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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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I think we'll have to move on with how things are and the rest of the reunions will turn out (Similar). They're greatly not what we wanted, not what so endeared BWs companions/stories making SWTOR still ranked among the top story wise. It was a disservice to our companions that they were used to forward somebody's agenda. The players wanted their companions back, what we got so far has been unfulfilling and at times insulting (Nobody wanted / remembered this in our comps). I think its best BW move on considering the pace and amounts we've seen so far, just try to move on but it wont be the same (Ever try to sit in a room with somebody you "Used to Know")?
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I think we'll have to move on with how things are and the rest of the reunions will turn out (Similar). They're greatly not what we wanted, not what so endeared BWs companions/stories making SWTOR still ranked among the top story wise. It was a disservice to our companions that they were used to forward somebody's agenda. The players wanted their companions back, what we got so far has been unfulfilling and at times insulting (Nobody wanted / remembered this in our comps). I think its best BW move on considering the pace and amounts we've seen so far, just try to move on but it wont be the same (Ever try to sit in a room with somebody you "Used to Know")?


I don't know about moving on...personally my subscription depends on it....I only came back because they were bringing back companions...

If its not fixed...people like me are gone....from here...

Only thing SWTOR has going for it is those nice nice, conversations...if they start ruining it...well I am gone

not even it being Star Wars can redeem that...

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I just keep thinking all the rest of the companion reunions are gonna be like this; Unfulfilling after two plus years wait, insulting to the player and with a political agenda. Is BW so desperate they cant find a writer that understands "Preset Roles, Ongoing Rapports and the Player pays the Bills"? Its kind of disheartening knowing the comps arnt and wont be so happy to be back as we were to get them back.


What political agenda is being presented in Ashara's reunion? Right to life? ;):rolleyes:


Your last sentence I 100% agree with. Exactly how I felt upon meeting her. I'd have done anything for her and it's a little, "meh, found ya finally. Weird."

Edited by aerockyul
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What political agenda is being presented in Ashara's reunion? Right to life? ;):rolleyes:


Your last sentence I 100% agree with. Exactly how I felt upon meeting her. I'd have done anything for her and it's a little, "meh, found ya finally. Weird."


This is "NoT" a Democracy, "Right to Life" issue. I understand well and good (I fought and nearly lost my own for other people's many times) however this is Star Wars and in particular the Sith (The same Organization that Anakin used his "LightSabre" on a room full of Children. The Sith "Survival of the Fittest" is the rule of Korriban and the Captain of their ship (Also NoT a Democracy). Live or Die is the Judgment of any Sith member particularly 1- Who ranks Highest, 2- Who has the favor at that moment (Also the leaders discretion), 3- The Player pays the bills here.


There is no "Right to Life" in that Dictatorship (Stepping outside of the light here also questions that). Live, Die, Progress, Be left abandoned on a planet or be a smoldering pile of Ash the "Leader" (Strongest) decides all this. "Right to Life" propose that to any Sith and see what happens. The Sith are ruled by the strongest, Ashara's Insubordination is either "Ok" or "Not Ok" determined by the "One in Charge" not to mention the rest of the crew sworn to the S.I. (Player, Person with the money). Even here Insubordination often leads to prison time and other cultures leads to worse.


The Sith and Children


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This is "NoT" a Democracy, "Right to Life" issue. I understand well and good (I fought and nearly lost my own for other people's many times) however this is Star Wars and in particular the Sith (The same Organization that Anakin used his "LightSabre" on a room full of Children. The Sith "Survival of the Fittest" is the rule of Korriban and the Captain of their ship (Also NoT a Democracy). Live or Die is the Judgment of any Sith member particularly 1- Who ranks Highest, 2- Who has the favor at that moment (Also the leaders discretion), 3- The Player pays the bills here.


There is no "Right to Life" in that Dictatorship (Stepping outside of the light here also questions that). Live, Die, Progress, Be left abandoned on a planet or be a smoldering pile of Ash the "Leader" (Strongest) decides all this. "Right to Life" propose that to any Sith and see what happens. The Sith are ruled by the strongest, Ashara's Insubordination is either "Ok" or "Not Ok" determined by the "One in Charge" not to mention the rest of the crew sworn to the S.I. (Player, Person with the money). Even here Insubordination often leads to prison time and other cultures leads to worse.


The Sith and Children



You brought up that the writer had a political agenda and I was just poking you, because I don't see what the politics are that you're offended by. The writer not following established lore isn't the same as having a political agenda.

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If that's how you feel, I suppose you shouldn't play the returns, but plenty of us would rather have something than nothing, so please leave them to us.


We will have to agree to disagree about leaving this, my opinion matters as much as anyone else.

I have forgone the Ashara return on all but one of my Sith Inquisitors and that Inquisitor married her so it made sense to do the "other" return, for the rest it doesn't and I am not sure what to do.


You brought up that the writer had a political agenda and I was just poking you, because I don't see what the politics are that you're offended by. The writer not following established lore isn't the same as having a political agenda.


Perhaps political was the wrong word, maybe "personal agenda" works better.

She has clearly stated in that interview that is linked a few pages back that her desires outweigh anything the player wants and she was quite fanatical about pushing those ideas and desires to the forefront at the expense of the player, the character and the established personalities and stories.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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:) One more time. Ashara's reunion is Presuming the "I go where I want", "I say what I want" and "I do what I want", typically *Here, that is ok. However....."Star Wars" and in particular "The Sith" (The Player, DS) does not work that way. Everybody on the Sith Inquisitors ship is there and Alive at the Captain, S.I., Players discretion. Denying that is "Insubordinate". These characters all have a Preset position and direction. Ashara's implying "You have no Power over Me" and Rebuffing a hostile Inquisitors attack (How did that happen?) is "Out of Context". The Political Agenda is "Nobody Controls Me" when infact that character was an Observer, the lowest rank (No Sith Rank actually) member on the ship. Many here wanted to **** Ashara for that Insubordination (That is how the Sith are backed by 40 years of Lore). I wouldn't, but I would believe she had no place on my ship Had I took that character through the KotXX stories.
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:) One more time. Ashara's reunion is Presuming the "I go where I want", "I say what I want" and "I do what I want", typically *Here, that is ok. However....."Star Wars" and in particular "The Sith" (The Player, DS) does not work that way. Everybody on the Sith Inquisitors ship is there and Alive at the Captain, S.I., Players discretion. Denying that is "Insubordinate". These characters all have a Preset position and direction. Ashara's implying "You have no Power over Me" and Rebuffing a hostile Inquisitors attack (How did that happen?) is "Out of Context". The Political Agenda is "Nobody Controls Me" when infact that character was an Observer, the lowest rank (No Sith Rank actually) member on the ship. Many here wanted to **** Ashara for that Insubordination (That is how the Sith are backed by 40 years of Lore). I wouldn't, but I would believe she had no place on my ship Had I took that character through the KotXX stories.


Quinlan gets what I meant. I'm not arguing the return doesn't treat the lore with disrespect, or it spits in the face of most PCs and their established characters (not to mention Ashara's personality and character). You don't need to repeat that part. I think you're talking about Sith politics specifically but throwing in "political agenda" threw that off, like you think it's bad for the writer to specifically encourage an abuse victim to stand up for themselves or thinking girl power beats force lightning or something.

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:) Actually, I'm done with this. Maybe the *Context of the thread will change down the road before the Thread has exhausted itself. These are "BioWares Characters" and the Companions we wanted back (Pay for)(As they were) not *Tools for another to push their causes. Want to push a cause....*Create a character and story, don't use somebody else's.
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We will have to agree to disagree about leaving this, my opinion matters as much as anyone else.

Of course your opinion matters as much as anyone else's. But if you're not going to play the content either way, doesn't it make sense to just let people who do want to play it enjoy it? Whether we get it or not, your situation is the same, but our situation is better if we're not deprived of content we want.


Not that I expect Bioware to refrain from releasing content they've worked on, some of which they plan to release in a mere two weeks, just because some of us don't like what they've been doing. I don't think the development pipeline will be altered so quickly.

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As much as I agree with the statement that the writer's personal desires and pets cannot and should not override the rules of the galaxy in which they're writing, I don't think any writer has an obligation to indulge some of the things that people have said they want to do to this character.


You want to kill Ashara or any other character, they will write it in if they choose - but no writer is required to write something that lets a player act out whatever sick torture or domestic violence fantasies they have.

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As much as I agree with the statement that the writer's personal desires and pets cannot and should not override the rules of the galaxy in which they're writing, I don't think any writer has an obligation to indulge some of the things that people have said they want to do to this character.


You want to kill Ashara or any other character, they will write it in if they choose - but no writer is required to write something that lets a player act out whatever sick torture or domestic violence fantasies they have.


No one is asking for that, we want to act as our Sith has been established to act.

The SI that romanced Ashara took her back on her terms because he respects and loves her.


The other SI's that do not respect her and see her has cannon-fodder would not accept her back nor let her walk away after such a show of disrespect, at best she would be broken back into servitude with force lightning and at worst a smoking pile of ash on the floor.

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No one is asking for that, we want to act as our Sith has been established to act.

The SI that romanced Ashara took her back on her terms because he respects and loves her.


The other SI's that do not respect her and see her has cannon-fodder would not accept her back nor let her walk away after such a show of disrespect, at best she would be broken back into servitude with force lightning and at worst a smoking pile of ash on the floor.


No, there actually have been people in this thread talking about how they want to beat her up and still keep her as a partner, and others describing very elaborate torture and humiliation scenarios, and complaining that the writers didn't do that for them. No writer's obligated to accommodate that.

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No, there actually have been people in this thread talking about how they want to beat her up and still keep her as a partner, and others describing very elaborate torture and humiliation scenarios, and complaining that the writers didn't do that for them. No writer's obligated to accommodate that.


I have read everything in this thread and I don't recall any posts fitting that description.

I am sure you can prove your claims right?

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No, there actually have been people in this thread talking about how they want to beat her up and still keep her as a partner, and others describing very elaborate torture and humiliation scenarios, and complaining that the writers didn't do that for them. No writer's obligated to accommodate that.


That's rather unsettling.😕

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I have read everything in this thread and I don't recall any posts fitting that description.

I am sure you can prove your claims right?


I do not answer to you, nor do I have any obligation to handhold you to the posts in question. Try reading more carefully.

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I call ******** on your entire argument.

Looking for the fringe element to justify your disingenuous claims


Nope. Take your gaslighting elsewhere. Pretending there arent some truly sick things in this thread doesnt make them gonaway.


Considering the person with the domestic violence fantasy in this thread went into great detail with multiple fonts, it isnt anyone else's problem if you didnt see it.


Enjoy being blocked. Adios.

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Nope. Take your gaslighting elsewhere. Pretending there arent some truly sick things in this thread doesnt make them gonaway.


Considering the person with the domestic violence fantasy in this thread went into great detail with multiple fonts, it isnt anyone else's problem if you didnt see it.


Enjoy being blocked. Adios.


So what

One person spouting his rubbish does not in any way invalidate the argument that the rest of us are trying to make here.

And you are still just picking the ONE aspect to argue, for what reason I don't know, perhaps you are just looking to be argumentative.

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No, there actually have been people in this thread talking about how they want to beat her up and still keep her as a partner, and others describing very elaborate torture and humiliation scenarios, and complaining that the writers didn't do that for them. No writer's obligated to accommodate that.


well excuse me!!

They are obligated to do that...they get payed with "My MONEY" too....and w/e you are saying they are not obligated to do that for...has been a status quo of the game.....I don't pay my money for a shoddily put up rambling story...

Sith love does not equal equality.....only jedi siths will condone equality....


which real sith will stay still or not kill their partner for saying the word equal....you probably should learn your game lore if you like the game......Anikan choked him wife to death, Malgus maimed his wife...Palpatine chuckles at the word equal....every sith is the dark council and sith emperor apprentices for a reason...

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