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I have come to GLOAT!


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It remains to be seen how that will be implemented, however.


We shall have to wait and see exactly how it is implemented.

You quoted EXACTLY what they said about HOW it'll be implemented..."this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank"...what part of that confuses you?

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You quoted EXACTLY what they said about HOW it'll be implemented..."this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank"...what part of that confuses you?


I understood that, but as evidenced from other threads, including a recently created thread, it would appear that many will not be satisfied if the legacy credit storage works like guild banks do, and each character actually needs to visit the legacy vault in order to deposit and/ or withdraw credits.


Will the legacy credit storage simply allow people to skip the current step in which they have to mail credits to their alt?


How much time will actually be saved if they still have to visit the legacy vault to deposit credits from character A and then take alt B to the legacy vault to withdraw credits for that alt, and how many will be up in arms with their knickers in a bunch if they have to do so?


That is what I mean when we shall have to wait and see how it is implemented. Are the "gloaters" going to be up in arms with their knickers in a bunch because the legacy credit storage is not implemented exactly how they wish it to be implemented?

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