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Kicked out of guild for mental disability- what do i do?


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My brother was diagnosed with authism at an early age. It was very noticeable back then, but over the years it grew less and less. These days he is very normal, except for a surge of ADD-like behaviour now and then :p I credit myself with his improving, having always included him in my social life and taking him with me everywhere.


I hope you can find a guild to offer you some of the same.

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


IANAL, but I don't think you have much recourse for the issue. The Guild is part of the game and guilds can discriminate based on whatever terms they feel like. I'd take the advice from previous posters and find a guild that would be willing to take you.


If you feel like discussing it, why exactly were you kicked?

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I was hoping for advice more on the legal side of it- but i appreciate the support :D


Assuming you are not trolling, you are best to chalk it up to a "life lesson" rather than try to litigate over an incident like this. It won't get far and you will waste time and money in the process.

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IANAL, but I don't think you have much recourse for the issue. The Guild is part of the game and guilds can discriminate based on whatever terms they feel like. I'd take the advice from previous posters and find a guild that would be willing to take you.


If you feel like discussing it, why exactly were you kicked?


I'm not sure exactly why, although the admin himself told me in a private convo that my symptoms, or in his words "state of mind" were definitely a factor.

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I had made a point of mentioning it whenever i came across a new acquaintance on ts3, just as i do in real life. i consider it only fair for people to at least know im an insufferable dork BEFORE they put any effort into knowing me


What exactly did you display to the guild that made them feel this was a kickable offense?

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Im not sure, i only talked when i needed help from a member... and in the few instances i actually joined their banter, i was just talking about what they were talking about, how they talked about it.


You weren't blacking out for stretches of time, having fits or seizures during flashpoints, or spouting off long streams of profanity in voice chat?


If not, and they kicked you anyways, then forget taking action. These are not people you would want to be in a guild with anyways. You are better off without them.

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Okay, wait. The guy just says he was seeking legal recourse over a clash of personalities, and no one here stopped to think maybe there's a good reason he was kicked out?


There's a whole lot of blank spots in the OP's story, and lacking full disclosure of the conversations...

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I'm going to try and offer some form of objective stance towards this issue. That way people might step back a moment and look at this issue from a few different angles, especially the OP.


Now... just being kicked for the "crime" of being Autistic would be deplorable. However, lets face some facts:


*Autism is a mental "disorder" that is being owned up to by the OP.


*Autism as a "disorder" carries with it certain behavioural cues that make the diagnosed person act apart from the norm. If this wasn't so, then there would be no need for the diagnosis in the first place.


*People are generally uncomfortable around people who act outside of a "normal" set of behavioural standards.


* Autistic people, generally, have a habit of saying or doing certain things in public that are deemed uncouth without knowing that they have done these things or without understanding why these actions effect people the way that they do.


In order to really hold someone accountable for unjustly kicking you from a guild you would really have expect that they understood your 'disorder' and had the appropriate training to deal with the moments where your Autistic behaviour became relevant to their experience within the guild. People play a game to have fun. They don't play to deal with people's life-struggles.


Perhaps you were a bit TOO zealous in telling people about your "disorder". It can come across as attention seeking. I had a guild member who once told everyone in the guild about all of his personal issues every week. One week it was that he had ADHD. The next week he was Asthmatic. The next he had heart trouble and so on. This isn't to say that he didn't have these problems but it does make a person wonder if they aren't just making some of it up to get sympathy from their peers.


People rarely share their troubles. Over-sharing can be a real deal breaker for social groups. It's hard to do as an Autistic but I think you really need to try and think about the things you say and how they are perceived by the people around you. The main thing that Autistics do in therapy, as adults, is practice visual and social cues in order to better understand the world in a more "normative" way.


Look, it's really not fair. If you're really Autistic, then it's just something you have to deal with. This is a social game and people, generally, do not understand your problems. To add to this, they don't want to understand your problems. They are playing the game a lot of the time, to ignore or escape their own problems. Try not telling people about your Autism. It might go a long way to making them except you for who you are. Don't let the label of some "disorder" define who you are. Don't let them define you by a label. I think that's the issue you are dealing with here.

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I was just kicked out of a certain guild because I'm autistic, what should i do?


If they kicked you from your guild they weren't worth being around or even worth being friends with. There will be a better guild out there for you who will accept you for what you are.



Edit: ^ Best advice I've seen yet.


This isn't to say that he didn't have these problems but it does make a person wonder if they aren't just making some of it up to get sympathy from their peers.


Or he could be a hypocondriac, a problem I share and sympathize with. It's not so much as attention seeking as freaking out over things that you perceive to be a real threat to your health. I've been dealing with this for some time and I've learned that you can even program your body into taking on some of these symptoms to the point you can feel them.

Edited by JadeBranch
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