lemme say, it's often just as bad in PvE). This is why I spend most of my time in the chat window, especially in lowbies, giving instructions and communicating - some players don't want to learn, but for those that do, they find it helpful to be told what to do. Name calling and such, however, is just NEVER called for and I will usually blast anyone I see doing that.



This is also why I think there needs to be an arena-only, unranked queue for lowbies (and 70) to give people a chance to practice arenas. One problem with ranked is that the arena playstyle is totally different from the normal 8v8s and players get very few chances to learn arenas before going into ranked and getting wrecked. Players might have more patience teaching if there was a less toxic environment to teach it in.

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We have a lot of vets in lowbies running alts and they assume everyone knows everything about how to play. The first time I entered a warzone, I had NO IDEA what was going on - not even a remote clue. Then to come in and get yelled at and name called? I believe this turns a lot of players off from PvP (lemme say, it's often just as bad in PvE). Name calling and such, however, is just NEVER called for and I will usually blast anyone I see doing that.


Yep. ^


Just had the wz where you have to play objectively I forget the name of it, with the mods you run around carrying etc. Before the match begun, a pub says, "wow I get stuck with you stupid noob imps." Then as the match went along, he started to berate the whole team, "omg get out of stealth when you are on the node, get out of stealth *******!"


Then, as I was carrying a mod to turn on a new node, he seen I began heading the wrong way (I got turned around and checked map for half a sec and corrected my route) and he started to call my name and say "no, wrong way! Hey, wrong way!" He didn't call me any names though, but he made sure to say "yeah that way," after I began going to the closed node. :D


Finally, halfway through the match one guy said, "hey just chill dude, shut up!"


We won the match. The guy actually topped our team in objective points, but we had a lot of high objective based points which is how we won the match despite having a few real noobs too.


Point is, vet players ought to try to be helpful and not condescending to new players, I can easily see how this turns people off from PVP.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Just had the wz where you have to play objectively I forget the name of it, with the mods you run around carrying etc.


Odessen Proving Grounds, OPG for short. I remember when that map was release they actually put it on the PTS and let us test it. And I remember a LOT of people running around and going "this is such a complicated map, no one is going to know how to get anywhere".


Sure, once you get used to it you know where to go, but I think people forget how confusing it was the first time they found themselves in the middle of one of the tunnels. :D

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