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What about us? ( post-KOTET spoilers)


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In another topic, i've seen people requesting Theron Shan to be killed even if he is not actually a traitor , made unavailable for the players who romanced him and turned into a corpse decoration.


If this happens, where does it leave us, the ones who romanced him? What other options do we have, assuming some of us do not want to romance Arcann, Vaylin, Senya or Lana and not in a relationship with class companions ?


If he will be permanently unavailable, do we get the credits invested in gifts for him back?

Edited by bluehufsa
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Really don't see the problem here. They are not gonna make killing the only possible option, no way. So if you don't want Theron killed, don't kill him. Simple as that.


The problem is that usually, companions that die depending on choices kind of get removed from the story. ( I take it that that's the problem the OP is talking about)

Edited by Eshvara
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Really don't see the problem here. They are not gonna make killing the only possible option, no way. So if you don't want Theron killed, don't kill him. Simple as that.


No, i'm not gonna kill him, didn't killed Quinn in SW story either, even if his betrayal was for real. How about the wall corpse decoration? I'm aware it is absurd and no developer would ever agree to such thing, but you never know, just sayin' .

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You can get back the DEAD companion in story from Odessen Portal, all the NPCs I killed from the story are there minus some NPCs that you got a warning killing them they will get removed from the game permanent then you won't get them back. For me if they are dead in story for whatever reason they will stay dead and I'm not revive them via portal.
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Really don't see the problem here. They are not gonna make killing the only possible option, no way. So if you don't want Theron killed, don't kill him. Simple as that.


If you romance someone, and others are allowed to kill them, i.e. Koth, Jordan, etc, then 90% of the time they are written out of the story, no matter what you do. This is where the problem is. I have no problems of people killing someone, just stop writing them out of my story when I didn't kill them which to me is bad writing when they take the easy way out.

Edited by casirabit
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As I said in the other thread, next to seeing his head on a stick, he needs to provide a good reason for not telling us what he's doing, and why he didn't tell us his plans?! Then he needs an even better excuse for being the Zildrog nutjobs the location of a super weapon.


Time to admit defeat again, sorry for even opening this thread. Heads on sticks.. wall corpse decorations.. a bit too much for my taste. :(

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Theron seems popular, I doubt they would kill him off, but the way they've done this traitor arc, I can understand why people want to kill him.


Theron's actions on Iokath, Umbara and Corpero haven't exactly done him any favors either.


Quinn is popular too.

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The issue is exactly what others have said: currently, if a character is killed, even if YOU choose not to kill them, they essentially die for everyone anyway. They don't appear in the main story anymore except for a cursory line here or there (and sometimes not even that).


The only exception there is Senya and Arcann vs. Lana and Theron appearing in parallel storylines in the end of KOTET. But that doesn't happen any other time and killable characters like Koth, Kaliyo, Torian, Vette, etc. have no part in the story now.


That's why I would never want to see a kill option for Theron or any other LI. I might hate them but I don't want them erased from everyone's story. If you could remove a character without it affecting the overall storyline for all it would be different.

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Theron seems popular, I doubt they would kill him off, but the way they've done this traitor arc, I can understand why people want to kill him.


Theron's actions on Iokath, Umbara and Corpero haven't exactly done him any favors either.


People want to kill him, yet people forgave far worse deeds done by other major characters.. how does this work? Be righteous in one case but not in others? This is a very sithy situation.

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People want to kill him, yet people forgave far worse deeds done by other major characters.. how does this work? Be righteous in one case but not in others? This is a very sithy situation.


Assuming that's a reference to Arcann, you don't have a choice with Arcann, there is no option to arrest him or kill him after he joins the Alliance. Which is something I hope they will address tomorrow, had there of been an option already, I'm certain people would have used it

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Assuming that's a reference to Arcann, you don't have a choice with Arcann, there is no option to arrest him or kill him after he joins the Alliance. Which is something I hope they will address tomorrow, had there of been an option already, I'm certain people would have used it


I was actually reffering to

Harkun, the overseer from SI story : he calls your character "slave" countless times, sends you to a death trap ( confronting the twin brothers in the Academy), threatens to rat you out to Thanaton, yet in the end, if you're a LS, you can forgive him.


Edited by bluehufsa
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I hope they don't offer a kill option. As others have said, I don't have a problem with people making that choice, but I do have a problem with Theron being removed from the story for those who do not want to kill him. If they can write and produce two versions of the story in order to support both choices that's fine. I have serious doubts about that though, and if they can't do both than the better option is to forego the kill choice altogether rather than removing another popular LI from future installments of the story. Edited by DuchessKristania
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I hope they don't offer a kill option. As others have said, I don't have a problem with people making that choice, but I do have a problem with Theron being removed from the story for those who do not want to kill him. If they can write and produce two versions of the story in order to support both choices that's fine. I have serious doubts about that though, and if they can't do both than the better option is to forego the kill choice altogether rather than removing another popular LI from future installments of the story.


There will be no "two versions" because of no funds, no personnel, people being busy writting a Vaylin romance and so on. If people want her, i'm ok with it, guess is time for a new Code.. " there is no morality, there are only double standards. there is no choice, there is only defeat. there is no closure, there is only bitterness. there is no one you have ever liked alive, there are wall cadaver decos of them in the CM " - the code of the Silenced.

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In another topic, i've seen people requesting Theron Shan to be killed even if he is not actually a traitor , made unavailable for the players who romanced him and turned into a corpse decoration.


If this happens, where does it leave us, the ones who romanced him? What other options do we have, assuming some of us do not want to romance Arcann, Vaylin, Senya or Lana and not in a relationship with class companions ?


If he will be permanently unavailable, do we get the credits invested in gifts for him back?


I've not seen anyone say they want him killed. I've seen them say they want to kill him.. (I've said it multiple times).. There is a difference.

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I've not seen anyone say they want him killed. I've seen them say they want to kill him.. (I've said it multiple times).. There is a difference.


As i said, i admit defeat and humbly apologize for not being ready to let TS being turned into a wall corpse deco.. Please forgive me for daring to romance anyone other than the trendy ones, from now on my characters will be hermits, true saints and recluses.

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There will be no "two versions" because of no funds, no personnel, people being busy writting a Vaylin romance and so on. If people want her, i'm ok with it, guess is time for a new Code.. " there is no morality, there are only double standards. there is no choice, there is only defeat. there is no closure, there is only bitterness. there is no one you have ever liked alive, there are wall cadaver decos of them in the CM " - the code of the Silenced.


I'm going to hold out hope that there just won't be a kill option. I recently played the chapter on Nathema and realized that Theron is the one flying the shuttle there. Then we don't hear from him again until the end of the chapter. I'm kind of hoping that something happened to him during that time and the traitor thing is either due to some kind of outside control, or that it's not Theron at all, but an imposter. I know they're both stretches, but I think they'd be so much more intriguing than a double agent thing.

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I was actually reffering to

Harkun, the overseer from SI story : he calls your character "slave" countless times, sends you to a death trap ( confronting the twin brothers in the Academy), threatens to rat you out to Thanaton, yet in the end, if you're a LS, you can forgive him.


You can forgive him, but you can also introduce him to your lightsaber :D either way iirc, he's never seen or heard from again.



But I'm with y'all on this one. I wish characters who were killed off because of a player choice weren't completely obliterated from everyone's story. In a perfect world, there'd be two versions of a story.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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You can forgive him, but you also introduce him to your lightsaber :D



But I'm with y'all on this one. I wish characters who were killed off because of a player choice weren't completely obliterated from everyone's story. In a perfect world, there'd be two versions of a story.


In a game setting where you have a choice, to kill, not kill, etc, there should always be two versions of the story but unfortunately here that doesn't happen. Sometimes I think they think everyone makes the choices they make (the writers/devs) so they don't consider the other choice as relevant.

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I'm going to hold out hope that there just won't be a kill option. I recently played the chapter on Nathema and realized that Theron is the one flying the shuttle there. Then we don't hear from him again until the end of the chapter. I'm kind of hoping that something happened to him during that time and the traitor thing is either due to some kind of outside control, or that it's not Theron at all, but an imposter. I know they're both stretches, but I think they'd be so much more intriguing than a double agent thing.


Just let it go, we can only rant and get ourselves banned, nothing more. Your ideas are fine, but unfortunatelly no one is ever going to notice them, that's the way things go around here.

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In a game setting where you have a choice, to kill, not kill, etc, there should always be two versions of the story but unfortunately here that doesn't happen. Sometimes I think they think everyone makes the choices they make (the writers/devs) so they don't consider the other choice as relevant.


I think it's more to the fact that they've got a company who specializes in single player RPG's trying to adapt that style of storytelling into a mmo. And they only gave em 1/4th of the budget & a team of 6ppl to do it. :confused:

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The problem is that usually, companions that die depending on choices kind of get removed from the story. ( I take it that that's the problem the OP is talking about)

With the exception of Aric Jorgan - he still get's a few lines if you romance him which is good and Torian, who also gets a few more. There may be others (Vette maybe - I hate her so I don't really care). Since Theron is classed as a main character, I really hope they keep him in any future story regardless of a kill option (since they've been so secretive about 5.9 I'm sure a kill option is coming). It's a shame that class companions who are romanced but not main characters have been given second class treatment. I hope this changes in 6.0 but I doubt it.

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With the exception of Aric Jorgan - he still get's a few lines if you romance him which is good and Torian, who also gets a few more. There may be others (Vette maybe - I hate her so I don't really care). Since Theron is classed as a main character, I really hope they keep him in any future story regardless of a kill option (since they've been so secretive about 5.9 I'm sure a kill option is coming). It's a shame that class companions who are romanced but not main characters have been given second class treatment. I hope this changes in 6.0 but I doubt it.


6.0 will be yet another OPS boss, Felix Iresso, TS killed and some more conquest nonsense, don't get your hopes up. Worst case scenario - Vaylin "redeemed" and made girlfriend material over night because her mom loves her and believes " she can change" . Aren't you happy? Preparing for the new romance? Giddy with anticipation? I'm not.

Edited by bluehufsa
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