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My thoughts now that I hit 40.


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Hello, Some people think Marauders are weaksauce. Some think they are very good.


I'm Aussie. Not only did I choose the class it looking like a fun awesome melee, also the challenge of it.


I sorta thought, hey I feel a bit weak in PVP. Not garbage. Just slightly lacking that one thing...


I started leveling as carnage. I never had a problem in PVE. About mid 20's-35 I felt like in pvp I was getting weak...Slow to kill things not enough surviviability in 1v1 situations and it felt like picking off people or just being a snare for my team was my role. I came to the forums saw people moaning but also saw someone talking about anni. So I changed. In pvp Was quite good, I still wasnt "over powered" but I wasnt as weak as what I was and could still be that snaring nuisance but some fights went my way in 1v1 situations. Still not the strongest class out of the lot, but very viable. PVE changed however, Against gold mobs I could kill and finish fights on 50-70% health, up from carnage but packs were a little bit harder when they had a silver or 2. Turns out this was probably me though as some packs I could finish no problems and move on without stopping.


At 40 though I felt like I wanted something different. So I changed to Rage. This tree when I first looked at it was quite meh. Not really the tree that being melee I would want. But I gotta say I really underestimated it. Its very good for both PVE and PVP. And it finally has that ability that crits for almost 4k, and that skill is also AOE. This was one of the badges I couldnt get in the other specs, but I could get on other classes"(the single hit badge for 2.5k or above).


Its very strong in pvp, I can hold my own no problems 1 on 1, and those lowbies people are saying that get they get beaten by I can actually do a fair good job of destroying them.


So Basically what I am saying to people saying we are weak, stick it out, get to 40+ and try other specs. Chances are you might find it as enjoyable as you first did.

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I want to take this time to thank you for giving an actual honest opinion about the class, and evidence to support it. I'm level 23 at the moment and am rolling carnage, and its not the easiest, but not the hardest. At what level did you switch from Carnage to Annihilation, out of curiosity? And which companion was your primary? I've heard many people talk about having to only use Quinn, but I'm using Vette and so long as she is decently gear she can kill mobs faster than I can.
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I switched from Carnage to Rage at level 30 to try it out in PvP. Boy was I surprised. I personally think its a better spec for anyone who PvP's alot.


Now If only I could have the 15% run speed and Deadly Saber root from Carnage. I would be a happy camper.

Edited by KillLogic
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I switched from Carnage to Rage at level 30 to try it out in PvP. Boy was I surprised. I personally think its a better spec for anyone who PvP's alot.


Now If only I could have the 15% run speed and Deadly Saber root from Carnage. I would be a happy camper.


Ravage needs to be useable whilst moving - its still a cast so it can still be interupted, it would be a pretty small change but make a huge difference imo.


This wouldn't affect the Carnage root talent as that stops anyone escaping you and works as an extra stun also.

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Yeah but they only have one saber :)


The chicks really dig 2 sabers


I am only level 15 at the moment but I love this class.


I love that you have to think when playing it, I love that you cant mash keys to win, I love that you have to pick your opponent and use the correct rotation.


BTW same rotation not always the best for all mobs mix it up and see what works. The correct rotation on a mob will kill it fast that is a fact.


Thank you for the opinion at 40 what i noticed is that a combo of all three trees seems to be the best but I wont know this for sure until I am 50 so until then...


Stay Blood Thirsty my friends


See you in game

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Does Massacre get better at 50?, I'm currently level 40. It felt lackluster compared to vicious slash. I'm thinking about switching to rage tonight, since I love pvping at times, but it become annoying to get push off the walkways for even attempting to enter the rafters with all the range classes with push backs talents. (Hutt Ball) watch out for acid, fire and run for your life on the Void Star bridge. I was rocking in PVP at mid level, but I have to be on top of my game to stay in the top 5. By the way what was BW thinking when it came to level 40 PVP gear! Spandex and Skirts for Marauders! YAY
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I switched to anni at 34, Stayed with it to 38 which I switched to rage at 38.


The spec I had for Anni was this:



I hope the link works, Basically took 2 points in carn for increase in building up fury to get the heal out as much as needed/possible.


The rage build i am using atm is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZoZhrRrzbRdGR.1


Basically I charge into a pack in pve, put up force crush, battering assault, smash and they all get crit down to 5% health basically. It's great for taking out packs super quick, its currently a 2.4k crit and most mobs around my level seem to have that. I use jasea though and she tends to smash same time I do, which not only looks cool but seems odd. PVP, smash crits for 3.7k with 4 stacks of shockwave up, So I can charge, choke and smash and its a decent burst, i dont recall how much choke goes for, but its around a 2k channel. Ignoring armor in pvp is pretty good too so you get the reduction.

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Lvl 50 rage has all the damage you'll ever need.


the survivability is still a problem. Pretty much any class can get you to like 35-50% health or below in a stun giving them a huge advantage over you in a 1v1 situation since the marauder does not even have a stun

Edited by mastersloup
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Tbh I dont think survivability is a problem. Sometimes were squishy, you will get killed pretty quick. But we have some of the best defensive cool downs. Getting caught in a stun etc, well thats a luck factor. you have options to get rid of one and heal 10%.


I suggested in another thread that perhaps we should have heavy armour but that was more because itemisation is bad for medium, its not the easiest to get and when I do manage to find some it has defence/shield absorb.

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