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Beta tested.. and pre-ordered this game back in 7/21/2011.... and I lost my name


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It's fair because assuming you are both subscribers (as in paying customers), Bioware puts you at equal footing and the only thing that matter is how much you have invested into the game in terms of time, money is not a factor. It's true that she got it first, but that is irrelevant in this context as that is not a factor either, sure it might suck that this person who only uses those two old characters for crafting will quit, but on the other hand, there is most likely two other active subscribers that we keep.


If the name of the characters was the only factor that kept OP playing I he would have stayed subbed for long, so perhaps it's better for both sides.


You're just stating what Bioware did...


We know HOW they handled the names. No one is disagreeing on that.

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I lost 5 names (4 of which I expected to lose, no big deal), I was amazed at one of the names I lost, since it was so obscure. (it was one of the Random generated togruta names). But to be honest I still don't mind much. The characters I lost the names on I wasn't playing much so it was my own fault.
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If Keith is reading this, I hope he considers using the email system to break major news. The goal is to improve the game population, but if you make big announcements and only 10% of that population hears about it (until it's too late, in some cases), you risk alienating 90% and the unnecessary loss of subs and potential subs.


I noticed the perceived lack of communication beyond the normal channels, and I feel this decision was made purposely. They knew there would be name collisions with the server mergers and they wanted to limit the impact current subscribers felt. If they publicized the crap out of the merge and encouraged people to sub to save their names, it would increase their Nov revenue but would also increase the subscriber forced name changes. I believe the priority was to keep the current subscribers instead of lure in a slew of 1 month subscribers which could in-turn force more previously loyal players out. This way the current subs and forum dwellers would be least impacted, and folks that weren't already paying would lose out on names.


All in all I think it was the right decision, with emphasis on maintaining long-term subs over the short term boost if publicized.

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I had 15 characters. 16 with the extra one I made on a different server. I only lost one name... which was my 16th character. She had the same name as one of my others characters from the same server. Apparently some people can't make original names, so naturally, they find themselves in situations like this.


But seriously... you're giving up because of a name?...

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Here's my thing,


I have been playing off and on since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Some of my names I have had for a while and others not. I came through the merger with 165 toons. I figured why not have an army.


I do play regularly but I am not super-hard core.


I kept names like Ruinous and Nathanel. I had to rename less than 10. All but 1 (of the toons I had to rename) were made within a week of the merger.


While I really do sympathize, I think Bioware did a very fair job in this.

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I have 24 characters, I didn't lose a single name.


My first character still doesn't have its original name though, but that was because I found out that the name actually is an existing word, which I hadn't heard when I created the character, and it didn't fit the character. So I changed it in a previous server merge by creating a character with that name on the destination server before my character was moved there and thus was forced to change the name. At no charge.


Of course, then I had to change the name again as the Japanese transliteration wasn't pronounced the way I wanted Thus using up my free name change.


Too bad you lost your name But that's life and life is like roses. Sometimes it's petals and sometimes it's thorns.

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So you are angry that you didn't get to gank the free names before someone else did?


No no, I checked all servers and found the toons that had the names. This name was on:


Level 65 Mando

Level 43 Sorc

Level 1 Inquisitor


Those were the 3 servers that got merged, so from these 3 it seems that only the Level 1 Inquisitor has a sub running, otherwise the name would be free.

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No no, I checked all servers and found the toons that had the names. This name was on:


Level 65 Mando

Level 43 Sorc

Level 1 Inquisitor


Those were the 3 servers that got merged, so from these 3 it seems that only the Level 1 Inquisitor has a sub running, otherwise the name would be free.


The name wouldn't have gone free, even, if none of them were subs. Then, just the one with more playtime would have kept the name.


I myself got a name with a level 1 toon. There is a reason, why I pay ~10€ per month.

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i feel ya, the chracters i made on Christmas 2011 lost their names to this shoddy transfer... the ones i associated with the most, i was most attached to... of course i don't expect those 50+++ character people to understand something like Character Attachment and Identity...


On the contrary, I know people with 50+ characters who are so attached to their character they've made 15 of the same exact character so they can do guild activities multiple times without having to break character. They like their name so much they've created characters with every possible spelling of it so they don't have to see anyone else running around with their name.


I take a different approach. I have 50+ toons myself. Some are undeveloped, it's true, but about half have unique names and personalities, and I care about them intensely.


But that isn't the point. The point is that some people feel as if their attachment to their character is more important - more genuine, more compelling - than everyone else's attachment to their characters. Not necessarily. If a player doesn't care enough about the game - or about their characters - to stay subbed, stay active, and keep playing those beloved characters, maybe that attachment wasn't so strong after all.

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The name wouldn't have gone free, even, if none of them were subs. Then, just the one with more playtime would have kept the name.


I myself got a name with a level 1 toon. There is a reason, why I pay ~10€ per month.


Yeah but still that other name is wasted cause none of them is a sub :(

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The system was "fine", but there were 2 names I wanted, one is on a level 62 Sage (been like that for years) and the other is now on a Level 1 INQUISITOR!!


I have a level one inquisitor owning a name which previously was owned by someone else on one of the servers which got merged into my new one. :eek: Not by any chance on Darth Malgus are you ? ;)

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Well I wasnt aware of this, I had to submit another subscription last night.. to find out about the name change. Lol so I may of lost my name due to a few days off to the renewal date... People may think its silly to quit... but i only played this character .. only one main... I did make alts... just to get the character buffs.. i searched my email for any swtor ea warnings..i saw none... Was this sub or loose your name only posted on tge website....?? I will miss my sisters from DOD :(


The information was not hidden, it was well talked about everywhere, multiple posts in the forums, on redidt, and Twitter.

All you had to do was look.


Character Names


In most cases, nothing will happen to your character name. Names will only be impacted when there are two of the exact same name on the new United Forces server at which point a governing system determines which character has priority:


Premium players (Subscribers) will have priority over Free-to-Play and Preferred Status players.

Highly played characters will have priority over characters with less play time.


To proactively offset unnecessary challenges around character names, we are initiating a process of removing names from long inactive accounts. Any character that has not logged in for 90-days or more which has not progressed beyond level 10 will be flagged to rename their character.




Big question is:


Were you subscribed, or did you play as preferred then subscribed just before the merger?

Did you Play this character or was it left sitting for long periods of time?



Was your name VERY common or one that many people could have? < (biggest problem in loosing names. No imagination when creating a name)


In 20 years of playing MMO's and having to deal with multiple server mergers over several games I have NEVER lost a single name. EVER! It's simple use a unique name. A name that NOBODY ELSE would ever think of using. Something that only you would know because you created the name that otherwise does NOT exist. Thus you will NEVER loose a name.


5 years, 15 characters SWTOR NOT a single name lost.

12 years, 25 characters in Lineage II not a single name ever lost.

14 years, 7 characters in Everquest 2 ( 2 server mergers NO NAMES LOST)

15 years, 3 characters in EvE online (though EvE did not do a server merger they have made major changes to their server software and I took a 6 year break and STILL did NOT loose any names)

just to name a few....


Sorry to say it but the only person that you can blame for the loss of your name is....YOU.

Using a derivation of a name or names that have been respelled or that have special characters or number in them so that you can use a common name then you should expect to have issues. A little imagination goes a long way and would have eliminated any conflicts. ( oh and don't claim that you did create an unique name. If you had then NOBODY else would have it.)


Creating a name is as easy as stringing letters together. A few consonants and a couple of vowels and if it's pronounceable and has a good sound then Voila. You have just created a Unique Name.


Just create a new name and move on. It really is not the end of the world. Rage quitting will not hurt BW or anybody else. The vacuum that is created when you leave will quickly be filled by somebody else.

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........... yes I was subscribed till............ till the point my prepaid ran out on the exact time before this merger "example of perfect timing"


did I know about this loose your name if you were not a sub... no


do camp out on this website;.... no


but I do read my e-mails.. yes

did i get any e-mails? no


thank you for your concerns.

Edited by Ouardajason
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