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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Walmart PreOrders


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They put the funding on hold. It gets removed and replaced later repeatedly. It doesn't mean anything since they aren't shipping till the 20th.


Not on mine. The money had a hold on it Sunday. The money is gone from my account entirely as of this morning.



When You Will Be Charged

Payment by credit, ATM, debit or check card:

The payment amount is authorized and held by your financial institution at the time you place your order. Your account is actually charged when your order ships.


Heres to hoping! :D

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Yep, I put my preorder code in on Nov. 1st and I still haven't been re-charged.


I wonder if I'll get to play at all before January.


And I'm thinking about skipping the game altogether if I don't get a CE, because it's my turn to be selfish and immature about things, so there.


Edit: Not to mention I'm one of the refunded PayPal people, and Wally World seems to have no clue whatsoever how PP works. It was bad enough my last choice for a CE was there, I wasn't about to give them my CC# on top of it.

Edited by LiquidElectron
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I just got off of the phone with Walmart (I wish I remembered the girl's name that helped me, she did a wonderful job). They had a note pinned to my account just in case I called. That's good service for a change.


Here's what I found out:


CE orders will be shipped ON THE 20th. Wasn't given a reason why, because I didn't order the CE so I didn't ask.


My order will be DELIVERED TO ME BY THE 20th. I ordered the standard edition.


So, there's some info to chew on.

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I keep sending Tweets to SR and he keeps ignoring them to respond to the same 5 questions people are asking over and over.


My order still says Processing and my bank still says Pending.


I really hope they ship earlier than the 20th. 6-8 days of lockout would really suck. I'm not even in EGA yet, and I love worrying about being locked out on top of that.


exactly. I'm not nearly concerned about playing EGA as I am about not playing from the 20-29th. they need to get on walmart and make them ship out earlier. If they can get Amazon to change dates, surely they can make Walmart do the same. Walmart is not about lose potential repeat customers.

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I just got off of the phone with Walmart (I wish I remembered the girl's name that helped me, she did a wonderful job). They had a note pinned to my account just in case I called. That's good service for a change.


Here's what I found out:


CE orders will be shipped ON THE 20th. Wasn't given a reason why, because I didn't order the CE so I didn't ask.


My order will be DELIVERED TO ME BY THE 20th. I ordered the standard edition.


So, there's some info to chew on.


I really hope so, because there is so much conflicting information being tossed out, I don't know what to believe.

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I agree, Bioware needs to get on Walmart over this and fix it. I fthey can communicate with Amazon, they can communicate with Walmart.


At this point I don't even think Walmart can communicate with Walmart. You can call them five times in a row and get five different answers to the same questions. It's incredible.

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I really hope so, because there is so much conflicting information being tossed out, I don't know what to believe.


Yeah, well, we'll see. If I have a couple of days of non-playing because Walmart sent my stuff out late, I'll be upset, but I'll get over it in the long run.


I'll be playing this game for a long, long time so a couple of days won't matter in the end.

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Between being told it was shipped if we saw billing over the weekend, which I did in fact find pending charge for my CE on sunday....to shipping on the 20th....this whole walmart thing is a HUGE fiasco.


I suppose, since I paid for the fastest shipping if I dont see the box today it means it wasnt shipped. With the way walmarts site is it still shows pending, which again may or may not mean it has or has not shipped.


Why cant ANYTHING go right these day? I mean seriously, its a simple game pre-order. Why make such a huge problem over shipping and release dates etc when a grace period would have settled it all easy as pie for most everyone (considering I expected one from comments/faqs before I placed my CE pre-order)

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You deserve what you get from ordering at Walmart, it's just bad karma. Walmart is evil.


Thanks for your warm, caring response. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to show your support for people having an issue with a retailer for the game we all want to play.

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I called and talked to them yesterday. I spoke to three customer service reps and all of them gave me the same basic info


They have them in stock (told to me by the second and third cs rep I spoke to as I moved up the chain)


They can not ship them until the 20th (confirmed by all three)


The reason they can not ship until the 20th is because “The manufacturer has a hold for release date on the product”

(exact quote from the third guy I spoke to. And was told the same basic thing from the second guy.)

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Considering Bioware advertised Walmart.com as one of the 'big' places to get the CE on the 'Buy now' part of the site when pre-orders went up...you bet I have every right to be unhappy right now. With both of them.


Yeah its not like they havent had enough time to work out the arrangements or anything.


FIVE MONTHS. We apy a premium for the product just to get LOCKED OUT?

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I ordered from wal-mart as well, and had a similar thing happen to me as another poster pointed out: A random "Your order was cancelled" e-mail, another e-mail saying they were just kidding, and then a third saying they were having trouble billing me.


To their credit, the money wasn't in that account at that minute, so we transferred the funds again, and they again still had problems billing me after charging $160. Apparently they needed to charge it twice. Anyway, I called them and the order was pinned by someone preemptively to explain to us that it will indeed be at my doorstep on the 20th. The account as it stands now still says pending, but there was no issues with stock when I spoke with them. With everyone saying if you're billed then it has been shipped, I'm hoping this is the case for me.


One of few positive posts on the matter.

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You only get bioware responses if you make stupid claims like they aren't working 24/7 on the game, us walmart customers are small potatoes.


We should be big potatoes cause the longer it takes to get what we ordered from Walmart the longer it takes Bioware to make any money from us. Some folks will just outright say screw it and not even subscribe period.


Every day folks can't subscribe they loose money.

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Considering Bioware advertised Walmart.com as one of the 'big' places to get the CE on the 'Buy now' part of the site when pre-orders went up...you bet I have every right to be unhappy right now. With both of them.

Thank you! All any of us did was go to the main site, see the preorder list and go down it until someone still had the CE in stock! I didn't up and decide to support an 'evil corporation' because I felt like it. It was because - for whatever reason - BioWare/EA decided to give WalMart more preorders than other places and/or no one wanted to order from WalMart in the first place and thus everything else was taken. Sorry I don't just have 150 bucks in disposable income to throw down the moment preorder was announced?

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Yep, I put my preorder code in on Nov. 1st and I still haven't been re-charged.


I wonder if I'll get to play at all before January.


And I'm thinking about skipping the game altogether if I don't get a CE, because it's my turn to be selfish and immature about things, so there.


Edit: Not to mention I'm one of the refunded PayPal people, and Wally World seems to have no clue whatsoever how PP works. It was bad enough my last choice for a CE was there, I wasn't about to give them my CC# on top of it.


I spoke with a Walmart cs rep yesterday on the Paypal refund issue. While she was not the most enlightened cs I've ever spoken to, she was aware of the snafu that caused this huge mistake, and she was more than happy to re-affirm my order was still going to ship and I had indeed used "rush" for shipping with the expected receive date of the 20th or 21st.


She was also kind enough, at my insistence, to post a note on my account to have Billing dept. contact me by phone to arrange the authorization of the refund amount to be re-charged upon shipping of the CE I ordered using Paypal. Once they do contact me, I will instruct them to "Request Funds" through Paypal if they do not know the process already.


Hope this helps, may give others an idea of what to do.

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