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An Alien as the Warrior


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As a game player, I say my characters can be any damn combo I want.


Lore wise, it's weird cause my Sith Warrior is human, and her siblings are an Adopted Chiss Agent sister (adopted at age 2), a Sith Inquisitor (who game wise was a slave (my backstory is she was kidnapped as a young child)), a Republic Trooper, a Bounty Hunter (all are her sisters and aside from the Agent, are all human).


My Warrior's daughter with Quinn, is a smuggler.


So, I say do what you want and play around with the game story and your own back story. Anything is possible.

Edited by Eanelinea
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As a game player, I say my characters can be any damn combo I want.


Lore wise, it's weird cause my Sith Warrior is human, and her siblings are an Adopted Chiss Agent sister (adopted at age 2), a Sith Inquisitor (who game wise was a slave (my backstory is she was kidnapped as a young child)), a Republic Trooper, a Bounty Hunter (all are her sisters and aside from the Agent, are all human).


My Warrior's daughter with Quinn, is a smuggler.


So, I say do what you want and play around with the game story and your own back story. Anything is possible.


Well, that works when you want to veer off from the story of the game. Or not be a part of it. Quinn for instance couldn't be the father of the Smuggler of the story with the Warrior, as the storylines happen at the same time and none of the stories.


However, if the idea is to break from the TOR storyline, then anything is possible. No need to worry about if the race works for the class, as you'd be breaking from the start.


Chiss wasn't even a playable class for the Warrior and Inquisitor at the start.

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Meh, I just started a Warrior as a Cathar and in my headcanon she was a slave captured on Taris and then sent to Korriban after discovering the force sensitivity. The Bloodline aspect does not come up often enough for me to be bothered by it.

Also, my first character that got to the end of the class storyline was a Togruta warrior and back then it didn't bother me either. :D

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Same concept as the Inquisitor being a pure blood. The overseer still treats you like crap even though you're the same as his pet. I suppose it IS possible for a pure blood to fall to slavery, but idk.


It does show it in the load screen here is the text "Suffering the ultimate humiliation of slavery for association with a fallen SIth Lord, pureblood <insert player name here> has been allowed to join the Empire's castoffs and given one more chance to master the dark arts or die trying..."

Edited by IramUnleashed
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It does show it in the load screen here is the text "Suffering the ultimate humiliation of slavery for association with a fallen SIth Lord, pureblood <insert player name here> has been allowed to join the Empire's castoffs and given one more chance to master the dark arts or die trying..."


Yeah I just have it so my Pureblood's whole family (and himself) are LS so they were seen as abominations and thus why everyone considers him scum under their boots. Plus he's too nice.

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Can a Cathar Sith Warrior work? Yup. You just have to understand Overseer Tremmel's role in things.


That was an excellent post. Brought to mind a lot of ideas about Tremel's motivations I hadn't considered at all.


Anyway, I've got three alien SW. One is a Chiss female, and I headcanon'd that the alliance between the Ascendancy and the Empire stipulates that any Chiss force sensitives have to be turned over to the Empire for training. It's a bit weak when you consider the case of Ensign Temple, but maybe she just lucked out with Saganu covering for her.


I've also got a Rattataki male SW and a Cathar male SW, and they're a bit more tricky, especially the lattter where, as someone mentioned, Taris planetary missions has you killing a whole whack of the 'beasts' with no hint of irony. For those, I headcanon'd that their families lived on Dromund Fels.


See, Dromund Fels is a sister planet to Dromund Kass, but even though it's inhabited, no one talks about it, except for oneliners in gathering missions. I headcanon'd that the reason for that is the Empire sends all its force sensitive aliens there - it's the suburbs of the Sith Empire.


In theory, aliens are treated as scum who can't become Sith and are killed on sight, but in practice, even before the SI story, DS aliens would have had to go somewhere, like Ki Sazen. I figured that DF would be a good, out of the way place for families of force sensitive aliens to hang out. As long as they stay on the planet, they're treated as Imperial Citizens with the same rights as humans, but they can only leave if they're either accepted at the Academy for training or if they get a job in the military / II like Lodenth the Duros [or alien Agents], otherwise they're treated the same as any other alien in the Empire.


So an alien SW could say that his family has a pure bloodline blah blah blah, and it'll be true. The tricky part was justifying Tremel being okay with an alien, even a theoretically acceptable one, but not Vemrin, but Drug Cartel's theory gives a plausible reason for that - he's a tool. Of course, it's still a hard sell after they leave the academy, but most of the non-class mission stuff treats both Sith classes with a lot of respect because it's for the position they hold [same with agents], not so much their species. Whereas you compare that to hunters who get treated badly if they're human and worse if they're an alien - because of their class moreso than simply their species.

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