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Character transfer cost jacked up already??!?!?!?!


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We were warned, actually. Can't find the exact post now, but it definitely did have a date - 12/12 - and the price of transfers being raised again.


Edit: Aha, found it. From November 28th.

Tell your friend that since they transferred before we announced the all clear that they are now broken forever :rak_03:.


Kidding. Transfers are back online! Enjoy everyone.




PS - Reminder that current pricing 90/150 will go until we go into maintenance for 5.6.1 on 12/12.

Edited by Jagaimee
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I have no clue where you found that. I did not see it here or in patch notes. I am hoping they will put it back though. I am still bogged down with sorting characters. I had no room to move them around.. have had to decide on which to delete.. over 100 so far. They also broke the character slots so using the character slot items do nothing past 62.. wasted a few @ 5 mil each before I noticed :(

Also the broken global character limit prevented me from moving any.

Please put it back for awhile.. would be a nice Christmas gesture.

Edited by DragonArt
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Yup we had a one post warning of the date of the change, however it was buried in an old thread and not many people saw it.

Many people did see it but some people choose not to stay up-to-date.


Transfers have been very cheap in this game for a long time and I think it's fair how they handled things. People have many things to rightfully complain about here...this is not one of them.

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I have no clue where you found that. I did not see it here or in patch notes. I am hoping they will put it back though. I am still bogged down with sorting characters. I had no room to move them around.. have had to decide on which to delete.. over 100 so far. They also broke the character slots so using the character slot items do nothing past 62.. wasted a few @ 5 mil each before I noticed :(

Also the broken global character limit prevented me from moving any.

Please put it back for awhile.. would be a nice Christmas gesture.


It may also be a good idea to check the Developer Tracker, on the Community page a few times a week, at a minimum. I check it every time I come to the website (at least during the week).

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We were notified much in advance of this, so it's not Bioware's fault, they did their job, or at least, Eric did. I do get however that it may be frustrating indeed and although I myself never had more than 10 characters at a time, sorting through 50+ might indeed take some time. They could have left the transfer prices 90/150 CC at least until the end of this year.
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We were notified much in advance of this, so it's not Bioware's fault, they did their job, or at least, Eric did. I do get however that it may be frustrating indeed and although I myself never had more than 10 characters at a time, sorting through 50+ might indeed take some time. They could have left the transfer prices 90/150 CC at least until the end of this year.

The thing is, we just had server merges and I think the last thing Bioware wants is for people to massively pack up from one server and go to another. It was good that people who got separated from their friends or whatever had a chance to transfer cheaply for a bit to help people but the full price on transfers is not just about making money but also making sure that there isn't constant mass migrations going on.


Surely this game needs some stability. I do get the op's frustration but it's also good to think about consequences, especially if they are detrimental to the game overall.

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