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Create a Companion 2000cc

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This would be nice, would be cool if they kept their own flavor comments if they have them as well. There's a Jedi Knight in the Alliance base that I always wished could have been one of the Star Fortress companions. They have lines they say when you click on them and such, would have been a fun addition to the companions compared to some of the ones we actually got through that system. Being able to convert her into a companion would be cool.
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I would be happy with an item that just scans and dupes an appearance. That way you can make "companions" out of your other characters, and really play toward the idea of a whole Legacy of characters who are involved with each other.


No need for companion conversations with them or anything. Strictly just a silent companion to follow you around for your own enjoyment.


I'd drop hundreds of dollars into it so that every character could actually run with the companion I want them to have.

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i like this idea, and the first thing I would do with it is make one of my alts into a companion for my main.


Same thing I was thinking, always wanted my characters to meet in some form. Even if they don't talk this would be pretty neat. You can just headcanon whatever you want with it but at least you have them in the action and you can show off your characfers together.

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That would be a good idea, but I doubt it BW would sell such a companion for 2000c more like 5500 or more.


I'd still buy dozens. My Trooper would be working with Ava Jaxo after saving her. Probably a Tavus and Fuse as well, rebuilding the old Havoc Squad after the Republic tried to abandon me to die as well.


My Warrior would get a Thana Vesh.


Many of my characters would use my alts as their companions.


In fact, I honestly think if I had the ability to create my own companions, I doubt I would ever run with any of the vanilla or Knights of Knightly Nights companions again. I'd just constantly be making my own perfect companions to compliment my headcanon solo stories.

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The more I muse on this, the more I think it could really work. The default purchase would be a generic companion just basically setting their weapon choice (Rifle user, Dual Pistols, Lightsaber, etc.) Then they would have something similar to the appearance changer machine for characters. Equip your companion and hop in, and you can build them to the normal constraints of your character building (so essentially each and every change you make ends up costing you a little bit more CC).


They could even sell unlocks for species that normally aren't allowed as playables but have been allowed as companions, since they don't have to worry about voiceovers in cutscenes or the ability to speak Galactic Basic. Want to make a Wookie Companion? Pay your 1000CC to unlock Wookie, and get the 5 or so Wookie models that are in the game as an option. Want a Gamorean? An Illithorian? An Ewok? Just pay your Companion Species unlock cost and then make one with the limited visual graphics available in game already (with very little customization actually being viable for these normally barred races). You could even take species like the Voss that have a lot more customization in the game already, and sell packs of additional customizations for them (the way they do Mirialan facial markings and Chiss hair colors for players).


Basically turn it into a huge cash-cow where you pay piles of credits to finally perfect your companion exactly how you want them. So that finally characters have the option of running around accompanied by a Voss Commando with an Assault Cannon, or a Rodian Jedi, or a Sullustan law-man, or of recreating their favorite Alt or NPC in order to run around with someone they headcanon into their adventures.


I used to think they'd just eventually sell the Rodian/Gamorrean/Sullustan/Mon Calimari/etc heads as an adaptive helmet so you could have a static, non-mouth-moving alien face to pretend with, but with the new push towards larger numbers of companions, I think a customizable companion would pretty well fill that nitch.

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  • 1 year later...

they should totally do and I know how they can allow them to have voice lines.


Lets solve this for the devs:


It could work like an character/account unlockable item that works the same way both the character slot token and the unlock vault/inventory/outfit slot works.


You pay 2000CC to be able to create a custom companion for your current character or a more expensive fee (4500CC maybe) to be able to create one for all characters on your account.


The companions and contacts window (Press N) should be updated with a new tab called maybe "Custom Companions" where a "Create" button is enabled if you own a slot for a custom companion.


Upon pressing the create button devs can take advantage of the already scripted "Appearance Mod Station" interface and reuse it to allow us to create our companion to our heart content. The only thing they must add is a slot where we can choose any of the base game clases (Sith Inquisitor, Jedi knight, Trooper, Agent, etc.) I will later explain why.


Once ready a confirmation message should finish the process dropping us our new companion on the default starting clothing you get if you create a new lv1 character on the chosen class. (That so they done spawn naked lol)


further on you can gear them up with stuff from your collections.


As for why chosing a class for them? Well first of all that would help the game to determine what skill set to give your companion. From the class choice the game can know if your character is a force user or not, whats its alignment and what kind of weapons is he gonna use.


But better yet. They can pick up prerecorded dialog lines from the class stories and give quotes to the companions fitting their respective chosen class. For example when you right click your "Sith Warrior" companion he can say: "Time to rage!" (An already in game line for sith warrios) among any other lines that fit.


As for their likes and dislikes devs should select the ones they believe properly fits the selected classes. For example Troopers would love weapons and republic memorabilia, Smugglers would love Luxuries, Bounty Hunters love weapons and military gear, Inquisitors and consulars would love cultural artifacts. (All these just to name examples.)


And there you go!


Now as a bonus they should add a tab for companion recustomization at the "Appearance mod station" so people can edit or remake them if they feel the need to do so.

Edited by Saito_Hiraga
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Guild Wars 1 had the ability to do Mercenary Heroes, converting a char of yours into a hero NPC your other chars could use. I'd absolutely love to do this in SWTOR via this feature and I'd spend so many CCs!
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