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Unsubscriber rewards.


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Shouldn't you be calling the new shae and nico give away "unsubcriber rewards"? In all fairness the only people being rewarded are the ones that weren't paying you during the worst content drought ever. How many months of nothing did we pay for to originally get these companions? The only thing "those" subscribers are being rewarded with is a reminder how dishonest you people are.
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I agree, they need to go back to giving stuff people aren't asking for and stop giving things players have been asking for.


Your facetiousness loses sight of the importance of what has happened by reintroducing what was supposedly a one-time subscriber reward, and the repercussions of what it means, namely, that one-time enticements, regardless of who wants what, are no longer one-time, so they lose their enticing power.


Whatever the reward may be, whether one such as yourself likes that reward, is irrelevant. Get it now, get it later, doesn't matter. Oh gee, you missed out on something you really wanted because you already rage quit over the last BW fiasco. No problem! Just wait until news hits of something you really want coming back again, sub, and you'll get it.


That does nothing for the loyalty the rest of us ever showed the game.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Your facetiousness loses sight of the importance of what has happened by reintroducing what was supposedly a one-time subscriber reward, and the repercussions of what it means, namely, that one-time enticements, regardless of who wants what, are no longer one-time, so they lose their enticing power.


Whatever the reward may be, whether one such as yourself likes that reward, is irrelevant. Get it now, get it later, doesn't matter. Oh gee, you missed out on something you really wanted because you already rage quit over the last BW fiasco. No problem! Just wait until news hits of something you really want coming back again, sub, and you'll get it.


That does nothing for the loyalty the rest of us ever showed the game.


My post was made in sarcasm, nothing more. Chill out

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All they had to do was make 2 new companions to give to everyone, and they wouldn't have broke their word. These decisions are bizzare. Who rewards people who don't pay you over people who do pay you? Does this mean they retained so few of is it doesn't matter?


I think we have to ask ourselves a serious question. Is swtor trying to break up with us? Are we not getting the hint. Seems like swtor has been trying to push us away for the past few years.


I wonder what's in store for 6.0? Random subscriptions? Its exciting! Everyone pays their bill but only some of us can actually log in! I bet they even put 3 dev's in front of the camera to tell you it's the best expansion ever!

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All they had to do was make 2 new companions to give to everyone, and they wouldn't have broke their word. These decisions are bizzare. Who rewards people who don't pay you over people who do pay you? Does this mean they retained so few of is it doesn't matter?


I think we have to ask ourselves a serious question. Is swtor trying to break up with us? Are we not getting the hint. Seems like swtor has been trying to push us away for the past few years.


I wonder what's in store for 6.0? Random subscriptions? Its exciting! Everyone pays their bill but only some of us can actually log in! I bet they even put 3 dev's in front of the camera to tell you it's the best expansion ever!



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The reward to those that are being done would be nice, if they had considered their loyal subs and given them something. As it is they are acting like those people don't matter. With the mess we have with the conquest this doesn't seem to be a well thought out idea, except a desperate ploy to keep people from unsubbing in case they wanted these companions and risk the chance of those that have these and receive nothing unsubbing as well.


There are also people who enjoy the stories, that are concerned about the future of the stories but yet they do something like this to alienate their customers.

Edited by casirabit
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The reward to those that are being done would be nice, if they had considered their loyal subs and given them something. As it is they are acting like those people don't matter. With the mess we have with the conquest this doesn't seem to be a well thought out idea, except a desperate ploy to keep people from unsubbing in case they wanted these companions and risk the chance of those that have these and receive nothing unsubbing as well.


There are also people who enjoy the stories, that are concerned about the future of the stories but yet they do something like this to alienate their customers.


Yes, this precisely, which is why I'm suggesting this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=946738

Edited by xordevoreaux
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The only thing that annoys me about this is that they don't have anything for the loyal subscribers that already have both. Kind of feels like a big FU to long timers. :mad: I hope this doesn't become a new trend. At least this will make my son happy since he started subscribing after their promotion. Hopefully they will at least do us the courtesy of upgrading Nico to have gear slots.
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I have everything. I want a new shiny too.


Sorry, had to get it out of my system. :p

Ooh, oooh, I want you to have a new shiny too! But then... the unloyalists will have gotten THREE rewards! :eek: Unless they give loyal subscribers the new shiny while unloyal subscribers get the old shiny... at least, until the unloyal subscribers accumulate a total of 75 beg-threads over two years time and then they too will get your new shiny and... oy, my head. ;)


Just being a brat, FYI. ♥ I sympathize with both sides in this. I wasn't a SWTOR player when they did Nico and while I like him, I never asked for him nor felt I was missing out. It's cool I get my chance now, I guess, but I'd be just as fine if I didn't and I get rewards feeling cheap when they lose their exclusivity.

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Ooh, oooh, I want you to have a new shiny too! But then... the unloyalists will have gotten THREE rewards! :eek: Unless they give loyal subscribers the new shiny while unloyal subscribers get the old shiny... at least, until the unloyal subscribers accumulate a total of 75 beg-threads over two years time and then they too will get your new shiny and... oy, my head. ;)


Just being a brat, FYI. ♥ I sympathize with both sides in this. I wasn't a SWTOR player when they did Nico and while I like him, I never asked for him nor felt I was missing out. It's cool I get my chance now, I guess, but I'd be just as fine if I didn't and I get rewards feeling cheap when they lose their exclusivity.


It's not about the shiny. It's about being lied too. It was a exclusive reward. They shot themselves in the foot. Because they no longer do exclusive rewards. They just "alleged" exclusive rewards. I like to call them unsubscriber rewards

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Ooh, oooh, I want you to have a new shiny too! But then... the unloyalists will have gotten THREE rewards! :eek: Unless they give loyal subscribers the new shiny while unloyal subscribers get the old shiny... at least, until the unloyal subscribers accumulate a total of 75 beg-threads over two years time and then they too will get your new shiny and... oy, my head. ;)


Just being a brat, FYI. ♥ I sympathize with both sides in this. I wasn't a SWTOR player when they did Nico and while I like him, I never asked for him nor felt I was missing out. It's cool I get my chance now, I guess, but I'd be just as fine if I didn't and I get rewards feeling cheap when they lose their exclusivity.


He hee, I'm a brat, I have all the bells and whistles. But I'd like a new shiny all the same. It's Easter after all and new shinies are good.


Lure back those who left with these things...and give loyal peeps (like me :cool: ) a new shiny. Shiney! Shiney! I can haz shiney! :D

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The only thing that annoys me about this is that they don't have anything for the loyal subscribers that already have both. Kind of feels like a big FU to long timers. :mad: I hope this doesn't become a new trend. At least this will make my son happy since he started subscribing after their promotion. Hopefully they will at least do us the courtesy of upgrading Nico to have gear slots.


That is my annoyance as well, but not just that. What Bioware has done breaks a promise. The promise was, subscribe during period X, and you'll get Y. Don't subscribe during that time, you won't. So, therein lay an enticement: do it now, or forever kiss off the opportunity of getting Y.


We know now this is false, thus leaving the loyalty we've previously demonstrated to work toward those enticements meaningless. People who rage quit before they got Nico now can just resub for a month and get him, while we loyal subscribers took months to get all the difference pieces of that NPC - the gun, hat, and NPC.


No different than if HK-55 is reintroduced. We, the loyal subscribers, had to wait, and be those loyal subscribers, to get the bonus chapter and HK55. All that loyalty goes out the window, and will be proven to be a complete waste of time, if some no-name who rage quit over a year ago can pick up HK55 at a drop of a hat, instantly -- no loyalty time period required.

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It's not about the shiny. It's about being lied too. It was a exclusive reward. They shot themselves in the foot. Because they no longer do exclusive rewards. They just "alleged" exclusive rewards. I like to call them unsubscriber rewards


Well, they kind of blew the 'exclusivity' thing all to hell when they made the Christmas robes which were supposed to be exclusive too, not only available again, but available off an NPC vendor.


I really wish they'd stop using the word 'exclusive' cause it implies 'never again' and that's obviously not the case. It should be more like 'Be the first to get _____." Then you can be sure that people who jumped the hoops and paid the money and stuck it out will have the thing first. I used to get upset more about the exclusivity issue too, as someone who jumped all the necessary hoops and prerequisites but I'm to the point where enough time has passed, offer up all the crap, maybe lure back some people to play to get said crap, but they should also give loyal subs new crap at the same time so they don't feel left out.

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It's not about the shiny. It's about being lied too. It was a exclusive reward. They shot themselves in the foot. Because they no longer do exclusive rewards. They just "alleged" exclusive rewards. I like to call them unsubscriber rewards


Where did they promise they'd be exclusive? I've looked over these old promotions, Nico's in particular, in the past when this topic came up and I haven't found any evidence that you were promised exclusivity. You were promised the chance to obtain a companion if you subbed by a certain date. You got that companion. You were not lied to.

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Well, they kind of blew the 'exclusivity' thing all to hell when they made the Christmas robes which were supposed to be exclusive too, not only available again, but available off an NPC vendor.


I really wish they'd stop using the word 'exclusive' cause it implies 'never again' and that's obviously not the case. It should be more like 'Be the first to get _____." Then you can be sure that people who jumped the hoops and paid the money and stuck it out will have the thing first. I used to get upset more about the exclusivity issue too, as someone who jumped all the necessary hoops and prerequisites but I'm to the point where enough time has passed, offer up all the crap, maybe lure back some people to play to get said crap, but they should also give loyal subs new crap at the same time so they don't feel left out.


It's not about being first in line to get a new toy.


It's about recognizing our loyalty. They've elected to say through the reintroduction of Nico and probably other NPCs that such loyalty isn't worth anything in Bioware's eyes.

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If you subbed for Nico and/or Shae back when they originally came out then you got your reward. You got to have them as companions at the time you were promised them. People who weren't subbed were not able to play with them at that time. You got what you agreed to pay for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever promised they'd be exclusive rewards FOREVER.


If you don't like that there is no other sub bonus now other than Nico and Shae then by all means don't subscribe. However if you're talking about unsubscribing that means you're already subscribed which implies that you're happy to sub even when there is no promised reward beyond the quality of life stuff you always get for subbing. So what's the problem?


That said throwing in something new even if it's just some cartel coins or a title or something would be cool too just so everyone does get something.

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Where did they promise they'd be exclusive? I've looked over these old promotions, Nico's in particular, in the past when this topic came up and I haven't found any evidence that you were promised exclusivity. You were promised the chance to obtain a companion if you subbed by a certain date. You got that companion. You were not lied to.


As one who lived through that exclusive time, I can assure you, it was real.

You had to be subscribed through date x to get Nico's gun.

You had to continue to be subscribed through date x2 if you expected to get his hat.

And then subscribe through date x3 to get him.


Some combination there of. If you wanted the stuff, if you wanted Nico, it was made VERY clear at the time that the sub had to be continuous. Same with the HK bonus chapter. You had to be subscribed from I believe February through October or November of that yearj to get the bonus chapter.


All out the window now. All that loyalty, pissed away.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Shouldn't you be calling the new shae and nico give away "unsubcriber rewards"? In all fairness the only people being rewarded are the ones that weren't paying you during the worst content drought ever. How many months of nothing did we pay for to originally get these companions? The only thing "those" subscribers are being rewarded with is a reminder how dishonest you people are.


It is still a subscriber only reward. I have Nico not Shae and I don't care much either way as I think the game has much bigger issues currently.


I like getting Shae, mostly as according to all accounts she is a substantially better comp than the others at least in dps role. Then again I don't have a real need for another comp so it matters very very little.


Overall I think it is pretty ok that they give people a second chance on subscriber rewards. It has been a loooong time since they were initially offered. And at this point of the game I think it needs everything possible to keep on going. This is a very low cost thing to do which may bring in a few new subs or keep people from unsubbing for a limited time. Which may very well be essential to the survival of the game overall at this point.

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It is still a subscriber only reward. I have Nico not Shae and I don't care much either way as I think the game has much bigger issues currently.


I like getting Shae, mostly as according to all accounts she is a substantially better comp than the others at least in dps role. Then again I don't have a real need for another comp so it matters very very little.


Overall I think it is pretty ok that they give people a second chance on subscriber rewards. It has been a loooong time since they were initially offered. And at this point of the game I think it needs everything possible to keep on going. This is a very low cost thing to do which may bring in a few new subs or keep people from unsubbing for a limited time. Which may very well be essential to the survival of the game overall at this point.


Our loyalty as subscribers had to play out over several months to get all the bits and pieces of Nico. Not just an instant reward for subbing. It was over time. All that loyalty -- all that time put in -- means nothing now.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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It's not about being first in line to get a new toy.


It's about recognizing our loyalty. They've elected to say through the reintroduction of Nico and probably other NPCs that such loyalty isn't worth anything in Bioware's eyes.


I realize, that's why I think they should give something to loyal subs like us too, when they offer things like this to people to lure them back in, or for those that didn't get them. It's no skin off my teeth, I have all the things and I'm bored of them, years have gone by, so I don't care if they offer them up, so long as they reward loyal subs too at the same time.


Like I said, I was miffed about the exclusive Christmas/Life Day crap at first, but that's just how they roll I guess, they don't seem to care if we like it or not. My life day robes were special for one season. :/

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