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Who would win Vaylin or The Dread Masters?


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I'd say Vaylin. She has much suppressed fear and would definitely suffer a lot. But the way she is portrayed, Vaylin isn't the kind of person that starts hiding in a corner when scared. Instead she lashes out, and just causes an absolute carnage around her. IMO she'd just start hacking and slashing at everything around her, real or not. Not even to mention all her crazy force powers. The dread masters would die in the process or have to flee and never mess with her again.
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I'd say Vaylin. She has much suppressed fear and would definitely suffer a lot. But the way she is portrayed, Vaylin isn't the kind of person that starts hiding in a corner when scared. Instead she lashes out, and just causes an absolute carnage around her. IMO she'd just start hacking and slashing at everything around her, real or not. Not even to mention all her crazy force powers. The dread masters would die in the process or have to flee and never mess with her again.


That's a fair point. They might bring her fear to the surface, but if she reacts to it by leveling the place, they might find out that her fear was not what they wanted to tap into.

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Depends. It seems like the power of the Dread Masters is either 100% effective, effective but limited in its ability to cause harm, more often just changing how we perceive the environment (Styrak, Calphy and Raptus were able to make us perceive we were in entirely different environments for period of time), and in some cases, not effective at all.


One must assume that the Dread Masters at one time tried to project on to Vitiate and found their combined powers to be totally useless. Otherwise they would be ruling the Empire, not him & the Dark Council.


It appears a trained mind and/or the very high force potential can mitigate the effects of the Masters. At the very least, we can assume that Kaeden (the Jedi that captured them) was immune. Either that or they were so deep in meditation that they had no idea what was going on.


I think it is possible that Vaylin's power could be too much for the Masters to cope with. But her mind is so broken it is hard to say. As six force users, their combined power in a fight would be formidable, even without their ability to project terror.


I would place my money on the Masters. As a duelist, she was not a master as Senya held her own. She was defeated by the Outlander and Valkorian could contain her. She could probably kill a couple, but with six light saber-wielding Masters of the Dark side, I think it would be difficult to ward off all the mental attacks, projectiles, force pushes, lightning strikes and simultaneous saber attacks of the Masters AND proceed to kill them.

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