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"The game just came out, give it a few months"


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believe what you like, doesn't really matter to me. i know what issues i have had with the game, i don't need to exaggerate anything to make my point.


Its not personal but I dont think you logged completely out and restarted. I think you logged out of your character and tried logging back in which will not resolve the issue.


The bugs been around for a while in beta and that's why I think you are full of it honestly. Never has a complete restart not fixed the issue, but whatever, right? lol

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I think people who don't like this game shouldn't play! and let others in so they don't have to queue :D


it's been less then 30 days, i think this game has a good future.


People who don't like this game don't play, however just because you like it does not mean you can't give any negative feedback.

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Its not personal but I dont think you logged completely out and restarted. I think you logged out of your character and tried logging back in which will not resolve the issue.


The bugs been around for a while in beta and that's why I think you are full of it honestly. Never has a complete restart not fixed the issue, but whatever, right? lol


no, i logged completely out, to desktop and restarted. like i stated previously glad you know everything there is to know, wish we all had access to your obviously vast stores of knowledge...

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Have seen how long since you were born, you had to wait since you could talk... or write? And even after all this time you're not even good at it?


Stuff takes time to consolidate... like you're still consolidating after all those years. Are your parents upset that you did not mature with all those years? No... they wait. And they hope...


So, reading these posts really bump my faith on swtor...

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This game is not 2 weeks old...its several years old but has just been released before it was ready for it. The fact that almost nothing that was mentioned during beta has been fixed says a lot about some of the teams.


I ll be back in a couple of months to give it another try...but only when I ll be able to do a proper search both on the site and on the auction house...until then have fun waiting for fixes

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no, i logged completely out, to desktop and restarted. like i stated previously glad you know everything there is to know, wish we all had access to your obviously vast stores of knowledge...



Like I said, its not personal.


So logging out the third time worked eh?





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People will have their issues with any game that comes out.If you dont like it,then no big.Everyone is looking for something different in video games.I personally love this game and will continue to play it.Only thing that can top swtor,imo,is mass effect 3 and thats not our for a good 3 months.
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Right, because it's completely realistic to expect a brand new game with 3-4 years of development to be completely up to par with a game that's been in a continuous state of development for nearly a decade.


Folks said the same thing about Rift. Unlike WAR, AoC, and Aion, Rift is still trucking. They said the same thing about LOTRO, which only went F2P after D&D showed it could be more profitable. They said it about WoW when Everquest was king.


The first 6 months of an MMO's release don't matter in the grand scheme of things. You get a huge surge of players and a rapid decline. At 6 months in, if the game is decent it will keep a stable population. If it's great, it may even grow. If you expect a game to come out of the gate better than WoW, then you may as well stop playing MMOs altogether.

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so i take it that anyone who has had a different experience than you is automatically either lying or exaggerating in your opinion. feeling a bit superior there?




Seen the bug for quite a while in beta. Never ran into someone who couldnt fix it by restart.


Havent seen anyone complain here since launch that they cant fix it through the same sequence.


Not a superior opinion at all, just experience.


It's never the user or their hardware and always the software.......

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2 weeks before release : "Oh lulz 2 more wikz!@ Dat game iz guna be 0some!!!"

10 days after release : "This game sucks, It will fail"


;) What changed in that month?


I m not actually talking about the dude that started the thread but I m laughing at the general attitude. There was an open beta weekend. There were videos, screenshots, reviews, more reviews, there was an OPEN BETA WEEKEND, did I mentioned it earlier? And some more reviews and videos and screenshots.


We can safely assume that the game was finalized around ~1,5 months before release so the BETA was the actual game, maybe without some finishing touches and fixes. If you are saying (again not the guy that started this threat, generally talking) that you dont like it after playing BETA, and after seeing all the hype before that, then why the hell did u buy it in the first place? Or if u had preordered it without checking it first then play your free month and be done with it. Why the rage and the whine?


You had seen Swtor, you probably played it as well. And then u decided to buy it because u liked it and before the first 10 days pass u are saying that it's gonna fail? It means that u didnt like it from the start (there were years of promotion, no excuses that u didnt know how the game was like) but u bought it anyway and then raged on it. It's doesnt make ANY sense plus it's bad for your health, stresses you up in a bad way :)

Edited by Yirkun
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This game is going to be around for a long time.




want a laundry list of games that were "around for a long time" that were terrible? them not shutting the servers down a month after release doesnt equal a good game.



asherons call 2

anarchy online

Age of conan

final fantasy



hell, asherons call (from like 94?) is still "around". doesnt mean im going to go sub-up and kill some 8bit olthoi.

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Yeah I'll give it a few months but I'm not about to pay money for a broken *** game. Time will tell if Bioware actually address the serious problems that remain in the game and if they're fixed then maybe I will consider coming back but if it takes months to sort out bugs I'm sure I'm not the only one who will lose interest fast.


It's a shame though, the game has a lot of potential.

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I didn't say that at all. Do you trolls even read posts or just spout your liquid garbage thread after thread?


that was a quote to yourself? prolly u missed that...


you are the troll trying to force your opinion that this game isnt' WOW2 or Whatever Game 2.


guess what if you like that other game noone forces you to play this one seriously.


a troll is the one that


a) whines and brings no suggestions

b) trying to make his opinion a fact

c) thinks his opinion is stronger than others

d) trying to convince someone that he do/doesnt' like something


now see who is the troll?

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Seen this pathetic excuse used over and over by fan boi's to try and defend the game with some dignity. This may be partially true, however it will not save the game. If the game was release years ago when the genre was still fresh and new it might be able to survive, but it wasn't. It's in a genre with giants and polished games from every corner, that offer more game play for the same (or even less) of a price. You make an MMo these days, it has to make it from the start, or not make it at all. LOTS of recent games have made this mistake, with it's fans saying the EXACT same stuff, it's fix fast or fail. Cut throat business and all that.


1 million players in one day seems like a good start to me.


Just saying.

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that was a quote to yourself? prolly u missed that...


you are the troll trying to force your opinion that this game isnt' WOW2 or Whatever Game 2.


guess what if you like that other game noone forces you to play this one seriously.


a troll is the one that


a) whines and brings no suggestions

b) trying to make his opinion a fact

c) thinks his opinion is stronger than others

d) trying to convince someone that he do/doesnt' like something


now see who is the troll?


im not sure you know what the definition of trolling is.


Heres an easy definition to understand: Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors.


your multiple choice answer looks more like someone who isnt happy with something. not so much trolling. best i can tell these forums think a troll is anyone who isnt happy with swtor. if thats the case they should probably get busy forum banning 30-50% of the people on here because apparently we'z trollin. :rolleyes:

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Sorry but I ain't got several months. I'll just start playing something else, like gw2, and if I invested effort into that game and also happen to like it, I'm not coming back to swtor no matter what the devs promised.


Ok. Buh-bye. Can I have your stuff?


For all the whiners.... leave then, we won't miss you.


I, for one, plan on staying here for a long time.

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Have seen how long since you were born, you had to wait since you could talk... or write? And even after all this time you're not even good at it?


Stuff takes time to consolidate... like you're still consolidating after all those years. Are your parents upset that you did not mature with all those years? No... they wait. And they hope...


So, reading these posts really bump my faith on swtor...



You probably shouldn't be commenting on someone else's ability to type/speak


Aside from that, all the people telling other players to quit because they have a complaint are doing more harm then good. The devs need to hear all kinds. The more players that leave the less money this game will have to develop content.


Considering how expensive voice acting can be, I imagine this games going to need quite a few subs to keep it going strong. We don't want another SWG.

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