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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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I have this feeling Vowrawn is gay. Not bisexual like Theron, Lana, Koth and Arcann, but straight up gay. There's just something about him that lends me that way. But I'm not good at that, so I'm probably a zillion miles away from thinking what he does and doesn't like. Now, Arcann? I pictured him straight, but because both sides wanted him, they made him player sexual. Which makes me sad ONLY because as I've said numerous times, I just want variety in possible LIs. :(

Lol! I don't entirely agree because I see Vowrawn as someone who will swing it in any direction he can find. Male, female, both, no care about species or any of that nonsense, he'll try all of it at least once and come back for more if it tickled him in all the right places. I have him in my head as an utter deviant (think the encyclopedia even says as much) and probably the biggest kinkster on the old Dark Council.


Arcann... I do have him as straight in my head as well, dunno why, just a vibe. Also see him as extremely inexperienced, possibly a virgin. Toying a lot with those questions right now for my fiction, haven't decided yet but I can't shake the feeling he hasn't done much at all in the ways of love and lust lol.

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Arcann... I do have him as straight in my head as well, dunno why, just a vibe. Also see him as extremely inexperienced, possibly a virgin. Toying a lot with those questions right now for my fiction, haven't decided yet but I can't shake the feeling he hasn't done much at all in the ways of love and lust lol.


I see Arcann as being Capital D - Dominant...even more so than Andronikos, and I write Andronikos as very dominant, lol. I always got the vibe that each encounter with him was some form of really violent foreplay...like total hungry eyes and everything...even when he's stabbing you through the gut with a lightsaber. That total "I hate you, but I'm drawn to you and I want to eat you alive" vibe.


There he was, hanging the Outlander on the wall like a piece of art...with a nice, comfy arm chair set off to one side in the corner. He goes and visits and just stares when he needs to think. Oh yeah... <<


But that's just me, lol. My written encounters with Arcann will not be for the faint hearted who shy away from things breaking...shattered glass...walls...head boards.... :D

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I see Arcann as being Capital D - Dominant...even more so than Andronikos, and I write Andronikos as very dominant, lol. I always got the vibe that each encounter with him was some form of really violent foreplay...like total hungry eyes and everything. There he was, hanging the Outlander on the wall like a piece of art...with a nice, comfy arm chair set off to one side in the corner. He goes and visits and just stares when he needs to think. <<


But that's just me, lol. My written encounters with Arcann will not be for the faint hearted who shy away from things breaking...shattered glass...walls...head boards.... :D

Haha, that's quite the opposite! I love my dominant men but with Arcann I'm somewhat on the fence, haven't quite decided one way or another yet. Doesn't help that I'm not actually fond of the character at all and will never touch his in-game romance but since he's part of my own fiction I'm trying to walk in his shoes a little and figure him out. Who knows, I might stumble into his version of a 'red room' lol.


On the other hand though there's this sense that he didn't get to 'live' much while his father still ruled and is somewhat inadequate with human and social interactions, most of which didn't go further than the bond he had with his siblings and mother and since his own reign he's been mostly occupied with the war and the Outlander. I think both work, I may find a happy medium somewhere in between.

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Lol! I don't entirely agree because I see Vowrawn as someone who will swing it in any direction he can find. Male, female, both, no care about species or any of that nonsense, he'll try all of it at least once and come back for more if it tickled him in all the right places. I have him in my head as an utter deviant (think the encyclopedia even says as much) and probably the biggest kinkster on the old Dark Council.


Arcann... I do have him as straight in my head as well, dunno why, just a vibe. Also see him as extremely inexperienced, possibly a virgin. Toying a lot with those questions right now for my fiction, haven't decided yet but I can't shake the feeling he hasn't done much at all in the ways of love and lust lol.


Hmm, possible, I could see Vowrawn being a man'ho. lol Gah, I need some flirty Vowrawn fiction now cause that man always makes me lol.

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Hmm, possible, I could see Vowrawn being a man'ho. lol Gah, I need some flirty Vowrawn fiction now cause that man always makes me lol.

Heh, yeah that makes me curious whether there's any exciting Vowrawn stories out there. Likely though. I have a head canon where he plays the long game with my LS JK, utterly corrupting her, it's kinda fun but definitely nsfw lol.

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I believe the double, triple, centerium agent story itself will end with Nathema, but all that crap from Umbara, Copero and now Nathema will be completely addressed in 6.0. How did I come to this conclusion? It's simple, in Forged Alliances, we first meet Theron and Lana with the 3 or 4 flashpoints that it was Revan. Then we have Rishi and Yavin 4 with those two and the crap we dealt with for Revan. Then they met us again on Ziost which began the oh noes, the tadpoles! with Valkorian/Vitiate/Emperor and we got the looooooooooooooong two expansions on Zakuul and Odessen.


So even though we have 2, going on 3, flashpoints right now, Umbara, Copero and soon Nathema, it's going to set it up for 6.0. 5.10 maybe be like a Ziost type of deal, or it's just a patch for more companions.


I truly, TRULY believe that Lana is in on the 'traitor' thing. Remember what she did on Rishi? Yeah, Theron doesn't wipe his butt without Lana there knowing about it, and vice versa. So, even though she put on a big show of 'oh no he didn't!!' about him being a 'traitor', what makes me pissed off, is that neither of these two told us, the Commander of the Alliance about it.


Either they personally don't really like us cause we're dark 5 and evil, or they think we'll go and tell mommy because we're light 5. The neutral players, meh pick one. So, when I see Theron again, I am definitely not going to kill him, or banish him, but I hope Bioware gives us an option to punch him like I did to Koth for putting a Quantum bomb on the Gravestone.


Theron has earned a punch in the face for the Corpero flashpoint alone. That thing was brutal when it came out :D

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Theron's been gone for so long and I have missed him so much, I don't think I'd have the care left to punch him when we reunite. I just want to hold him again and move on from this disaster.


It will come down to his reasoning for his betrayal for me. If it's just some plan he and Lana cooked up, then I might go for the banish or kill option, even on the romanced character. :(

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It will come down to his reasoning for his betrayal for me. If it's just some plan he and Lana cooked up, then I might go for the banish or kill option, even on the romanced character. :(


The scene where a Female Trooper kills a romanced Jorgan was heartbreaking enough I can't imagine killing a romanced Theron/Lana scene. :(

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The scene where a Female Trooper kills a romanced Jorgan was heartbreaking enough I can't imagine killing a romanced Theron/Lana scene. :(


I wish they never put Theron into this, or better yet told us why he's on the run.

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Theron's been gone for so long and I have missed him so much, I don't think I'd have the care left to punch him when we reunite. I just want to hold him again and move on from this disaster.


Amen! I mean, there are still feelings of abandonment, and all that, but just to see him and to be able to talk to him, and to hold his hand and all those little things that Jen loves about him...May 1st can't get here fast enough.


The scene where a Female Trooper kills a romanced Jorgan was heartbreaking enough I can't imagine killing a romanced Theron/Lana scene. :(


I can't watch romanced kills, they are just too brutal. And a Theron/Lana kill scene, I don't even want to think about it.


I wish they never put Theron into this, or better yet told us why he's on the run.


I wish he had not been a part of it either. Or if he had to be a part of it, that it didn't drag out for eight months.

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I can't watch romanced kills, they are just too brutal. And a Theron/Lana kill scene, I don't even want to think about it.

I haven't watched Aric's, I haven't watched Quinn's. I don't want to because it's just not right and these are people I care about. :( The Torian/Vette one really got to me, there's no escaping that one and it was horrible even if they're not high on my list of favorites.

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I wish he had not been a part of it either. Or if he had to be a part of it, that it didn't drag out for eight months.


I think the worst part is how it's been presented, I'm convinced Theron isn't committed to what he's doing, but the damage he's causing along the way is unforgivable.


Starting a war? Shooting Lana? Getting Umbarans and Chiss killed? Giving the Order of Zildrog the location to a possible weapon of mass destruction? If he doesn't have good justification for his actions, then I want him gone.

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I think the worst part is how it's been presented, I'm convinced Theron isn't committed to what he's doing, but the damage he's causing along the way is unforgivable.


Starting a war? Shooting Lana? Getting Umbarans and Chiss killed? Giving the Order of Zildrog the location to a possible weapon of mass destruction? If he doesn't have good justification for his actions, then I want him gone.


I'm about 99.9% the whole "Shoot Lana" thing was completely orchestrated. Stun round? Yeah... It was all too perfect. She's in on it...just you wait...


She's in charge of keeping us off Theron's tail...keeping that doubt there so we don't jump to the obvious conclusion that came up at the end of the last flashpoint.

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I'm about 99.9% the whole "Shoot Lana" thing was completely orchestrated. Stun round? Yeah... It was all too perfect. She's in on it...just you wait...


She's in charge of keeping us off Theron's tail...keeping that doubt there so we don't jump to the obvious conclusion that came up at the end of the last flashpoint.


That will only make it worse, then Bioware will give a reason for those who want to get rid of Lana too.

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That will only make it worse, then Bioware will give a reason for those who want to get rid of Lana too.


At this point, I think their fates are tied together. Some think they're going to force a choice...I honestly think that if one goes, they both go.


And to be honest, if she is on it, she deserves just as much repercussion as he does.


I'm not much of a fan of Lana, but I get why people like her, and she is the only f/f option. They shouldn't get rid of either of them. The whole storyline reeks. Because either we lose them from the story entirely, or we end up having to forgive them like the doormat BioWare wants the Outlander to be.

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At this point, I think their fates are tied together. Some think they're going to force a choice...I honestly think that if one goes, they both go.


And to be honest, if she is on it, she deserves just as much repercussion as he does.


Agreed, if that scenario turns out to be true.

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That will only make it worse, then Bioware will give a reason for those who want to get rid of Lana too.


I agree. The problem with the double agent scenario is that it shatters all trust in anyone who was in on that conspiracy.


It's implying that the leader of the Alliance is either too stupid or clueless or fragile to be told about a threat, and instead everyone around them has to put on this elaborate performance and pull puppet strings to manipulate the Commander into doing what they want.


For a non-romanced Commander, that would make anyone feel like a fool, I think. For a romanced Commander, IMHO it is catastrophic. If Lana or Theron has been putting on a show like this for the last year, literally lying to your face, I'm not sure how a relationship can come back from a breach of trust like that.


I'd much rather we find out that Theron's implants have been corrupted and someone's controlling him, or he's got an evil twin, or something that will not implicate him or Lana in the destruction. There's enough precedent in the lore to make that plausible.

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I'd much rather we find out that Theron's implants have been corrupted and someone's controlling him, or he's got an evil twin, or something that will not implicate him or Lana in the destruction. There's enough precedent in the lore to make that plausible.


Personally I hope it's the commander (us) who is at fault, and Theron and Lana have noticed the change, going to great lengths to save us.


Not sure what I'll do if they've both been lying to us.

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I agree. The problem with the double agent scenario is that it shatters all trust in anyone who was in on that conspiracy.


It's implying that the leader of the Alliance is either too stupid or clueless or fragile to be told about a threat, and instead everyone around them has to put on this elaborate performance and pull puppet strings to manipulate the Commander into doing what they want.


For a non-romanced Commander, that would make anyone feel like a fool, I think. For a romanced Commander, IMHO it is catastrophic. If Lana or Theron has been putting on a show like this for the last year, literally lying to your face, I'm not sure how a relationship can come back from a breach of trust like that.


I'd much rather we find out that Theron's implants have been corrupted and someone's controlling him, or he's got an evil twin, or something that will not implicate him or Lana in the destruction. There's enough precedent in the lore to make that plausible.


I think the Commander has Valkorian residue in his brain. Theron, possibly with Lana's help, has to keep everything a secret from you or else the residue will know. For all we know the Commander was the original traitor because he is sleepwalking under the residue's control and contacting the cult.

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I think the Commander has Valkorian residue in his brain. Theron, possibly with Lana's help, has to keep everything a secret from you or else the residue will know. For all we know the Commander was the original traitor because he is sleepwalking under the residue's control and contacting the cult.

While I see that as entirely possible... God I hope not. I'm growing weary of all these Emperor/control/mind-voodoo plots.

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