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    Kansas City
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    Programming, Game Design, MtG
  1. So we were out hunting the Yellow Matrix Shard 'cron over on Nar Shaddaa, and once we finally found one, I decided to have a little fun (and stress relief). Fio is a Powertech and I am a Sorcerer. I leaped backward off the ledge and used Extrication on Fio, intending to kill us both. Instead... http://imgur.com/a/tmsQS/all After taking some screens of his own, Fio challenged me to a duel and used the Powertech's grappling hook to pull me up there too for some more screens. We're hanging out on top of a streetlight, looming over a brightly-lit city. Like Batman and Robin. (Which is which? )
  2. Also known as "OH GOD MECHATREESPIDERS: A Dramatization" or "The Reason I Make Someone Else Do The Art For My Comics" THE PREFACE So a friend (a tanky-powertech) and I (a healy-sorc) notice this Champion-level mob on Taris, it's a huge mechanical spider droid at the Reclamation Camp. We cleared out his Strong-level Republic soldier buddies so that we wouldn't be fighting them alongside him, and then my buddy stops for a minute to bio. He comes back, and as we start to pull Daddy Explodeylegs, his buddies start backspawning behind us. So the tank taunts the droid and start gunning it out of there, so that it'll go out of range for its abilities and chase us. THE WEIRDNESS So this 10-meter-tall spider droid is chasing us through this canyon, and it decides it's not going to follow in a straight path once we get it moving. Instead, it kind of moves along in this weird arc, taking potshots at the tank, and as it's moving along, there's this big tree in its way. We're not talking quite as tall as the droid itself, a decent-sized tree, but physically incapable of supporting such a thing. Too bad Star Wars Phyzaks are different, cause its pathing program glitched right out and planted it on top of the tree. THE TERROR So now this giant spider droid is IN the tree, up at the top, kinda hidden and parts of it sticking out like a cosmic horror being birthed from the planet. It's still shooting the tank, and not only can he not melee it (because it is more than 4 meters in the air, apparently) but it's also at the edge of most of his abilities' range (10m, generally) so he can't kite it, or run, or anything. I'm slinging lightning and keeping him healed, it's not a THREAT per se, but it's damn freaky. THE GIBBERING So obviously, just because WE are not freaked out, does not mean our CHARACTERS are not freaked out. I'm thinking permanent mental trauma. THE PROOF http://i.imgur.com/3TTol.jpg A NEW HORROR And here is the event, as retold to the Imperial batallion during debriefing when asked for a visual record. I apologize in advance. http://i.imgur.com/L9WC0.png
  3. You know, for the longest time, I used to think all those guys who talked about "skill beats gear" were just being enormous jerks. I got into PVP here to kill time while Kaliyo fetched things, and my level 11 (at first, now she's 15 just from PVP) Sniper is frequently outperforming level 50s. My higher-level Sorcerer is, of course, doing even better, having a more filled-out skill list, but that buff you're decrying really does even the playing field; stupid people die, skilled players do well, and well-coordinated teams own everyone's face. Half the people are complaining that SWTOR is too much like "every other MMO", and here you are screaming at the devs to vanilla it out. Huttball is easily the most fun I've ever had in PVP; the traps are hilarious and all kinds of wacky stuff happens. It's just not a slaughterfest (though it sometimes does devolve into it, as does anything else). We have all these wonderful possibilities, an entire new galaxy to explore, and you want to go back to boring CTF? Do it elsewhere, but pass the ball before you quit, you worthless Frog-Dog. ...Weren't we talking about broken stuff? Like, actual bugs, and not whining. Those set bonuses should probably be visible, and I've never seen the 'usable' thing work properly in any crafting menus, the market, vendors... nothing. That proooobably needs to get fixed, no? :x
  4. Wow, so, instead of either A) replying to my message telling me how to change a thread topic, B) sending me a PM explaining same, or C offering to do it him/herself (since obviously you have the capability!), some mod instead simply moved my thread to the "proper place" with no other aid given, where it promptly got shoved 7+ pages back with no views. Apparently this is because this is the forum where everyone asks questions... except that it's generally about random in-game stuff instead of a FORUM ISSUE like this one. God forbid I should ask for help with the forum in the Community thread, which you would assume is the proper place, considering the Community button is what brings you to the forums in the first place. But that's just me making assumptions... because whoever moved my thread didn't leave any sort of explanation, either! So! No help, no explanation, just *moved, buried*. Thanks, mods! That's wonderful of you!
  5. I've got a thread over in the Fanart sector, and I wanted to change the title (and remove the "Attempt #1"). I've got more in it now, and I wanted to have them all in that thread rather than making separate ones for every new comic... but I can't seem to change the thread title. I tried putting in a new topic on the latest update-reply, as well as editing the topic of the original post.. no dice. Help?
  6. Here's number two! http://i.imgur.com/Xp6jc.png As a side note, anyone know how to change the thread title?
  7. This just popped out at me during the Sith Inquisitor's initial questline. A friend of mine did the art according to my layout, and I filled in the dialogue. http://i.imgur.com/2Km4L.png
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