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Ranged tanks.


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Please tell me whats the logic behind making ranged comps useless as tanks? Are we to be forced to use melee comps we don't care about? For example, my Nadia is rank 5, i donn't want to spend 5 mil on gifts for her. Please fix this, thank you.
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Just use dark side Jaesa and all your problems will be fixed.


On a side note yeah... it would be nice if they buffed ranged tank companions a little bit to make them a little more viable.


Sorry but the JC class doesn't get Jaesa at all, if you're new here JC = Jedi Consular.

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I... I know.. I was attempting to joke around uh... never... nevermind ... probably wasn't the best idea anyway.


No worries, everything is OK, i just thought you're new, that's all.

Edited by bluehufsa
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Sorry but the JC class doesn't get Jaesa at all, if you're new here JC = Jedi Consular.


Are you a Shadow or a Sage?

Shadow I use Qyzen as a healer, I know but he has the influence

Sage I use Treek as the Tank. Same reason really, and even though she sucks balls now compared to when she was the the fotm companion she is the best combo i could find on Sage

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Are you a Shadow or a Sage?

Shadow I use Qyzen as a healer, I know but he has the influence

Sage I use Treek as the Tank. Same reason really, and even though she sucks balls now compared to when she was the the fotm companion she is the best combo i could find on Sage


Sage healer, not using the crocodile, his voice hurts my ears. Don't have Treek either.

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Most of the content that you can use a companion to clear is easy enough that it does not matter which companion you use. Most of the content that can be solo'd in this game is faceroll easy.


The only possible exceptions are maybe the Heroic Star Fortresses, the Eternal Championship, and the KOTET boss fights.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Please tell me whats the logic behind making ranged comps useless as tanks? Are we to be forced to use melee comps we don't care about? For example, my Nadia is rank 5, i donn't want to spend 5 mil on gifts for her. Please fix this, thank you.

Have you have any other character that already finished story and have access to Odessen?

Just exchange the Heroic boxes and get some legendary gifts, trade with other fellow players for the correct one to use for Nadia, a few of those should get her 10~15 and at that rank she is fine to tank. Also, if you are leveling then why specs as a Sage Healer, just use Sage DPS built and face roll everything, you don't even need a tank comp, set everyone to dps and bubble them and specs your bubble to heal you while its up = unlimited heals.

*Switch to proper specs for your group play contents.

Edited by Xbladez
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I have found that removing weapons helps the ranged companions tank better. Forces them to melee. Mind you, none of the companions are any good at tanking since the patch.. they don't hold any aggro at all.


Doing Belsavis heroics on a sage healer is HELL now, no matter what i do the friggin' esh-kha still kill me in seconds, no matter if i use the dumb crocodile or nadia, got no influence ranks with them whatsoever. yes, exchanging gifts would be cool, tried that, no one is interested in such transactions.

Well, time to delete the healer, i see no viable way of doing H2 or solo fp without a good tank comp.

Edited by bluehufsa
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Doing Belsavis heroics on a sage healer is HELL now, no matter what i do the friggin' esh-kha still kill me in seconds, no matter if i use the dumb crocodile or nadia, got no influence ranks with them whatsoever. yes, exchanging gifts would be cool, tried that, no one is interested in such transactions.

Well, time to delete the healer, i see no viable way of doing H2 or solo fp without a good tank comp.


You don't have to spend the whole 4.77 million to get your companion to rank 50 for them to be super effective. Half that will get them to 40, And about 1 million will get them near 30 which is still effective. What level are you trying to do those Belsavis heroics? I've done them many times on character who were just high enough to get the mission without it being red for them. If in fact you are trying to do missions which are in red text, then it wont matter what companion you use, you simply will not be able to even damage them enemies, and they will slaughter you.

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Also if you want a really good 'ranged' tank, Shae Visla is by far the best I've found, though she is really more of a hybrid. On DPS she will do ranged, but as a tank she charges in. Even the so-called ranged tanks classes of Vanguard and Powertech are no longer 'ranged' at almost all of their abilities limited to 10m or less.
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Doing Belsavis heroics on a sage healer is HELL now, no matter what i do the friggin' esh-kha still kill me in seconds, no matter if i use the dumb crocodile or nadia, got no influence ranks with them whatsoever. yes, exchanging gifts would be cool, tried that, no one is interested in such transactions.

Well, time to delete the healer, i see no viable way of doing H2 or solo fp without a good tank comp.


i play now sorc ( madness tree ) and use Khem val as a tanker

must say khem is very bulky he almost rank 20 and can easy tank 4 a 5 mops in heroics


maby try to make that lizard XD a tank and see how things work out ??

and give him much stuff so his rank is going up so he get much stronger

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i play now sorc ( madness tree ) and use Khem val as a tanker

must say khem is very bulky he almost rank 20 and can easy tank 4 a 5 mops in heroics


maby try to make that lizard XD a tank and see how things work out ??

and give him much stuff so his rank is going up so he get much stronger


Thanks, problem solved. When my JC comp ( Zenith) grapples all the mobs, i just go back a few metters and AoE the heck outta them, no deaths till now. ( LOL, coffee REALLY makes brains function..)

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for JC Nadia Grell was the best tank and Tharan Cedrax was the best healer before that was qyzen, though to be honest there my fave companions anyways for the JC, if your a shadow just use Tharan Cedrax, If your a sage use Nadia.


i got them both back using restore on odession as these were the best JC companions. get them back and do Makebb for influence and its worth upgrading both to 15-20 influence, only new companion my JC likes is T7 and vette lol, but he full LS goody goody

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Ranged comps do not leap on enemy in tank stance, that's what this thread was about.. but our friend StevetheCynic believes is only a bug, fingers crossed.


This is something that I noticed a while ago, probably a couple of months. However, I think I found a work around it. I actually found out by accident running my Merc. I have Mako tanking for me, so when I approached an enemy or group of them from 40+ meters I order her to attack, when she got within 30 meters, she charged in with me behind her. She held aggro the entire time.


I realized what happened so I kept doing it from that point on, she did what she is supposed to do. If I closed in within 30 meters she didn't attack the target, just used her threat attack. Try it and see if that's what you get too. You'll have to be way outside of 30 meters though, probably 35 to 40 and order your tank companion to attack.

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Please tell me whats the logic behind making ranged comps useless as tanks? Are we to be forced to use melee comps we don't care about? For example, my Nadia is rank 5, i donn't want to spend 5 mil on gifts for her. Please fix this, thank you.


Order your companion to attack first (CTRL+1) and engage only after they have aggro. That's how I do it on healers. I do make it a habit of using companions primarily in their traditional roles, though.


When I am on my primary Imperial Agent, a marksmanship sniper, I have no problem using Kaliyo as tank, for example, even though she is strictly speaking ranged, she does usually move in close (unless there was a recent change that I am not aware of). By your assessment i understand you're using either Zenith, Tharan or Lt. Irrezo as tank? The traditional tank for a Jedi Consular would be Qyzen and Qyzen is melee.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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From my experience ( and I have done the newest expansions on the vet mode ) all companions are viable tanks except HK 51 which doesn't have an aoe taunt ability. How companions are performing is not determined by the fact are they ranged or melee but by the influence we have on them.


I think how all the companions from 20 to 30 influence are doing just fine, and how everything more than that is just a bonus.


On my chars I'm raising the influence now fast by unlocking the things for that in the legacy when I start with the new ones and by doing the planetary heroics with my high level one which has done KOTFE and which gets plenty of the companion gifts as a reward from doing that from those alliance loot crates in Odessen.

Edited by Lunablade
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BLUF - Ranged tanks are fine for non-stealth classes if you command them to attack first.


Unless I'm running a stealth class, I always[ command my Tank Comp to attack (CTRL+1) and give them a GCD or so to get stuck in before I join the party. This is a good habit to get into anyway because in group content you want to be letting the Tank grab aggro before joining in.


I just did a Hutta-Ilum run on an Arsenal Merc using Mako as my comp almost exclusively, doing absolutely every mission I ran across and a few I went and hunted down. I very rarely had issues with her not charging in or failing to hold aggro. I can't say never, but hardly ever :)


Now, I did pretty much start the run by cranking her to 20 influence ASAP, and from there spent the run raising her influence up to 40. I also have all the non-Fleet datacrons, but NOT all of the companion arc presence boosts (This was my first BH story completion, and I still have Smuggler and Warrior to complete).


For stealth characters, companion tanking is a little trickier. On my Operative, I generally used either Lokin (melee as a tank) or Ensign Temple (ranged), but because of my desire to open from Stealth, I usually ended up waiting a couple of GCDs before they engaged. OTOH, because I rarely leapt in to engage, they were right next to me.


This is not the case on my Assassin, and I've noticed since the last patch that melee tanks are NOT leaping to their first target; even if the leap is not on cooldown. This can be somewhat problematic when I'm rushing in and pushing the pace, at least when there's a high density of trash I can't one-shot. (There's very little I've been enjoying more recently than teleport spamkilling a large mob of weak trash, which hardly gives a tank a chance to leap in, much less walk in).

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