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Spawning in combat mode


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On my Serenity Shadow, when I spawn after getting killed, I'm still in combat and can't enter stealth because of it. Is it because I have dots still ticking on enemies? Edited by Lirtoo
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On my Serenity Shadow, when I spawn after getting killed, I'm still in combat and can't enter stealth because of it. Is it because I have dots still ticking on enemies?


I don't think that is the reason because I recall standing in the spawn area (already stealthed) and getting surprised by getting an "upper hand" for my dots finishing off the poor jugg who just barely soloed me. If the dots would keep me in combat, I wouldn't be able to get it. It happened in the voidstar, in which the spawn is quite close to where the enemies are. Quite sure that means it shouldn't be different on other maps.


But then again, that was quite some time ago, before concealment was dramatically better than lethality. Maybe a recent patch introduced this annoyance...

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What annoys me about those bugs atm is dying and still having dots me that take a massive amount of my life while I’m waiting to leave the gate. Can’t even heal yourself because the dots interrupt it.

Wait, are you saying that you have dots on you after spawn? Xd

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Wait, are you saying that you have dots on you after spawn? Xd


Yep, happens a lot. And I mean a lot. I don’t know if it’s a bug that only happens if you have a lot of lag or if it’s just a straight up bug.

I do know that I’m getting sick if dying in the respawn or having to run to save a node from the respawn with low health and then I die as soon as I get there,

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Yep, happens a lot. And I mean a lot. I don’t know if it’s a bug that only happens if you have a lot of lag or if it’s just a straight up bug.

I do know that I’m getting sick if dying in the respawn or having to run to save a node from the respawn with low health and then I die as soon as I get there,

I have never seen that kind of stuff, tbh i dont believe you xd

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