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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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It's the same conversation going round-and-round with neither side giving in. Instead of being enemies of each other, why don't we all remember who the real enemy is for putting us in this position? BW.


Whether you guys like it or not, there ARE going to be people going into the grouped ranked pvp that wouldn't normally do it, and honestly don't care about it one bit. Plain and simple. This WILL happen. So, get over it. BW put the component there, people will go and get it regardless of need and want.


But since it keeps being brought up. I NEED the components so that I can make the augments to sell on the GTN to get credits to buy the things I really do NEED, or maybe, gasp, could even want. It's ok for those that normally play grouped ranked pvp to get this component to make the augment to then sell at exorbitant prices, but not the normal everyday Joe? And you wonder why people call them "elitists."

Edited by NHBabe
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Because when one is as wrong as you were. Something needs to be said but caring isn't the cause of it.




Sorry but life and gaming do not really coincide as gaming in and of itself is just a want. SO the same concept doesn't apply to things in a game. The whole thing is a want from start to finish and what individual gamers want to get out of it. Whatever someone else wants means nothing unless you join a like-mined guild or group of people but beyond that. It's all individual wants and as I described, when it comes to gear nearly everyone wants better and we have been conditioned to go after that "better" gear no matter what it is or where it is or what crappy things we have to do to get it and now suddenly.


But I stand by what I said.





And again using the terms want and need on content or gear isn't up to you or even bioware. There is no metrics that apply when it comes to the individual gamer. If gear in any form helps someone do what they do better and faster even in small margins. It's a now a need. It allows them to be more efficient in any and all content they decide to do. Even if that content is designed for less gear. No one gives a POOP. It is and will always be used as a carrot on a stick and nearly every single gamer is after that carrot.


If that entices you to do content you hate. Gamers will still do it as we have seen in the past. Doesn't matter how content was designed or what it was designed for. Gamers will go after that gear in the best and most efficient way possible and we will see in RPVP for the grade 10 mats. It is the quickest and easiest way to get the next level of gear.


Same reason people run Hammer Station. Same reason people ran Fractured. This is not new and bioware nerfed that CXP gain because they know what gamers will do. Stupidly putting grade 10 mats where they did is a mindbogglingly screw up on their part. What bioware has done is created a design mistake once again by putting the mats people will go after in RNG (which is rather dumb), in NM OPS which has never had a large population of participants (and these days even less) and PVP which hands them out win or lose.


It's no huge leap to make an educated guess what gamers will do to go after the new grade 10 mat and any claim of they don't "need" it means nothing. Content they do isn't designed for it or whatever reason to can come up with will not in the slightest matter in a case like this.




There is no parameter you can set for that me or anyone will care about. Thats the point and why the whole Need and want makes little to no sense in the grand scheme of this game or any as if you get to label or even bioware. It's all need if it brings the gamer entertainment or makes them have a better time.


Myself, and others will go after whatever makes our game more enjoyable and you mean little to nothing in that equation. Again, it doesn't even matter if the content that is being done is out-level, or out-geared. If it's gear and it helps us do whatever we do better. Then it's as much a need as anything else in the game.


By this point you have to realize, you don't get to make the call.


Well then, why aren't you a developer of this game? Because frankly, you don't get to make any calls either. The developers do. They set up the parametres and we abide by them. We can make suggestions, but in the end the developers are the ones who call the shots.


The developers made the mats obtainable this way, thus that means they want people to earn the mats and thus earn the augments and not get them easily. They gave us alternatives for those who can't or don't want to earn them, thus by default that means the best augments are reserved for the best players (or richest) and aren't needed by regular players, because if they were they would be available at a vendor on the fleet for low prices.


And you are naive to believe real life doesn't have influence over the game. It stems from real life, so it is through that tied to real life whether you want to believe it or not.

Edited by Ylliarus
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This whole thread confuses me greatly. It is a well-established principle in MMORPGs that the best mats / gear drop in the most difficult content and often times it's BoP, which isn't even the case here. To wit: BW has actually provided two additional mechanisms for ALL players, regardless of the content they do, to acquire these items.


1) Opening crates. While I didn't record the exact amount, I've opened up about 400 T2-T3 crates, maybe about 10 T-4. I'm at an 8% or so drop rate. That's not that bad.


2) The GTN. While I understand your point Eli that this could be construed in some ways as encouraging P2W, it's not so different than saying I can gear characters faster by buying command boosts, etc.


Frankly, I don't see what the fuss is about given that there are multiple routes to acquire such items. But, yes, if you do the more difficult content or take the time to organize a group, you will get there quicker. Seems pretty straightforward to me.





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Personally I'm waiting for the "Why do people doing basic content have any chance to get end game mats" thread. After all, we had posts like that for BIS gear even though it was virtually impossible to get a full BIS set from command crates alone.
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I opened up maybe 20 crates at most yesterday and got 2x of one of the mats, and 1x of the other.

The crates were on multiple toons though, not all on the same character.


I think it's a little early to be complaining about drop rate in crates.


That being said...if I choose to jump into ranked pvp because I want these mats, that is an intended method of play that the devs chose to include in getting these mats.

You won't like it if I queue and you get stuck on a team with me.

I suck at PVP, I hate arenas, but if that's what I need to do in order to get the mats...that's what I'll do.


I won't afk it, but I probably will be the first one dead at under 10k damage dealt.

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Well then, why aren't you a developer of this game? Because frankly, you don't get to make any calls either. The developers do. They set up the parametres and we abide by them. We can make suggestions, but in the end the developers are the ones who call the shots.


Maybe I'm doing something in another game? it's the internet, who knows.


However, I get to choose how I want to play and what I want for my entertainment. bioware set the best way to get those mats (other than real cash) is to roll into RPVP and thats what I'll do. They can expect me to play it their way but I assure you. Thats not happening. Their shotty, so-called parameter means little.


The developers made the mats obtainable this way, thus that means they want people to earn the mats and thus earn the augments and not get them easily.


Not get them easily? Are you joking? I can lose every match in RPVP and get the mats. All I have to do is show up and run around a bit and thats only if I care to do that last part. Not easily? I laugh at that.



They gave us alternatives for those who can't or don't want to earn them, thus by default that means the best augments are reserved for the best players (or richest) and aren't needed by regular players, because if they were they would be available at a vendor on the fleet for low prices.


Well sadly for you, no one cares what you think they need. If it makes their time in game better, more entertaining or even the littlest bit of fun more than they were having. What you thinks means nothing on the matter of what someone else might need. By default, gamers will do whatever they can to gear up as best they can and crappy alternatives as bioware put forth wont matter when you have a better (and cheaper way) to get grade 10 mats.


And you are naive to believe real life doesn't have influence over the game. It stems from real life, so it is through that tied to real life whether you want to believe it or not.


Only in the business sense, only a fool would think otherwise. When it comes to in game, gamers will do whatever they can to gear up and get the best that they can get and most of the time the easiest way. Doesn't matter what you think they they need or want for the content they play.


Sadly, right now, thats rolling into RPVP even if you don't give a rats arse about RPVP. I'll get the mats and feel all the better for it and I expect my entire group that forms will be similar. Otherwise they wouldn't have been there in the first place.


bioware wants to entice people in RPVP. Well, here we come. OH! We don't need those mats or augment? We'll I can bet you few care what you think we need.

Edited by Quraswren
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This whole thread confuses me greatly. It is a well-established principle in MMORPGs that the best mats / gear drop in the most difficult content and often times it's BoP, which isn't even the case here. To wit: BW has actually provided two additional mechanisms for ALL players, regardless of the content they do, to acquire these items.


1) Opening crates. While I didn't record the exact amount, I've opened up about 400 T2-T3 crates, maybe about 10 T-4. I'm at an 8% or so drop rate. That's not that bad.


2) The GTN. While I understand your point Eli that this could be construed in some ways as encouraging P2W, it's not so different than saying I can gear characters faster by buying command boosts, etc.


Frankly, I don't see what the fuss is about given that there are multiple routes to acquire such items. But, yes, if you do the more difficult content or take the time to organize a group, you will get there quicker. Seems pretty straightforward to me.






^^ /endorse this post.


Much better then the more classic MMO approach by some studios where the items are hidden behind the hardest content and are BoP and when you craft with them the result is BoP too. It always pissed me off when WoW did it the BoP way as it made it hard for guilds to collaborate as a team to build gear for members. I understand the rationale used in WoW --> if you don't do that content.. you don't need the upgrades it can provide in preparation for the release of the next level of difficult group content..... but it worked against guilds filling gear holes efficiently with crafted pieces they could build and pass on to guild members.

Edited by Andryah
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This whole thread confuses me greatly. It is a well-established principle in MMORPGs that the best mats / gear drop in the most difficult content and often times it's BoP, which isn't even the case here. To wit: BW has actually provided two additional mechanisms for ALL players, regardless of the content they do, to acquire these items.


1) Opening crates. While I didn't record the exact amount, I've opened up about 400 T2-T3 crates, maybe about 10 T-4. I'm at an 8% or so drop rate. That's not that bad.


2) The GTN. While I understand your point Eli that this could be construed in some ways as encouraging P2W, it's not so different than saying I can gear characters faster by buying command boosts, etc.


Frankly, I don't see what the fuss is about given that there are multiple routes to acquire such items. But, yes, if you do the more difficult content or take the time to organize a group, you will get there quicker. Seems pretty straightforward to me.






Dasty speaks truly as always! I fully agree with this, I absolutely do not understand the fuss people are creating over this. There are multiple ways to obtain the mats yet for some reason that is not enough, it's almost as if those people expect that it will be given freely to them, perhaps even handed on a silver platter!

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Well sadly for you, no one cares what you think they need.


Whatever helps you sleep, darling!


It is evident we are very much at odds with one another, so continuing this debate would be pointless as we'll just keep disagreeing with one another until the end of times. Let's agree to disagree, hmm?

Edited by Ylliarus
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Obviously more data needed to get a better sense, but I'm sitting around a 7%-8% drop rate from crates, the vast majority T2-T3. Probably opened about 500 or so crates today.


That's the interesting part honestly, I didn't have any issue obtaining the mats on character that had T2 or T3 crates, only when you reach T4 do they become really hard to find, for me at least.

Purely supposition from my part, but are their drop rate tied to the drop rate of legendary items in crates ? It would explain why you can have more of them in lower tier crates than in T4 crates, who are known to have insanely low 248 drop rates.


I'll do some more test on my side, could be interesting to debunk this theory :)

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bioware wants to entice people in RPVP. Well, here we come. OH! We don't need those mats or augment? We'll I can bet you few care what you think we need.


It isn't what we THINK you need. It's fact that ALL levels of play are currently being undertaken and achieved without these augments. We don't THINK that's the case - it IS THE CASE. We think you don't need them because it is a fact that you don't... no one does. This thread is all about "I want!!" + "I don't want to do ranked PvP or NiM raids!".


A few expansions ago, no one BUT those people had even half a chance at BiS end game gear. Now they've put them in command crates, everyone has access to them, but when they want to add one item that you don't need in terms of gear that takes effort to get - the world is ending.


By the way - I stacked up a couple hundred crates in preparation for 5.6. I got enough of both the purple AND the blue mats to craft nearly an entire character's worth of augments. [Edited to add: the majority of those crates were T2]. The drop rate is actually pretty good... if you guys would quit complaining about this and play the game to get some crates, you'd see that for yourself. Not only that, they drop from ALL tiers of crates, so you don't even have to be rank 300 to get them.


To act like throwing ranked matches is the only way to get these new materials is hyperbole. But I suppose I should expect overwrought and ridiculous arguments... we're on the SWTOR forums, afterall. :rolleyes:

Edited by PennyAnn
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This whole thread confuses me greatly. It is a well-established principle in MMORPGs that the best mats / gear drop in the most difficult content and often times it's BoP, which isn't even the case here. To wit: BW has actually provided two additional mechanisms for ALL players, regardless of the content they do, to acquire these items.


1) Opening crates. While I didn't record the exact amount, I've opened up about 400 T2-T3 crates, maybe about 10 T-4. I'm at an 8% or so drop rate. That's not that bad.


2) The GTN. While I understand your point Eli that this could be construed in some ways as encouraging P2W, it's not so different than saying I can gear characters faster by buying command boosts, etc.


Frankly, I don't see what the fuss is about given that there are multiple routes to acquire such items. But, yes, if you do the more difficult content or take the time to organize a group, you will get there quicker. Seems pretty straightforward to me.







<3 Dasty.

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It's the same conversation going round-and-round with neither side giving in. Instead of being enemies of each other, why don't we all remember who the real enemy is for putting us in this position? BW.


Whether you guys like it or not, there ARE going to be people going into the grouped ranked pvp that wouldn't normally do it, and honestly don't care about it one bit. Plain and simple. This WILL happen. So, get over it. BW put the component there, people will go and get it regardless of need and want.


But since it keeps being brought up. I NEED the components so that I can make the augments to sell on the GTN to get credits to buy the things I really do NEED, or maybe, gasp, could even want. It's ok for those that normally play grouped ranked pvp to get this component to make the augment to then sell at exorbitant prices, but not the normal everyday Joe? And you wonder why people call them "elitists."


None of these people are my enemies, and neither is BW. The fact is this: end game gear is more available to people than ever before, including these new augments. It was a given fact that you always had to do the hardest content in the game to get the best gear, right up until 5.0 hit. Five straight years of that being the case. One year of handing it out like candy (RNG aside) and everyone has forgotten this somehow.


Oh, you also do not NEED to make augments to sell. Your personal profit margin is the exact opposite of NEED. However, as I stated before - play the game and earn some crates. I think you'll find you get more new mats than you ever would have had access to in the first five years of the game for all the junk you NEED to buy for your toons.


And it's funny that you throw out accusations about being elitist and selling them at exorbitant prices, because that is EXACTLY what you are complaining about being unable to do.

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None of these people are my enemies, and neither is BW. The fact is this: end game gear is more available to people than ever before, including these new augments. It was a given fact that you always had to do the hardest content in the game to get the best gear, right up until 5.0 hit. Five straight years of that being the case. One year of handing it out like candy (RNG aside) and everyone has forgotten this somehow.


Oh, you also do not NEED to make augments to sell. Your personal profit margin is the exact opposite of NEED. However, as I stated before - play the game and earn some crates. I think you'll find you get more new mats than you ever would have had access to in the first five years of the game for all the junk you NEED to buy for your toons.


And it's funny that you throw out accusations about being elitist and selling them at exorbitant prices, because that is EXACTLY what you are complaining about being unable to do.


I've opened over 85 crates and have only received 4 components, and they are the ones you'd get if you did MM OPs. I've received none of the type you'd get via PVP.


I also never stated I'd sell the augments at the 10+ mil that they are being sold now, in fact I was going to undercut the market substantially in the hopes that I could assist in bringing the cost down to something that was REASONABLE. Supply and Demand - right now these are in demand and I want to get in on the supplying of them. :cool:

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By the way - I stacked up a couple hundred crates in preparation for 5.6. I got enough of both the purple AND the blue mats to craft nearly an entire character's worth of augments. [Edited to add: the majority of those crates were T2]. The drop rate is actually pretty good... if you guys would quit complaining about this and play the game to get some crates, you'd see that for yourself. Not only that, they drop from ALL tiers of crates, so you don't even have to be rank 300 to get them.


You seem to be confirming what I saw with those drop rates, they seem way lower for higher tier crates, while you'll find plenty of them in T2 or T3... That's a shame, I took the time to up most of my toons to rank 300 :rolleyes:

Well, guess I'll finally play that class, what's it called already ? You know, this class they stopped caring about in 5.0... Powertech, no ? :rak_03:


It the end (it doesn't even mat-...) it's just all about rng.

Some peoples do not like the fact that they have to grind in order to obtain max gear, that they probably won't ever truly need anyway, because those augments won't make those H2+ easier. :)

I honestly am not against grind in order to get max gear... Still, the RNG part don't make me that interested with those augments. If they really wanted to give those augments to the best of us, then don't make them available through rng. Or, if every player is equal, then make RPvP and MM Ops really, really worth doing (which isn't the case, since they aren't enough from what I've heard to be a good way to grind those).

Right now I don't even need those, full 248 with standard augments is enough to make me clear this game's content...

I guess i'll wait and see. They aren't worth all that trouble, they don't give you a big bonus, except maybe for tanks in RPvP, but that's all, they don't make you a better player. :)

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Whatever helps you sleep, darling!


It is evident we are very much at odds with one another, so continuing this debate would be pointless as we'll just keep disagreeing with one another until the end of times. Let's agree to disagree, hmm?



There really is no agree to disagree here. You think your opinion matters what what someone wants and needs in the game and I can assure you. it does not.


Gamers will go after whatever they want.

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That's the interesting part honestly, I didn't have any issue obtaining the mats on character that had T2 or T3 crates, only when you reach T4 do they become really hard to find, for me at least.

Purely supposition from my part, but are their drop rate tied to the drop rate of legendary items in crates ? It would explain why you can have more of them in lower tier crates than in T4 crates, who are known to have insanely low 248 drop rates.


I'll do some more test on my side, could be interesting to debunk this theory :)


This is really interesting. Well, glad I saved all my command tokens instead of using them on a tier 4 character. I think pt could use some love...

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You seem to be confirming what I saw with those drop rates, they seem way lower for higher tier crates, while you'll find plenty of them in T2 or T3... That's a shame, I took the time to up most of my toons to rank 300 :rolleyes:

Well, guess I'll finally play that class, what's it called already ? You know, this class they stopped caring about in 5.0... Powertech, no ? :rak_03:


It the end (it doesn't even mat-...) it's just all about rng.

Some peoples do not like the fact that they have to grind in order to obtain max gear, that they probably won't ever truly need anyway, because those augments won't make those H2+ easier. :)

I honestly am not against grind in order to get max gear... Still, the RNG part don't make me that interested with those augments. If they really wanted to give those augments to the best of us, then don't make them available through rng. Or, if every player is equal, then make RPvP and MM Ops really, really worth doing (which isn't the case, since they aren't enough from what I've heard to be a good way to grind those).

Right now I don't even need those, full 248 with standard augments is enough to make me clear this game's content...

I guess i'll wait and see. They aren't worth all that trouble, they don't give you a big bonus, except maybe for tanks in RPvP, but that's all, they don't make you a better player. :)


Those data are interesting. I would assume that higher the tier, the higher the chance for the drop rate. Unfortunately, given that I'm an altoholic (with an occasional martini in between :rak_03:), I got my characters to 300 then immediately switched in order to have 8 classes at max.


Point being - I can't contribute much to the T4 drop rate analysis, but if you got a 1% to 2% drop rate, you either need to Learn2Play RNG (KIDDING! :rak_02:) or something is off. Given the lack of hyperbole in your previous posts, I'm guessing the latter.


But a couple of us have now pointed out that T2 and T3 drop rates are in the rough 8% range.


Doh! Need more data!



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Those data are interesting. I would assume that higher the tier, the higher the chance for the drop rate. Unfortunately, given that I'm an altoholic (with an occasional martini in between :rak_03:), I got my characters to 300 then immediately switched in order to have 8 classes at max.


Point being - I can't contribute much to the T4 drop rate analysis, but if you got a 1% to 2% drop rate, you either need to Learn2Play RNG (KIDDING! :rak_02:) or something is off. Given the lack of hyperbole in your previous posts, I'm guessing the latter.


But a couple of us have now pointed out that T2 and T3 drop rates are in the rough 8% range.


Doh! Need more data!




I'll try to force myself a bit and play my 300 dps sin, just to stack a few T4 crates, then I'll relay the results to you :p

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It isn't what we THINK you need. It's fact that ALL levels of play are currently being undertaken and achieved without these augments. We don't THINK that's the case - it IS THE CASE. We think you don't need them because it is a fact that you don't... no one does. This thread is all about "I want!!" + "I don't want to do ranked PvP or NiM raids!".


You're making the same mistake in thinking numbers or level or content dictates what a gamer might go after or wants. No one cares if they need it vs what they want to aquire that makes their in game time more entertaining. If that is being OP or over-geared or having the best augments then oh well. No amount of you don't need it comes into play. Gamers will go after it anyway. They might not need it but that means jack S.... in the grand scheme of what a gamer might want to do with their game time.


I think it's hilarious that someone things because a gamers might not need it in some sense of gear vs content level, that they might not go get it away. After all wgearing is what games like this encourage since day one and that doesn't stop. We also know gamers will take the path of least resistance to get that gear and right now, that is RPVP because win or lose. You win.


A few expansions ago, no one BUT those people had even half a chance at BiS end game gear. Now they've put them in command crates, everyone has access to them, but when they want to add one item that you don't need in terms of gear that takes effort to get - the world is ending.


While true about past expansions, that matters little now. In light of what we have now, command crates suck if you are going to wait on them to drop that mat. RNG is never the way to go. There are no longer enough NM OPS groups to tag any real success in getting grade 10 mats on there and to be honest the percent of people that ever ran NM OPs was like all other MMOs with the highest difficulty, it's so few you wonder why it's there at all. It's fine being there but for the bulk of the gamers, they never ever see it. So thats another stupid move to place them there on the PVE side of things.


The best option besides real cash, is RPVP. Anyone can do it. Any skill level. ciNo one thinks the world is ending but they are also not putting the game on pause because some goof thinks they don't need it so they shouldn't go after it.


By the way - I stacked up a couple hundred crates in preparation for 5.6. I got enough of both the purple AND the blue mats to craft nearly an entire character's worth of augments. [Edited to add: the majority of those crates were T2]. The drop rate is actually pretty good... if you guys would quit complaining about this and play the game to get some crates, you'd see that for yourself. Not only that, they drop from ALL tiers of crates, so you don't even have to be rank 300 to get them.


I think a few people stored up crates but I don't think it was to any large degree but no, the drop rate sucks. So there is no way we'll agree on that. If bioware had placed them in more places then there would be nothing to complain about. hell, put it on the weekly ops for all difficulties and it wouldn't make a difference given we all just got nerfed and the augments don't even bring us back to where we were. It wouldn't matter if ever gamer had them now that I think about it.


To act like throwing ranked matches is the only way to get these new materials is hyperbole. But I suppose I should expect overwrought and ridiculous arguments... we're on the SWTOR forums, afterall. :rolleyes:


Not a single person has said it's the only way to get them but it is the easiest and most guaranteed way unless you want to spend real cash so there is no reason to not go there to get them if you want them.

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Not a single person has said it's the only way to get them but it is the easiest and most guaranteed way unless you want to spend real cash so there is no reason to not go there to get them if you want them.


Actually, several have said that.


People can be bitter all they want. I'm enjoying my new augments from T1 and T2 crates...


You know how I got them? Spending 10 minutes / day in Ziost.


/flex Dasty


Can I get a woot woot! Or however Hutts dance. :rak_03:

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It isn't what we THINK you need. It's fact that ALL levels of play are currently being undertaken and achieved without these augments. We don't THINK that's the case - it IS THE CASE. We think you don't need them because it is a fact that you don't... no one does. This thread is all about "I want!!" + "I don't want to do ranked PvP or NiM raids!".


A few expansions ago, no one BUT those people had even half a chance at BiS end game gear. Now they've put them in command crates, everyone has access to them, but when they want to add one item that you don't need in terms of gear that takes effort to get - the world is ending.


By the way - I stacked up a couple hundred crates in preparation for 5.6. I got enough of both the purple AND the blue mats to craft nearly an entire character's worth of augments. [Edited to add: the majority of those crates were T2]. The drop rate is actually pretty good... if you guys would quit complaining about this and play the game to get some crates, you'd see that for yourself. Not only that, they drop from ALL tiers of crates, so you don't even have to be rank 300 to get them.


To act like throwing ranked matches is the only way to get these new materials is hyperbole. But I suppose I should expect overwrought and ridiculous arguments... we're on the SWTOR forums, afterall. :rolleyes:


we dont NEED new ops, the ones we have are perfectly fine. Same for warzones. so quit complaining that there is little new content, you dont need it any way.

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