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If Bioware were to halt development on SWtoR, what would you do? BW, please read.


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Continue playing as preferred player occasionally but wouldn't sub. The game without the clear future and with no new content for it being developed on the horizon would fast go stale and simply wouldn't be worth my time investment.


But also have to say that if that would happen anytime soon my confidence in the Bioware would be ruined, and with having in mind : how EA did treated its players in Battlefront 2 , the entire fiasco which happened with Andromeda and the way how this game is supported probably wouldn't ever pick again any game which has anything to do with EA.

Edited by Lunablade
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I'd play it until it were shutdown and hope that BW would release an offline version. However, that would also be the moment I quit investing in any games developed by EA (even IF another Star Wars game were made).



One way or the other, SWTOR is the end of the line for me.


ditto, unless somehow the next Dragon Age game is awesome, this is my last EA game

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only reason i havent left already is cause this is the only MMO for starwars, if there was another one that actual got content that wasnt solo content and actual raids yearly instead the 4 year gap since the full raid we got. I would of left by now, I mean really the current raid was announce a year ago and STILL NOT DONE. Edited by Kyuuu
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I would play until the end, and then there was an emulator waiting. In other MMOs, I definitely will not play - I do not have the best Internet for online games.

It would be nice if the developers gave the players an offline version of the game, but this is very little hope.

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I'd have more time for Warframe and HotS and maybe do another TW3 playthrough.


In the end, its just a game, I've seen plenty come and go in my time.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but my brain just envisioned this battle hardened, axe wielding, viking type warrior plunking a tankard of ale down on the table as he said that, lol. Sorry, vivid imagination.

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Nothing would fill up the hole SWTOR would leave behind. I think that if SWTOR shuts down I'll never play a game again because nothing will be able to top this game for me. SWTOR is so deeply woven into my life and being... I know it probably sounds weird but this game and I went through a lot. It was my wscape from bad situations, it was my refuge when I was going through a bad period in life, it cheered me up, it sparked my creativity, it fed my passion for writing and storytelling... SWTOR is just so much a part of my life that if it goes down a part of me will go down with it, which is why I absolutely do not want this game to end :( or go into maintenance mode



I'm right there with you brother. This game helped me to get through one of the worst periods in my life by giving me an escape from reality for a few hours a day. I don't think I could stand to see it go down.

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