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If ANY changes are made to the game.....


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Say what you want about Keith, but he seems to be fulfilling his promise to bring back MMO content. We've already had half an Op, which is a half Op more than Ben could give us..


Not that I think Ben Irving knocked it out of the park, so to speak, during his time as lead producer, but to be fair, the ops bosses were already in the works during his time as lead producer. New ops bosses were already going to happen even if Jar Jar Binks had come in after Ben, instead of Keith.


I am curious about the changes to GSF and what the new PVP map will be like.


Will the "changes" to GSF be just adding 1 new ship? Or, will it be a big overhaul of how the whole thing works?

Will the new PVP map have a new objective, or will it just be the same old huttball in an Iokath looking area? (Please note that I personally do not have a problem or objection to huttball. I merely use it as an example to say will the new PVP map have brand new objectives or just rehash something that already exists)

Edited by SolarSaenz
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TUXs and I love to debate each other, but I've never thought he's wrong that the game has had a lack of what I'll call (for lack of a better term) "MMO Content" since the end of the 3.x cycle. We've differed as to why this is, and the importance of it, but not the lack.


I continue to see the lack of external and visible content additions as being (unfortunately) caused by an internal and invisible focus on correcting or bypassing deeply-embedded corner-cutting dating back to the original design, so that this never happens in the future. I see that, if nothing else, Keith is willing to admit to errors, and address them, in a way that his predecessor never was; and to learn from the doing. Can he (and the current system and story development team) pull it out? No way of knowing. But I recently renewed by 6 month sub despite having been more or less on hiatus for the past couple of months playing other games, and I find I'm looking forward to the changes upcoming. I can't wait for November!


(And I'm not regretting any day I paid for, either. Parts of the game have been mediocre or worse, but at its best, this game has been really quite good)

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so the purpose of this thread is just to combat other forum posters?


At first I thought it was just a bad troll attempt like has happened before, but the responses are now up to 3 pages and counting, so I guess it’s not that bad a troll attempt, probably about middle to average.

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Very fair question.


The reason I'm optimistic is that neither PvP nor GSF have been on the development radar in over 2-years. They're on it now. Even if we have a delay (or two, being a realist) they're finally being addressed.


Say what you want about Keith, but he seems to be fulfilling his promise to bring back MMO content. We've already had half an Op, which is a half Op more than Ben could give us.


It's slow. It's still too little, too late...but at long last, I actually feel like this game is moving in the right direction...which was sure as **** not single story crap.


Still feeling hopeful now TUX after what maybe the most retarded "class balance" nerfs ever?

The lowest performing DPS class (TK Sage / Lightning Sorc) just got nerfed again!!!


Really Bioware, is Eric Wrobel in charge of class balance here, as well as ESO - there really can't be two professional game developers with so little clue can there?


All The Best

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Still feeling hopeful now TUX after what maybe the most retarded "class balance" nerfs ever?

The lowest performing DPS class (TK Sage / Lightning Sorc) just got nerfed again!!!


Really Bioware, is Eric Wrobel in charge of class balance here, as well as ESO - there really can't be two professional game developers with so little clue can there?


All The Best



You were right, I was a fool.

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