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So now that we have transparency and a roadmap...


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I used subjective terms to make a point. So since we cannot use subjective descriptions of large or little content, lets get down to basics and ask "was there new content added over 12 months?" Furthermore, and calculable, "was there multiple content additions to the game?" Heck, you can even compare it to other mmos..."did they update wow and swtor this year?"


We can agree to disagree about the quality or subjective amount of content all we want, but that doesnt get anyone anywhere without a way to prove it. So pointless, unless the point is just to vent about something unprovable.



Actually, he clarified there will be one, labelled as veteran, but with the content equivalent of a mastermode fight. A fight is a raid - see monolith, tc, etc. Again, subjective of what you or I feel is considered a raid.



I went back and read something different. I read "we PLAN to follow up with master modes of each fight." That is nowhere near a promise in a game built on dynamic gameplay. Sounds like many people misinterpreted very poorly. That is not BWs fault. They left a reasonable amount of doubt that it may. They met you partway, though.


I want whatever it is that you are smoking, dude. You are stretching your justifications sooooo far to try to defend them. Back on ignore you go.

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I guess we can stop with all the criticism. A full operation in the course of 1 year, a few flashpoints, class balance, lots of positive changes. If people are leaving, its because they have a different view or need from their MMO, and that is fine. Thats why there are other games that can be played, hopefully to meet their needs and wants.


Frankly, all those things you listed are par for the course when paying a premium price for a game subscription ($15/month). There should certainly be more content offered than that, even if it is in the form of a paid expansion which I'm sure the majority of people playing SWTOR would be down to pay for.


Game is in full maintenance mode. No new expansion for over a year? There is certainly need for concern. Although this game is going on seven years. I'm personally surprised it's lasted this long.

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Frankly, all those things you listed are par for the course when paying a premium price for a game subscription ($15/month). There should certainly be more content offered than that, even if it is in the form of a paid expansion which I'm sure the majority of people playing SWTOR would be down to pay for.


Game is in full maintenance mode. No new expansion for over a year? There is certainly need for concern. Although this game is going on seven years. I'm personally surprised it's lasted this long.

As has been said many times before, the $10-15/mo you pay is for ACCESS to current and new content, not a guarantee of new content. Think of it like cell phone service, but for entertainment. You likely pay more for monthly cell phone service and dont expect them to give you free features or new phones. Your expectations of service are exaggerated for a monthly pay service. I guarantee you any other MMO has, or will do, the same thing at some point along their lifespan, because they dont owe their players anything except access.

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I guarantee you any other MMO has, or will do, the same thing at some point along their lifespan, because they dont owe their players anything except access.


That's a true statement. But the game is still in maintenance mode. And this is what happens when games enter maintenance mode. We've been in in since KOTET was released.

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That's a true statement. But the game is still in maintenance mode. And this is what happens when games enter maintenance mode. We've been in in since KOTET was released.


You just heard news that their dev team got moved over Anthem and yet you expected them to deliver a full blown expansion with chapters ? First of all there is nothing they can make story wise that would actually make sense because your char became the frickin emperor of the most advanced civilization in the galaxy. I knew back then that it's kinda the end and everything that will come out after KOTET will be just for the sake of giving us content story wise.


We got the Theron story ark which lets face it, was kinda given just for the sake of it... story wise it's uninteresting and why would anyone care about theron shan ?


Now we are going to get some content, a pvp map.. a flashpoint, and operation boss once a few months because witjh their current team that's the maximum they can do.


If you seriously expected otherwise, you need to wake up to the real world.


I am pretty sure that they would want to deliver more content and make us "happy" but they cannot with the staff they have now and it's not them who decide what their priorities are.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Maintenance mode games dont have new content, so obviously the game isnt in maintenance mode.


No actually it doesn't. Maintenance mode occurs when a game enters a prolonged low or no development cycle. Just enough bug fixes to keep the thing working and very little new content and what there is is extremely limited in nature. We've been there for some time.


Now, if you want to believe that maintenance mode occurs only when no new content is delivered, you're free to do so. But in that event we're in a state prolonged intentional neglect and nothing in this last of its kind 60 day road map changes that. Nothing.


As for resources being siphoned off for Anthem. That might be true, but it neither excuses nor justifies neglecting an ongoing business enterprise. And nothing is to say that if we "Give them just one more year" that SWTOR will get any of those resources back. BW is depending on Anthem being a hit. If it is, those resources could very well get moved on to their next great thing (DA:4?). And SWTOR could very well be left holding the bag again. At that time the new basis for reference of a good year in this game will be 2017 (3/5 of an operation in 2 modes, 2 flashpoints, & a reskined war zone). 2017 was not a good year for content in this game whether you're a solo story player, raider, PvP or any combination of those.


The fact that the producer refused to talk about anything beyond April ought to be telling in and of itself. There is no transparency and there was no road map. Gives us some real reason to look forward to the rest of 2018, this 'roadmap' was anything but hopeful.

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No actually it doesn't. Maintenance mode occurs when a game enters a prolonged low or no development cycle. Just enough bug fixes to keep the thing working and very little new content and what there is is extremely limited in nature. We've been there for some time.


Now, if you want to believe that maintenance mode occurs only when no new content is delivered, you're free to do so. But in that event we're in a state prolonged intentional neglect and nothing in this last of its kind 60 day road map changes that. Nothing.


As for resources being siphoned off for Anthem. That might be true, but it neither excuses nor justifies neglecting an ongoing business enterprise. And nothing is to say that if we "Give them just one more year" that SWTOR will get any of those resources back. BW is depending on Anthem being a hit. If it is, those resources could very well get moved on to their next great thing (DA:4?). And SWTOR could very well be left holding the bag again. At that time the new basis for reference of a good year in this game will be 2017 (3/5 of an operation in 2 modes, 2 flashpoints, & a reskined war zone). 2017 was not a good year for content in this game whether you're a solo story player, raider, PvP or any combination of those.


The fact that the producer refused to talk about anything beyond April ought to be telling in and of itself. There is no transparency and there was no road map. Gives us some real reason to look forward to the rest of 2018, this 'roadmap' was anything but hopeful.

All that typed out and you could've just google searched maintenance mode gaming (or software) to discover you're wrong.



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Frankly, all those things you listed are par for the course when paying a premium price for a game subscription ($15/month). There should certainly be more content offered than that, even if it is in the form of a paid expansion which I'm sure the majority of people playing SWTOR would be down to pay for.


Game is in full maintenance mode. No new expansion for over a year? There is certainly need for concern. Although this game is going on seven years. I'm personally surprised it's lasted this long.


Not all games put out Expansions every year, don't base it off of that. I know for a fact WoW has had at least 1 gap of 2 years between expansions. Now i'm not saying swtor is making enough new content, it's not, but don't just judge the fact we had no expansion this year as your proof it's in maintenance mode. The Dribble of content we have had is proof it's in maintenance mode, or very close to it if your of the opinion no new content means maintenance mode.

Edited by Toraak
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The fact alone that EA & BW did pulled majority of the devs from this game to work on the Anthem and left the game to operate with such a scarce resources for a content development ( which is obvious to anyone who have seen the amount of the content this game is getting ) is telling enough where the game is standing currently in their line of priorities.


I don't remember that Blizzard ever did something like that to WoW or SE to FF XIV.

Edited by Lunablade
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The fact alone that EA & BW did pulled majority of the devs from this game to work on the Anthem and left the game to operate with such a scarce resources for a content development ( which is obvious to anyone who have seen the amount of the content this game is getting ) is telling enough where the game is standing currently in their line of priorities.


I don't remember that Blizzard ever did something like that to WoW or SE to FF XIV.

Where did you see BW and EA say that?

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Where did you see BW and EA say that?


They will not say that openly because that would be a wrong move for them from the business standpoint if they would, but most of the gaming news sites and even some of the major business news portals reported that happening which BW never confuted. And by looking on the : amount of the content we are getting, what's currently on PTR and what is announced to be in the development for the game right now nothing of that is reassuring me how that is not true.







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They will not say that openly because that would be a wrong move for them from the business standpoint if they would, but most of the gaming news sites and even some of the major business news portals reported that happening which BW never confuted. And by looking on the : amount of the content we are getting, what's currently on PTR and what is announced to be in the development for the game right now nothing of that is reassuring me how that is not true.







Looks like "fact" to me, lmao.

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Looks like "fact" to me, lmao.


It's been that way since SWTOR released. The major studio pulls developers from the subsidiary studios to work on the game the major developer is working on. Austin and Montreal (former) were/are the subsidiary studios to Bioware Edmunton.


It also means they produce DLC for the big IP game too. Austin created the Citadel DLC for ME3

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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They will not say that openly because that would be a wrong move for them from the business standpoint if they would, but most of the gaming news sites and even some of the major business news portals reported that happening which BW never confuted. And by looking on the : amount of the content we are getting, what's currently on PTR and what is announced to be in the development for the game right now nothing of that is reassuring me how that is not true.








So....the original Kotaku report, that contradicts itself in several places, and 2 reports only saying that Kotaku reported this?


You'd be as well creating your own blog and citing that as proof. :rolleyes:

Edited by CrazyCT
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So....the original Kotaku report, that contradicts itself in several places, and 2 reports only saying that Kotaku reported this?


You'd be as well creating your own blog and citing that as proof. :rolleyes:


Look you are free to believe whatever you want just like I am, the journalists in the Kotaku have a good insider informations about what's going in the Bioware, the entire thing which they reported also about ME Andromeda development is proof of that and was mostly right on the spot even tho in the time when they released that they were also called out by the naysayers saying how all that is bs what they wrote there. And respectable news portals like Forbes would not surely cite something from it if they would think how its not reliable source.


And btw don't even think how I want for this game to fail because I dont, I care about it to but I wish for it to prosper and to live up to its full potential, and that can only happen if it gets treated like an AAA MMO, in fact I would be one the happiest people around here if it would become more successful and make an bigger impact on the gaming in general close to the WoW one.

Edited by Lunablade
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They will not say that openly because that would be a wrong move for them from the business standpoint if they would, but most of the gaming news sites and even some of the major business news portals reported that happening which BW never confuted. And by looking on the : amount of the content we are getting, what's currently on PTR and what is announced to be in the development for the game right now nothing of that is reassuring me how that is not true.








It's things going on in game gamers know are true but just don't want to believe it. Little content, bioware unable to talk about content even 90 days out not. Most likely because they ahve no idea what they can do inside that time. Going forward no real expansion coming even if a 6.0 drops. It wont be a real expansion as most games produce. Just a patch called 6.0 and hyped by bioware to be bigger than it really is. When gamers get disappointed they will blame us for expecting to much even though it will be bioware that hypes it - not gamers.


I have no doubt those articles are truthful about what is happening at bioware given the pitiful road map we just had. Which sadly enough was little more than they told us 5 months ago at the end of the last road map.

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And respectable news portals like Forbes would not surely cite something from it if they would think how its not reliable source.


All they reported was that someone reported this. The article is 100% accurate. Kotaku did say that, so there is no loss of reputation for Forbes if it turns out to be lies. The loss of reputation would only be on Kotaku.


And as for the original Kotaku report, it ironically has this as the last part -


And then there’s the toxicity problem, as video game pundits seize any opportunity to stoke anger at big publishers. Two people who have worked on Anthem both expressed anxiety to me about the ways some big YouTubers have spread misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric about EA, saying that it has a demoralizing effect on those people on the ground level. To people who work for EA, the publisher isn’t just a cold corporate master—it is a complicated machine that, yes, is concerned first and foremost with generating revenue for investors, but also supports thousands of people in many tangible and intangible ways. People close to BioWare, along with many other developers I’ve talked to in recent months, worry that commentary from some of YouTube’s loudest voices has eliminated nuance and made companies like EA seem like Disney villains.


You'd be as well citing these forums as proof that the game is dying.

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All they reported was that someone reported this. The article is 100% accurate. Kotaku did say that, so there is no loss of reputation for Forbes if it turns out to be lies. The loss of reputation would only be on Kotaku. .


You didn't fully understood the point I was making, and that is how portals like Forbes don't have at all an habit to follow and spread the information from some of the fake yellow news sites because that would ruin their reputation to in the public in the long run, the fact how they reported the news firstly published in the Kotaku is a sign how they take it as an reliable source.


And from the entire thing in the article about the EA all I get is how EA shouldn't be taken only in the black and white light but with a shade of gray, because as much as it represents some of the worst corporate habits it still offers the opportunities to the developers to get the job and for them to accomplish the things they wouldn't be able otherwise without it on their own.

Edited by Lunablade
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It's been that way since SWTOR released. The major studio pulls developers from the subsidiary studios to work on the game the major developer is working on. Austin and Montreal (former) were/are the subsidiary studios to Bioware Edmunton.


It also means they produce DLC for the big IP game too. Austin created the Citadel DLC for ME3

Yet again, please provide the source that this happens.

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Look you are free to believe whatever you want just like I am, the journalists in the Kotaku have a good insider informations about what's going in the Bioware, the entire thing which they reported also about ME Andromeda development is proof of that and was mostly right on the spot even tho in the time when they released that they were also called out by the naysayers saying how all that is bs what they wrote there. And respectable news portals like Forbes would not surely cite something from it if they would think how its not reliable source.


And btw don't even think how I want for this game to fail because I dont, I care about it to but I wish for it to prosper and to live up to its full potential, and that can only happen if it gets treated like an AAA MMO, in fact I would be one the happiest people around here if it would become more successful and make an bigger impact on the gaming in general close to the WoW one.

Im hard pressed to consider swtor an AAA game at this point. I dont know what their current budget is, but they definitely dont advertise as much as games that qould be considerd AAA games. Im not saying that not being an AAA game is bad, just that it wont ever live up to expectations of people who believe it is one.

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It's things going on in game gamers know are true but just don't want to believe it. Little content, bioware unable to talk about content even 90 days out not. Most likely because they ahve no idea what they can do inside that time. Going forward no real expansion coming even if a 6.0 drops. It wont be a real expansion as most games produce. Just a patch called 6.0 and hyped by bioware to be bigger than it really is. When gamers get disappointed they will blame us for expecting to much even though it will be bioware that hypes it - not gamers.


I have no doubt those articles are truthful about what is happening at bioware given the pitiful road map we just had. Which sadly enough was little more than they told us 5 months ago at the end of the last road map.

Have you seen the reception they get when rhey talk about stuff 90+ days out? I wouldnt paint a target on myself either.

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