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Where will ToR be in 6 months


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East Coast US, West Coast US and Europe. Ooh, in six months, they might even have their Australasia servers running. East Asia is less likely, but not out of the question.





That's what you were asking for, right? Where people will be able to access and play this awesome game? Or did you mean the devs? Well they're primarily in Texas, dudebro. :w_cool:

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end game has yet been determined due to lack of info.


i do know they have 1 what 25 man operation(raid) and different difficulties on the older flash points( which is becoming more common )


i hope they *** another 25 man if its 25 man i forget what the max people are in TOR in like 3 months along with fixing whatever balance issues are there.


as for this game going F2P in 3 moths that will never happen BW already said all they need is 500k subs for TOR to be a success


unfortunately if the don't release the new content for ALL TYPES of players (not just the raiders and pvper's) quickly to keep the players busy this game will NEVER sustain 500k subs beyond 3 months let alone 6 months. plus you factor in EA's horrid reputation and history in handling mmo's. this game will be going f2p as soon as it doesn't hit its goal or subs drop below a certain point.


so if they aren't on the ball and content isn't enough or being released to slowly. the game will be f2p in 6 months or less

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Unfortunately, story isn't as replayable as I think they hoped. They have to keep up with the content, for all players, and addressing concerns in order to grow as a game. Without this, I'm afraid SWTOR will fact the standard retention of all modern MMOs.
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I think this game is going to slowly eek itself above WoW in active subscribers, but probably won't be able to get the same numbers WoW did in total subscribers overall. This is assuming of course that WoW will begin to lose subscriptions in the coming year.
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it's already below RIFT in launch numbers (not to mention quality)


^ to an extent


Anyways yes you guys have actually alot to worry about. Ill be playing for 1-3 months unless the Endgame pve rivals wow raiding. Thing is alot of the people who play wow haven't played many other games(lots of stay at home wives and such) also wow has A HUGE I MEAN HUGE dedicated playerbase. I wouldn't be surprised if they can keep over 5million easily no matter how badly the game goes people just love wow.


Also friends is a big thing. People have guilds they've been with for 2-7 years and have so much time into wow its hard to leave.


Anyways between Gw2 and MoP swtor will have to pull some good things out and fast imo. BUT MOP IS ONLY POKEMON AND PANDAS LOLOLOL thing is no mmo is serious in all respects and Star wars sure as hell isn't a serious game. Blizzard is incorporating one of the most popular Games/Tv shows EVER into the game and with that allowing the non combat pets to do something and give people something else to do at end game besides the Other 3-6 things they're adding to endgame with MoP.


Pandas while (i guess) can be childish its not any more than running around shooting lazers or wacking people with lightsabers or playing a Gnome or running around as a big Wolf man. They just fit with the xpac premise so its smart to put them in


Swtor will survive i have no doubt but with EA behind it if they take a big hit there's a big chance it could be going F2p very fast

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after the first free month all i repeat all mmos lose alot of subs.


troll me all you want but thats the truth


we will see how good ToR is in 6 months.


I feel that i will be playing after 6 months but we will most likely seeing server mergers by then


oh by the way this is not a its going to fail thread i am just saying.


they already said 500k subs will make them money. a game does not need 10 plus million subs to be a success


Its hard to say

They are going to have to do something for the pre orders to clear up this launch or there will be hard feelings going forward


Not a issue right now (well I dont know the numbers but I actually suspect it is a issue when the nightly cancellations roll around tommorrow) but in 6 months when out of content, allot of people might look back and say


"you know, they really treated me like turd at launch and I dont really feel like supporting them now I finished my game"


So its hard to say, its going to depend on what they do between now and 6 month mark for the cust base to make up for yesterday.


MMORPG players have a long memory and even those saying "its all cool" right now could be storeing yesterdays fiasco in the back of their minds for later.


TOR is going to be a hit for the first year, I think thats a given.

When I was beta testing TOR (and getting $60 overage internet bills to test it, didnt even get a thank you other then a form letter spam filter almost gobbled up for paying to test their product, anyways) I kept looking to the future, 5 expansions down the road, the potential. And thats how I have honestly approached TOR, Looking ahead at the potential, until yesterday.


I think (suspect) there is 500,000 + doing the same.


Not the ones screaming about keeping up to the jones

Not the ones worried they will not be ganked rather then doing the ganking on the PVP servers

Not the ones that tried to take vation time to play a video game


But 500k + who were silently hopeing to get in and watched Bioware pack up and go home at 3:30 pm est.


I think that virtual visual is going to stay with ALLOT OF PEOPLE for ALLOT OF TIME going forward.


So its really put Bioware behind the 8ball and now the question is,

What are they going to do to make it up to all those people?

Are they going to do anything?

Do they even Care?


IE: Do we have SWG launch all over again where the player base comes oputta first few weeks with ZERO confidence in the developer and abandon ship at a alarming rate?


Fact is no one knows for sure till it happens, but right now were not in unknown waters. This has all happened before in previous MMORPGs.

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In 6 months everyone will be back on WoW preparing for Pandas and Pokemon. Which don't sound very stupid when you just realized you payed $60 to play a bad version of WoW on different servers with lightsabers.


I just watched all of the WoW trailers because of this type of thought. It didn't interest me. You're really underestimating the power of the Star Wars Universe on the average Joe psyche... It seems from my limited perspective that WoW is for folks that like to Geek on the MMO format and it's own tiered microcosm whereas this game is geared for the general gamer and story lover with the perks of some MMO enhanced gameplay.

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That right there. Confidence in Bioware. All I can think is "This is how they treat their customers at launch (semantics aside).". It does not breed confidence in a good experience going forward. I think the game itself is great, but any seasoned MMO veteran knows that the developers relationship to the community is an integral part of an MMO viability and longevity.

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It's a far better game than WoW has been in a long time, and a much more directed and focused experience than Rift. It also looks gorgeous.


I reckon the MMO bubble such as it is isn't due for much more expansion, but it's not going to go F2P. It's far too good a game to do that. SWTOR in its current form blows WoW away.

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