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Best server for pvp : SS or SF


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Hi, I usually play on Darth Malgus server but since 3 weeks there's no BG during the night like there was after the merge. I'd like to play between 21h and 24h (hours of Miami). I'm going to transfer a toon on american server and I would like to know which is the best for pvp (number of BG per hour and nivel) . Thanks for your advice.
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Hi, I usually play on Darth Malgus server but since 3 weeks there's no BG during the night like there was after the merge. I'd like to play between 21h and 24h (hours of Miami). I'm going to transfer a toon on american server and I would like to know which is the best for pvp (number of BG per hour and nivel) . Thanks for your advice.


The closer to prime time on either server the more frequent the pops.


While both servers are now physically located in the Eastern United States, Satele Shan was formed from the merger of the former West Coast servers. As such the majority of the players on SS are people either in Western North America or who find West Coast hours more convenient. The West Coast is 3 hours being the East Coast. Star Forge was formed from East Coast servers.


If you're going to be playing at 9:00 PM EST for example, Star Forge would be a better choice because it is going to have a heavier population at that time than Satele Shan. It would be 6:00 PM on the West Coast where a lot of people are still on the way home from work or preparing to eat dinner. On the other hand if you're going to be logging on at 3:00 AM EST more often, Satele Shan would be a better choice. It would be midnight on the West Coast and you'd be on the tail end of that server's prime time. Much of Star Forge meanwhile would be in bed.


Tl;dr: Choose your server based on when you'll most often be logging on.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I agree with above, it depends when you play. Quality-wise I find both servers have skilled PVPers.


Which one is better for Pub-side PvP? I play on SS and we get flipped and dipped pretty regularly.

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Which one is better for Pub-side PvP? I play on SS and we get flipped and dipped pretty regularly.


This is purely subjective, but as a imp on SF I find when we face pubs we can and do lose. There are tons of imp vs. imp fights, but pubs do pop and they win. Now, this might be due to my time of playing, luck, etc.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Which one is better for Pub-side PvP? I play on SS and we get flipped and dipped pretty regularly.


Time of day is important. I find later at night the reps are better after the kiddies go to bed.

But there are way more Imps, so you will get lots Imps vs imp matches and there may only be one or two teams of reps in the queue.

One might get most of the good players and the other most of the bad players. If these players on de facto teams get locked into rotations together, you might come up against the same really good rep team everytime you pop against a rep team. This can give the impression that reps are dominating at that time.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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This is purely subjective, but as a imp on SF I find when we face pubs we can and do lose. There are tons of imp vs. imp fights, but pubs do pop and they win. Now, this might be due to my time of playing, luck, etc.


I find that too.


Reps mostly play to win by using tactics and strategy. They are quicker to see an exploit and identity weaknesses in the Imp teams. They are more fluid in their thinking and also communicate more.

While the Imps are what we call in Australia, “meat heads” or how TV portrays “jocks” or the “cool kids”, all brawn and no brains. They try to win by brute force tactics and gank tactics. Often death matching and farming numbers is more important to them over winning. While this can work against less skilled combat players, it rarely works against players of equal combat proficiency.

There are lots of good combat skilled Imps around and they out numbers the pubs because they have a bigger population, but too many of them just don’t understand objective pvp very well.

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Population wise Satele Shan is Harbinger-lite - a lower population Harbinger due to APAC exodus while still retaining Harbinger's quit at the first sign of losing along with a weaker Republic side.


Star Forge has a higher pop rate with a more competitive Republic side. Star Forge however is RP heavy on the Imperial side which is another reason to choose Star Forge's Republic side if you are not into any mention of RP.

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Star Forge has a higher pop rate with a more competitive Republic side. Star Forge however is RP heavy on the Imperial side which is another reason to choose Star Forge's Republic side if you are not into any mention of RP.


I like this part of SF too. I never RP, but for some reason it brings good nostalgic feelings to me to be on fleet and see people RPing around the bar area. I used to always see this on TEH, my old server. :)


I agree, pubs fight well on SF usually win tbh, at least when I am playing. It's pretty frustrating, but nice change and I like challenge I think you only get better when you fight better competition.


The plus is when i finally work my pubs, if I ever do I know on SF I will have a good chance of winning in PVP, whereas on SS it's way too lopsided in imp favor.

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I've been "slumming" it a bit on SF the last couple days, starting a lowbie pub toon. It really is like a weird alternate universe. Lowbies are popping pretty regular. And I see ppl in chat complaining about x-faction maps because "every time I'm mixed with imps we lose!" . Plus I've been in x-faction maps where it was all pub v pub. Wha! :eek:


And yeah, pubs know how to play. I mean, I've had a couple Queshball maps where we were actually playing objectives... AND managing to out DPS the other side at the same time! :eek:


I dunno... it sounds like some of you are saying this persists through even level 70? So weird. :D

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I like this part of SF too. I never RP, but for some reason it brings good nostalgic feelings to me to be on fleet and see people RPing around the bar area. I used to always see this on TEH, my old server. :)


I agree, pubs fight well on SF usually win tbh, at least when I am playing. It's pretty frustrating, but nice change and I like challenge I think you only get better when you fight better competition.


The plus is when i finally work my pubs, if I ever do I know on SF I will have a good chance of winning in PVP, whereas on SS it's way too lopsided in imp favor.


Just gotta find the right pub guild for pvp on SS :D


If you're looking for a pub side pvp guild that's active from about 7-11 pm pacific, pm me

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I find playing on SF more enjoyable a lot of the time because of the sheer number of full trinity groups running sorc healers with pocket tanks and flavor dps in regs on SS at seemingly every hour of the day (even 10am on a weekday is not safe)


some of them even try to sync these groups



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I find playing on SF more enjoyable a lot of the time because of the sheer number of full trinity groups running sorc healers with pocket tanks and flavor dps in regs on SS at seemingly every hour of the day (even 10am on a weekday is not safe)


some of them even try to sync these groups




Better than the Imp double healer premades with a tank and dps on the SS Imp side. During the week this doesn’t happen much, but as soon as the weekend hits, they are out in force. One particular one last night from Cambodia was like cancer because there was another trinity team in the queue that got locked into our rotation. Basically they had 3 heals, 2 tanks and 3 dps every match. I tried to requeue, but it was out of prime time, so 7 out if 10 games were against them. I was even invited into a premade, which I accepted (usually I don) in the hope we could balance things out. But my guys were worse than standard pugs, so I only stayed for 2 matches till I politely bailed.

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One particular one last night from Cambodia was like cancer because there was another trinity team in the queue that got locked into our rotation.


If you're referring to Cambodian Warpigs, that's a Pub guild I believe. And yes, they usually run trinity in their premade. They're good players, though some of them tend to talk a lot of smack. But try getting into a match against them + a Reactor premade. That's painful, and unless you bring a double-premade, you're going to lose.

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If you're referring to Cambodian Warpigs, that's a Pub guild I believe. And yes, they usually run trinity in their premade. They're good players, though some of them tend to talk a lot of smack. But try getting into a match against them + a Reactor premade. That's painful, and unless you bring a double-premade, you're going to lose.


Yeah, maybe it’s rep, there were a heap of rep vs rep matches last night and even the mixed ones had them on the other team. We hardly ever get rep vs rep, so I just assumed Imp (I wasn’t paying attention enough to remember) because in Nova they always started on the Imp side.

They maybe good in a premade, on chat, and with a healer and tank next to them. But get one alone and they tend to crumble fast. Even the heal goes down fast if the don’t have their tank to help them. (FYI, this was on my Guardian in 230-236 gear, no Augments) I also nearly solo’d 2 at once till the rest of their premade showed up.

I’m certainly not that great, so it highlights that they aren’t that good either.

I’ve played against reactor and they are good as individuals, so put them into a premade on chat and it’s nearly a forgone conclusion if you don’t have a premade on your team.

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Dearest forum participants,


Outside of Mourne, who has respect, time to find some friends, get a premade, and for the love of the gods stop whining, or quit your douche guild and join the Warpigs.




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Even the heal goes down fast if the don’t have their tank to help them. .


To be fair, 2 of our sage healers are trash; our other "scoundrel" healer licks paint i think. Commando's ok though.


Also, what kind of guild name is Cambodian Warpigs anyway.... does Cambodia even have pigs?

Edited by krosswong
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Dearest forum participants,


Outside of Mourne, who has respect, time to find some friends, get a premade, and for the love of the gods stop whining, or quit your douche guild and join the Warpigs.





MMOs were designed to play solo and whine about losing.

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Yeah, maybe it’s rep, there were a heap of rep vs rep matches last night and even the mixed ones had them on the other team. We hardly ever get rep vs rep, so I just assumed Imp (I wasn’t paying attention enough to remember) because in Nova they always started on the Imp side.

They maybe good in a premade, on chat, and with a healer and tank next to them. But get one alone and they tend to crumble fast. Even the heal goes down fast if the don’t have their tank to help them. (FYI, this was on my Guardian in 230-236 gear, no Augments) I also nearly solo’d 2 at once till the rest of their premade showed up.

I’m certainly not that great, so it highlights that they aren’t that good either.

I’ve played against reactor and they are good as individuals, so put them into a premade on chat and it’s nearly a forgone conclusion if you don’t have a premade on your team.


Did your team when the match when you 1vs2 because as kross said, they do have a trash sage. and their scoundrel licks paint. so i mean you might of been against the B team or well..

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I've been "slumming" it a bit on SF the last couple days, starting a lowbie pub toon. It really is like a weird alternate universe. Lowbies are popping pretty regular. And I see ppl in chat complaining about x-faction maps because "every time I'm mixed with imps we lose!" . Plus I've been in x-faction maps where it was all pub v pub. Wha! :eek:


And yeah, pubs know how to play. I mean, I've had a couple Queshball maps where we were actually playing objectives... AND managing to out DPS the other side at the same time! :eek:


I dunno... it sounds like some of you are saying this persists through even level 70? So weird. :D


I haven't levelled a toon in awhile so I can't speak for lowbies, but on SF at level 70 Reps tend to win slightly more often against Imps as well. Of course it always depends on the time of day or who is in the queue, but that has been my experience and I don't have a faction preference.


It is hard to generalize of course because each team or match is different but on average I'd say Reps are a lot better at playing objectives and somewhat more likely to have more (or better) tanks and healing. Imps are much more likely to have have better DPS but that doesn't matter much if they're out farming Reps in Timbuktu while their Shadow teammate caps the Voidstar door behind them.


If you're playing a Rep toon it is amazing how often you can goad Imps to chase you out of range while a buddy or teammate LOL_caps behind them. You'll be doing a

at your computer in amazement about how dumb SF Imp DPS can sometimes be.


Like all things PVP though it really depends on who is in the queue. Probably my top 3 personal performances in terms of player kills have all been against absolutely terrible Rep teams on SF. While Reps are slightly better than Imps overall on SF IMO, when it gets bad for Rep pugs, it gets *really* bad.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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