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Conquest Feedback and Upcoming Changes


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Hey folks,


In this thread we want to cover a few things about Conquests: our goals for the revamp, the feedback we are hearing from all of you, and what we are changing (and when). I recommend you start by reading our write-up of the changes that were coming to 5.8. Let’s jump in.


The Conquest Revamp – Goals

We had a few things in mind that we wanted to address as we moved from the old system into the new one. First and foremost were rewards. This includes ensuring that the new system delivers the rewards you earn, but also increasing the overall rewards for participating in Conquests. Here are is what you receive now when you and your Guild complete a conquest:

  • A large amount of Credits and CXP via completion of Objectives
  • Personal rewards, including crafting materials, credits, and more
  • Invasion rewards, including crafting materials, credits, Encryptions, and more, which is now rewarded to all Guilds who meet the invasion target.
  • Access to the Fleet vendor which sells special decos and the Master Compendium (Companion Influence boost)


Here are some of the other areas we were aiming to address:

  • Objectives and their points – Conquests are meant to be an activity that someone can work on throughout the week as they play the game. Previously, Conquests were very homogenized in that there was very little diversity among each week. We used this opportunity to spread out what objectives were available in each Conquest.
  • Crafting - Crafting is a key part of Conquests, and we certainly did not want to remove that. However, we know the use of War Supplies and crafting was contributing too much to the overall competition of Conquests. For that reason, we reduced the overall effectiveness of Crafting, but added new functionality to War Supplies that they can be consumed to add Conquest points. Allowing you to get points out of them twice if you want, or you could craft them on one character and then move them to other characters to gain conquest points.
  • Yield Targets – Competition among different sized Guilds has always been a problem in Conquests. We introduced yield targets to assist in separating out Guilds by various sizes, as they have differing targets and rewards.
  • Interface – We gave the interface a facelift (as outlined in the other post) to make it easier to find activities you may want to complete.


Your Feedback

We never saw this revamp as being a perfect change out of the gates, but it is a first step for us in crafting an improved Conquest system. Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we can immediately start making changes to get things to a great place. Now that you understand what our goals were, let’s talk about the things we are hearing from you.


Changed / Missing Objectives

This feedback was most commonly expressed from PvP’ers who saw a daily objective for winning a Warzone, but not one for participating. Our plan to combat the old system’s homogenization was to spread out all Objectives. This week may not have participation as an Objective, but it isn’t gone, it is just in a different Conquest. However, this information was not clear and breaks too far from the old system.

Plan: We are going to add a repeatable GSF and Warzone Participation Objective into all Conquest weeks. This will go into our next patch (possibly next week).


Objective Points Too Low

With the rebalance to Conquest Objectives, there is a general sense that completing your Personal Conquest takes too long and by proxy, Guild Invasions as well.

Plan: We are going to lower the Personal Conquest target to 15,000 per week (down from 20,000). We are also adjusting the Planetary Yield Targets to be:

  • Small is now 200,000 (down from 460,000)
  • Medium is now 550,000 (down from 1,380,000)
  • Large is now 1,130,000 (down from 2,530,000)
    • This will happen in our next patch (possibly next week).


Crafting Changes Too Harsh

Crafting in Conquests was just too good prior to 5.8. There is a feeling though that we cut a bit too deep on its overall impact to Conquests. The War Supply schematics were combined which made them harder to craft, and their point contribution went down, even with the added functionality of being able to consume them.

Plan: We are going to give it some time and monitor the impact of these changes, and then we will make any needed adjustments in 5.9 or beyond.


Large Yield Target Rewards Aren’t Good Enough

We are seeing concerns that the Large (and possibly Medium) Yield rewards simply aren’t good enough to warrant the extra points required. That this may cause most Guilds to simply filter down into Small Yields, which is counter-productive to the goal of getting Guilds to split a bit by Guild size.

Plan: This is something we are sensitive to but without seeing actual participation data around Conquests, we are hesitant to make changes just yet. We will monitor in the coming weeks and make any needed changes in 5.9 and beyond.


New UI Confusion

There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.

Plan: With 5.9 we will be adjusting some text along with adding tooltips to ensure that is a bit clearer. We’re also going to be swapping the yellow/blue to be consistent with the rest of the game. In addition, we’ll be adding some additional fly text for Conquest Objective completion.


Punishing to Alts // Legacy

With the rebalance of Objective points and the reclassification of some Objective types, there is some concern over the ability for a player with multiple characters in a Legacy to be competitive in Conquests. Additionally, there are similar concerns for folks with characters within a Legacy in more than one Guild.

Plan: One initial step to resolve this is the lowering of the Conquest targets as highlighted above. Also, by adding more repeatable Objectives (like PvP participation) as noted, this should give players more ways to gain points and make it easier to achieve targets. Beyond that we will continue to monitor data and your feedback to seek other possible changes in 5.9 and beyond.


That is most of the major points of feedback we have seen coming in regarding the Conquest revamp, but we know it isn’t everything. Let us know your thoughts on the changes we have planned. Also, even after these changes are out the door please keep your feedback coming. We are committed to getting Conquests to be enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding.


Thanks everyone!




Spreading the objectives out over the weeks still leaves the major issues that are causing the most frustration. For instance, I have spent the last 3 days, 6-9 hours a day, grinding away on ONE of my alts. I have gotten them to a whopping 15K, the time investing in Conquest just isn't worth it. Prior to 5.8 I could come in, and spend about 4 hours, and do conquest on at least two toons that day, and reach conquest goal on those two toons within a couple days. Adding daily uprisings to the mix is certainly a good thing, but using them to replace FPs was not. Nor should FPs be added back in and Uprisings removed. BOTH should be part of weekly conquest. As should PvP participation, and weekly missions, including GSF. A large payout Op is excellent, but not when it is once per LEGACY, I should be able to do that Op once on each of my toons, And the Daily GF Op should also be included. Lowering the point goal should help a bit. But this current setup is really screwed up, as is the astronomical new cost to craft War Supplies. Very badly thought out.

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Too little. Too late. While the changes you are planning are a good step in the right direction, they are just one step in many that needs to happen. And they need to happen ASAP! Not in a few weeks, and certainly not in a few months.


This is what I would do to improve Conquests:


- More planets to conquer each weak. Now that you've mashed us all onto a few servers, spreading out the guilds to more planets each weak would give smaller guilds a chance again.


- Refresh the rewards. They are stale. At the very least add in the two tiers of crafting mat decos so it doesn't look like you abandoned Conquests right after it launched.


- More ways to earn points. You want to reduce homogenization? Do that by increasing what we can do, not restricting it. The Gree event quest was moving in the right direction, keep going there. There should always have been event related activities beyond raid bosses. There are a lot of world bosses, use them all! There are a lot of named elites. Use those too! Have a featured flashpoint, uprising and operation for each week instead of just a few. How about a featured pvp map or gsf map as a little bonus? And heroics for every planet covered that week. Toss in macrobonocular quests for the planets that have them. Instead of having generic kill quests, tailor them to each planet (preferably overlapping with kill achievements.)


- Do away with once per legacy restrictions completely.


- Up the points of most (all?) activities. You removed planetary bonuses which reduced which cut back our points by 1/2 - 2/3, then you reduced all of their base values even lower? Why? I'm serious! Why? Conquest should be a side activity to playing the rest of the game. It should not take up every moment of a person's fee time.


OMG!! YES!! THIS!!! Very well said, very well indeed.

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I'm glad they're trying to improve things and actually listened to people's request. Not flawless, but it's a start and a good one.


I'd bet money if they had put this on the PTR and let gamers try it out, they would have know it was garbage before it was implemented.


I'd also bet money that they had it on some private test same as their OPS and they did NOT listen to that feedback just like they didn't listen to us when GC was being tested.


If bioware had listened the first time. We wouldn't need them to listen a second due to their screw up. This garbage should have never been started.


Now gamers will have to wait months to a year for it to be adjusted. Thats simply terrible for those that loved conquest. You can argue that maybe it wont take that long but really? What has bioware done anything quickly and even eric's post on times sounded about as unsure as one can get. It might happen next week. It might happen in 5.9 OR JUST LATER..... (later was the time frame actually used of all things.)


No they haven't actually listened yet I'm afraid. To much later and way to much wait and see.

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Dont worry, coming soon to a Cartel Market near you...


"Superior Conquest Boost"

Use: Increases Conquest points gained by 25% for 2 hours. Cannot be combined with any other conquest Boost. (Cooldown: 1 hour)


Cost = 2500 Cartel Coins.


Please don’t give them ideas 🙄

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dont worry, coming soon to a cartel market near you...


"superior conquest boost"

use: Increases conquest points gained by 25% for 2 hours. Cannot be combined with any other conquest boost. (cooldown: 1 hour)


cost = 2500 cartel coins.


awesome idea....lmao

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You need to stop thinking of player participation as only legacy and treat each Alt as its own seperate player. If you want to add legacy rewards on top of that, great, but don’t make it so you are punished for spreading your game time and enjoyment across multiple Alts.


If you want a legacy aspect to conquest, maybe you could add another target for your legacy on top of personal targets as a bonus. That way people could play a hundred Alts to reach the “addon bonus legacy target” or just play one.

*** Please note this caveat so there isn’t any confusion about this idea, this is important. This is to be a bonus target that has nothing to do with the normal system of conquest. It is not to replace the personal targets or make the personal targets a legacy only one. This is a completely different Bonus target I am suggesting.


This is an outstanding idea.

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To fellow players......


This mishandling of the Conquests update very much plays out very similar to the way the poor release of GC played out last year...... but we cannot blame Ben for this one. This one is ALL Keith, on Keiths watch. Honestly it now represents a continuing pattern on the part of the studio so I fully expect future major content chances, updates, additions, will be equally troublesome and as such.. players need to set their expectations accordingly if they plan to stick around and continue to play SWTOR


This is an interesting point. I touched on the topic a little in the other thread and I have an alternate theory.


The affect from the patch feels like what they did with 5.0. The sentiment feels the same.


- Stealth changes

- More grind

- Alt unfriendly


All of those were part of the “theme” in 5.0.


You would have thought they’d learnt their lesson from that debacle.


Honestly, I don’t think Keith has as much control as we think he does. He doesn’t come across as someone without a clue or out of touch. He plays the game a lot himself and I know he has friends and a raid group he belongs too.

The impression I get after seeing a repeat of the same “themed” problems we had in 5.0, leads me to believe someone or someones above Keith are pushing this agenda and Keith is put in the hot seat as the perpetrator of their agenda.


Remember, Keith wasn’t in his position when they made 5.0, so I think it points to another influence behind the scenes. If that is the case, then the person(s) have no idea how to run a successful game or maybe they are actually trying to actively sabotage the game from within. It wouldn’t be the first time mid management or even higher management people have sabotaged other departments to get more resources or just because they don’t like something or someone(s). Company politics can become so viscous that all other considerations or affects go out the window, including customer retention and success.


Its the only thing that makes sense because I find it hard to believe another fan and dedicated player of the game would think these changes to conquest (as theyve been released) would be good for the game and accepted in a positive way by the player base. I just don’t think Keith is that dense.

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Hey folks,


In this thread we want to cover a few things about Conquests: our goals for the revamp, the feedback we are hearing from all of you, and what we are changing (and when). I recommend you start by reading our write-up of the changes that were coming to 5.8. Let’s jump in.


The Conquest Revamp – Goals

We had a few things in mind that we wanted to address as we moved from the old system into the new one. First and foremost were rewards. This includes ensuring that the new system delivers the rewards you earn, but also increasing the overall rewards for participating in Conquests. Here are is what you receive now when you and your Guild complete a conquest:

  • A large amount of Credits and CXP via completion of Objectives
  • Personal rewards, including crafting materials, credits, and more
  • Invasion rewards, including crafting materials, credits, Encryptions, and more, which is now rewarded to all Guilds who meet the invasion target.
  • Access to the Fleet vendor which sells special decos and the Master Compendium (Companion Influence boost)


Here are some of the other areas we were aiming to address:

  • Objectives and their points – Conquests are meant to be an activity that someone can work on throughout the week as they play the game. Previously, Conquests were very homogenized in that there was very little diversity among each week. We used this opportunity to spread out what objectives were available in each Conquest.
  • Crafting - Crafting is a key part of Conquests, and we certainly did not want to remove that. However, we know the use of War Supplies and crafting was contributing too much to the overall competition of Conquests. For that reason, we reduced the overall effectiveness of Crafting, but added new functionality to War Supplies that they can be consumed to add Conquest points. Allowing you to get points out of them twice if you want, or you could craft them on one character and then move them to other characters to gain conquest points.
  • Yield Targets – Competition among different sized Guilds has always been a problem in Conquests. We introduced yield targets to assist in separating out Guilds by various sizes, as they have differing targets and rewards.
  • Interface – We gave the interface a facelift (as outlined in the other post) to make it easier to find activities you may want to complete.


Your Feedback

We never saw this revamp as being a perfect change out of the gates, but it is a first step for us in crafting an improved Conquest system. Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we can immediately start making changes to get things to a great place. Now that you understand what our goals were, let’s talk about the things we are hearing from you.


Changed / Missing Objectives

This feedback was most commonly expressed from PvP’ers who saw a daily objective for winning a Warzone, but not one for participating. Our plan to combat the old system’s homogenization was to spread out all Objectives. This week may not have participation as an Objective, but it isn’t gone, it is just in a different Conquest. However, this information was not clear and breaks too far from the old system.

Plan: We are going to add a repeatable GSF and Warzone Participation Objective into all Conquest weeks. This will go into our next patch (possibly next week).


Objective Points Too Low

With the rebalance to Conquest Objectives, there is a general sense that completing your Personal Conquest takes too long and by proxy, Guild Invasions as well.

Plan: We are going to lower the Personal Conquest target to 15,000 per week (down from 20,000). We are also adjusting the Planetary Yield Targets to be:

  • Small is now 200,000 (down from 460,000)
  • Medium is now 550,000 (down from 1,380,000)
  • Large is now 1,130,000 (down from 2,530,000)
    • This will happen in our next patch (possibly next week).


Crafting Changes Too Harsh

Crafting in Conquests was just too good prior to 5.8. There is a feeling though that we cut a bit too deep on its overall impact to Conquests. The War Supply schematics were combined which made them harder to craft, and their point contribution went down, even with the added functionality of being able to consume them.

Plan: We are going to give it some time and monitor the impact of these changes, and then we will make any needed adjustments in 5.9 or beyond.


Large Yield Target Rewards Aren’t Good Enough

We are seeing concerns that the Large (and possibly Medium) Yield rewards simply aren’t good enough to warrant the extra points required. That this may cause most Guilds to simply filter down into Small Yields, which is counter-productive to the goal of getting Guilds to split a bit by Guild size.

Plan: This is something we are sensitive to but without seeing actual participation data around Conquests, we are hesitant to make changes just yet. We will monitor in the coming weeks and make any needed changes in 5.9 and beyond.


New UI Confusion

There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.

Plan: With 5.9 we will be adjusting some text along with adding tooltips to ensure that is a bit clearer. We’re also going to be swapping the yellow/blue to be consistent with the rest of the game. In addition, we’ll be adding some additional fly text for Conquest Objective completion.


Punishing to Alts // Legacy

With the rebalance of Objective points and the reclassification of some Objective types, there is some concern over the ability for a player with multiple characters in a Legacy to be competitive in Conquests. Additionally, there are similar concerns for folks with characters within a Legacy in more than one Guild.

Plan: One initial step to resolve this is the lowering of the Conquest targets as highlighted above. Also, by adding more repeatable Objectives (like PvP participation) as noted, this should give players more ways to gain points and make it easier to achieve targets. Beyond that we will continue to monitor data and your feedback to seek other possible changes in 5.9 and beyond.


That is most of the major points of feedback we have seen coming in regarding the Conquest revamp, but we know it isn’t everything. Let us know your thoughts on the changes we have planned. Also, even after these changes are out the door please keep your feedback coming. We are committed to getting Conquests to be enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding.


Thanks everyone!



Glad to see you keeping in theme and using actual data to determine whether to change things going forward or not, instead of giving in to All the guess-based "hot takes that everyone and their mother has nowadays.


There is a lot more that goes into making a balanced system, and most players cant get over the fact they cant see beyond their own experiences. Glad you were willing to clarify the intent of the changes, as they made a lot of sense, holistically

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for the mm ones you could in the old system queue a full group of guildies and still count for a random. Didn't work for vet mode, but a full guild group should be able to hand mm, no?


I’d have to check, I’m not the one who does that content, it’s my partner and sister. Both are at work at the moment.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Isn't it 390 invasion forces to go from zero to 20k?

20000/513 =~39 x10 per click Which makes it even worse. On SS that's like lighting 25mil on fire. I think invasion disintegration should be worth more points and made a one time mission, adding better repeatable things in it's place. I'm trying to figure out if they are trying to trick people into lighting these on fire. You need them for decos and dark projects. Not worth killing 10 to get 513 conquest points. (especially with the crafting change)

Why are you limiting yourself to only 1 or 2 of the ways to build points?

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Eric et al,


This is a non reply. Promises to fix stuff sometime in the future, that doesn’t help. If y’all were actually listening, you’d have said that changes, all of the changes you said may be coming, would be coming on the next server reset. You’re already down to just two US servers. You really cannot afford to take your time. Y’all need to address this ****, stop with the condescension “we’re listening” ********. Y’all aren’t listening. If y’all were, we’d have solid stuff to look forward to, not “probably” and coming in 5.9 (maybe).


I’ve weathered most all of this, shrugged my shoulders and kept playing. The thing is though, I was really getting into conquest. I’m a GM now, and I sold a bunch of people on participating in conquest. We were wrapping the entire guild experience around conquest. I cannot express how disappointed I am in y’all. I have to go back to my folks and tell them that there isn’t much to look forward to.


People, we deserve better than this dev team. This is a Star Wars game. It costs $14 a month. Most of us sink additional money into the cartel market too. We keep getting told that they’re listening, but they aren’t. Our money is being used to develop other games, not ours. I’m pretty sure that may be illegal. Maybe it’s time we not only cancel subs, but demand refunds as well. I know a few folks at Kotaku. They haven’t yet covered this, which is surprising tbh. I think the game deserves better than hollow words. I’m sick to death of Star Wars being treated as a 3rd tier title.


If y’all players, guild leaders, community members, want to have a discussion about options, I’ve got a Discord channel. They’ve dramatically changed gameplay, and I feel that’s a breach of trust for sure, and likely a breach of contract. Come and join https://discord.gg/N5cDuet if you want to talk more...


PS Where the hell are my flagship encryption’s from last week? My guild is owed about 30 of them...

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The point still stands. I have better things to do than 62 or 47 ilum runs per toon.


...1 illum run ~ 9 minutes (Sin/Shadow) = nonstop 7 hours illum (47 runs).

Sounds like a lot of fun and maybe some mental damage. :(

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Rewards for a F2P and Preferred player 25,000 credits (those will get along well with the rest of my credits in escrow) Conquest related gathering decorations (those will go great in my three room stronghold on the capital planet because that is all i can afford to buy due to the credit cap) Jawa scrap (what exactly will i do with this?) Exotic Crafting Materiel ( great i can save it to craft gear i can't wear or sell it on the gtn and put more credits into escrow). :(

Rewards for a Subscriber, roughly 30k in vendor trash and roughly a million for selling the Exotic Crafting Material on the GTN (roughly the same credit value as a single command pack with good RNG luck). :rolleyes:.


they haven't cared about F2P or Pref since 5.0. What server are you on that Superior Resource Matrix sells for 1 million credits? On my server your lucky if you get 70k for it.

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Hey folks,




Punishing to Alts // Legacy

With the rebalance of Objective points and the reclassification of some Objective types, there is some concern over the ability for a player with multiple characters in a Legacy to be competitive in Conquests. Additionally, there are similar concerns for folks with characters within a Legacy in more than one Guild.

Plan: One initial step to resolve this is the lowering of the Conquest targets as highlighted above. Also, by adding more repeatable Objectives (like PvP participation) as noted, this should give players more ways to gain points and make it easier to achieve targets. Beyond that we will continue to monitor data and your feedback to seek other possible changes in 5.9 and beyond.


That is most of the major points of feedback we have seen coming in regarding the Conquest revamp, but we know it isn’t everything. Let us know your thoughts on the changes we have planned. Also, even after these changes are out the door please keep your feedback coming. We are committed to getting Conquests to be enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding.


Thanks everyone!




I'm assuming you were just using PVP as an example concerning making more objectives repeatable, but I do want to voice concern as the guildmaster of a small non-PVP guild, full of alts. Will there be more PVE/solo objectives that are made repeatable? During the last crafting week our teeny little guild did manage to make it to third place on the leaderboards by the skin of our teeth. I know getting on the board is no longer a requirement, but it's still pretty brutal to hit those points when so many of the objectives hinge on PVP, and larger group content. Like seriously, our members are having to grind so much that it takes the fun out of the experience. If it weren't for the fact that we're trying to open up our guild ship we probably wouldn't even bother.


This week the target objective is so high, and the options so limited that we gave up almost immediately. If you want to make things easier for smaller guilds it can't just be about lowering target numbers, but providing more objectives that are small group, PVE, and solo friendly. I am actually excited about the changes, I see where you're trying to go with all of this and appreciate it. So please take my comment as the constructive feedback it's intended to be.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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Maybe part of the problem is, because they decided to add credits and CXP gains to conquest goals they felt they had to mega-nerf the conquest points. Its the old "give them 1, and take 5 back". But we do NOT need nor WANT cxp/xp/credits from these goals.


Pretty much every normal thing you do WHILE getting conquest already gave credits/CXP/XP, so please remove all of the new credits/CXP/XP from the conquest system and return all values back to what they were before.


And while you are at it, get rid of ALL of the current conquest rewards, they are junk no-one wants any more of. I mean, the blue jawa junks were nice before this patch, no longer. If you really wanted rewards that would attract big guilds to do big planets do:

SMALL PLANET: 1 random chance cube, 1 random decoration from the ENTIRE pool of decorations at EQUAL chance, 1 random craft material used to make the 236 augs.

MEDIUM PLANET: multiply small planet rewards by 3.

LARGE PLANET: multiple small planet rewards by 5


I would rather they give us Charged Matter Transubstantiator matts along with Encrypted Memory Core and more flagship plans, they could maybe have some type of random deco cube but I rather no other CM stuff b/c that opens up a bad can of worms.

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Good morning ' wonderful , thoughtful and insightful ' members of the Dev team,


It might, just might, be time to bring back the PTS. This way, when you 'feel' you have made changes to the game for the betterment of the game, the public can test out those changes you fine folks have made to see if it actually works as intended.

It baffles the mind that you would institute a drastic change in game without a prolonged testing or a slight increase in the tutorials but hey, who cares about that kind of crap, let's make a twitter vote to see if someone wants to kiss Arcann or not or 'Vote now for either #Team Nico’s assassin droid, HK-55 or for #Team Shae’s manipulative mastermind droid, SCORPIO.' not...that's a good use of your time in development isn't it.?

Has any of the changes ever been tested by someone not on the BW payroll. The lack of faith in anything resembling an intelligent decision in the future of this game by those receiving a paycheck from BW is growing.

Seriously, the fine folks who ushered in these changes should go play tag with cars.



ps. auto-loot is still broke by the way

pss bring pack the PTS !

PSSS. if you were serious, there would be a maint. day tomorrow and all those 'changes' you mentioned would be implemented

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@keith @eric Why are we getting old mats as rewards? Nobody cares about 5.1 gear. Take the charged matters out of ranked and put them into conquest. Fixing both systems. Edited by OneHit
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I don't agree, at least not with the part you quoted. What good is going to come from pointing fingers in such a demeaning way?

Maybe instead of saying, so and such are the ones to blame, we can actually be constructive and try and help out?


I'm glad they're trying to improve things and actually listened to people's request. Not flawless, but it's a start and a good one.


I agreed with the entire post> http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9563875&postcount=148


And many ideas of how to fix this were already posted in the previous and in this post. Are they going to be actually listened to, I highly doubt it and I won't hold my breath.

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I need to make a point about the grind aspect of parts of this game.


I understand the concept is so people don’t speed through content so fast and then complain they didn’t get enough.

I understand they want people to play for longer because you aren’t playing other games and stay hooked on theirs.

I know MMOs like swtor will always have some grind, it’s part of the make up and model


But the game needs to be fun and enjoyable too. There needs to be better balance between the grind and the fun. The fun vs grind meter should always tilt more to the fun side than the grind because grind is boring and actully makes people less likely to play when it’s not as fun.


Over the last few years, the meter has been going to far to the grind side and it seems to continually get worse until we push back hard. Even then, the meter never seems to reach the middle or tilt more to the fun side over the grind side.


Bioware, your goal for this game should be about making it fun, not grindy. This policy of putting grind first needs a review. How about some public testing before making changes to any type grind content or new content go live.


Even if you were to “physically” do it in house, not number crunching, but actually sitting down some employees who play the game regularly and are familiar with it, to then grind through the content for a few weeks and get a perspective of their experience vs enjoyment.

I mean, if you are going to make the game like a job, pay some employees to do the job first and see if they like it.

Players pay “you” for fun, not to have a second job when they get home and because “we pay you”, it seems reasonable that you should do the same job you expect us to do and pay you at the same time.

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Too little. Too late. While the changes you are planning are a good step in the right direction, they are just one step in many that needs to happen. And they need to happen ASAP! Not in a few weeks, and certainly not in a few months.


This is what I would do to improve Conquests:


- More planets to conquer each weak. Now that you've mashed us all onto a few servers, spreading out the guilds to more planets each weak would give smaller guilds a chance again.


- Refresh the rewards. They are stale. At the very least add in the two tiers of crafting mat decos so it doesn't look like you abandoned Conquests right after it launched.


- More ways to earn points. You want to reduce homogenization? Do that by increasing what we can do, not restricting it. The Gree event quest was moving in the right direction, keep going there. There should always have been event related activities beyond raid bosses. There are a lot of world bosses, use them all! There are a lot of named elites. Use those too! Have a featured flashpoint, uprising and operation for each week instead of just a few. How about a featured pvp map or gsf map as a little bonus? And heroics for every planet covered that week. Toss in macrobonocular quests for the planets that have them. Instead of having generic kill quests, tailor them to each planet (preferably overlapping with kill achievements.)


- Do away with once per legacy restrictions completely.


- Up the points of most (all?) activities. You removed planetary bonuses which reduced which cut back our points by 1/2 - 2/3, then you reduced all of their base values even lower? Why? I'm serious! Why? Conquest should be a side activity to playing the rest of the game. It should not take up every moment of a person's fee time.


Excellent post

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What about all the people and their alts that did not get the conquest achievement when they performed it? I ran Illum and the Gree event on the same alt 2 days in a row and the first day did not get the heroic objective or points and the second day did not get the Gree objective or points. Ran 6 alts through EV on Tuesday and did not the objective or points on 2 of my alts. Others have fared even worse like 2 out 10.
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Eric it's already that you have taken a few suggestions but I would have better check every conquest what you have not done again as often, but the biggest mistake was that you have not packed the new conquest system on the pts and the user times look over it then would not have so much trouble or times every bow of the conquest times in times to publish that you could see it.


That you want to change a part already next week fine but it must be changed everything in the next 2 weeks and not only with patch 5.9 like that with the crafting that's too late so you only support the raid chars. You'll need to get the review over in the next 2 weeks.

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