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Shae Vizla


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If I recall there was two promoitions running along side one another.


The one for the bonus chapter which you had to be a subscriber for the duration of the other event which was something to di with monthly HK themed items, the first month being the HK companion.


I still don't see why you guys don't just finish KOTET, then go replay one of the HK chapters, then bail on it. He'll stay in your companion list until you finish the chapter.

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If I recall there was two promoitions running along side one another.


The one for the bonus chapter which you had to be a subscriber for the duration of the other event which was something to di with monthly HK themed items, the first month being the HK companion.


I still don't see why you guys don't just finish KOTET, then go replay one of the HK chapters, then bail on it. He'll stay in your companion list until you finish the chapter.


I have the HK-55 companion, so I have never had to use the exit a chaopter with HK-55 as a companion method to have him as companion, so I am not certain about this.


Unless I am mistaken, though, if a player who exits a chapter in which HK-55 is a companion to keep him in their companion list subsequently starts a chapter that does not have HK-55 as a companion, he is removed from that player's companion list.


That does not mean that player cannot go back and restart a chapter that contains HK-55 as a companion and then exit that chapter again to "reacquire him", though.

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you aren't missing out on any "content" by not having Shae.


Sorry, in this content starved game, even a short convo counts. I'm not suggesting that using her as a comp counts as additional content.

Edited by Monumenta
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I still don't see why you guys don't just finish KOTET, then go replay one of the HK chapters, then bail on it. He'll stay in your companion list until you finish the chapter.

You know, with this workaround, I'm surprised I don't see it being used more. And not just for HK. I rarely see someone walking around with a Darth Marr or Acina in tow. Granted I don't hang around fleet or really take note of which companion follows randos around, but still.

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As someone who missed out on certain events, previous rewards ought stay in the past. I'd rather Bioware honor their commitments than completely remove the value of previous rewards by ending their permanent scarcity.


Going forward, I wouldn't mind if subscriber rewards were contingent on sub/play time or something.

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As someone who missed out on certain events, previous rewards ought stay in the past. I'd rather Bioware honor their commitments than completely remove the value of previous rewards by ending their permanent scarcity.


Going forward, I wouldn't mind if subscriber rewards were contingent on sub/play time or something.

Yeah, except that doesn't affect their value one bit.


Whatever shiny I have affects precisely dick re: your shinies. In addition, you have "value" already spent, namely all the time you've already had and enjoyed said shiny. And in certain cases, the value of a shiny may have already degraded due to the changing game. For example, holostatues. With more abilities being automatic, having a holotrainer now (whether it be the Hutt or Satele/Malgus) is not quite the same as having it three years ago. It's still a great convenience, but it is somewhat diminished. Same with the Revan statue. It used to sell endgame gear. Now it just does stims. They should update it to be a tier appropriate vendor but that's another matter.

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I just wander about this hysterics from scratch.

Exemple If they give this Hexid in future I don't care. I don't care If even they give her to F2P.


And no it's no greed I just RALLY like this character. I don't ask all old content. I even don't ask the new one.

Edited by Damello
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I just wander abot this hysterics from scratch.

Exemple If they give this Hexid in future I don't care. I don't care If even they give her to F2P.


And no it's no greed I just RALLY like this character. I don't ask all old content. I even don't ask the new one.


It makes no difference if you "really like" Shae Vizla. It only matters whether or not you met the requirements to have her as a companion.


What about the person who "really likes" Nico Okarr? Should they be given a "second chance" to obtain that companion?


If BW were to cater to you because you "really like" Shae Vizla and give you a "second chance" to obtain that companion, despite the fact that you KNOW you did not meet the requirements to have that companion, what about the person who starts playing after that 'second chance" who decides they "really like" Shae Vizla and comes to the forums to cry that they can't have her? Should BW offer a "third chance" for people who "really like" Shae Vizla to obtain her as a companion?


Where does it end?


No, IMO, the better answer is to leave the past subscriber rewards as exclusive to those that earned them, even if the only requirement to earn them was to be subscribed at a specific time. Those who did not earn those subscriber rewards can learn to live without them.

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I rest my case. See? People are pissed. And in turn other people got pissed. Now we have our pissing contest going full swing.


We have 6 groups when it comes to previous subscription rewards:


  1. Has, but don't care. Don't care if BW rescinds their own terms and conditions.
  2. Has, and do care. Don't believe that BW should rescind their own terms and conditions.
  3. Don't have, don't care. Another group that doesn't care if BW rescinds on their own terms and conditions.
  4. Don't have but want. The ones that want BW to rescind on their own terms and conditions because they think they're entitled to have the same things others have regardless of the situation and get pissy and whiny when people tell them they can't have.
  5. Don't have and accepts it. The ones that accept the terms and conditions.
  6. Don't have, and do care. The ones that think BW should stand by their terms and conditions.


Some can belong to Groups 5 and 6. I am one of those.


Whine, cry, bellyache, throw a tantrum, whatever. The requirements were laid out in advance of these promotions. Just because you (in general) weren't playing is no excuse to act like an entitled little child who has to have what "Little Tommy" has because you think it's shinier than your toys.


I've had my say. I'll leave it at that. Have a good day.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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The only reward companion I have is Darth Hexid. I wasn't subscribed at the time when they others were offered. Honestly, I don't really care about them. Between the 5 story comps, HK-51, Treek, and Hexid I have enough to send 8 on crew missions/craft and still take one out. With FE/ET having enough comps isn't an issue. If they did offer some of the reward comps again would I try to acquire them? Maybe, maybe not. Even with the characters I took through FE/ET I tend to use a story comp.


That said, what does it matter? Take Vizla for example. She was offered to subscribers who were subscribed during a X dates. If she's now offered to subs who are subscribed during Y dates what does it diminish from those who received her during X dates? How is it a different reward? She's still only offered to subs. And were did BW say they would never, ever, cross their hearts and hope to die, stick a needle in their eye say they would never offer her as a sub reward again? I read the fine print of the Hexid reward. There was no such announcement. I highly doubt they would say that about Vizla, or any of the reward comps.


Are people that concerned with digital prestige that disappears when the servers go dark? For that matter, many of the rewards were offered for simply being subbed at a specific time. All one had to do was sub for a month or two at that time and they'd get the reward. So your entire epeen is predicated on subbing at the right time for just long enough to have the status symbol. Congrats on your digital shinny.

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Problem is Shae has a great AOE ability and one of the better companions. Thought they all had been reskinned, but the stat's are showing Shae Vizla is hands down the better to have and level 50 as well.


So either Bioware needs to make ALL the Companions equal (Like most are already) or open up another "Shae Vizla" type character for future new players to obtain. I suggest in a like fashion to obtain.


She is not level 50. She starts at lvl 1 like everyone else.

is a video.
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Whatever shiny I have affects precisely dick re: your shinies. In addition, you have "value" already spent, namely all the time you've already had and enjoyed said shiny. And in certain cases, the value of a shiny may have already degraded due to the changing game. For example, holostatues. With more abilities being automatic, having a holotrainer now (whether it be the Hutt or Satele/Malgus) is not quite the same as having it three years ago. It's still a great convenience, but it is somewhat diminished. Same with the Revan statue. It used to sell endgame gear. Now it just does stims. They should update it to be a tier appropriate vendor but that's another matter.


Exactly, this guy gets it.

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That said, what does it matter? Take Vizla for example. She was offered to subscribers who were subscribed during a X dates. If she's now offered to subs who are subscribed during Y dates what does it diminish from those who received her during X dates? How is it a different reward? She's still only offered to subs. And were did BW say they would never, ever, cross their hearts and hope to die, stick a needle in their eye say they would never offer her as a sub reward again? I read the fine print of the Hexid reward. There was no such announcement. I highly doubt they would say that about Vizla, or any of the reward comps.


Are people that concerned with digital prestige that disappears when the servers go dark? For that matter, many of the rewards were offered for simply being subbed at a specific time. All one had to do was sub for a month or two at that time and they'd get the reward. So your entire epeen is predicated on subbing at the right time for just long enough to have the status symbol. Congrats on your digital shinny.


Yes, i agree with you. No reason for crying.


So that's the real reason people want Shae. It's because she's the OP comp like Treek used to be. You are all gonna be really pissed when she gets the nerf hammer like Treek did.


I didn't know how OP she is. I just really like this character. I don't care even if she would be weak.

Just REALLY like this character that is it.

Edited by Damello
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I rest my case. See? People are pissed. And in turn other people got pissed. Now we have our pissing contest going full swing.


We have 6 groups when it comes to previous subscription rewards:


  1. Has, but don't care. Don't care if BW rescinds their own terms and conditions.
  2. Has, and do care. Don't believe that BW should rescind their own terms and conditions.
  3. Don't have, don't care. Another group that doesn't care if BW rescinds on their own terms and conditions.
  4. Don't have but want. The ones that want BW to rescind on their own terms and conditions because they think they're entitled to have the same things others have regardless of the situation and get pissy and whiny when people tell them they can't have.
  5. Don't have and accepts it. The ones that accept the terms and conditions.
  6. Don't have, and do care. The ones that think BW should stand by their terms and conditions.


Some can belong to Groups 5 and 6. I am one of those.


Whine, cry, bellyache, throw a tantrum, whatever. The requirements were laid out in advance of these promotions. Just because you (in general) weren't playing is no excuse to act like an entitled little child who has to have what "Little Tommy" has because you think it's shinier than your toys.


I've had my say. I'll leave it at that. Have a good day.

Yeah you missed one:


Might or might not have but do care (that people get what they want, assets get used, and the company makes money- basically a win-win for anyone with a tangible interest, as opposed to overly pedantic Rule Lawyering Elitists that have nothing better to do than try and dictate for others what they have zero authority over anyway).


And yeah- yo. *raises hand*

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Yeah you missed one:


Might or might not have but do care (that people get what they want, assets get used, and the company makes money- basically a win-win for anyone with a tangible interest, as opposed to overly pedantic Rule Lawyering Elitists that have nothing better to do than try and dictate for others what they have zero authority over anyway).


And yeah- yo. *raises hand*


Yeah, it's interesting moment. Bioware didn't say that it can't be repeatable.

And it's all for subscrabers not for some year and only.

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And it's all for subscrabers not for some year and only.


On this you are wrong. It specifically said you need to be a subscriber on October 25, 2016 not that you are a subscriber after the fact. They specifically stated by October 25, 2016.




Look at Pre-Order/Subscriber Reward.


They have yet to bring back subscriber rewards for any companions and I doubt they will do it for just one companion. On these companions, there is no story, no romance, nothing that most of the others have. They did that because having a story or a romance would lock others out of that so these type of companions, other than the first time you recruit them, there is nothing else for them.



While it is possible that they will bring the others through the cartel shop, that remains to be seen and then they would have to run that through their legal department to be sure they can. While it is easy to say they can do what they want, it is not always that easy. There are people that have been here and followed their rules for the companions that could possibly have a case against them for false advertisement. So knowing how the law works and the way people sue they would have to be extremely careful before they did anything like that which is one of the reasons I don't see them doing that. It would create a mess.

Edited by casirabit
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The people that are trying to say Bioware claimed in their terms and conditions that these assets would only be used for the one time sub reward and never again need to join the real world.

We do not own anything in the game, not a single pixel, Bioware can do anything they like with these assets in the future and that IS certainly detailed in the tos. It's not just saying they could, read the terms and conditions you all digitally signed, it is in no way a legal issue for Bioware and in no way violates any 'deal' you believe was made between you and the company. Educate yourselves on the real deal you made by signing the tos.

Your feelings of ownership do not change the facts and are misguided.

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While it is possible that they will bring the others through the cartel shop, that remains to be seen and then they would have to run that through their legal department to be sure they can. While it is easy to say they can do what they want, it is not always that easy. There are people that have been here and followed their rules for the companions that could possibly have a case against them for false advertisement. So knowing how the law works and the way people sue they would have to be extremely careful before they did anything like that which is one of the reasons I don't see them doing that. It would create a mess.



I'm sorry, you seem like a reasonable poster most of the time, but this may be the most ridiculous things yet posted in this thread. You sound just like those people that said they were going to hire lawyers to sue BioWare for choices (not) mattering in ME3 (I might've even seen something similar here, come to think of it). They were laughed out of their own threads.


For ****'s sake, at NO POINT did BioWare promise anyone pixels that would be theirs and only theirs for all eternity. Please stop with this delusion. It was a goddamn promotion that did exactly what it said on the tin on account of you having a shiny all this time that others that didn't buy in did not. You got door prizes, now the items of said prizes may be used as part of another promotion or sold outright. Full and unrestricted rights to these assets belong solely to BioWare and EA and they can do with them what they damn well please.

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On this you are wrong. It specifically said you need to be a subscriber on October 25, 2016 not that you are a subscriber after the fact. They specifically stated by October 25, 2016.


It's just a date. In 2017 was Hexid so what? If in the future they add her in Market or do what they want to do it's not our business at all. We already got our gift for free.


Even Bioware support said it's could be repeatable.

Edited by Damello
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Yes, it will be fair for new subscrabers.


While you may think it fair for some, it would be unfair for others. Plain and simple. :rolleyes:


HK-55 was 2 times. Someone died after this or World is gone? No.

I don't ask do it for free to play. It's for subscrabers. I'm subscraber.


HK-55 was a one-time deal, too. Sub for a specific period of time. You look it up. You do the research on it. And what the hell are these "subscrabers" you keep talking about? :rolleyes:


I just wander about this hysterics from scratch.


While you may think this is the start, or your thread was the start, this is an old, old matter. The item may be different, but the subject is not.


Yeah you missed one:


Might or might not have but do care (that people get what they want, assets get used, and the company makes money- basically a win-win for anyone with a tangible interest, as opposed to overly pedantic Rule Lawyering Elitists that have nothing better to do than try and dictate for others what they have zero authority over anyway).


And yeah- yo. *raises hand*


No, I didn't miss one. There is no Might or Might Not Have. Either you do or don't.


Yeah, it's interesting moment. Bioware didn't say that it can't be repeatable.

And it's all for subscrabers not for some year and only.


Pretend I'm from Missouri: Show me. Show me where it says it can't be repeatable. Again with the subscraber. What the hell. It was for SUBSCRIBERS who subscribed during, or at, a specific time. How much clearer does it have to be laid out for you people?


It's just a date. In 2017 was Hexid so what? If in the future they add her in Market or do what they want to do it's not our business at all. We already got our gift for free.


Even Bioware support said it's could be repeatable.


Again. Show me. Otherwise I say it's a lie or that the CS rep that told you that was just trying not to piss off a customer by not reiterating what the requirements were to receive any promotional items. Probably a lie.


For a while there, I was middle of the fence on things like this. I was thinking "Sure. Let them add these to the CM for a comparable price." But then I see all the bellyaching, whining, and crying. People calling others elitists. People feeling like they deserve to have things because others have them. Now I'm back on the naysayer side of the fence.


So it's plain and simple. The requirements were very specific. If you failed to meet the requirements, for whatever reason, then you won't get the item. Just because it doesn't say, specifically, that the item may be brought back at a later time, or through the CM, is irrelevant because the specific requirements are already laid out.


Again: Would I like to have Shae? Sure. But I'm not pining over the fact that I didn't meet the requirements. I knew full well when I canceled my sub in Oct 2016 that I wouldn't get her as a companion.


I wouldn't be opposed to them putting a different Mando comp with similar abilities in the CM, though.

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It's just a date. In 2017 was Hexid so what? If in the future they add her in Market or do what they want to do it's not our business at all. We already got our gift for free.


Even Bioware support said it's could be repeatable.


Prove it as I have yet to see that in writing.

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