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Everything posted by Davetiger

  1. I was pointing out that it is setup completely dumb. Gear comes from raiding, yes there is other MUCH slower methods to getting it, but you can't get it through UNRANKED pvp at a reasonable rate. I love the constant get good comments when I don't care if you are the best pvper in the world and you know everything, if you are in 230 gear vs someone in 248 .. you are not winning that fight even if the 248 has never pvped. Yet there is no unranked way to really get that gear, yet doing ranked win or lose you can get the parts needed to upgrade pieces to 248. I didn't create the system this way I'm only forced to play by their rules. Some think ranked weekly should be removed completely but then where would any of you get wins because you would have 8 hour que times because lets face it not enough people care to be top 100 or top 10. If you really looked at the ones doing ranked most of the time it would be they are only there because they feel a sense of obligation not fun. That being said I would never go in and just stand there and do nothing, being under geared and unable to damage someone on the other team doesn't mean I can't taunt them or put barriers on my team mates to help them fight or even interrupt the other teams healers trying to lock them down long enough for the other 3 to kill someone, but with the current system as it is, I just wouldn't be any help as actual damage.
  2. The weekly is for ranked only and going in ranked with no rating how would I hurt anyone's rating wouldn't I be teamed with low rated people? Which probably means stupid high queue times.. But real answer because bioware wants me to so I can get the parts to upgrade to the bigger gear.
  3. Well thanx for this, I have to do ranked for the weekly and I'm in 236 gear so I can't hit anyone so I'll be sure to put on my thick skin before entering because they will all be mad at me until my quest is done
  4. I have found the pre 70 is actually fun where the 70 is where I just want to go outside and shoot myself because sure the pre 70 is less organized but you can at least do stuff, where at 70 if you go in without 248 you might as well play dead and hope the other team 3 caps to end it fast enough so you can get in all your weekly as fast as possible. Pre 70 I have put in green armorings, enhancements, and mods from the shop and been able to hold my own in the fight. At 70 until I finally get my command high enough to actually get tier 4 or get in enough raids to get geared to go to the raids that gets the tier 4 I'm just out of luck. I feel if they would just bolster all the 70 pvp up to 248, we could have some real fun where organization and teamwork would actually matter again
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