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Resubbed last week,unsubbed already.


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A friend asked me to come back and stupidly I agreed.After 2 days I regretted it.Reasons-

Boring,doing the same stuff over and over

God awful CXP loot crate system,f ucking worst gearing system I've seen in a game

Horrible toxic players or ***** that don't space bar lol,yes it is annoying as f

I left about a year ago and they upped augments to 236,another grind I don't want to do

I've went off SW after that horrible The Last Jedi SJWars movie

Servers felt empty at times

I've seen too many players quit when there in heroics etc


So I'm done,if you still like this game power to you.All the reasons why I quit in the first place are stil there.Mainly the CXP system,it's utterly retarded.I detest it but I thought it would 've been removed or overhauled at least,but no.

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More effectively if anyone said they are quitting then best upload the unsub page that show the sub is canceled LOL.

That would do a lot more impact to new players that research about the game before decided to invest into this game. :rak_03: My guess if everyone do that the forum mod would deleted the thread right away lol.

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Horrible toxic players or ***** that don't space bar lol,yes it is annoying as f

No, the people who don't spacebar aren't the horrible toxic players. The horrible toxic players are the ones yelling SPCAEBAR!!!1! in chat, which is why I avoid Pug FPs.


I've went off SW after that horrible The Last Jedi SJWars movie


You hated TLJ? Me too. Has nothing to do with this game though. Also, I hated because it was a rehash of ESB without a single new idea of its own, whereas you apparently hated it because you're stuck in the 1950s.


Anyway, you should stay subbed. Yes, really. Uh...well, you may hate the game now, but just think how good it could be if you keep giving BW this valuable feedback. Also, what's the phrase...? "While I may disagree with everything you say, I will defend to death your right to give BW $15 / month so they can stay solvent and you can keep moaning on the forum."

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No, the people who don't spacebar aren't the horrible toxic players. The horrible toxic players are the ones yelling SPCAEBAR!!!1! in chat, which is why I avoid Pug FPs.




You hated TLJ? Me too. Has nothing to do with this game though. Also, I hated because it was a rehash of ESB without a single new idea of its own, whereas you apparently hated it because you're stuck in the 1950s.


Anyway, you should stay subbed. Yes, really. Uh...well, you may hate the game now, but just think how good it could be if you keep giving BW this valuable feedback. Also, what's the phrase...? "While I may disagree with everything you say, I will defend to death your right to give BW $15 / month so they can stay solvent and you can keep moaning on the forum."

Just on a side note,your name.I used to go to the beach there and Saltcoats.Had family there and at Irvine too.

It's a small world.Dunno where your coming from with the 50s guff lol.Was'nt alive then.

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A friend asked me to come back and stupidly I agreed.After 2 days I regretted it.Reasons-

Boring,doing the same stuff over and over

God awful CXP loot crate system,f ucking worst gearing system I've seen in a game

Horrible toxic players or ***** that don't space bar lol,yes it is annoying as f

I left about a year ago and they upped augments to 236,another grind I don't want to do

I've went off SW after that horrible The Last Jedi SJWars movie

Servers felt empty at times

I've seen too many players quit when there in heroics etc


So I'm done,if you still like this game power to you.All the reasons why I quit in the first place are stil there.Mainly the CXP system,it's utterly retarded.I detest it but I thought it would 've been removed or overhauled at least,but no.


Sure, I'll bite...boredem is setting in:


"Boring,doing the same stuff over and over" - welcome to the eventual outcome to every MMO ever created.


"God awful CXP loot crate system,f ucking worst gearing system I've seen in a game" - don't gear through cxp, gear through ops and pvp, like how its always been...


"Horrible toxic players or ***** that don't space bar lol,yes it is annoying as f" - oh boy, not space barring is considered toxic... you obviously haven;t played ranked pvp.


"I left about a year ago and they upped augments to 236,another grind I don't want to do" - so you left a year ago and are surprised that you have to catch up gear wise? once again, welcome to every MMO created since forever...


"All the reasons why I quit in the first place are stil there.Mainly the CXP system,it's utterly retarded.I detest it but I thought it would 've been removed or overhauled at least,but no" - it has been overhauled. You should be getting end game gear doing SM ops, then pvping and disintegration CXP crates for unassembled components, to upgrade. yes its a grind, like its always been since forever ago.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Just on a side note,your name.I used to go to the beach there and Saltcoats.Had family there and at Irvine too.

It's a small world.Dunno where your coming from with the 50s guff lol.Was'nt alive then.


Most of the people who use the SJW acronym weren't.


Actually, the Ardrossan in this case refers to a flyspeck town in Alberta, Canada. It has a grandiose European name that somehow magnifies all its many unappealing qualities.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Sure, I'll bite...boredem is setting in:


"Boring,doing the same stuff over and over" - welcome to the eventual outcome to every MMO ever created.


"God awful CXP loot crate system,f ucking worst gearing system I've seen in a game" - don't gear through cxp, gear through ops and pvp, like how its always been...


"Horrible toxic players or ***** that don't space bar lol,yes it is annoying as f" - oh boy, not space barring is considered toxic... you obviously haven;t played ranked pvp.


"I left about a year ago and they upped augments to 236,another grind I don't want to do" - so you left a year ago and are surprised that you have to catch up gear wise? once again, welcome to every MMO created since forever...


"All the reasons why I quit in the first place are stil there.Mainly the CXP system,it's utterly retarded.I detest it but I thought it would 've been removed or overhauled at least,but no" - it has been overhauled. You should be getting end game gear doing SM ops, then pvping and disintegration CXP crates for unassembled components, to upgrade. yes its a grind, like its always been since forever ago.


^^^ this. all of this. However, I would like to add that if you are Command Rank 300 (easy to get to) you will find you can get 248 gear rather quickly. I dont pvp and rarely do ops outside a guild run or 2. And my gear rating is 246 (implant holdouts and a belt). And yes, every MMO is a grind. If grinds are not your thing, MMOs might not be your thing..

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"I left about a year ago and they upped augments to 236,another grind I don't want to do" - so you left a year ago and are surprised that you have to catch up gear wise? once again, welcome to every MMO created since forever...

There's room to argue about the distinction between MMORPG and CORPG (Cooperative/Competitive Online RPG) when we talk about Guild Wars 1, given the instanced nature of the world, but Guild Wars 2 is definitely an MMORPG, and has had the same level cap and the same top tier of gear stats since Ascended gear was introduced late in 2012. Legendary gear isn't any stronger than Ascended gear - it has a specific "Field Respec" type of advantage over Ascended gear, and a great deal of "Look At Me You Peons!" cosmetic appeal.


Granted, most MMORPGs aren't like that, but "every" is not a valid thing to claim.

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Great, 21 days of whining to put up with.

Good to see the fanboys here defending this lol.As I said enjoy it if you can I don't.I'm a long time SWG player,beta tester of this as well.The gearing system was actually better back then imo.Sorry but I hate CXP,I can't understand why anybody would like it and has killed my interest.Granted that disintegration now gives uc's but the system is still pish.I have a fair few toons at 300 so it's not like I'm some noob who doesn't know what he's talking about,To play unsubbed is just pointless in this game.As for the new CQ LOL.Is that what we have to look forward to?

EA just don't have a clue and never have about what the players want,they just continue to serve up s h ite that we don't want and forces players to leave.

Edited by SentinelThain
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Sorry to hear that.

I just came back myself but I´ll stay because there is no other MMO that has lightsabers, good story, interesting characters and cool healers.

I´ll play the story again and have fun with my great guild.


TLDR SWtor is still better than other MMOs :)

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Good to see the fanboys here defending this lol.As I said enjoy it if you can I don't.I'm a long time SWG player,beta tester of this as well.The gearing system was actually better back then imo.Sorry but I hate CXP,I can't understand why anybody would like it and has killed my interest.Granted that disintegration now gives uc's but the system is still pish.I have a fair few toons at 300 so it's not like I'm some noob who doesn't know what he's talking about,To play unsubbed is just pointless in this game.As for the new CQ LOL.Is that what we have to look forward to?

EA just don't have a clue and never have about what the players want,they just continue to serve up s h ite that we don't want and forces players to leave.


Gearing was an absolute joke and so was pvp along with many other aspects of the game at the beginning. The only thing i miss was the class trees at launch. If youd played since launch - it shouldnt have to be pointed out. But failing to acknowledge any of the positive changes and only focusing on the negative doesnt fit your narrative I suppose.


You dont like the command system but youve reached 300 with multiple toons. Unintentionally or intentional? Either way youve reached the goal rank. Was it a painful drawn out grind or too easy ? For me personally ive done far worse grinds and depending on when you played SWG youd know that. Did you grind your way to jedi b4 nge? Did you grind GCW rank to General ? Did you grind DWB for materials for a full set of mandalorian armor? 2/3 of that you needed teams to accomplish it. Cxp is cakewalk in comparison and its soloable . Because of that ...it makes it hard to believe youre an swg veteran or youre just trying to make cxp sound worse than it actually Is - again to fit your narrative.



I dont understand the fuss about conquest. I never cared for it. Whenever a guild tried to make me feel obligated to do a series of grinds that i care nothing about id /gquit. I play at my own pace - I dont pay a monthly sub to reach someone elses quota - I have a job for that. If youre no longer enjoying the game and want to quit - by all means do so..youre not wrong to discontinue paying for a game you dont enjoy. It just makes no sense to me why people feel they have to announce their departure . Why not just leave without all the dramatics ?

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Gearing was an absolute joke and so was pvp along with many other aspects of the game at the beginning. The only thing i miss was the class trees at launch. If youd played since launch - it shouldnt have to be pointed out. But failing to acknowledge any of the positive changes and only focusing on the negative doesnt fit your narrative I suppose.


You dont like the command system but youve reached 300 with multiple toons. Unintentionally or intentional? Either way youve reached the goal rank. Was it a painful drawn out grind or too easy ? For me personally ive done far worse grinds and depending on when you played SWG youd know that. Did you grind your way to jedi b4 nge? Did you grind GCW rank to General ? Did you grind DWB for materials for a full set of mandalorian armor? 2/3 of that you needed teams to accomplish it. Cxp is cakewalk in comparison and its soloable . Because of that ...it makes it hard to believe youre an swg veteran or youre just trying to make cxp sound worse than it actually Is - again to fit your narrative.


I dont understand the fuss about conquest. I never cared for it. Whenever a guild tried to make me feel obligated to do a series of grinds that i care nothing about id /gquit. I play at my own pace - I dont pay a monthly sub to reach someone elses quota - I have a job for that. If youre no longer enjoying the game and want to quit - by all means do so..youre not wrong to discontinue paying for a game you dont enjoy. It just makes no sense to me why people feel they have to announce their departure . Why not just leave without all the dramatics ?


Yes I was a full template Jedi back in the day so I know all about grind.I was a General as well.At the beginning of this and it was all new and shiny I lost interest quite quick like a lot of others.Been back a couple of times over the years to finish up the stories etc.I'll just have to disagree with you about CXP,I hate the gambling aspect to it,it's just ********.Why not give out fixed amounts of tokens,the way it was before instead this stupid gambling hamster wheel?

Don't see anybody being dramatic,I've got 21 days left and I can post within reason what I want.You complaining about me posting about leaving is hypocritical as you chose to read it and respond to it lol.

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Yes I was a full template Jedi back in the day so I know all about grind.I was a General as well.At the beginning of this and it was all new and shiny I lost interest quite quick like a lot of others.Been back a couple of times over the years to finish up the stories etc.I'll just have to disagree with you about CXP,I hate the gambling aspect to it,it's just ********.Why not give out fixed amounts of tokens,the way it was before instead this stupid gambling hamster wheel?

Don't see anybody being dramatic,I've got 21 days left and I can post within reason what I want.You complaining about me posting about leaving is hypocritical as you chose to read it and respond to it lol.



The old pvp gearing at launch felt more like a gamble. How is it Hypocritical ? Hypocritical would be me coming on here announcing my departure and getting on to others for doing the same thing. I merely stated i can never understand why people feel the need to announce "hey everyone im no longer interested in the game im leaving now !"

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The old pvp gearing at launch felt more like a gamble. How is it Hypocritical ? Hypocritical would be me coming on here announcing my departure and getting on to others for doing the same thing. I merely stated i can never understand why people feel the need to announce "hey everyone im no longer interested in the game im leaving now !"

Well maybe just maybe somebody that works on the game may take note on why players don't like certain things and change it?If it wasn't for CXP I'd probably still be subbed.A lot of other folks I know feel exactly the same and have quit.Thats my main gripe,not fanboys,not pvp etc.I just think it's such a bad system.

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