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Really Angry and Disappointed About Corso Riggs' Storyline.


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Do yourself a favor and don't make a Jedi Knight, Doc is the worst slimeball ever >_<


I don't know why there is all this hate toward Doc. I liked his character. He is funny, charming, and goofy at times. He has a real Bruce Campbell feel about him, which is why I liked his personality. He is funny with the male Knight, wanting him to tag along to bars cause it's good to have a Jedi around as a friend when you want to impress the ladies. His romance isn't creepy, but I guess I am just in the minority on that one. He eventually comes around and changes for the female knight.


I also didn't mind Corso's romance. I tortured him a bit with one of my characters though. She killed any women that there was an option for. She turned Beryl in. She made Rona work for her. She kept Torchy. She made out with Skaavak. She romanced Darmas and that Twi'lek guy. I honestly don't know why Corso still hung around after all that. Lol

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I like it too! Ciorso may come on a little strong in that early convo, but he quickly backs down. If your character flirts a lot Corso will complain a lot, but it's pretty funny. It just depends on how you play your character. (Just, he hates it when you don't marry him in the second to last convo, and you can't stop the romance once you've started it)



"We could do this properly, candles, food...."(Twi'lek flirting with the females smug on Balmorra)

Then Corso says something," Candles? She's allergic to candles!":p

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I like it too! Ciorso may come on a little strong in that early convo, but he quickly backs down. If your character flirts a lot Corso will complain a lot, but it's pretty funny. It just depends on how you play your character. (Just, he hates it when you don't marry him in the second to last convo, and you can't stop the romance once you've started it)



"We could do this properly, candles, food...."(Twi'lek flirting with the females smug on Balmorra)

Then Corso says something," Candles? She's allergic to candles!":p


Ok that is a funny reaction. My question why does he have reactions to you flirting with others. I wonder if he has those even if you don't flirt with him? I think my issue was when I first played the character, I was playing her as older character. One that has been in the business for a long while. (almost 30). His first comment when I flirted with the guy on Coruscant threw me for a loop. It took me out of the gameplay. That and I didn't think the guy was that old. Then it there was all of these flirt things with Corso. I guess my issue was ok I am being forced to flirt with this person Why? To find out it was because I did a little fun flirt thing on the first planet. Then I felt like I was forced to be with this companion, then I got Bowdaar. Note this was my first time playing the game and the other MMO I play the companions (though not called that) don't speak or have stories.


On the Doc issue, he just wouldn't stop with the flirting and I didn't do any flirting. Unless one of the first options with him was a flirt when it wasn't labled as one. It was fun being mean to him though. :) No matter how mean I was too him he wouldn't stop. At least with theran he does stop. (or i picked the right responses to where he does stops). Doc's companion chats make him out to be not a nice person either, If Kaylio wouldn't touch him that tells you something.

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In one of the very first conversations when he's drunk, you don't encourage him and just tell him to go to bed, the romance is over for good, and Corso won't mind if you flirt with others. However, if you got past that point, you can take Bowdaar or someone else with you if you plan to flirt. Unless you like seeing Corso get all jealous.
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If Kaylio wouldn't touch him that tells you something.

It does, but I'm not 100% convinced it's the thing you think it is. For me, it says that she didn't think she could get what she wants from him. In a sense, when it comes to relationships, both of them have an element of control freak, of wanting to "steer" the relationship, although in their relationships with the player character, both of them eventually yield some part of that control to the player. Neither Kaliyo nor Doc was ready to yield that control to the other, and that turned Kaliyo way way off.


Run the Kaliyo/Agent romance some time, and you'll see what I mean.

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Doc's companion chats make him out to be not a nice person either, If Kaylio wouldn't touch him that tells you something.


Actually that tells me that may I need to reexamine the romance with doc because of that. I have done two agents and Kaylio is one companion I really can't stand and

I have killed her on both my agents in KOTFE.



As far as the romance companions you don't have to do them if you don't like them. My operative did not romance Vector but that was because she romanced Sangau on Hoth. Now my sniper did romance Vector. As far as Corso I think it was cute that he wanted to protect you and I don't have a problem with that. Maybe I am a bit old fashion but for me that was cute that he wanted to do that.

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I will rethink on the Corso thing and have one of my smugglers romance him. i am into making alts.


The doc thing seemed odd to me, way too much ego, too much trying to flirt with my character. And I didn't like the nemro part, seems like he didn't care that someone was murdered, only that he can't have his fame. That kind of rubbed me the wrong way. And the poor lady he left at the alter. That was my first Jedi so I will do another one and try the doc stuff again. I think I will have my Jedi romance Theron though or maybe Lana.


Kaylio is an odd one, I will admit she can be funny but I have a hard time likeing her. Then again even if I don't try it I still end up with a light side agent. So she is a odd match for a Light side agent who is working for the empire. Maybe if I think of her as the way my smugglers think of Gus and Akaavi. As two people who need family but have a odd way of asking for it. That and if I don't keep an eye on Gus he will get himself in trouble and he is cute. (like usual)


I like the vector romance, it does have some sweet moments. That and the Aric romance are my favorites. Though I do like the Counselor romance.

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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I think I will have my Jedi romance Theran though or maybe Lana.

ThArAn is The Pacifist, ThErOn is Shoulder Boy.

Kaylio is an odd one, I will admit she can be funny but I have a hard time likeing her.

Maybe I'm weird, but I actually abandoned a she-agent(1) in favour of a he-agent so I could follow the Kaliyo romance. It's not that I'd want to hang out with a woman like that in real life or anything, but there's something about the character that interested me.


But no, I don't think she fits with a light-leaning Agent, but my he-agent was a Rattataki(2) Operative, and that *class* doesn't suit light-leaning, and nor does Rattataki as a species(3). (Listen as your Operative cackles like a maniac as he sticks a foot-long knife in that NPC's belly. Doesn't sound very light-side to me.)


(1) I still have the character three years later. Her class story is at Balmorra, FFS.


(2) Don't do this. Despite Rattataki being an "available without species unlock" option for Agents, lots of the dialogue was clearly written on the assumption that your crew includes no more than one Rattataki, and that Rattataki *isn't* the agent.


(3) OK, this is an appeal to The Lore, and therefore can be mostly ignored, but for me it makes sense to play a Rattataki character as a nasty piece of work because of the cultural notes about Rattataki.

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Thanks for the correction, I corrected myself. Not sure why they gave two characters simliar names. I will have to remember the difference. I think I have seen it done both ways for both characters. sis agent=Theron


I tried doing a Rattataki, but I just couldn't find a look I liked. Then again I have a hard time finding a look that I like on most of the character creation.


I will have to try out a male agent. I have been meaning to start some male characters just to see the what the other side is like.

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Personally, I love both Corso and Doc. The relationships that are rather disturbing are with some of the female companions. DS Jaesa, the girl you psychologically tortured until her mind snapped. Vette, your slave. Nadia & Ashara your naive young students. Temple, your hero worshiping subordinate.
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Agreed it's a bit one-dimensional and corny and old-school.


BUT: Unlike IRL this is a video game. There isn't the breadth and depth in the game to cater for every eventuality for romances. - heck they only just got round to same sex relationships after some protracted forum pestering. (q.v.)


There isn't scope for a long drawn out relationship or a tempestuous affair or polygamy or any number of variations.


Its a limitation of the story and the writing of the time. - Your only option is to try to rekindle the relationship, or start another or even roll another character and start over either with or without Riggs.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the reality. There was never another relationship option for female smugglers in the vanilla story. - You might find another man to romance later on after Illum if its any consolation.

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Hmm, I'm confused. I'm level 30 and he hasn't said one word to me since then. Are you saying that if I lead him on, he changes his mind and apologizes? i suppose that's an improvement but not by much.

And patches happen all the time. It's a thing.


Level of your character, influence/affection for Corso has no bearing on anything anymore. It's all about where you are in the story now. You might have to go further on in the story to get any more from him. What planet are you on? Have you finished Act 1? Heavy romance stuff typically begins in Act 2 and the Fade to Black scene is towards the end of Act 3 (around Voss/Corellia-ish).


So don't use your level as a gauge (case in point: my newest smuggler is 30th level...and he just stepped foot on Coruscant for the first time; he hasn't even gotten his starship back yet). Play more of the story. Corso will say more.

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I beta tested SWTOR in both the open and closed but then didn't play again until recently. The first character I made was a Jedi Consular and I was so proud of Bioware for the Felix Iresso character. Here was a relationship built on trust, respect and caring.


Then I made a female smuggler...

I made the choice to tell Corso to sleep it off. I'm not the kind of girl to jump into bed with the first drunken spacer to wander by.

I kept waiting for the story to progress. Waiting for Corso to apologize, not flirting with other characters.

Tired of waiting, I googled what the outcome is if you tell Corso to sleep it off. To my dismay I learned that if you don't put out for Corso when he's drunk, that he has no further interest in you except to needle you if you flirt with any other character.

I find this message stunningly wrong for both men and women. It is not OK to set out the message that if women don't comply sexually, a man will have no further interest and/or may actually stalk you after that.

I've spent a lot of money on this game since I've been back on mounts, and strongholds and custom armour, so I'm going to resist the urge to cancel my scrip and uninstall the game for 24 hours but I fear the love affair is over.


Please, Bioware, fix the Corso Riggs storyline. It is inappropriate.


It's a story. Not a message.


You tell him to sleep it off. There is now two options for him. To tell you he's sorry and try to start a romance another way or just take what you just said to him and say to himself "Not going to bother."


Sounds like he took option 2, the road most often traveled by many. :p

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  • 1 month later...
The absolute bestest possible way to describe Corso's character. Two Thumbs Up!


It's worth doing that romance one time - it's a sort of reverse "Taming of the Shrew". "The Taming of the Lounge Lizard" or something like that.


Of course, if you do it on a Miraluka - as I did - there's a lore break in the final conversations - the part where most of the romances talk about children and all that. Doc mentions (because the character isn't a human/cyborg) about how the two of them probably aren't genetically compatible, but they can always adopt. But of course humans and Miraluka *are* compatible, even if it isn't necessarily a good idea - the children often have weak (or worse) "normal" vision AND weak (or worse) Force vision.


Ha ha ha :) "The Taming of the Lounge Lizard" got a huge laugh out of me, thanks!


That said, I really enjoyed the romances with Corso and Doc, wish we could have had more with them.

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