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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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For all the issues he's has, I actually find him to be quite well adjusted... which probably says a lot about my dating track record!


Well, I think even with those two sides, he's a decently well adjusted guy. I don't think he has a drinking problem or anything like that, but most people have a little bit of a dark side.


I think the traitor arc is a bit of a stretch, even if he's playing a double agent angle. It works if he's not doing any of this of his own free will, or there's a clone, disguise situation going on. I really hope that's the case. For one thing, it would be a much more engaging story if it's not as predictable as the double agent thing. For another, I'd LOVE to be able to rescue him from the Order. It would add so much more urgency to the entire thing. I absolutely loath the traitor arc, but if it ends up being something like a clone or mind control my opinion on the story would do a complete switch. I'd go back and run it again to see all the little nuances and clues, I'd invest in it and have a blast. Here's hoping that the hints about being a double agent are red herrings and we'll be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected twist.

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Well, I think even with those two sides, he's a decently well adjusted guy. I don't think he has a drinking problem or anything like that, but most people have a little bit of a dark side.


I think the traitor arc is a bit of a stretch, even if he's playing a double agent angle. It works if he's not doing any of this of his own free will, or there's a clone, disguise situation going on. I really hope that's the case. For one thing, it would be a much more engaging story if it's not as predictable as the double agent thing. For another, I'd LOVE to be able to rescue him from the Order. It would add so much more urgency to the entire thing. I absolutely loath the traitor arc, but if it ends up being something like a clone or mind control my opinion on the story would do a complete switch. I'd go back and run it again to see all the little nuances and clues, I'd invest in it and have a blast. Here's hoping that the hints about being a double agent are red herrings and we'll be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected twist.


To be honest, I don't think BioWare is that inventive. Sadly. I'm about 99.9% it's a simple double-agent arc, with Lana being involved. The outfit name in the CM, the recording of the Mask Man conversation followed by the convenient interception...there's just too much there to deny now. There was so much potential for some great story, like a Great Spy Caper or something, if they'd have just involved the Outlander. But...NOPE.


Pretty much the only thing that would save it for me is if they somehow spun it that the Outlander was in the know the whole time.


I used to be the one defending them to the bitter end, but at this point, I don't have the strength anymore. I've learned to just expect the worst, and then I'm never disappointed (like with the Andronikos reunion that I completely called as a joke not intending to be right).

Edited by Dracofish
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Here's a Question I've wondered since the "Therons a Traitor and may get *The Option". So many have decided Theron isn't going to "Heel" like a proper Minion so he must *** as a consequence; what if Lana is also in on it ??

Would they also Terminate Lana for the same insubordination that Theron has shown? Considering her role in all of this, popularity, ...other issues? I doubt she is but what if? I wouldn't either of them if it was working on "Saving the Galaxy" spy work and all that but what about other people?

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To be honest, I don't think BioWare is that inventive. Sadly. I'm about 99.9% it's a simple double-agent arc, with Lana being involved. The outfit name in the CM, the recording of the Mask Man conversation followed by the convenient interception...there's just too much there to deny now. There was so much potential for some great story, like a Great Spy Caper or something, if they'd have just involved the Outlander. But...NOPE.


Pretty much the only thing that would save it for me is if they somehow spun it that the Outlander was in the know the whole time.


I used to be the one defending them to the bitter end, but at this point, I don't have the strength anymore. I've learned to just expect the worst, and then I'm never disappointed (like with the Andronikos reunion that I completely called as a joke not intending to be right).


Oh, I think you're right, but I would love to see something more fun. I can handle the double agent arc if the kill option doesn't happen. If it does, well, then I will probably avoid running the story elements on any other characters, unless I simply have no choice. The traitor arc is bad enough, but if they put Theron on the chopping block there is no redeeming it.



Here's a Question I've wondered since the "Therons a Traitor and may get *The Option". So many have decided Theron isn't going to "Heel" like a proper Minion so he must *** as a consequence; what if Lana is also in on it ??

Would they also Terminate Lana for the same insubordination that Theron has shown? Considering her role in all of this, popularity, ...other issues? I doubt she is but what if? I wouldn't either of them if it was working on "Saving the Galaxy" spy work and all that but what about other people?


I think it's very likely Lana is in it on, but I have tried to stay away from anything that pits the Lana and Theron fans against each other. I am not at all a Lana fan, but I have friends who are and who don't like Theron anymore because of the Lana vs. Theron fans thing. This kill option stuff is getting old and I wish BW would just stop it, regardless of who is on the chopping block.

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I would definitely prefer some twist where it turns out our PC was in on the whole thing and we merely played along for the sake of subterfuge. That would sure as hell nix people's "But he lied to me and still betrayed me because he didn't tell me!". I won't mind so much that I as the player didn't know but I would prefer if my PC did know. Guess we'll see though, my expectations have taken a massive nosedive over the past year'ish.


If Lana's in on it I'd like the option to be angry with her, given her letter and behavior toward the situation which in my eyes was OTT, but I don't need or want a kill switch. Not for either of them.

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I would definitely prefer some twist where it turns out our PC was in on the whole thing and we merely played along for the sake of subterfuge. That would sure as hell nix people's "But he lied to me and still betrayed me because he didn't tell me!". I won't mind so much that I as the player didn't know but I would prefer if my PC did know. Guess we'll see though, my expectations have taken a massive nosedive over the past year'ish.


If Lana's in on it I'd like the option to be angry with her, given her letter and behavior toward the situation which in my eyes was OTT, but I don't need or want a kill switch. Not for either of them.


1. Even if there will be a "kill option" i won't use it, but Mr.Spy will get a dead mouse on his pillow or other punishment

2. If Lana knew, she gets two dead mice oh her pillow! :D

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To be honest, I don't think BioWare is that inventive. Sadly. I'm about 99.9% it's a simple double-agent arc, with Lana being involved. The outfit name in the CM, the recording of the Mask Man conversation followed by the convenient interception...there's just too much there to deny now. There was so much potential for some great story, like a Great Spy Caper or something, if they'd have just involved the Outlander. But...NOPE.


Pretty much the only thing that would save it for me is if they somehow spun it that the Outlander was in the know the whole time.


I used to be the one defending them to the bitter end, but at this point, I don't have the strength anymore. I've learned to just expect the worst, and then I'm never disappointed (like with the Andronikos reunion that I completely called as a joke not intending to be right).


I think he is out to protect the outlander and the people he has come to care about (Lana and that bro/sis thing theyve got going on, probably others too). I do think there is more to it then we know, why it had to be Theron and why we had to stay out of it. Theres something there, guess we will have to wait and see. Assuming it's all done right and we actually get to talk to him properly about it all. Better be one hell of a reunion, bioware has some making up to do to us fans for the crappy reunions of late and putting us all through this. Plus making us wait so long for this next FP.

Edited by Suzsi
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I think he is out to protect the outlander and the people he has come to care about (Lana and that bro/sis thing theyve got going on, probably others too). I do think there is more to it then we know, why it had to be Theron and why we had to stay out of it. Theres something there, guess we will have to wait and see. Assuming it's all done right and we actually get to talk to him properly about it all. Better be one hell of a reunion, bioware has some making up to do to us fans for the crappy reunions of late and putting us all through this. Plus making us wait so long for this next FP.


I think you'll be disappointed. There are entirely too many loose ends to be addressed in one FP, especially given the 2 minute nature the story has been taking lately. My guess is we'll probably get definitive proof that he's not working against us (if we're not the evil dictator he ranted about on the train or proof that he is if we are) and a better understanding of what the Order's motivations are, because that is still completely absent. I played through the chapters the other day with a new character and I got a perverse pleasure out of killing those crazies during that chapter. Heeheehee. The King of the Crazy People :D

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I think you'll be disappointed. There are entirely too many loose ends to be addressed in one FP, especially given the 2 minute nature the story has been taking lately. My guess is we'll probably get definitive proof that he's not working against us (if we're not the evil dictator he ranted about on the train or proof that he is if we are) and a better understanding of what the Order's motivations are, because that is still completely absent. I played through the chapters the other day with a new character and I got a perverse pleasure out of killing those crazies during that chapter. Heeheehee. The King of the Crazy People :D


I believe the devs have stated that the "traitor" arc will be concluded in 5.9...so whatever happens with Theron I think that's it for us...whether that means he's back or ??


Which could very well mean that he's back with us and we're fighting the Order on a larger scale with the upcoming expansion (with whatever faction we sided with on Iokath). I think that would be a likely turn of events.

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I still... well I'd say believe but it is honestly closer to hope, that all of Theron's reasons will come to light in the Nathema FP coming up. An explanation for not only why he did what he did but why he felt he couldn't tell us, and both had better be damn good. I don't expect a conclusion for this whole Order of Zildrog thing, I suspect we're only now really getting to the start of that and this was a lead-in to uncovering their activities (á la SoR preludes). They could become the new 'bad' we all fight, amidst some traditional Imp vs. Pub stuff, in 6.0.


Whatever it is though, please, don't let it be further Sith Emperor stuff. I'm a little concerned it might be (Nathema, the Emperor's vaults, a superweapon made/owned by the Emperor, an Order of fanatics, Charles' Tweet that we'll see that obelisk thing from the Dark Sanctum aboard the Gravestone again, which called out to both Senya and Valkorion) but maybe all of that leads up to something else instead. Perhaps the Order is looking to bring Zildrog himself back to the world. Then again, one of the alternative names of Zildrog is Izax so, who knows?


It would be so cool if they did something so creative and entirely unexpected with this. I dare not hope, it feels they mostly have a spinning wheel with story tropes hanging in their office and throw the occasional dart to grasp at a plot but we'll see.


Oh, and PS; Bioware if you're reading, hi, and please give me a very loving, very warm make-up/reunion cutscene with Theron. I need it after all you've put us through. Ty!

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I think you'll be disappointed. There are entirely too many loose ends to be addressed in one FP, especially given the 2 minute nature the story has been taking lately. My guess is we'll probably get definitive proof that he's not working against us (if we're not the evil dictator he ranted about on the train or proof that he is if we are) and a better understanding of what the Order's motivations are, because that is still completely absent. I played through the chapters the other day with a new character and I got a perverse pleasure out of killing those crazies during that chapter. Heeheehee. The King of the Crazy People :D


I believe the double, triple, centerium agent story itself will end with Nathema, but all that crap from Umbara, Copero and now Nathema will be completely addressed in 6.0. How did I come to this conclusion? It's simple, in Forged Alliances, we first meet Theron and Lana with the 3 or 4 flashpoints that it was Revan. Then we have Rishi and Yavin 4 with those two and the crap we dealt with for Revan. Then they met us again on Ziost which began the oh noes, the tadpoles! with Valkorian/Vitiate/Emperor and we got the looooooooooooooong two expansions on Zakuul and Odessen.


So even though we have 2, going on 3, flashpoints right now, Umbara, Copero and soon Nathema, it's going to set it up for 6.0. 5.10 maybe be like a Ziost type of deal, or it's just a patch for more companions.


I truly, TRULY believe that Lana is in on the 'traitor' thing. Remember what she did on Rishi? Yeah, Theron doesn't wipe his butt without Lana there knowing about it, and vice versa. So, even though she put on a big show of 'oh no he didn't!!' about him being a 'traitor', what makes me pissed off, is that neither of these two told us, the Commander of the Alliance about it.


Either they personally don't really like us cause we're dark 5 and evil, or they think we'll go and tell mommy because we're light 5. The neutral players, meh pick one. So, when I see Theron again, I am definitely not going to kill him, or banish him, but I hope Bioware gives us an option to punch him like I did to Koth for putting a Quantum bomb on the Gravestone.

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I still... well I'd say believe but it is honestly closer to hope, that all of Theron's reasons will come to light in the Nathema FP coming up. An explanation for not only why he did what he did but why he felt he couldn't tell us, and both had better be damn good. I don't expect a conclusion for this whole Order of Zildrog thing, I suspect we're only now really getting to the start of that and this was a lead-in to uncovering their activities (á la SoR preludes). They could become the new 'bad' we all fight, amidst some traditional Imp vs. Pub stuff, in 6.0.


Whatever it is though, please, don't let it be further Sith Emperor stuff. I'm a little concerned it might be (Nathema, the Emperor's vaults, a superweapon made/owned by the Emperor, an Order of fanatics, Charles' Tweet that we'll see that obelisk thing from the Dark Sanctum aboard the Gravestone again, which called out to both Senya and Valkorion) but maybe all of that leads up to something else instead. Perhaps the Order is looking to bring Zildrog himself back to the world. Then again, one of the alternative names of Zildrog is Izax so, who knows?


It would be so cool if they did something so creative and entirely unexpected with this. I dare not hope, it feels they mostly have a spinning wheel with story tropes hanging in their office and throw the occasional dart to grasp at a plot but we'll see.


Oh, and PS; Bioware if you're reading, hi, and please give me a very loving, very warm make-up/reunion cutscene with Theron. I need it after all you've put us through. Ty!


I'm pretty sure it'll be an info dump in Nathema, or right after in the little room Lana hangs out at before a FP. He'll say why he did it, or why they did it, we can either boohoo at him and get all smoochy, or we get annoyed and kick him in the cajones. Either way, all the flashpoints will be for 6.0.


As for which side we'll represent? I am 99.99999999999% sure it'll be the side we chose on Iokath. So if you loved the Empire on your SW, but thought 'meh, what the heck, I'll go Republic!' on Iokath, well, now you're fighting for the Republic. I could be wrong and we stick with what we've been since Vanilla, empire vs republic, you a sw are empire til you die. *shrug*

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I'm glad that you found some fiction you enjoy, but that sounds nothing like Quinn. He has a backbone, but I can't ever imagine him express it like that. Though I can absolutely see him objecting the wording used is so far removed from his dialogue in game. But that just shows how different we see him and why the writers have a hard time accommodating expectations.


I thought the romance on Iokath was brilliant (though I of course wanted more). It wasn't about the betrayal, but rather that he realized many years had passed and his wife might have moved on. The letter we got was also sweet and fitted his character well.


The one after umbrara was also appropriate. Of course he can't help thinking of his own betrayal, when faced with that. And that letter shows backbone Quinn of really well. He is so pissed and even calls the sw "my love".


My major critique of the recent content is that his wife should call him " Malavai" and not Quinn. And they overdid the "my lord" part, where he should have said "my love" at least once.


Trust me, if you haven't actually read it, you'll see he's still respectful in public, but he's a normal spouse in private. Just because someone is a sith lord, doesn't mean your spouse has to be a weeny. I seriously doubt, a dark side, or light side sith warrior would marry Quinn just for him to continue to butt kiss and be all passive. That's not Quinn. I have tons and tons of characters. I've seen youtube videos, done the stories multiple times myself, etc. He might say 'my lord' in public, but he's not someone to piss off. I swear sometimes people forget how he was on Balmorra, that doesn't scream weeny to me.

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I believe the double, triple, centerium agent story itself will end with Nathema, but all that crap from Umbara, Copero and now Nathema will be completely addressed in 6.0. How did I come to this conclusion? It's simple, in Forged Alliances, we first meet Theron and Lana with the 3 or 4 flashpoints that it was Revan. Then we have Rishi and Yavin 4 with those two and the crap we dealt with for Revan. Then they met us again on Ziost which began the oh noes, the tadpoles! with Valkorian/Vitiate/Emperor and we got the looooooooooooooong two expansions on Zakuul and Odessen.


So even though we have 2, going on 3, flashpoints right now, Umbara, Copero and soon Nathema, it's going to set it up for 6.0. 5.10 maybe be like a Ziost type of deal, or it's just a patch for more companions.


I truly, TRULY believe that Lana is in on the 'traitor' thing. Remember what she did on Rishi? Yeah, Theron doesn't wipe his butt without Lana there knowing about it, and vice versa. So, even though she put on a big show of 'oh no he didn't!!' about him being a 'traitor', what makes me pissed off, is that neither of these two told us, the Commander of the Alliance about it.


Either they personally don't really like us cause we're dark 5 and evil, or they think we'll go and tell mommy because we're light 5. The neutral players, meh pick one. So, when I see Theron again, I am definitely not going to kill him, or banish him, but I hope Bioware gives us an option to punch him like I did to Koth for putting a Quantum bomb on the Gravestone.


I just hope who we chose on Iokath (or our original faction) doesn't have an effect on if we get to keep one or the other between Theron and Lana. My SI needs to keep her Republic boy!

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I just hope who we chose on Iokath (or our original faction) doesn't have an effect on if we get to keep one or the other between Theron and Lana. My SI needs to keep her Republic boy!


I don't think it does. Theron and Lana are like Salt and Pepper shakers, just doesn't work without the other. I don't know about the other million companions, but I'd assume they'd both stay with us.

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Trust me, if you haven't actually read it, you'll see he's still respectful in public, but he's a normal spouse in private. Just because someone is a sith lord, doesn't mean your spouse has to be a weeny. I seriously doubt, a dark side, or light side sith warrior would marry Quinn just for him to continue to butt kiss and be all passive. That's not Quinn. I have tons and tons of characters. I've seen youtube videos, done the stories multiple times myself, etc. He might say 'my lord' in public, but he's not someone to piss off. I swear sometimes people forget how he was on Balmorra, that doesn't scream weeny to me.


I don't think Quinn is a weenie at all...that's just the way the Imperial lifestyle is. If the Warrior wants to sleep around, he's not going to stand in her way. Because Sith Privilege. That doesn't do anything for me personally, which is why my main character is an Inquisitor with a thing for Republic boys (Andronikos and Theron), lol. She has no patience for exhaustive Imperial self-flagellation.


My Warrior ended up with Pierce...who seems to have worked the stick out at least a little bit. :p

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I don't think Quinn is a weenie at all...that's just the way the Imperial lifestyle is. If the Warrior wants to sleep around, he's not going to stand in her way. Because Sith Privilege. That doesn't do anything for me personally, which is why my main character is an Inquisitor with a thing for Republic boys (Andronikos and Theron), lol. She has no patience for exhaustive Imperial self-flagellation.


My Warrior ended up with Pierce...who seems to have worked the stick out at least a little bit. :p


I have to say this...


EEEEW, Pierce! lol


I get you, but still. *sigh* Well, my characters, who are all related, except for like 10 maybe out of 54, are all light side 5 and the family (my toons) are ALL goofy goofballs. So my sw actually gets annoyed when/if Quinn is all passive around her. She prefers him questioning her motives and such. Only because even though he's NOT force sensitive, she sees him as her equal since they're married.

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I don't think it does. Theron and Lana are like Salt and Pepper shakers, just doesn't work without the other. I don't know about the other million companions, but I'd assume they'd both stay with us.


Yeah, I get it...I just think it could feel a little off depending on how deep they go with the "we're taking things back to Imp vs Pub." Granted Theron has stated numerous times that the Republic he loved and fought for is gone, I still can't imagine him taking an active role in wanting to see it crushed into the dirt. Nor could I really imagine him happy going back. Or Lana. They've both grown beyond that. As have our characters. I know my canon Outlander would have no interest in falling in line behind Acina.

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I have to say this...


EEEEW, Pierce! lol


I get you, but still. *sigh* Well, my characters, who are all related, except for like 10 maybe out of 54, are all light side 5 and the family (my toons) are ALL goofy goofballs. So my sw actually gets annoyed when/if Quinn is all passive around her. She prefers him questioning her motives and such. Only because even though he's NOT force sensitive, she sees him as her equal since they're married.


I love Pierce, lol. He doesn't get nearly enough luvins. :p


She married Quinn first (not sure who lost a bet on that one) and then after the Quinn-cident, Pierce was the one to pick up the pieces. I get why people like him (Quinn), and he's a complex character...he just doesn't trip my trolley. He's Imperial through and through and it just gets tiresome after a while. Like the whole baby letter he sends all I could hear in my head was that Iron Maiden song "Run to the Hills..." I mean, Pierce is Imperial too, but he's "scum" to someone like Quinn because he's not Kaasian. He's on a lower level, and he's a bit more relaxed. Enter the joke I have with my friend about Pierce being Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. :D

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Well, in order to get Vowrawn, they would have had to have gone with the Republic, correct? So he'd be the enemy anyways. :p

I know which is just cruel! Gah! My Sith Warrior would love to serve Vowrawn or hell, rule with him, their own little new Council. Can't stand Acina and no way in hell my SW would side Republic, ergo she's stuck with Acina, ergo she's not happy and may just headcanon kill the hell out Acina and party with Vowrawn anyhows. :t_angel:

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Quite a few of my Outlanders would happily work under Vowrawn though... *whistles*


I have this feeling Vowrawn is gay. Not bisexual like Theron, Lana, Koth and Arcann, but straight up gay. There's just something about him that lends me that way. But I'm not good at that, so I'm probably a zillion miles away from thinking what he does and doesn't like. Now, Arcann? I pictured him straight, but because both sides wanted him, they made him player sexual. Which makes me sad ONLY because as I've said numerous times, I just want variety in possible LIs. :(

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Well, in order to get Vowrawn, they would have had to have gone with the Republic, correct? So he'd be the enemy anyways. :p


Way off topic, but I'm on AO3 also! I can't say outloud cause I used my real name. I may have to change it tho.

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