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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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I'm in this same boat. This is the only EA game I'm playing, and once SWTOR is gone, so too will be my wallet. The only way to stop them from continuing their "get rich quick" business model that is ruining games and studios is to stop giving them money. Vote with your wallet, as the saying goes. So yes, after SWTOR, I'll be avoiding EA games just as I currently avoid NCSoft games.


Thankfully, we still have game studios like CD Project Red who still make spectacular games.


I love this game, but I will stop paying to SWTOR if they stop making content. CD Project Red are a good studio, but I hope their next game comes with a more personalized protagonist - like choosing gender. I loved Geralt, and I get why he was the protagonist and all, but I would love to play as my character in a game as fun as Witcher 3.

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I love this game, but I will stop paying to SWTOR if they stop making content. CD Project Red are a good studio, but I hope their next game comes with a more personalized protagonist - like choosing gender. I loved Geralt, and I get why he was the protagonist and all, but I would love to play as my character in a game as fun as Witcher 3.


Ill play there games if they ever make one that lets me play a female protag

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I love this game, but I will stop paying to SWTOR if they stop making content. CD Project Red are a good studio, but I hope their next game comes with a more personalized protagonist - like choosing gender. I loved Geralt, and I get why he was the protagonist and all, but I would love to play as my character in a game as fun as Witcher 3.


Thing is, i've been around this industry, as well as others and some some idiots don't get. Is that EA has taken away money and people resources that were working on This game, and have been Forced to work on other EA games. Some people are very ignorant of that Fact, and you can't do much with the only Devs they care about most, are the ones that do the MTX department.


With EA, it's always about showing them the money even before the game launches. Antone like me that has been around the gaming industry knows how bad this is, and also know how our jobs can be here one day and gone the next.


It's better just to do Intelligence work instead really, at least with that you know your job is going to be certain unless you do a stupid Snowden job.

Edited by MandFlurry
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How did "the roadmap should be ready in about mid february" translate to "there won't be a roadmap"?


I believe it is the word should. Originally you would hope for a roadmap to be out before the period it covers, a little like people using a map before starting their journey. But not to worry Eric said it should be out early January on the Anniversary Live Stream, can't blame him for getting it wrong he didn't write it. Then there was a post about 5.7 in which it was said that it was being written then and it would be a few more weeks. After a few more weeks another live stream to say its being written now and it should be out in a few more weeks.


All it has to be is delayed another 2 weeks for it being over 3 months late and there is no point in it as the Winter period will be over and no one needs a winter road map when you are in Spring Its a little pointless. At which point you couldn't blame EA for having concerns about the game and the lack of direction and given the state of the game through 2017 and into 2018 if Keith is the right person to be sitting in the producer chair.

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Well if they might stop development on this game, for time on their other game and at the same time, letting this one waste away to dark space. Then i refuse to buy any thing else from Cartel Market. I'll be damned if i will spend real money on digital toys then at any time get a notice "game has ended" after dropping 20 or more on new gear that i might get a day or 2s worth of use out of then game ended. Nope i am done spending real money if i can get the credits up to buy from GTN then i just wont have it, what ever it may be.


I cant imagine to many people not agreeing with me. I could be wrong though.

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Thing is, i've been around this industry, as well as others and some some idiots don't get. Is that EA has taken away money and people resources that were working on This game, and have been Forced to work on other EA games. Some people are very ignorant of that Fact, and you can't do much with the only Devs they care about most, are the ones that do the MTX department.


With EA, it's always about showing them the money even before the game launches. Antone like me that has been aroung the gaming industry knows how bad this is, and also know how our jobs can be here one day and gone the next.


It's better just to do Intelligence work instead really, at least with that you know your job is going to be certain unless you do a stupid Snowden job.


Completely agree. There seems to often be a lack of understanding for industry - and even running large companies in general. It's a shame really.

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Cyberpunk 2077 might be that game...fingers crossed.


Yeah, that's about , what? 7 years now?? But from sources at CD Projekt Red, they say that the delelopment is finally picking up again, whereas before the Producer of Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't happy enough with what the game engine could do. Whereas now with current Technologies in graphics and physics, they feel more confident they can do that Cyberpunk people were drooling about.


I gotta say, this will be the 1 MMO i Will stay with, others can go from a "Sky is falling" stroke, but truth is the people that leave now are also at fault for making EA shut this down if they see this. They are as much to blame, as real fans will stick with this game and show EA we still want this game, and have the resources that Bioware should be giving SWTOR, not the opposite.

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Completely agree. There seems to often be a lack of understanding for industry - and even running large companies in general. It's a shame really.


People, that are now leaving are actually helping EA to sink this ship, and people need to know other Gaming companies that care for their games put at least 200 people or more, they can have 100 Devs in just the graphical area. Bioware probably has 10 to 15 for all i know.


I just don't understand how other people Don't understand that right now Bioware Is actually doing the best they can, because if they weren't i would have left a long time ago, but being around the Industry, i know that Bioware is in between a Rock and a Hard wall, where anything they do could be the end of their jobs,


It's suicidal, but, just me I would call up Kathleen Kennedy and a Disney Exec that is known for caring for this IP, and see if maybe they could do something.


It's suicidal job wise, but imagine if That got Swtor back on it's feet and Disney and LucasFilm did tell EA to start doing their jobs. Thing is, i would hope Disney would be able to by Bioware from EA, which is costly, and then have LucasFilm and Biowre do their jobs freely without the EA Bs.


I wish, i really do, because i know all the people that used to work for Bioware loved the company until EA just fragged Bioware.

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I just don't understand how other people Don't understand that right now Bioware Is actually doing the best they can, because if they weren't i would have left a long time ago, but being around the Industry, i know that Bioware is in between a Rock and a Hard wall, where anything they do could be the end of their jobs,.

They probably are doing the best they can...and that's exactly the problem, because if this is the best they can do for us now, they don't need to bother on my account.

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Thing is, is that EA has Bioware's staff's hands tied. They can't get the resources they need because EA has 5 or 6 other games in development now. Problem also is that EA is very bad to the Star Wars IP, no matter the game.


I still like this game, and will stay with it for now. No reason to have a stroke.

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I don't have any hatred for Eric, or Keith, or any of the SWTOR team. I'm upset because the higher-ups at Bioware and EA have decided to bleed this game to support Anthem, which is somewhat mind-boggling to me. Bioware has no experience whatsoever with a shooter, yet they are putting all of their eggs into that basket. I guess that's their right, but I feel like some of those eggs belong to us - the folks who have paid subs and bought Cartel Coins in support of this game. It's leaving a bad taste in my mouth and, while I don't like FPS games to begin with, I don't feel very well-disposed towards Bioware in general or Anthem in particular at this moment.
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Thing is, is that EA has Bioware's staff's hands tied. They can't get the resources they need because EA has 5 or 6 other games in development now. Problem also is that EA is very bad to the Star Wars IP, no matter the game.


I still like this game, and will stay with it for now. No reason to have a stroke.


Right, but corporations also aren't charities. Whether or not BW's staff's hands are tied is irrelevant to me.


I pay for a service. If they don't provide the service I'm happy with I take my money elsewhere. Sorry to be coldly capitalistic, but it is not the player's fault to any degree as you suggested in an earlier post. My loyalty must be earned.


As it turns out, I'm enjoying playing the game and will certainly stay through the Traitor Arc, which I think it is reasonable to say they will release. But for me to pump money into the Cartel Market now absent the Roadmap is foolhardy. And if it does enter true maintenance mode, of course I will leave.



Edited by Jdast
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But then again if they need 6 weeks for a roadmap, surely it will contain more than companion alerts...right?


Not necessarily. It could very well be they didn't start the road map until after the New Year's holidays. They're facing an annual review and possible cuts in budget to bare mx mode so that delays it even further until the matter is settled. If the hammer comes down and BW reallocates more SWTOR resources, you may be lucky to even get companions back no matter how finished any of the alerts, cut scenes or chapters are.


If you want to know what mx mode looks like in an MMO, look around. This is it.

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I pay for a service. If they don't provide the service I'm happy with I take my money elsewhere. Sorry to be coldly capitalistic, but it is not the player's fault to any degree as you suggested in an earlier post. My loyalty must be earned.


But what if someone is so loyal and adoring a game that if that game shuts down or goes into maintenance mode they will lose what little happiness they can find in life? :( not saying that people shouldn't leave if they are displeased, but SWTOR can't end. It just can't, I don't want it to happen and I won't be able to handle it if it happens. Not joking.


SWTOR has become so deeply interwoven with my life, if it goes into maintenance mode or shuts down... nothing will fill up that hole because it won't be SWTOR. Hence why I say to hell with Anthem, I want SWTOR to get a bigger team, new content and be successful not some other useless game.

Edited by Ylliarus
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A 2018 roadmap that was delayed in December 2017 to January 2018 and now it's pushed to early spring? A quarter of the year already would be over. SWTOR is done folks. Everyone should be looking for a new game to play. I would suggest Black Desert Online, but the SWTOR player-base are a bunch of Carebears so you simpletons might need something far easier to play. Edited by Renata_Roselli
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A 2018 roadmap that was delayed in December 2017 to January 2018 and now it's pushed to early spring? A quarter of the year already would be over. SWTOR is done folks. Everyone should be looking for a new game to play. I would suggest Black Desert Online, but the SWTOR player-base are a bunch of Carebears so you simpletons might need something far easier to play.


There is no "other game" to play after SWTOR. I simply wouldn't be able to enjoy any other MMO or game if SWTOR would end ever again, the hole this game would leave behind would be too big. And I am not saying this as dramatizing or something, it's how I'd react. So SWTOR can't shut down, it just can't. To hell with any other game, SWTOR should get resources, developers and new content.

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There is no "other game" to play after SWTOR. I simply wouldn't be able to enjoy any other MMO or game if SWTOR would end ever again, the hole this game would leave behind would be too big. And I am not saying this as dramatizing or something, it's how I'd react. So SWTOR can't shut down, it just can't. To hell with any other game, SWTOR should get resources, developers and new content.


But it won't get more resources and if EA doesn't get a new license from Disney in 2022 that may also be the end of SWTOR since the Star Wars IP belongs to Disney and EA is just leasing it for now.


I'm not saying the game will shut down this year. I don't believe that...but you may want to consider some other hobbies for future reference. Nothing lasts forever.

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