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Stronghold prestige absolutely meaningless now?


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Ohh come on who cares where your stronghold is listed and also you had the same chance as everyone else to have legacy's and strongholds on other servers it's not the other peoples fault you were stranded to one server when lots of us played on every server you can only blame your self sorry.


No, it's Biowares lazyness to even let you keep what you didn't earn in the first place just because you paid 90 cc to transfer doesn't mean you should obtain everything you earned twice fold on your main server.


Some even managed to get 5-10x the amount they should have, 6 pages of freaking strongholds give me a freaking break pure lazyness

Edited by Theeko
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They didn't work for anything on those other servers they just used 90cc which is what 50 cents?


I spent a lot of money sending toons around even before the cheap prices so get over it and if you don't like what Bioware decided then leave it's simple just because you never got something no need to cry and complain you had the same chance as all other players.

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I see. I didn't get that much out of I don't think, mine was already well over 200K and it still is. I did however get a few more medical stanchions and a few extra rugs and lights I was quite happy about. Feathered the nest a bit more nicely. I hope they don't take that away--if they do I'll be very upset. I have to put up with obnoxious people, and lost 2 names. I consider the few decorations I got out of it as reparation for my other losses.


For me, personally, it's been a non-issue. I have my strongholds set to private. I will likely have an open house sometime, but I don't think I need to 'rank' on any list to do that. If people are interested, they could always pm me, once I'm ready to do that.

Same. I spent a good portion of the week before the server merge consolidating Strongholds on 5 servers destined to be merged together. Not to game something, but because I didn't want (what would have been) 25 Strongholds on my UI after the merge. I closed down enough Strongholds across servers so that I now have 6 Strongholds on Star Forge (one of each, except the train) after the merge. My Strongholds are set to private, although I'd participate in an organized open house. I don't visit Pubic Listing Strongholds, and I don't consider my (or anyone else's, tbh) Prestige or Stronghold Prestige number. As long as I like how I've decorated, I'm happy. Right now, I'm happy. I like how my Strongholds are decorated, and have no plan to change them.


I think how a Stronghold is decorated is more important than the Prestige number or the percentage complete. My Star Forge Manaan SH is at about 60% completion (IIRC), and my Yavin SH at a lower completion %. I won't be trying for 100% on either of those two. I like how they look now.


I think any sort of vote system to rank Public Listing Strongholds would be gamed in one way or another. Turn into popularity contests (those with the most friends top Public Listings). And/or, "will pay X credits if you upvote my Stronghold" posts in Gen Chat. The end result would be the same as now: a high Public Listing rank doesn't necessarily equal a thoughtfully decorated SH.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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I spent a lot of money sending toons around even before the cheap prices so get over it and if you don't like what Bioware decided then leave it's simple just because you never got something no need to cry and complain you had the same chance as all other players.


Why would I cry about an exploit that Bioware purposely hid and just wanted to claim it was legit lol, no MMO in there right mind would pull what Bioware just did


Oh and btw have fun with the current most dying game right now.

Edited by Theeko
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Why would I cry about an exploit that Bioware purposely hid and just wanted to claim it was legit lol, no MMO in there right mind would pull what Bioware just did


Oh and btw have fun with the current most dying game right now.

I dunno if that's what happened. I remember there were some discussions before the merges about different legacies that had unlocked different decorations or amounts. So if on server A you unlocked a decoration 10 times and on server B you unlocked it 6 times then Bioware said that you would have 10 on the new server instead of 16.


My view is that they realised that because people spent money on cartel market decorations separately they could get in trouble for doing this. So this looks more like their solution to this issue by simply adding everything up rather than making it more complex, which would cost time etc.


So I don't think it's a bug. I think people legitimately made a point that if real money was spent on different servers for decorations that they should get all of them and not just the highest of the two. I think legally that could be a problem even. What actually happened on the merger solves that issue.


The prestige may be annoying to some but doesn't outweigh the legitimate concern about people losing items that have real cash behind them.

Edited by Tsillah
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Why would I cry about an exploit that Bioware purposely hid and just wanted to claim it was legit lol, no MMO in there right mind would pull what Bioware just did


Oh and btw have fun with the current most dying game right now.


lol an exploit not sure what planet you are on but come back to earth please and the game maybe dying but I still enjoy it for what they offer I also play other MMO's and my games from the 80's & 90's and so if the game is dying why are you still here ?

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So I don't think it's a bug. I think people legitimately made a point that if real money was spent on different servers for decorations that they should get all of them and not just the highest of the two. I think legally that could be a problem even. What actually happened on the merger solves that issue.


The prestige may be annoying to some but doesn't outweigh the legitimate concern about people losing items that have real cash behind them.

100% agree. I actually brought this up as I made multiple purchases across all legacies and servers to get some of the decorations I really wanted when server transfers were above 90cc. I think they forget that server transfers were on sale for 90cc for about a year. This was not always the norm.


Well as someone posted earlier there are some that took advantage of every server and they came out with nearly an extra 1.2m or so prestige as well

If they 'took advantage' of it it was because they did transfers without knowing this was what would happen. What was announced and broadcast to the entire community was that it would be 1+1 = 1 which annoyed those of us that legitimately paid real money for decorations on other servers. This also legitimately irritated us pre-merge since when I purchased several multi-million credit decorations on both servers it did not register that the 1+1 should =2 in that case, not 1.


What I think is really going on with those complaining; "I didnt get to take advantage of it, therefore, no one should have this on their account".


I welcome the change and honestly it's given me something I love to do in game already new life. I can decorate to my heart's content with the new SHs and try new themes I didnt dare do when I was capped to 6 for fear of destroying a layout I loved in favor of one I hated just to try it. For the most part, I'm not even using the duplicated decorations - I'm using the duplicated SHs. There were some I didn't get around to doing the decorating on until now because I've just had so much to do before. I've had the decorations - but not the inclination to change anything because as an RPer, many of those SH were set up for a specific character and purpose.


I've purchased more items from the CM to flesh out my SHs than I have in a long time rather than just relying on the vendor bought stuff because I've suddenly got more SHs and I don't want them all looking the same. So they're making more sales off of me than they were pre-merge. On their part from a business aspect, I don't think that was a mistake.


Now, I do get why you're upset. The number you worked to get higher suddenly is dwarfed by those that invested in multiple servers. Be it because they chose to transfer and run around on a new server or because they played multiple server's GTNs or because they made the decision pre-merge that they wanted more SHs to play with on merge and set their decorations in play prior to the merge. Or, as in some cases because we invested in building our legacies on more than one server.


As prestige really is not a good way to measure how good a SH looks - it never has been and the number has always been pretty silly - I think they may want to change the ratings so it's a vote up system so the best of the best will slowly rise to the top.

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Ohh come on who cares where your stronghold is listed and also you had the same chance as everyone else to have legacy's and strongholds on other servers it's not the other peoples fault you were stranded to one server when lots of us played on every server you can only blame your self sorry.

I care where my stronghold is listed. Who cares if you don't? That doesn't make my playstyle wrong. We all get to play the parts of the game we enjoy best. Don't cut people down and whine at them just because they play differently.


It would be very helpful to read my post before you reply. I never said this situation was some other player's fault. This is entirely on Bioware. They said the merge would work a certain way, then they did it differently. That was bound to cause problems and upset. My proposed solution in no way suggested taking anything from other players. Bioware caused a problem, so they are responsible for fixing it. That's just common sense.


I'm not going to "blame myself" for believing that the merger would work the way Bioware claimed, sorry.

Edited by Xina_LA
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IDK why this has to be so competitive.

Yes it was nice to see one's own SH's on the front page, and high up the rankings, but having visited 100s, very few high scores actually meant that they were any better or worse decorated. - You could have a million prestige and decorate every flat surface with the same deco, or have a modest 150K and have the pace looking really special. - Since there's no reward for the highest score, the prestige rating is all but meaningless.

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IDK why this has to be so competitive.

Yes it was nice to see one's own SH's on the front page, and high up the rankings, but having visited 100s, very few high scores actually meant that they were any better or worse decorated. - You could have a million prestige and decorate every flat surface with the same deco, or have a modest 150K and have the pace looking really special. - Since there's no reward for the highest score, the prestige rating is all but meaningless.


Pretty much this - like I said, I'll put my 105k nightclub against anyone in terms of design/aesthetics. Some people design for a score, some people design for a vibe - I think the latter is one that is most memorable.

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I'm pretty sure they will limit the effective cap counting towards prestige back to 999 in a future update - it's the only way to address this not intended bug (by their own words prior to the merge not intended, see the FAQ). This is fair and won't impact those who bought decorations for cash or credits on different servers prior to the transfer discount. Edited by Khaleg
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IDK why this has to be so competitive.

Yes it was nice to see one's own SH's on the front page, and high up the rankings, but having visited 100s, very few high scores actually meant that they were any better or worse decorated. - You could have a million prestige and decorate every flat surface with the same deco, or have a modest 150K and have the pace looking really special. - Since there's no reward for the highest score, the prestige rating is all but meaningless.


It's not just about the prestige but the fact they just gave over hundreds of millions of free irl dollars to the community just for copying legacies is what they messed big time up on.

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It's not just about the prestige but the fact they just gave over hundreds of millions of free irl dollars to the community just for copying legacies is what they messed big time up on.


Hundred's of millions of free irl dollars? I don't know what world you live on but hyperbole that like absolutely does not help your argument.

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Agree, especially because plenty of people with lots of decorations unlocked have never spent a real-life dime on them.

But some people did. Whether you bought them yourself or someone else bought them and put them on the GTN doesn't really matter.


Point is, that there are cases where people have spent money on it. Since they have a legal right to own both copies since they paid for them Bioware can do two things:


1) Do as they did and just give everybody everything double (easy, cheap solution)

2) Investigate all the individual purchases and determine which ones they have to honour and which ones they don't have to (expensive, lengthy process which may even be impossible to complete properly).


So really, it might not be nice for the handful of prestige hunters but I am not surprised that option 1 is the one they went with.

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But some people did. Whether you bought them yourself or someone else bought them and put them on the GTN doesn't really matter.


Point is, that there are cases where people have spent money on it. Since they have a legal right to own both copies since they paid for them Bioware can do two things:


1) Do as they did and just give everybody everything double (easy, cheap solution)

2) Investigate all the individual purchases and determine which ones they have to honour and which ones they don't have to (expensive, lengthy process which may even be impossible to complete properly).


So really, it might not be nice for the handful of prestige hunters but I am not surprised that option 1 is the one they went with.


It's not only double, but how many servers you were on before hand as well if you transferred before the merge.

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Agree, especially because plenty of people with lots of decorations unlocked have never spent a real-life dime on them.


The people that listed them on the gtn are the ones that spent irl $ on it, and the ones that bought in game to use are the ones that benefited from it and the server merges should have combined unique items that you earned on other servers not the same exact legacy as a copy paste for every server you transferred too.

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