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Visceral is shutting down, new star wars game too linear, will it be coop or mmo?


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Agreed, also those games have more platform independence, moving an MMO off the (slowly dying) PC game platform is really tough.

Great point!!! Cross platform shooters with a sprinkle of DLC, make this games potential, insignificant.

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Very well said. This is where I believe the market is going as well.


"Shared world shooters"...


...absolutely no interest in those whatsoever. If true, and I rather suspect it might be, well, it was a good run. Twenty years of MMOing in the style I like. Guess I can't complain too much nor too loudly.

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"Shared world shooters"...


...absolutely no interest in those whatsoever. If true, and I rather suspect it might be, well, it was a good run. Twenty years of MMOing in the style I like. Guess I can't complain too much nor too loudly.

The money they'll be missing out on without you (and people like you, not just specifically you), will eventually be noticed.

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EA executive vice president Patrick Söderlund: "Visceral’s take on the Star Wars title would have been a “story-based, linear adventure game,” which the company has decided needed to be shifted toward a “broader experience.”"


A more broader experience than a story-based, linear adventure game is exactly an MMO, period. Patrick just hinted to a new Star Wars MMO. Which most likely be modeled after popular Korean based MMO real-time action style combat-systems.

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The money they'll be missing out on without you (and people like you, not just specifically you), will eventually be noticed.


Yeah, I mean, I do spend a fair bit of money on SWTOR but not THAT much. LOL!


Y'know, I'm not so sure. The cost of production of something like SWTOR has got to be astounding and, unless I miss the mark here, a shooter would avoid a lot of those costs (VAs and such).


Eh, I dunno...I could be way off on this.

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Yeah, I mean, I do spend a fair bit of money on SWTOR but not THAT much. LOL!


Y'know, I'm not so sure. The cost of production of something like SWTOR has got to be astounding and, unless I miss the mark here, a shooter would avoid a lot of those costs (VAs and such).


Eh, I dunno...I could be way off on this.


They have a shooter/action game already. The EA executive vp said they want to go broader than a story-based, linear adventure game. Making it a shooter is going backwards, not broader. There is nothing as broad as an MMO, period. He hinted that this game will be the next Star Wars MMO.

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Yeah, I mean, I do spend a fair bit of money on SWTOR but not THAT much. LOL!


Y'know, I'm not so sure. The cost of production of something like SWTOR has got to be astounding and, unless I miss the mark here, a shooter would avoid a lot of those costs (VAs and such).


Eh, I dunno...I could be way off on this.

I bet you spend more than the 18-35 crowd does. Not that they don't, but they have other expenses that seasoned citi...errr...um...seasoned players, don't have ;)

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They have a shooter/action game already. The EA executive vp said they want to go broader than a story-based, linear adventure game. Making it a shooter is going backwards, not broader. There is nothing as broad as an MMO, period. He hinted that this game will be the next Star Wars MMO.

I don't really think so...I think it's going to remain 90% of what it was, but with online playability after the story (Destiny style). I hope I'm wrong and you're right...I just don't think so.

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They have a shooter/action game already. The EA executive vp said they want to go broader than a story-based, linear adventure game. Making it a shooter is going backwards, not broader. There is nothing as broad as an MMO, period. He hinted that this game will be the next Star Wars MMO.


Well, we'll see. I'm not so positive as you are.

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I bet you spend more than the 18-35 crowd does. Not that they don't, but they have other expenses that seasoned citi...errr...um...seasoned players, don't have ;)


Seasoned! LOL! Geezer works. It's truthful and I'm not one of those people who has the vapours about aging. In fact, I marvel that I made it this far. :D


But you're right. I don't have a mortgage, my vehicle is long paid off, no kids/grandkids and we only buy 4 tanks of gas per year. Discretionary income isn't an issue and sometimes...I "discrete" a fair bit. ;)

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They have a shooter/action game already. The EA executive vp said they want to go broader than a story-based, linear adventure game. Making it a shooter is going backwards, not broader. There is nothing as broad as an MMO, period. He hinted that this game will be the next Star Wars MMO.


There's always the possibility of it being an RPG without the MMO aspect.

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It was an RPG as Amy Hennig (the director of the game) stated. EA wants the game to be more broader and expand it. This is where the MMO part comes in.


Hmm... I guess I thought it was an adventure game, a la Tomb Raider or AC.


Don't get me wrong. I'd probably love for it to be an mmo. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Agreed, also those games have more platform independence, moving an MMO off the (slowly dying) PC game platform is really tough.


PC gaming is far from "dying". PC is probably the most versatile gaming platform available, in terms of what can be done with it, how many games it offers and cost efficiency. If gaming becomes all console-based, I won't be a gamer anymore- I (and countless other people) don't have the money to keep up with the incessant "innovating".. IE the Apple brand of "we made one very minor tweak to our phone model so we decided to offer it as a whole new product and by the way, we don't support yours anymore so you'll have to buy it if you want to use any apps".

At least playing on PC one can be assured that they (ideally) won't need to buy a brand new one every year or so. And if by some misfortune that they do, it won't be because new games aren't compatible with it.

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When the MMO is already built you can endlessly create new dungeons, new fashions, new pvp maps.


No, you can’t. Bioware Austin doesn’t have an endless revenue stream to work from. Their annual budget is a set amount, it has a cap to it.


SWTOR makes money as is at the current budget EA has been providing them with and as such EA will never see any reason to increase the budget they give the studio because it makes money as is. If the game’s numbers dip, or it under performs EA isn’t going to step in and give them more money to bring the numbers back up either because in that circumstance EA then views the game as having gone downhill and sees no reason to invest more money in a dying product.


It’s a no win situation, and something that many MMOs (Star Trek Online, Tera, Wildstar, etc) all suffer from.


Where these companies fail is they put all their money into a game like Mass Effect Andromeda where people pay one time , play maybe twice and abandon it.


No, that is not where these companies fail.


MMOs or the traditional model of MMOs in the vein of WoW (giant world spaces with hundreds of people all playing together at the same time) always had a shelf life on them. The market was never there to equally support WoW, Age of Conan, Star Trek Online, Tera, Wildstar, ESO, Final Fantasy 14, etc, all at the same time.


Where these companies “failed” was overestimating the amount of people interested in playing an MMO and/or not comprehending the risks involved with making an MMO or what it would take to sustain an MMO on a sizeable scale/level. They also failed in predicting that the genre would be over saturated with other MMOs and that Blizzard would keep pumping out content for WoW at a consistent rate making it impossible for any MMO that started development as a result of WoW to ever “catch up” or compete on any sort of equal level.


At the height of WoW’s popularity it had 12 million subscribers. Problem was there wasn’t an audience of another 12 million people out there support all the other MMOs that came out in the wake of WoW.


It's much much more feasible to keep the WoW's, ESO's, and SWTOR's going by adding things piecemeal to them.


It’s not feasible, because not only will an audience get bored and want to move onto something else regardless of how much content there is but there’s also no way they could pump out content fast enough to satisfy the audience that’s there. On top of that the larger MMOs try to appeal to too broad of an audience that they have to focus on trying to satisfy a wide audience spread across PVE Solo, PVE Group, and PVP combined with bug fixes, quality of life changes, and whatever else.


SWTOR has the added problem(s) of having story focused content and an engine that’s difficult to develop for which further complicates things and makes it more expensive to develop for than it is for other MMOs.


The player base for games like SWTOR (Star Trek Online, Wildstar, etc) just aren’t big enough to justify the amount of money the publishers would need to spend on them to satisfy players because the publisher wouldn’t be able turn a significant profit on that investment to the point that it would be worth doing.


You also have to remember that people made up their minds about a lot of these games long ago. They’re seen as old games at this point that people already tried out and didn’t like or heard too many bad things about or whatever.


So I paid $60 to play Dragon AGe


And around $6000 into SWTOR since launch


The $6,000 you spent on SWTOR doesn’t go back into the game though. That’s not how it works. It goes towards various other things like the R&D of new projects, studios, etc, for the entirety of EA. WoW is a rare exception with MMOs for a variety of reasons, but one of them is that it was self published by Blizzard and Blizzard doesn’t keep a ton of things in active development and as a result a lot of the money they made off WoW did go back into the game, a game that mind you at it’s peak was pulling in nearly a billion dollars a year from just subs alone.

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A more broader experience than a story-based, linear adventure game is exactly an MMO, period.


No, it isn’t. Skyrim is an example of a broader experience than a linear story based adventure as is No Man’s Sky, Minecraft, GTA, and dozens of other games.


Skyrim on it's own has sold 30 million copies. Minecraft has sold 122 million copies. GTA5 has sold 80 million copies.


No MMO has ever come close to those numbers, hell you could combine the total sales numbers of every MMO that's been released and you wouldn't hit those numbers. Keep in mind the most successful MMO (WoW) at it's peak had 12 million players.


Patrick just hinted to a new Star Wars MMO.


No he didn’t. What he said was extremely vague and non specific. You’re making things up to try and validate your own opinion(s)


Which most likely be modeled after popular Korean based MMO real-time action style combat-systems.


There is literally nothing to suggest that. Once again it’s just something you’re making up, but you’re stating it as if it were a fact.


Anthem (Bioware's next game) would/could be an example of what he’s describing and it’s a multiplayer shooter.


Making it a shooter is going backwards, not broader.


No, it isn't, especially since the game probably already relied a lot on shooting to begin with. What did you think you were going to be doing playing as the lead scoundrel character in the game if not pointing a gun at things and shooting?


Also how are games like Anthem, Destiny, Fallout 4, Boarderlands, etc, not broad? They're all technically shooters with RPG elements or vice versa.


There is nothing as broad as an MMO, period.


The problem is that MMOs are too broad and try to satisfy too big of an audience that can't be satisfied because you're trying to satisfy a PVE Solo audience, a PVE Group audience, and a PVP audience while also making quality of life changes, fixing bugs, etc, etc.


He hinted that this game will be the next Star Wars MMO.


Once again, no he didn't. You're assuming that's what he's talking about.


It was an RPG as Amy Hennig (the director of the game) stated.


No she didn't. All of Amy's quotes about the game have been extremely vague and non specific just like everything else that's been stated about the game.


EA wants the game to be more broader and expand it. This is where the MMO part comes in.


No, it doesn't.


This game is more likely to have a PUBG Battle Royale style mode it in than it is to be an MMO.

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