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How about balancing this class a little huh BW ?


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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.
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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.


The BH forums are >>>>> that way.. and mr. glass house dont get me started on ur Class and how OP YOU are..

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This is an OP class compared to the Guardian, that's for sure. 10x the DPS, more survivability, stealth, cripes.


Guardian is a Tank Class.. you want DPS roll a sent or Shadow.. Dont hear me sayin sages are more op in cc tha shadows do ya

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The BH forums are >>>>> that way.. and mr. glass house dont get me started on ur Class and how OP YOU are..


Aha, so were OP , no perhaps you should just play your class right, because scoundrels and shadows take me apart easily apparently, your supposed to be a glass cannon, not have the surviveability of a tank and the dps to go along with it.

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So were supposed to be glass cannons? BW must have missed the typo that says TANK/DPS on our class description. Keep crying though this is entertaining :)


If you pick your dps tree your not likely supposed to both me a super tank that takes no damage and also a dps machine, makes no sense, is not supposed to make no sense, and im not crying im stating the obvious fact that your class needs a genuine review and a overhaul, just as scoundrels does since they run around killing people in less than 10 seconds with almost every attack critting and doing 3-4000 dps.

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That's what shadows are for... jump on other classes.


Consider it this way, if a shadow couldn't own you when jumping from stealth, what would it do in a fair fight?


Some solutions to you:


1. L2P

2. Don't run around alone if you don't L2P

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Sigh and this is why kids like you shouldn't be allowed to start out as a jedi because certainly they are supposed to be the best of the best, no lets roll this ***** back to SWG days where you had to work for it to become a jedi, not just have it handed to you.


And seriously kids, these LTP comments are getting so year 2000



a jedi shadow is not supposed to be able to take down a merc in such a short notice, neither is a scoundrel that crits for 3-4000 with alot of their hits, when as a merc the most i have critted for is like 2500 , and thats when i have been able to fire 5 tracer missiles before using my heat seekers.


And the game breaking bug in the game right now is, i cannot follow my target with the camera when using one of my abilities, even when holding right mouse down to supposedly make the character follow my target, so all you melee classes have it easy when you get up close and personal because he won't auto look in the direction when your dancing around your target, and you can't make him follow you in your direction either when holding right mouse down, only works ooc apparently or when fighting npc's, tried and tested many times.


so yes. review of the melee characters or fix the *********** game instead of being more busy nerfing the economy in the game before it has really started

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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.



Go back to the WoW forums, troll.

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Sigh and this is why kids like you shouldn't be allowed to start out as a jedi because certainly they are supposed to be the best of the best, no lets roll this ***** back to SWG days where you had to work for it to become a jedi, not just have it handed to you.


And seriously kids, these LTP comments are getting so year 2000




And the game breaking bug in the game right now is, i cannot follow my target with the camera when using one of my abilities, even when holding right mouse down to supposedly make the character follow my target, so all you melee classes have it easy when you get up close and personal because he won't auto look in the direction when your dancing around your target, and you can't make him follow you in your direction either when holding right mouse down, only works ooc apparently or when fighting npc's, tried and tested many times.


so yes. review of the melee characters or fix the *********** game instead of being more busy nerfing the economy in the game before it has really started


I haven't chimed in yet, but I'd agree with everyone here. We certainly don't feel like unstoppable killing machines. And you shouldn't call people kids because they disagree with you, especially when your spelling, grammar, and word choices are so poor.


You had to work to become a Jedi in SWG because it was an elite class that had more abilities than the normal and advanced classes...it isn't exactly rocket science to figure out that your point is no point at all, there.


Below is a link to the PvP forum, where this thread belongs. You'll notice there are also threads asking for Mercs and BH's and Knights etc. to be nerfed. But since your opinion is obviously expert and the only one that matters, I suggest you go set them all straight and tell them what kids they are.




Have a nice day! :)

Edited by NewtonDevice
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you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability


Exaggeration! (Pro Tip: Its not your character who is activating his abilities, you actually have to give him commandos to do so!)



a super tank that takes no damage and also a dps machine


NO damage?!? Really?! Again HUGE Exaggeration!



almost every attack critting and doing 3-4000 dps


You dont seem to know what dps actually means.



a jedi shadow is not supposed to be able to take down a merc in such a short notice


Really? How would you know, are you a part of the developement team? ;)


You are exaggerating ALOT (to a point in some circumstances where I would even call it lying!) so I dont think they are taking you down as fast as you want to imply they are. (Unless you are a horrible horrible player, who as you said yourself, "just stands there doing nothing").



And the game breaking bug in the game right now is, i cannot follow my target with the camera when using one of my abilities


And this bug has to do with the balance of Shadow how?

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Guardian is a Tank Class.. you want DPS roll a sent or Shadow.. Dont hear me sayin sages are more op in cc tha shadows do ya


And here we go, pigeonholing:) Guardians have 2 dps trees and 1 tank tree, same as shadows?

It says Tank/dps on BOTH does it not? Are all shadows a tank class now?

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Aha, so were OP , no perhaps you should just play your class right, because scoundrels and shadows take me apart easily apparently, your supposed to be a glass cannon, not have the surviveability of a tank and the dps to go along with it.


Err...actually Shadow is Tank/DPS...it's not the "rogue" from other games. It's a mix of Tank, DPS, and CC/ranged dmg. Every tree has at least a *bit* of all 3 of those.


Also, I've played a Commando and they're just as OP if you play them correctly. I've taken apart Shadows/Infiltrators with ease on my Commando. Learn to play your class before you criticize others, please.


Also, this is coming from someone who played SWG since it launched (worked at SOE at the time) and was one of the very first Jedi on the server I played (after spending countless hours unlocking them...then countless more leveling him up to be useful at all). If you learn to play the class, you can be formidable. Shadows are just easier to pick up and learn quickly than some of the rest, because their abilities are straight-forward.


I do agree with you that the look is broken...it has been since beta and it probably will be for awhile. The problem is the way they lock the camera on targets when you're attacking randomly.



Also, Newton is correct. Jedi in SWG were a metaclass. They weren't meant to directly be contended with...and it was obvious. Jedi in SWG (pre-CU and pre-NRG) could easily taken down 5 people at a time...that's not the case here. The trick is having to know *how* to deal with them. Shadows are tank/dps...which means the only way to kill them is to stun and keep them at range. We have no ability to attack while being kited...and I've been kited a number of times by Commandos and Gunslingers. You have to learn how to play your class.

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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.


I play as an scoundrel and we do get a pretty decent amount of cc although the ability to dance around your character and rip you apart without being touched requires a high amount of intelligence and smarts. I cannot do that. Your being killed by smart people. Whining and B**ching and calling OP because to the people killing you are being smart is not a good reason. Its a retarted reason.

Edited by asherasebtinal
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The only advantages in pvp we have are if we can keep an enemy close if we don't we get torn apart. that is why stealth is used and as a kinetic shadow I am a tank my hits aren't that hard I am just very hard to kill. If I can't keep someone in melee range I can still last a bit but I have to get close to kill them. outside of 10m I have 2 abilities force pull and project with force potency.
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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.



Guess it didn't take long for people to start griping about PvP imbalance and crying for nerfs in class forums. Look: there's always going to be someone who is better than you. There is always going to be someone who is better than them.

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