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Theory: The Order used the Knights of Zakuul and the Skytroopers


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In Chapter Nine of Knights of the Eternal Throne, it was explained that the GEMINI Droids Captains whom pilot the Eternal Fleet gone berserk without someone in charge of the Eternal Throne but this doesn't explain why the Knights of Zakuul and the Skytroopers attacked the Outlander and the Outlander's allies unless they want to see Zakuul and the rest of the galaxy burn. The Order has been manipulating events even before the fall of the Eternal Empire and they secretly have members in the Knights of Zakuul and the Skytroopers.
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The Skytroopers we can assume were wired up to the extermination mode too.


The Knights, either they assumed Vaylin was having a tantrum, of their commander wasn't that bright ... or maybe one of them was hoping to claim the throne?


The "extermination mode" continued even when the Outlander has taken over the Eternal Throne and calm down the Eternal Fleet which has the

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