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Bought wrong PvP Helmet due to set boni not visible beforehand


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Hello all,

I purchased a Battlemaster PvP Helmet with a token yesterday, and since the vendor did not show set boni, I assumed there were none. Judging merely by the stats, the helmet seemed like the best purchase at the time.


However, a guild member who inspected my gear asked me why I bought a set item with bonuses for the other AC. That's when I noticed that I was wearing a Mercenary healer helmet as a Powertech...


Now, I have two questions:

1. Can you guys see the set bonus at the vendor? I swear I couldn't.

2. What can I do now? Contact customer support? Imho, it's not my fault for purchasing the wrong item, since the vendor tooltip withheld vital information.

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I think alot of the gear is confusing, they should put either AC on them or make it clearer. I know I see my stats but it may or may not be for me.


I know I am not smart never claimed to be but it should not take 20 mins of searching a long list to see which ones are for my char. PS the usable thing does not seem to work

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I have the same problem. Bought the wrong pvp helm because the set bonus isn't listed in the tooltip when hovered over in the vendor window. Even when you link the item, you can't see set bonus.


That's not all, when you craft something and get a "critical" or "overkill" proc (probably others but those are the only 2 I've gotten) the extra stat that you get on the gear (+crit or +power) doesn't show properly on the tooltip when you link the item in chat.


I've submitted tickets, but received no answer (story of this game's short but buggy life).


Bioware, you plan on fixing this or just letting us suffer with it?


Worst customer service in the history of MMOs. Even SWG, who undeniably ruined their own game had better service than this.

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Same problem here. I dont understand why thats not shown before buying. Now I have boots for dps vanguard and i need for dps commando... im very dissapointed from this game...


IMO the vendor system need a "return" feature to undo the sale within a minute. It's not only gear looks, etc. but I've bought two of something be clicking incorrectly. Just yesterday I wasted several thousand credits by buying a companion customization I didn't want.

Edited by Owsley
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it's your own error guys...


No, it's not. The set bonuses are not listed on the piece of equipment when you purchase them from a vendor.


You should not have to look them up prior to purchasing them. Many people are going to buy their first PvP armor piece and then realize that there are set bonuses and that they may have chosen the wrong piece.


Stop trolling.

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To be fair it is pretty obvious which pieces are for which set.


For example I play a Shadow.


One set has a ton more endurance then the others..hm..tank

One has crit/surge..hmm shadow dps but hey maybe even sage...but wait

One set has alacrity on it...hmm sage

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Another reason I for me to continue to refuse to pvp (on a pvp server no less). My first venture into pvp was at level 11 from Imperial Fleet. I'm all excited cause I normally love pvp...not so in SWTOR. I look around me and see a lvl 34 commando. Really?!? ***! BioWare ever here of BRACKETS? 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50.


How difficult is that?


Instead I get some mysterious buff where I have like 11k hit points so I'm not one shotted (as I should be by a lvl 34 anything).


Sorry BioWare, but please take a look at RIFT's pvp warfronts. Nice brackets, no need to uber buff a lvl 10 so he doesn't die to lvl 34's in one shot. Even if you do what Trion does and pull characters from other servers' pvp queues to populate pvp warzones it would be better than the ridiculous way it's set up currently.


And thankfully my first pvp experience wasn't Huttball or w/e the heck it's called. Is this pvp or EASports? More capture flag/king of hill/deathmatch with cool maps please.

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I dunno, I'm a big fan of the 10-50 bracket for PvP.


The buff lets us play with some of our friends who are still in the 20-40 range. Playing with a group and having some actual communication and strategy trumps level anyway.


Also, Rift's PvP was awful. You'd end up in a WF with 6/10 people AFK because there was no anti-afk measure taken.


I feel that going the multi-server route won't help the game. I always thought that the death of the WoW community happened with cross server battlegrounds, not LFG. Having everyone from one server for the WF queue helps foster some server rivalries, and you get to know who you're playing against fairly well.

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Another reason I for me to continue to refuse to pvp (on a pvp server no less). My first venture into pvp was at level 11 from Imperial Fleet. I'm all excited cause I normally love pvp...not so in SWTOR. I look around me and see a lvl 34 commando. Really?!? ***! BioWare ever here of BRACKETS? 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50.


How difficult is that?


Instead I get some mysterious buff where I have like 11k hit points so I'm not one shotted (as I should be by a lvl 34 anything).


Sorry BioWare, but please take a look at RIFT's pvp warfronts. Nice brackets, no need to uber buff a lvl 10 so he doesn't die to lvl 34's in one shot. Even if you do what Trion does and pull characters from other servers' pvp queues to populate pvp warzones it would be better than the ridiculous way it's set up currently.


And thankfully my first pvp experience wasn't Huttball or w/e the heck it's called. Is this pvp or EASports? More capture flag/king of hill/deathmatch with cool maps please.


You know, for the longest time, I used to think all those guys who talked about "skill beats gear" were just being enormous jerks. I got into PVP here to kill time while Kaliyo fetched things, and my level 11 (at first, now she's 15 just from PVP) Sniper is frequently outperforming level 50s. My higher-level Sorcerer is, of course, doing even better, having a more filled-out skill list, but that buff you're decrying really does even the playing field; stupid people die, skilled players do well, and well-coordinated teams own everyone's face.


Half the people are complaining that SWTOR is too much like "every other MMO", and here you are screaming at the devs to vanilla it out. Huttball is easily the most fun I've ever had in PVP; the traps are hilarious and all kinds of wacky stuff happens. It's just not a slaughterfest (though it sometimes does devolve into it, as does anything else). We have all these wonderful possibilities, an entire new galaxy to explore, and you want to go back to boring CTF? Do it elsewhere, but pass the ball before you quit, you worthless Frog-Dog.


...Weren't we talking about broken stuff? Like, actual bugs, and not whining. Those set bonuses should probably be visible, and I've never seen the 'usable' thing work properly in any crafting menus, the market, vendors... nothing. That proooobably needs to get fixed, no? :x

Edited by Kureyn
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No, it's not. The set bonuses are not listed on the piece of equipment when you purchase them from a vendor.


You should not have to look them up prior to purchasing them. Many people are going to buy their first PvP armor piece and then realize that there are set bonuses and that they may have chosen the wrong piece.


Stop trolling.


how hard is it to choose the correct stats with matching set names?


im not trolling. how annoying.

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how hard is it to choose the correct stats with matching set names?


im not trolling. how annoying.


I'm not talking about completing your set, I'm talking about purchasing your FIRST piece of set gear. Obviously once you have one piece you can tell what the other pieces are.

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how hard is it to choose the correct stats with matching set names?


im not trolling. how annoying.


A few sets have identical stats, or perhaps I personally would rather the stats of say the Sniper Set as an Operative because it has more weight on Cunning and less Endurance and I want to embrace my glass cannonitude.


I would actually choose to wear the Concealment designed set for Healing as an Operative because I find the itemization to be better, but it doesn't come with the ridiculous(in a bad way) healing set bonus(Which I don't want but someone might)

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Same crap happened to me. I bought my first piece and I preferred the base stats, only to realize later that the set bonuses would not be ideal.


I did submit a ticket and got a response (see below) but in the end I decided to keep it, as I can do some testing with different sets.


This is some very useful information regarding their policy on refunding items, which I never knew myself.


I am Protocol Droid W3-Q2 Human-Cyborg relations, Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission requesting a refund for some items that you purchased in-game.


Unfortunately, your ticket did not contain enough information for us to process your request. Please submit a new ticket, and include the following information:


• Affected character name

• Server

• Item name (you want to be refunded)

• How much you bought them for


Please note that currently our item restoration policy is that you are eligible for 3 restorations within a rolling 6 month period. This request will use one of your allotted restorations.


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So you guys are complaining because you don't understand the game... common guys it's not that hard. I bought the same gear without any issues...


You are tying up CS reps because you failed at comprehension... the entitlement!

Edited by Redrum
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So you guys are complaining because you don't understand the game... common guys it's not that hard. I bought the same gear without any issues...


You are tying up CS reps because you failed at comprehension... the entitlement!


No, they are saying that when you go to buy your first piece of PvP gear some classes have sets where the stats are virtually identical on some pieces. Because of this you don't have a good way to determine which is the right set for your class other than checking what the bonuses on the set would be. But you *can't* check the bonuses for the set unless you buy the piece of gear.


Sure, you could go through all the other pieces of gear in the set to see if one stands out as being "not for your AC" but, seriously, the set bonuses should list on the gear before you buy it so you can tell at a glance which is right for you.

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Same issue here, finally got a gloves token, which i used to purchase the PvP champion gloves, but damn I bought the wrong ones.. got the sorc ones instead of assassin ones :/



The sorcerer champion pvp gloves and the assassin champion pvp gloves got EXACTLY the same stat (well almost, think assassin got like few more endurance and less willpower) anyway if it had shown the set bonus in the tooltip then I wouldn't have bought the wrong ones.


Gonna try make a customer support ticket and see if they can help me.



EDIT: This isn't really my fault if you think about it, how would i know which one to use when both items got the same stats, plus you can't see the damn set-bonus in the tooltip....

Edited by Aluano
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