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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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And we actively avoided said planet. Thus, we were not competing against said guild.


I think i have done a very good job being incredibly logical here. Yiu on the other hand do not show me any proof. For data to have any form of statistical significance you must be comparing similar data.

How would you propose avoiding said planet when they would put up those numbers on all of the planets? I'm curious to see your logic. And try to think outside of your own guilds bubble when you look at how it has impacted the game, unless your motive is personal gain and not game balance. It's up to you, but your decision will ring loudly going forward.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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How would you propose avoiding said planet when they would put up those numbers on all of the planets? I'm curious to see your logic. And try to think outside of your own guilds bubble when you look at how it has impacted the game, unless your motive is personal gain and not game balance. It's up to you, but your decision will ring loudly going forward.


NOW they might put up the same numbers but in the previous conquest system you can't say that as each planet had different bonuses for the objectives. If invading Alderaan gave you a bonus of +200 for each Heroic you did, but Tatoinne didn't, and they invaded Alderaan, they'd get that extra +200 for every single Heroic. That would make their overall numbers larger than if they had invaded Tatoinne. There are no such bonuses in this new conquest system.


The past few weeks have shown CLEARLY that this new system isn't working as very few guilds (L,M,S) are making the quota BW has assigned. What many people had taken from the posts about changes to conquest was that the smaller guilds wouldn't have to fight against the larger guilds AT ALL. Most of the people I've discussed this issue with were under the impression, and not falsely mind you, that the smaller guilds would have planets to chose from and fight against each other. Medium guilds the same, and the larger guilds fighting only against larger guilds. That isn't what we got. We got larger guilds that are going after the small quota planet because they know they can't make the medium or large quota, or because they need the planet (though I very much believe that isn't the case as most of the large guilds already have the title for winning all planets).


You're not going to change our minds in regards to this new conquest system. We don't like it, it didn't need such drastic changes to it, and what we HAD asked for we didn't even get. END.OF.STORY.


This thread is for us to give our opinions and feedback to the developers. Not to argue with other players on why we feel the way we feel. You don't have to agree, but stop trying to antagonize and bait us. We get it. You love the new system. Good for you. WE don't and have every right to discuss it without having to continually defend ourselves against you.

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I haven't even logged into the game in about a week because the content I enjoy running is dead, thanks to the above.


And I've noticed that the white knighters still haven't come up with a rebuttal to this dumpster fire of a conquest experience. So far, they've just skipped over it. I wonder why. :rolleyes:

Not that I'm a white knighter, but I'm curious why you didn't switch to your healer. Was completing conquest on your dps more important than actually playing the game?


If yes, then you are at the mercy of open group advertising, or advertise your own - just like any other content in the game that seeks a specific group makeup. Or possibly even move your healer to the same guild as your DPS (if the goal was to have conquest points go to that guild)


If no, then you should've swapped and had fun.


The decision is yours to make, like everyone else. The other dps in that group likely faced a similar decision, but were lucky enough (or fast enough) to get the slots ahead of you.


It's not a conquest issue, it's a mindset issue. The same issue has been present in dozens of areas of the game, since launch, and it hasn't been voiced until conquest changed. That leads me to believe it's not conquest related, its playerbase related, as in the inability to understand or adapt adequately. Perhaps conquest was the straw that broke the camels back, but changing conquest does not fix all the other areas where this is a problem, so is it really a problem?

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How would you propose avoiding said planet when they would put up those numbers on all of the planets? I'm curious to see your logic. And try to think outside of your own guilds bubble when you look at how it has impacted the game, unless your motive is personal gain and not game balance. It's up to you, but your decision will ring loudly going forward.


There were generally multiple planets to choose from, or did that fact escape you? Ergo, I would choose a planet where I expected there to be smaller or less competition for the board. The numbers i used for the current system were likewise based on the small planet only.


Besides which, as I've said, unless you have upwards of 30 data points the analysis is practically guaranteed to be statistically insignificant anyway.


The point being - none of us can say with certainty whether the gap has lessened or increased. Smaller numbers are meaningless because its essentially deflation; a point now is actually worth MORE than a point was before and thus a direct comparison of numbers and saying "oh lookie guild XXXX has 8 mill rather than 40" is meaningless without adjusting for the deflation in value.


Besides which, in sentiment I agree with this:

This isn't really about numbers.


The most important detail is the new conquest system sucks. It's not fun. It's not alt-friendly. It's rigid and forces players to follow strict order of instructions instead of being free-flowing.


When anything has more negatives than positives, it's considered a failure. It's time for BW to recognize this, and for once listen to the players and make drastic changes to make conquest fun again. For the players.


I tend to prefer to make objective arguments but subjectively speaking conquest is not fun for me any more. At best I will be finishing my guild ship and stop pushing. At worst, the slow rate of return will make me give up on it entirely.


Lhance is right - I and many others do not appreciate being told what we should find fun.


And finally, as others have mentioned, this negatively impacts people who do not participate in conquest as well. A discussion I had trying to get pugs to fill out the group finder op:

Lf4m any role xxx sm gf

3 people whisoer me "dps" - the first 2 are both sent dps which leaves me needing a healer and a tank or fake tank

I ask the third dude "you a healer or dps w/ taunt"

No a sniper

Do you have a healer, tank, or dps w/ taunt

Yea but i need thr conquest points on this toon

Sorry man, good luck


And the 2 of us both spend another 20-30 minutes trying to find groups, because he couldnt swap to a healer or dwt because he needed conquest on a sniper.


This is the ultimate failure of thr new system- it punishes everyone whether they partake in conquest or not.

Edited by KendraP
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I haven't even logged into the game in about a week because the content I enjoy running is dead, thanks to the above.


And I've noticed that the white knighters still haven't come up with a rebuttal to this dumpster fire of a conquest experience. So far, they've just skipped over it. I wonder why. :rolleyes:


This just in: Conquests has always been a pointless dumpster fire -- minuscule monetary rewards, 3 year old achievements, useless mats, and 3 year old decorations. The only benefit to doing conquests is getting to see your crappy guild in the top 10. But in the end, no one really cares. Because high conquests points do not equate skill.


Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll or white knight. This isn't FauxNews where everyone is either liberal or conservative.



PS - The main disappointing fact is that the Conquests update did not make it BETTER. It's just more of the same.... maybe even slightly worse. It's nothing but change for change's sake.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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This just in: Conquests has always been a pointless dumpster fire -- minuscule monetary rewards, 3 year old achievements, useless mats, and 3 year old decorations. The only benefit to doing conquests is getting to see your crappy guild in the top 10. But in the end, no one really cares. Because high conquests points do not equate skill.


Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll or white knight. This isn't FauxNews where everyone is either liberal or conservative.



PS - The main disappointing fact is that the Conquests update did not make it BETTER. It's just more of the same.... maybe even slightly worse.


For me. Its substantially worse as I no longer get as large a rate of return on my primary reason for participating. And, as I outlined in my conversation with the sniper, it affects such basic things as getting groups together.

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For me. Its substantially worse as I no longer get as large a rate of return on my primary reason for participating. And, as I outlined in my conversation with the sniper, it affects such basic things as getting groups together.


At least he did admit that it wasn't improved on.


Sounds like he doesn't really care one way or the other. That's fine. It just means any of his feedback will be overlooked. Then again, most of this feedback is probably going to be overlooked and discarded.


Oh, btw, snipers have to have excellent accuracy and not take pot-shots wildly in the dark.

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At least he did admit that it wasn't improved on.


Sounds like he doesn't really care one way or the other. That's fine. It just means any of his feedback will be overlooked. Then again, most of this feedback is probably going to be overlooked and discarded.


Oh, btw, snipers have to have excellent accuracy and not take pot-shots wildly in the dark.


Lol i know, unfortunately they cant heal though XD


And yeah, I'm not trying to knock him personally, just point out that, in effect this has hurt everyone and helped practically no one.

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I have said before that guild health is extremely important to this game: Conquests, Operations, PvP, GSF, etc. So if Conquests is supposedly better, it does not matter -- because the perception is that is worse. If people are actually losing interest in their Conquest routine, then they are more likely to lose interest in SWTOR. That's the problem.


The devs have begun to focus on group-friendly activities, such as Operations. They also created new flashpoints (meh). They tried revamping Conquests. These things are great for guild health... if people enjoy them.


BWA please stop making mediocre, half-arsed changes for no apparent reason or benefit.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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There were generally multiple planets to choose from, or did that fact escape you? Ergo, I would choose a planet where I expected there to be smaller or less competition for the board. The numbers i used for the current system were likewise based on the small planet only.

I just told you the scores were on ALL planets, every week. So no, it didn't escape me. Feel free to re-read for a better understanding of what I wrote before.


Besides which, as I've said, unless you have upwards of 30 data points the analysis is practically guaranteed to be statistically insignificant anyway.

If you are looking for trends I agree. If you are simply looking at maximum impact, it provides sufficient analysis since we know the highest values, and the lowest value (which could even be 0).


You can punch in 30 different randomly generated values against the highest value 55million, and see that it improved the percentage difference for every one of the smaller amounts. It doesnt require true values, unless you want to see how much YOUR specific guild has improved.

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Lhance is right - I and many others do not appreciate being told what we should find fun.

How ironic is that?


If you dont like pvp, are you forced to pvp?

If you dont like raiding, are you forced to raid?

If you dont like conquest anymore, are you forced to participate?


It's no different than any other aspect of the game in that respect. You dont like it? choose to do it or not.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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The bonuses applied to all guilds, so it's a constant. The percentage difference improved, bringing small guilds closer to large guilds production. That was as advertised.


And again you've missed the whole point of the response either intentionally or just because you can't remember where the conversation started. Let me refresh your memory.


Instead of 7194804, calculate against 20 million, or even 50 million, which a certain guild used to get weekly in the old system.


They are no longer capable of that percentage difference on a regular basis like the were before.


And we actively avoided said planet. Thus, we were not competing against said guild.


How would you propose avoiding said planet when they would put up those numbers on all of the planets? I'm curious to see your logic.


NOW they might put up the same numbers but in the previous conquest system you can't say that as each planet had different bonuses for the objectives. If invading Alderaan gave you a bonus of +200 for each Heroic you did, but Tatoinne didn't, and they invaded Alderaan, they'd get that extra +200 for every single Heroic. That would make their overall numbers larger than if they had invaded Tatoinne. There are no such bonuses in this new conquest system.


As you can see, I was responding to how they wouldn't put up the same numbers for all the planets as the bonuses applied to the objectives differed depending on the planet chosen for that particular week. The new system, yes, they could put up the same numbers no matter which planet they choose to invade, but not under the old system. And I do understand that the smaller guilds had that same advantage with the bonuses but you're missing the point that the smaller guilds couldn't compete with the larger guilds due to:


A) Larger guilds have more members overall

B) Larger guilds have members that have more alts overall


Hence why the smaller guilds would avoid placing themselves on a planet that they saw a larger guild already invading. They knew they stood no chance of beating them for first and the title and unless they were really lucky, may just make the board in 10th place and get the Guild Rewards for their members. Between OP lock-out runs, crafting, and the heroics - just to name a few things - the larger guilds had the advantage due to overwhelming numbers of members or members with massive amounts of alts. AGAIN, this is about the OLD conquest system, so don't lose sight of that when responding - if you do so - as twisting our responses seems to be a talent of yours.



Whether I change anyone's mind is up to each individual, but countering the complaints can void them and leave only the true issues with the system to be fixed.


What you consider the true issues to be is not what many of us consider the true issues to be. You are trying to change our minds to fit your viewpoint, and I just pointed out that at this point we're not changing our minds. Other people reading this thread can make up their own minds if what WE feel is wrong with the system from our point-of-view fits their point-of-view as well. If it doesn't, then they can post their feedback to the devs. In fact, why don't you just make a new post and direct it to the devs stating why you feel this system works so well for you and your guild? Why keep rebutting trying to change how we feel to reflect how you feel?


You dont need to argue with me. I'm not arguing with anyone here. I'm pointing out flaws with the specific feedback.


That is your opinion and not fact. Considering most of your posts keep twisting what was actually being discussed most of the time..... Well....nuff said.

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As you can see, I was responding to how they wouldn't put up the same numbers for all the planets as the bonuses applied to the objectives differed depending on the planet chosen for that particular week. The new system, yes, they could put up the same numbers no matter which planet they choose to invade, but not under the old system. And I do understand that the smaller guilds had that same advantage with the bonuses but you're missing the point that the smaller guilds couldn't compete with the larger guilds due to:


A) Larger guilds have more members overall

B) Larger guilds have members that have more alts overall

I didn't say they put up the exact same numbers on every planet, but they consistently put up 20-50 million points every week, on each planet, regardless of planet and planet bonuses. Obviously the more the bonus, the more points. And no guild was able to avoid any of those point totals. I remember many times that BBB won every planet by a landslide, all thanks to the old system.


If you are talking about something else, perhaps you need to help me understand better.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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I didn't say they put up the exact same numbers on every planet, but they consistently put up 20-50 million points every week, regardless of planet and planet bonuses. Obviously the more the bonus, the more points. And no guild was able to avoid any of those point totals. I remember many times that BBB won every planet by a landslide, all thanks to the old system.


If you are talking about something else, perhaps you need to help me understand better.


They avoided it by not choosing the same planet to invade. A Guild can't win every planet in a given week unless they have multiple sister/brother guilds as a guild can only chose 1 planet to invade.


Maybe that is what BBB did, I don't know. I do know that before the server merge on the Ebon Hawk there were a few guilds that joined up so they wouldn't continue competing with each other and each chose a particular planet to invade so that all the guilds would win. The members of those guilds had at least one character in each guild, got their conquest points on those other characters, and were able to get the achievement title faster since all the guilds were able to win the planet they'd chosen. In some ways this hurt the smaller guilds as they had no chance to win the planets, but in others it also helped them as these larger guilds split up between the planets and didn't just overrun one completely - leaving the smaller guilds the chance to at least make the board those weeks. Depending on the goal of the smaller guilds, of course. Those that just wanted to make the board found it a winning situation for them. Those that wanted to win the planet and the title didn't like it one bit.

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I just did math for the old and new conquest numbers of the top guild on my server, and compared them to your guilds numbers, and there was approx 15% closer difference in new conquest totals. So, many small guilds just gained 15% more productivity without having to lift a finger.


For someone intent on lecturing others to focus on Conquest as it is now, you keep retreating to a fundamental error.


The gap between guilds only matters for 1st place in the current system. It is completely moot in terms of getting the rewards. Your 'productivity' stat is meaningless in context. No one is competing with the top big guilds for first place, in any tier. And there is no other competition in the system, period.


As a leader of a small guild, my feedback is essentially the same as all the others' here: We used to enjoy the focus on activities that Conquest provided, and we occasionally made the leaderboards when the week was right and we planned sufficiently ahead. We did this by playing alts, crafting, etc. These avenues are no longer open to us in the new system due to the combination of lower numbers of repeatable activities overall, lower point yield for all activities, extreme changes to related crafting recipes, and alt-unfriendly restrictions. We were never in it to win a planet, and that was fine by us - we recognize that's not a realistic goal for a group our size. But what used to be a realistic goal was occasionally making enough points with enough characters to get encryptions to unlock our guild ship.


We thought the new system would help us, as we'd no longer be competing directly with other, larger guilds for a place in the rankings. We'd be able to make a specific point total, known in advance - a nice bit of certainty lacking in the old system. We weren't sure how the tiers would work, but we didn't think they'd harm us as we were never in a position to conquer a planet anyway; though we did think the lowest tier would be achievable by small guilds like ours since Bioware actively told us that small guild were going to benefit from the new system (and we'd already proven we could benefit in the old). However, the implementation has had the opposite effect. We play less overall, we queue less for group things, and so forth. The changes that came with 5.8 were minimal, and did not improve. The changes specified so far for 5.9 will not do enough to improve the factors I laid out above.


You have repeatedly insisted that small guilds like mine have somehow benefited from these changes, but I and others in my situation have experience to the contrary. We are presenting that experience as feedback, as requested by Bioware. You can theorycraft all you want about whys and wherefores, but at the end of the day it's experience in the game that matters - because when that experience is no longer fun, the game loses customers. Customers like those in my guild, and me. That is sad, because as you might infer from my forum id number, I've been here a while.

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They avoided it by not choosing the same planet to invade. A Guild can't win every planet in a given week unless they have multiple sister/brother guilds as a guild can only chose 1 planet to invade.

They have 3 imp and 3 pub guilds, and conquered everything. I would surmise they are a huge reason for the change.

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As you can see, I was responding to how they wouldn't put up the same numbers for all the planets as the bonuses applied to the objectives differed depending on the planet chosen for that particular week. The new system, yes, they could put up the same numbers no matter which planet they choose to invade, but not under the old system. And I do understand that the smaller guilds had that same advantage with the bonuses but you're missing the point that the smaller guilds couldn't compete with the larger guilds due to:


A) Larger guilds have more members overall

B) Larger guilds have members that have more alts overall


Hence why the smaller guilds would avoid placing themselves on a planet that they saw a larger guild already invading. They knew they stood no chance of beating them for first and the title and unless they were really lucky, may just make the board in 10th place and get the Guild Rewards for their members. Between OP lock-out runs, crafting, and the heroics - just to name a few things - the larger guilds had the advantage due to overwhelming numbers of members or members with massive amounts of alts. AGAIN, this is about the OLD conquest system, so don't lose sight of that when responding - if you do so - as twisting our responses seems to be a talent of yours.


Youre absolutely correct on the planetary bonuses effecting point totals even for the larger guilds.

Regarding A) and B): In the old conquest system thats not completely accurate. Small guilds had a much better chance of competing against large guilds. Larger guilds couldnt hold as many alts as the smaller guilds, they had more active members but that was it. On crafting weeks, my small guild annihilated larger guilds left and right because we had a very small handful of dedicated crafters with quite a few alts that were crafting ready (includes 8 comp at high levels per alt). A lot of the larger guilds didnt get on the crafting train due to its expense and they thought they could get by with just the number of active players. On herioc weeks (Nar Shaddaa, Hoth, Balmorra etc), we were able to stay on top 5 easily due to being able to run that many alts through the heroics. Re Operation Lockouts: not only large guilds took advantage of that system. Whenever we were in a tight spot for first, we would run them too. Most the time we just ran the full op 3-6 times a night to help our guildies cap their toons, cxp and to help gear out alts.


Currently, small guilds arent able to compete anymore for top 10 due to the restrictions on alts and crafting. Yes, I understand they dont need to make top 10 to get the rewards; but its much harder on them to even make the min required to get the rewards.


I loved crafting weeks, because we always got to see the smaller guilds on the board and some of them winning planets. A lot of people complain about the crafting bombs, but few realize how crafting was the most even and fair playing field across the board. You had to put in the work to see the rewards. Crafting was available to everyone: lower level, solo player, group focused player. We even got a few of our pvp focused members excited about crafting; they either crafted or farmed mats for the guild in between pvp matches. Crafting weeks involved strategic planning and prepping far far in advance. For those complaining about the 10mil conquest points on the board the first day.... that was my small guild and all the hard work they put into the prep time and 98% of that was not preloaded (when you have 8 level 50 comps on 20+ alts, you can put out those numbers easily). When you dedicate that much time, effort and credits, you should get rewarded for it. We were literally "david" taking out "goliath".


(stepping down from my soap box)

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For someone intent on lecturing others to focus on Conquest as it is now, you keep retreating to a fundamental error.


The gap between guilds only matters for 1st place in the current system. It is completely moot in terms of getting the rewards. Your 'productivity' stat is meaningless in context. No one is competing with the top big guilds for first place, in any tier. And there is no other competition in the system, period.

The fundamental flaw in your argument is that you're wrong. As has been voiced in these threads many times, there are small guilds want to be #1, and have competed against the #1 guild, and have expressed concern at the old system not allowing them to reach those disproportional point totals. Again, the new system separated them, so at worst they compete against the 3rd largest guild, and again, the percentage point difference is improved.


I dont think anything else needs to be addressed until you understand that.

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I loved crafting weeks, because we always got to see the smaller guilds on the board and some of them winning planets. A lot of people complain about the crafting bombs, but few realize how crafting was the most even and fair playing field across the board. You had to put in the work to see the rewards. Crafting was available to everyone: lower level, solo player, group focused player. We even got a few of our pvp focused members excited about crafting; they either crafted or farmed mats for the guild in between pvp matches. Crafting weeks involved strategic planning and prepping far far in advance. For those complaining about the 10mil conquest points on the board the first day.... that was my small guild and all the hard work they put into the prep time and 98% of that was not preloaded (when you have 8 level 50 comps on 20+ alts, you can put out those numbers easily). When you dedicate that much time, effort and credits, you should get rewarded for it. We were literally "david" taking out "goliath".


(stepping down from my soap box)


:D Personally speaking I love the soap box approach.


You're correct as I was also one of the top in my guild on crafting weeks pulling over 10 million alone on all my characters due to prepping ahead of time. It was a chore, but worth it when it helped us stay on the board and those lovely encryptions started to pour in on Tuesday's. ;)


The larger guilds were still able to win the planets, most of the time, but on those weeks I didn't really care. My focus was just making the Top 10. My guild couldn't afford the time and cost to compete for the top spot, even with all the Alts our members had - they were still able to outperform us - but that could've just been server related too at the time. I'll admit since the server merge we've not even put ourselves on a planet every week as many members just had conquest-burnout. :(

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Thought I'd chime in with my thoughts on this. I'm not going to rehash what many others have said. I agree with the majority here.


The new conquest system sucks. It sucks bad.


That those few who defend it can't see the ramifications of what this change has caused is beyond me. But I'll not be one to bang my head against a wall trying to explain it to them.


It used to bother me a little when I saw someone say "BioFail." Now it's pretty ironic and fitting at the same time.


And for the "record" I have cancelled my account as well.

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The fundamental flaw in your argument is that you're wrong. As has been voiced in these threads many times, there are small guilds want to be #1, and have competed against the #1 guild, and have expressed concern at the old system not allowing them to reach those disproportional point totals. Again, the new system separated them, so at worst they compete against the 3rd largest guild, and again, the percentage point difference is improved.


I dont think anything else needs to be addressed until you understand that.


The flawed logic is yours.


First, I am not wrong - the only competition point in the new system is first place. No other rank is relevant.


Second, those small guilds are still not able to compete with the large guilds for first place in the new system. You have been shown, many times, the gap between the first place guilds on each server and the next guilds. The factors that now make close competition impossible are as I and many other posters have outlined ad nauseum.


There is no competition for first, which is the only position for which the new system counts competition at all.


And all of that is completely aside from the fact that not all small guilds do, in fact, compete for planets - a valid point you appear to think you can will away by ignoring it.

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I didn't say they put up the exact same numbers on every planet, but they consistently put up 20-50 million points every week, on each planet, regardless of planet and planet bonuses. Obviously the more the bonus, the more points. And no guild was able to avoid any of those point totals. I remember many times that BBB won every planet by a landslide, all thanks to the old system.


If you are talking about something else, perhaps you need to help me understand better.


They didnt win because of the old system. They won on all their alt guilds because they strategically moved conquest focused players to each guild that was on the board adding points then jumping to the next one. They recruited conquest focused active members and stayed on top of kicking inactive members or non conquesting members. This new system didnt hurt them, they were already down to two guilds and much lower on their member and conquest numbers before the new system was in play.

But you are forgetting one key component: they didnt win every planet on every week. They got beat just like every other large guild out there. The old system actually helped the smaller guilds go after these large guilds and win.


If youre in favor of this new system soley to show them up; you need to at least have your facts straight. This new system is not the even playing field you keep saying it is.

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:D Personally speaking I love the soap box approach.


You're correct as I was also one of the top in my guild on crafting weeks pulling over 10 million alone on all my characters due to prepping ahead of time. It was a chore, but worth it when it helped us stay on the board and those lovely encryptions started to pour in on Tuesday's. ;)


The larger guilds were still able to win the planets, most of the time, but on those weeks I didn't really care. My focus was just making the Top 10. My guild couldn't afford the time and cost to compete for the top spot, even with all the Alts our members had - they were still able to outperform us - but that could've just been server related too at the time. I'll admit since the server merge we've not even put ourselves on a planet every week as many members just had conquest-burnout. :(


Eek! Another hardcore crafter! <3 Completely understandable, its hard in a small guild to get others to get on your crafting level sometimes like pulling teeth lol. I was extremely lucky and found a few like minded individuals who became my "NecroCrafters". It was def a chore, but it helped build guild morale and got more people involved in guild activities. Conquest Burnout is something i can def relate to... we took a few weeks here and there off as well, you have to do whats best for your guilds morale!

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That those few who defend it can't see the ramifications of what this change has caused is beyond me. But I'll not be one to bang my head against a wall trying to explain it to them.

People are naive to think it didn't negatively affect some people, obviously many of those voicing their concerns here. But this game shouldn't be balanced behind the voice of the few, but instead the actions of the many. BW has acknowledged the system isn't perfect, and wasn't tweaked perfectly, so they are in the process of correctly tweaking it. It obviously didn't have as tremendous an impact as is being discussed on the forums, or they likely would have went back to 5.7.

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