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100% CXP consumable and legacy boost after 300...time for matching XP boost?


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I have to say that I am back for a while. What brought me here was the legacy bank addition, something I had campaigned for for quite a while, and what is keeping me here is the double XP/CXP event.


Now, you have 100 percent CXP boosts available for purchase, and a mechanism in place to provide mirrored classes a CXP boost once the primary class reaches 300. What I would like to see added, something I would certainly enjoy would be the same for base XP.


I would request that you would consider adding a 100 percent XP boost consumable, or allow current XP boosts to stack (up to 4, or 100 percent) and also add a legacy perk for XP, same as CXP, boost for mirror classes once a primary class reaches the end of their class questline.


Thanks for your time.

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and a mechanism in place to provide mirrored classes a CXP boost once the primary class reaches 300

No, that's not how the "I reached 300" legacy perk works.


For each mirrored pair of "base" classes (i.e. for each of SW/JK, SI/JC, BH/T, IA/S) that has reached command rank 300 on at least one character, you get an additively-stacking 25% boost on ALL characters that are below 300.


Because of my Commando who reached 300 and bought the perk, all my other characters, including my Mercs, my Vanguard (except he's only level 63) and my other Commandos, get +25%.


When my Guardian reaches 300 (she's around 215 at the moment), the +25% will become +50%, on all my level 70 characters below rank 300. If I then crank a Mara, Jugg, or Senti to 300, there will be no effect on the boost.


And when I crank a 4S class (Shadow, Sage, Sin, or Sorc) to 300, +50% becomes +75%.


And so on.

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No, that's not how the "I reached 300" legacy perk works.


For each mirrored pair of "base" classes (i.e. for each of SW/JK, SI/JC, BH/T, IA/S) that has reached command rank 300 on at least one character, you get an additively-stacking 25% boost on ALL characters that are below 300.


Because of my Commando who reached 300 and bought the perk, all my other characters, including my Mercs, my Vanguard (except he's only level 63) and my other Commandos, get +25%.


When my Guardian reaches 300 (she's around 215 at the moment), the +25% will become +50%, on all my level 70 characters below rank 300. If I then crank a Mara, Jugg, or Senti to 300, there will be no effect on the boost.


And when I crank a 4S class (Shadow, Sage, Sin, or Sorc) to 300, +50% becomes +75%.


And so on.


Ok, i was under the impression that there was some kind of error in the patch notes as to how the system worked. At any rate, I think an XP system should be added that works just like the current legacy CXP system.

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Given the ease of gaining normal XP, I don't think a 100% XP boost is really needed.

Either you create a new character and start at level 1, in which case you don't need to be too concerned about level because of "level sync" and you can get to 70 before even finishing your class story - or - you create a level 65 or 70 "boosted" character, in which case XP boosts are superfluous.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Honestly, leveling is so fast now, why would they need a boost? And you can already by a boost to 70 instantly that doesn't complete any story or quests (it just makes the game so easy you can sleep through it.)


The best part of the game is still starter planet to Corellia. After that it goes downhill until you get to KotFE and KotET where it drops right off the cliff.

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Why.. I can get to 70 by Rishi without using any of the x2 events and still have anywhere between 5 and 10 (dependant on how much I screw off on the character) of the 3 hour xp boosts left. And that is purely doing class story and planet arc quests with maybe a heroic on each planet thrown in for good measure. I don't think I've ever not been outleveled on the content except on the starter planet and then only to a point. Edited by Tahana
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Given the ease of gaining normal XP, I don't think a 100% XP boost is really needed.

Either you create a new character and start at level 1, in which case you don't need to be too concerned about level because of "level sync" and you can get to 70 before even finishing your class story - or - you create a level 65 or 70 "boosted" character, in which case XP boosts are superfluous.




This topic is silly in my view because it is so fast to level even without an active XP event now days... to the point where veterans are constantly complaining about the ease of leveling in the forums here. If it is that important to get to level quickly.. instead of asking for more CM content (More and larger XP boosts) .. use what is already there for you ---> Master Datacron.

Edited by Andryah
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Folks can certainly find it silly. However, I find that I look around the early planets and find very large groups of people leveling during XP events.


One could say that I have observer bias....and its tough to argue against that....but then why continue to have the events? Couldn't that be seen as a measure of its desirability?


I think it is obvious to just about anyone that a 100 percent XP boost consumable would likely be a very popular item.

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This is very unnecessary. Like everyone else has stated it is too easy to level as it is. When I level a new character I always ignore the xp and just enjoy the story. I think that if a person is more concerned with gaining another level instead of just enjoying the game then maybe they should be doing something else.


I have leveled several toons on just the class missions and maybe a few H2's along the way and by the time I get my ship I am already between 30-40. Plus from the class missions alone you get more xp boosts that can ever use.

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Speaking personally, as an exclusively solo player (no guild, no grouping, etc), I JUMPED at the Master Datacron when it became available. For all 8 classes! Doh!!


Before this, though, I pretty much played only around the Double XP events because it was the best way to enjoy Classic SWTOR's storylines (which is really the only reason I've been playing these last 6 years). Even with the level sync, I either needed to run heroics or planetary quests to stay appropriately leveled (and funded with gear mods, etc). Frankly, I don't have the time available to play that I wish I did-- so streamlining was massive for me, and well-worth the coinage I've dropped already on the MDs.


Now, I can simply play and focus on the Class Stories, and can enjoy them with a much-improved flow-of-game (although the back-and-forth missions to previous planets continue to drive me up the wall). In fact, I was able to play through the entire Empire side of the stories over these last couple weeks (I don't skip through dialogues and cut-scenes, sorry). Things I've missed during previous playthroughs over the years due to long pauses between playtime made for several pleasant surprises these last two weeks.


I agree that the game has [maybe] become too simplified especially for the more experienced players (those who can do the class stories in their sleep)-- but it has also been my understanding that some majority is far more interested in the endgame anyhow, and the quicker you can get to the endgame and its gear... the better.


But for someone like me, having a way to improve class story flow is too tempting an option to miss out on.


I'm not sure how an XP boost would improve on the Master Datacron, though. I mean, what better way to enjoy the great stories of Classic SWTOR than in a type of "godmode"? :) Raw, unharnessed power that, over the course of a class story, our hero must learn how to control and hone to a fine art while facing challenges and antagonists galore.


I'm loving it!


But that could be my altoholism talking. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is very unnecessary. Like everyone else has stated it is too easy to level as it is. When I level a new character I always ignore the xp and just enjoy the story. I think that if a person is more concerned with gaining another level instead of just enjoying the game then maybe they should be doing something else.


I have leveled several toons on just the class missions and maybe a few H2's along the way and by the time I get my ship I am already between 30-40. Plus from the class missions alone you get more xp boosts that can ever use.


And I would argue that Command leveling is just as easy. and certainly has some parity with current XP leveling time points, perhaps 1 to 100 is slower than leveling 1 to 12 without a boost. I have advocated for more CXP 1 to 100. Despite this the mechanic for CXP was added.


The desire for this kind of item is obvious based on the influx of players during XP events....I think it would be hard to argue that players do not enjoy the event.

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