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Please don't REMOVE any more content


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A LOT. Luckily for us, they restored some back.


Bit I still miss the woman from Ord Mantell.

Poor eight-fingered Travi Pott. Perhaps the Republic finally sent someone to extract her after all the times I did her mission for her before 3.0 came out. (3 Heroics on OM, 3 comms each, each day, made for a low-effort way of buying myself two full sets of Makeb 140 purple mods, but by god I got tired of listening to Gizmel Gam and his droid.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. removing content solves nothing but I will say that some of the required fixes are still ongoing for so long now.


I miss Colicoid wargame on the queue list. and certain content is matched for difficulty rather horribly.


Veteran FP's for example..the Jos and Valk fight is still terrible due to the knockback effect which was never fixed. ppl still quit that VETERAN run out of sheer frustration of attempting what is supposed to be a simple fight, after the 3rd attempt, even when your group follows the mechanics to a "T"...RNG instant death should be reserved for Ops..not a veteran run.


and then you have things like Battle of Rishi on Master...lord..


i hate the fact that so many players will pick the easiest/fastest runs, and deny other players a descent run due to things that devs refuse to fix properly.


if player are refusing to even attempt the content, It's a pretty tell-tale sign that there is a problem.

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Please, find a way to bring back all the content that was removed and provide content that players have been locked away from to more if not all. Also, any content that has been developed and as yet never used, this game is starving for content.

Edited by Monumenta
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  • 2 years later...

I just thought to kick this thread back to the top because it seems like the Devs still need reminding of this. Which is a pity.


I am referring to the fact of removing the small guild conquest goal from this week. Even if it was supposed to be just for this week, it is the example of the same way of thinking. https://imgflip.com/i/474m9i


If something exists and it does not harm anyone by its existence, there is no reason to take it away.


I am very happy about many things in this game, about many new additions, and I like the swoop event, but it's awful whenever they are marred by something being taken away at the same time.


If A, B and C exists, you can add D, but don't remove B at the same time. There is no reason to. There are still people for whom B fulfils some important function or is important to them.

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This is not a suggestion per se, it is an anti-suggestion: but a fairly easy one to keep, I think!

Perhaps, but clinging to it too religiously does reduce their ability to do what's needed to develop things. Perhaps.

The most important thing is: if something IS already in the game, please, please don't remove it. Especially as far as story is concerned.


I mean for example the Heroic mission dialogues. Okay! I understand the wish to speed it up, thus removing the final dialogue. I disagree, but whatever. (Although I am sure there would have been a way to make them "holocallable" upon completion or something.) But what is defying all logic is removing the mission givers themselves, such as on Ord Mantell. If somebody wants, they can pick it up from the terminal, but they also may want to pick it up from the person, so give them that option! The story is an essential part of SWTOR, so DON'T REMOVE THE STORY.

To me, the strange thing about that wasn't that they did remove those NPCs, nor that they didn't, but rather the point that they removed *some* of them and left others. If you want to do the Tython one, you can still warp into the planet from your out-of-ship galaxy map, take the taxi from the start point to the Gnarls and then QT to the Kaleth point and take it from the original NPC. On Ord Mantell, if you do the equivalent thing, you *have* to trek up to Fort Garnik for the blowing-the-towers one, since Travi Pott isn't anywhere to be found.

The same goes for the specialization missions on the fleet, where you were picking up your class specialization. Ok, that was a question of replacing the whole system, although putting the specialization to level 1, in my opinion, took away a lot of character development. Importantly also because it involved some dialogue. I understand it didn't always work and people specialized without talking to the trainers first, but at least that option should have remained there. Not everybody needs to use it, but it should be there for those who want to! (For example: there are the trainer missions at the starting planets, nobody also forces the players to do those missions, but it's nice to have them. I hope next step isn't removing those, by the way.)

I think you need to separate the loss of the AC missions from the moment at which the AC is chosen.


1. The start-planet trainer missions still have *some* value, especially for new players who don't, otherwise necessarily know where to find them, except on Ord Mantell where they are much easier to find. (And hey, they still give *some* XP, even if it's not much.)


2. The change from AC on Fleet to AC at level 10 (4.0) made the AC missions slightly nonsense, but you *could* do them as a means to select your AC, I think. The second change (to level 1) would have made them *complete* nonsense.


3. So, what about changing the AC-selection point to level 1? I'm of two minds about that. It eliminates the oddity of people unintentionally reaching high levels without choosing one, but it eliminates the possibility of people *intentionally* doing it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=866822


Overall, I wouldn't say it was a *good* decision, but I wouldn't automatically say it was bad, either. It's just a decision. (One might argue on the relative weight of things that it would have been better to not do it, nor the change from AC-on-Fleet to AC-at-10, and I'd probably agree.)

And is it just me, or have you also removed the reports when your companions return from certain crew skill missions? It used to sometimes say something related to the "story" of what they did, now, it just says "companion X returned and completed the mission". If it is really gone, I don't understand why. That was there and wasn't really in the way of anything, was it? And if you stop adding it with new missions, fine, but keep it with the old ones!

I'm not sure about this. By that, I mean that I haven't really looked at those reports in years, so I don't know what they say. In fact, this may be part of the puzzle. This is really old stuff that people have seen endless times, but on the other hand, it's also the case that removing it just because everyone has read it about eleventy-fifteen megabazillion times does, in the end, count as "change for the sake of changing" which isn't a good thing.

That should be the general rule for everything: keep the stuff that is there. If it is not being straightaway replaced by something else, keep it around.


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best of luck with the request, but I would not hold my breath


This has been a regular complaint since the first expansion, gets repeated with every content release that changes/removes old material, and it always falls on deaf ears.

Edited by Kaveat
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That's because it doesn't stay on the first page. If it stays on the first page consistently, it will get attention, as the Bonus Series Bug finally did.


So, Darth_Sidewinder, someone has to put in the work to keep this thread visible on the first page if it's going to get acknowledged by the devs.


Perhaps, but clinging to it too religiously does reduce their ability to do what's needed to develop things. Perhaps.


To me, the strange thing about that wasn't that they did remove those NPCs, nor that they didn't, but rather the point that they removed *some* of them and left others. If you want to do the Tython one, you can still warp into the planet from your out-of-ship galaxy map, take the taxi from the start point to the Gnarls and then QT to the Kaleth point and take it from the original NPC. On Ord Mantell, if you do the equivalent thing, you *have* to trek up to Fort Garnik for the blowing-the-towers one, since Travi Pott isn't anywhere to be found.


I think you need to separate the loss of the AC missions from the moment at which the AC is chosen.


1. The start-planet trainer missions still have *some* value, especially for new players who don't, otherwise necessarily know where to find them, except on Ord Mantell where they are much easier to find. (And hey, they still give *some* XP, even if it's not much.)


2. The change from AC on Fleet to AC at level 10 (4.0) made the AC missions slightly nonsense, but you *could* do them as a means to select your AC, I think. The second change (to level 1) would have made them *complete* nonsense.


3. So, what about changing the AC-selection point to level 1? I'm of two minds about that. It eliminates the oddity of people unintentionally reaching high levels without choosing one, but it eliminates the possibility of people *intentionally* doing it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=866822


Overall, I wouldn't say it was a *good* decision, but I wouldn't automatically say it was bad, either. It's just a decision. (One might argue on the relative weight of things that it would have been better to not do it, nor the change from AC-on-Fleet to AC-at-10, and I'd probably agree.)


I'm not sure about this. By that, I mean that I haven't really looked at those reports in years, so I don't know what they say. In fact, this may be part of the puzzle. This is really old stuff that people have seen endless times, but on the other hand, it's also the case that removing it just because everyone has read it about eleventy-fifteen megabazillion times does, in the end, count as "change for the sake of changing" which isn't a good thing.



Sure would be nice if we could get an explanation as to why certain heroic NPCs are missing. Another senseless change.


If they wanted to keep people from intentionally not choosing an advanced class, they could've just not allowed them to use Group Finder or queue for a warzone until they chose an advanced class and spec. They didn't have force everyone to choose one at character creation and then subsequently do away with the Choose Your Advanced Class mission chain. There was no reason to throw that out. I mean for a time, when you hit Level 10, the Combat Proficiencies window opened automatically and you were encouraged to choose an advanced class at that moment, but you didn't have to. You could close it out, reopen at any time of your choosing and choose then, or go to Fleet and complete the mission chain before choosing one. It was the best of both worlds, and they decided to force everyone into a certain playstyle.


They got rid of the crew mission reports a long time ago. Probably sometime during KotFE or more likely, 5.0. It used to be when a companion crit on a crew mission, there was a brief explanation of the results. These were interesting and really added to the world. They never should've gotten rid of them. They should be brought back. It's not like it got in anyone's way. You still had to click Close to close the window when they did show.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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I couldn't agree more with this thread title. Taking away story, [mission areas], decorations, and not even fixing the ones that have been broken for years that we can see in decorations leaves a bad taste in my mouth (so to speak) :mad: Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Can someone also explain to me what the Makeb staged missions were all about?

I heard there was a story connected to it, but I only played rothc after they changed it.

Now they're just some random missions with little context at the end of which I always have to call undermoff Bensen.

But why? Who is this guy? I thought Makeb was under control? I really feel like I'm missing out on important story content.

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Can someone also explain to me what the Makeb staged missions were all about?

I heard there was a story connected to it, but I only played rothc after they changed it.

Now they're just some random missions with little context at the end of which I always have to call undermoff Bensen.

But why? Who is this guy? I thought Makeb was under control? I really feel like I'm missing out on important story content.


they were awesome, it was a whole other save the planet thing that you could do every 2 weeks in 2 stages, Im pretty sure it took a month or more to get one character through all of them and they took you to a bunch of maceb that you normally have no reason to go to

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Yeah I miss the old planetary vendors that had the orange gears and weapons, and drop loot from the old flash points and they even removed the rewards from shadow of revan where you go in and kill revan.....good times that never come back.


Those vendors were great. Some of the vanilla items can't be acquired anymore with these vendors gone. Some are outright unavailable or only available as mainhand weapons, while others are excruciatingly rare drops that sell for upwards of 50 million. Never understood why BW think removing content is a good thing.

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Those vendors were great. Some of the vanilla items can't be acquired anymore with these vendors gone. Some are outright unavailable or only available as mainhand weapons, while others are excruciatingly rare drops that sell for upwards of 50 million. Never understood why BW think removing content is a good thing.


There's another recent thread where people are advocating bringing them back, for cc's or credits (from a fleet vendor). If you pop in there and add your voice to it, and keep it on the front page, they might actually listen.

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Well, I think the logic is to have people get the chance to play the new (post-lvl 60) content ASAP. But in my opinion, the key would be rather to give people simply free slots, or simply straightaway free choice to start at level 60 or whatever. That way, those who want to skip the original class content (maybe because they played it many times) can, but those who don't won't be influenced by this new system at all.


This is, in my opinion, what should have been done. And not mess up existing stuff.


I completely agree.

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Bumping. The mission "A Safety Feature" in the Power Relay Vault on Belsavis (Tomb area) has been removed for some time. Is there any reason why or was it a consequence of the streamlining done in 4.0? Can the devs add it back in as an exploration mission?
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