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What did Jace Malcom did to deserve the rank he got?


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That of supreme commander of the military I mean. Lets take his feats into account he has none.

Just none in the end as an commander of the Havoc Squad he did nothing.

As the military advisory on Alderan he did nothing he did not win or lose he kept the status quo.

Really no feats to deserve such an promotion.

So why did he became supreme commander again?

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If your assigned task is "help the locals hold the line" and you do that and they hold the line ("keep the status quo"), then you won.


Fine lets say that is an feat but to be fair the reason the status quo was still on because they both overstretched and both to weak to fight.

Yet that is an ****** feat look at the feats of the second last havoc squad commander. HE took bases full of sith eliminated the sith empire's best special forces destroyed an super weapon and killed or captured the sith's best commander all in 3 years.


Or even better take the general who freed Corellia that dude had bigger feats I forgot his name but you know he killed 1/4 of the sith military in that campaign.

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Fine lets say that is an feat but to be fair the reason the status quo was still on because they both overstretched and both to weak to fight.

Yet that is an ****** feat look at the feats of the second last havoc squad commander. HE took bases full of sith eliminated the sith empire's best special forces destroyed an super weapon and killed or captured the sith's best commander all in 3 years.


Or even better take the general who freed Corellia that dude had bigger feats I forgot his name but you know he killed 1/4 of the sith military in that campaign.

Excuse me, but I wasn't saying that what he did ***in that one battle***(1) suffices to justify making him Supreme Commander. I was just taking issue with the assertion that "he kept the status quo" means he neither won nor lost. If his assigned task was to keep the status quo ("The Republic holds Alderaan", never mind what happened later) by stopping the invading Empire forces from taking Alderaan, and he stopped them taking Alderaan, then he won that battle. That's *all* I was saying.


(1) Do we have a comprehensive list of everything he did?


Also: on the question of the player character deserving it more than JM: being a brilliant tactician (good at fighting battles) doesn't qualify a person to be the toppest of the top generals, in charge of top-level strategy.

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When he was in the lower ranks he fulfilled the orders of his direct superiors sufficiently well that they recommended him for promotion.


Once he got to say roughly the Colonel to General level, he also had to start impressing ranking officers beyond just his direct chain of command and also impressing the political appointees and politicians that oversaw the Republic armed forces.


The Republic's style of promotion and succession doesn't normally involve the sort of operatic high drama that the Sith Empire favors.


Also at the supreme commander level it's as much about administration, logistics, and political skills as it is tactical and strategic excellence.

Edited by Ramalina
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Excuse me, but I wasn't saying that what he did ***in that one battle***(1) suffices to justify making him Supreme Commander. I was just taking issue with the assertion that "he kept the status quo" means he neither won nor lost. If his assigned task was to keep the status quo ("The Republic holds Alderaan", never mind what happened later) by stopping the invading Empire forces from taking Alderaan, and he stopped them taking Alderaan, then he won that battle. That's *all* I was saying.


(1) Do we have a comprehensive list of everything he did?


Also: on the question of the player character deserving it more than JM: being a brilliant tactician (good at fighting battles) doesn't qualify a person to be the toppest of the top generals, in charge of top-level strategy.


Wait are we talking about? The reason the Republic held Alderaan was mostly because of Satele not Malacom he was just an cog an big cog but an cog the fact that Satele took out of comision the commander of the sith invasion is what allowed the republic victory. Malcom and the rest of the troops where there on vacation not on orders and he probably was not the highest military man there.


But I am talking later in Alderan civil war when he was ordered to help house Organa defeat house Thul and he failed the most he did was keeping the balance between them.


Really nothing for him to deserve the title of supreme commander. The general who was responsible for freeing Corellia deserved it far more.

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Why? Because he's Theron's daddy and it was a plot point to give the baby such high-level parents.


And as Teff'ith said - "Jedi Grand Master mom, Supreme Commander dad. Now we get why Theron’s so messed up."


If anybody would really fit the bill I would have thought Garza...but again, she's not Theron's daddy.

Edited by Dracofish
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Don't know. The man deserves to be Court Marshaled.


In the hope cinematic trailer, he gives up superior ground to go Rambo, and he needlessly gets all of his men killed by doing so. I know that trailer was intended to look cool, but once you realize what is ACTUALLY happening, it doesn't seem so cool.


Just watch it again...you'll see.

Edited by cool-dude
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Don't know. The man deserves to be Court Marshaled.


In the hope cinematic trailer, he gives up superior ground to go Rambo, and he needlessly gets all of his men killed by doing so. I know that trailer was intended to look cool, but once you realize what is ACTUALLY happening, it doesn't seem so cool.


Just watch it again...you'll see.


True but the only people left there to testify are Jace, Satele and Malgus.

Jace and Satele are lovers and Malgus is an enemy. Basically he had the opportunity to make himself an hero.

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He probably slept his way to the top. Try to get rid of the mental image of him and Garza doing it in between Garza giving out orders of questionable strategic effectiveness, committing war crimes, and experimenting on loyal soldiers with crazy alien technology the Republic doesn't fully understand.
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He had an exemplary record and outstanding service, as well as being a face that civilians recognize. The position of Supreme Commander isn't just military, it's to give the public a figure as the head of the military. So, that's how he got the job.
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We don't know. As Nefla pointed out, it's not like we have a complete list of his career achievements. We don't know enough to say whether or not it was deserved.


Finally, random and completely nonsensical promotions are kind of a thing in Star Wars. See Commander Skywalker and Generals Solo and Calrissian in the Star Wars films.

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He probably slept his way to the top. Try to get rid of the mental image of him and Garza doing it in between Garza giving out orders of questionable strategic effectiveness, committing war crimes, and experimenting on loyal soldiers with crazy alien technology the Republic doesn't fully understand.


Hey, Garza's extremely hot for her age! 20 years ago she was probably a babe :p

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I think he had that same rank in Annihilation.

He's far from being a perfect leader. He let the Empire destroy a republic planet (Ruan) and was ready to let Duro suffer the same fate just to keep the black cipher codes.


Ruthless calculus as Garrus would say, leaving a certain number to die so a greater number would be saved in the long run. I can see where he's coming from with that but I don't think I would have made the same choice. I wouldn't want his job, that's for sure. No matter what you choose, you WILL knowingly send your own people to their deaths or leave them to die in certain scenarios.

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Jace Malcom also had an terrible track record until the eternal empire came. He allowed the sith empire to recover lost an couple of planets the revanites put one on him and he just did terrible as supreme commander.


But he never deserved to become one in the first place there where far better candidates.

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Jace Malcom also had an terrible track record until the eternal empire came. He allowed the sith empire to recover lost an couple of planets the revanites put one on him and he just did terrible as supreme commander.


But he never deserved to become one in the first place there where far better candidates.

All the better candidates probably died lol. He really does seem better suited to being a front line grunt than a strategist. I think that's what he'd prefer as well.

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