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Ashara Zavros Personality change request.


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- if Bioware is bringing back old companions they need to do it RIGHT :

- have a full chapter dedicated to them

- the ability to choose the companion path during mission dialogues ( yes like Jessa , where u pick light side or dark side for her )

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The thing that bugs me most about Ashara is how she's constructed this whole narrative in her head about how you are trying to reform the Sith from within when you never declared such a thing. You get no options to say, "What are you talking about? I'm not reforming anything, and neither are you." You just lie to her and play along or tell her her ideas won't work. She doesn't listen to you and is just so bullheaded about everything. I'd like my toon to be able to slap some sense into her.


My suspicion is that maybe that's a holdover from a time when you could kill companions. Perhaps Ashara was initially only ever meant to be recruited by Inquisitors that were LS.


At least with LS Jaesa, her desire to reform the Empire makes a little more sense.

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- if Bioware is bringing back old companions they need to do it RIGHT :

- have a full chapter dedicated to them

- the ability to choose the companion path during mission dialogues ( yes like Jessa , where u pick light side or dark side for her )


Kinda like how they did Revan in KOTOR 2?


But really, outside of Khem Val and Jaesa, what companions wind up in drastically different places? Ashara has left the party long enough to have developed a new personality and agenda. And even Jaesa can fall under that category too depending on how they do it.

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My suspicion is that maybe that's a holdover from a time when you could kill companions. Perhaps Ashara was initially only ever meant to be recruited by Inquisitors that were LS.


At least with LS Jaesa, her desire to reform the Empire makes a little more sense.


Considering there is an option to "let ghost kill ashara" i'd say that is very likely.


Of course, we step in anyway taking that option...

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Kinda like how they did Revan in KOTOR 2?


But really, outside of Khem Val and Jaesa, what companions wind up in drastically different places? Ashara has left the party long enough to have developed a new personality and agenda. And even Jaesa can fall under that category too depending on how they do it.


Yeah, I think with clever writing they could have brought Jaesa back as one character without worrying about the DS or LS alignment - they could always have written that LS Jaesa went mad or became corrupted without the SW to guide her. But now they've boxed themselves into a corner with that since Master Ranos says that DS and LS Jaesa are now doing totally different things...

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Nothing about turning LS and DS Jaesa into one character would have been good writing. It's good that they kept them separate. "Neutralizing" Jaesa only makes things more convenient for non Sith Warriors, and that's bad when it's at the expense of the class that she actually matters most to. Edited by OldVengeance
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Oh I so agree with Lunafox on this one!!! Granted, I don't want her to be Jaesa 2.0, but I would like the opportunity to have my Sith Sorcerer shock the S**t out of her like the Warrior can do with Vette! If I'm going to turn her to the dark side then give me the means to enforce a little Sith discipline here!! Give her just a little of Broonmark's murderous rage mixed with a dash of Vette's snide comments and there you have it! The perfect gray apprentice with dark side tendencies!
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I don't get the reason behind demanding that a character's personality be changed just because an incredibly small group of people don't like her attitude and beliefs. I for one love Ashara as a character. People tend to forget that, at the start, she still has the mentality of a child. She didn't really know anything else and her more aggressive attitude can stem from the fact she wasn't born and raised in the Jedi Order. Ashara does mention that she has family and has had contact with them. So while she may have perhaps been brought up by the Jedi from a young age, she still had a family and was found by the Jedi as opposed to taken as a baby.


Given Ashara is between 18-20 when we meet her, it is entirely likely that she was born towards the latter third of the Galactic War. Since it went on for 30yrs and the game story begins 10yrs after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. So Ashara was born during the chaos of the war and was probably 6-8yrs old when the Jedi found her. It's entirely possible she lost friends and other relatives during the war as well and that could've lead to her aggressive nature in learning how to fight so she could fight against the Sith.


Ashara is actually very well written. Her confusion over what happened to her and her masters upon meeting the Inquisitor, as well as her combative personality when arguing over the Jedi ideals versus the Sith philosophy comes across rather naturally because she's still just learning and has never been given the opportunity to experience the greater galaxy around her and grow as a person. So as the story progresses, Ashara comes to understand some things and ultimately comes to her own decisions and conclusions based on her own experiences rather than just relying on the Jedi teachings. She's no longer blinded by Jedi dogma, nor has she been corrupted by a Sith's rage and passions.


Just as Guss Tuno has had to discover his own path and his own way to apply his skills, so too has Ashara had to go and understand her own personal path and identity. And that makes for a great character.

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I don't get the reason behind demanding that a character's personality be changed just because an incredibly small group of people don't like her attitude and beliefs. I for one love Ashara as a character. People tend to forget that, at the start, she still has the mentality of a child. She didn't really know anything else and her more aggressive attitude can stem from the fact she wasn't born and raised in the Jedi Order. Ashara does mention that she has family and has had contact with them. So while she may have perhaps been brought up by the Jedi from a young age, she still had a family and was found by the Jedi as opposed to taken as a baby.


Given Ashara is between 18-20 when we meet her, it is entirely likely that she was born towards the latter third of the Galactic War. Since it went on for 30yrs and the game story begins 10yrs after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. So Ashara was born during the chaos of the war and was probably 6-8yrs old when the Jedi found her. It's entirely possible she lost friends and other relatives during the war as well and that could've lead to her aggressive nature in learning how to fight so she could fight against the Sith.


Ashara is actually very well written. Her confusion over what happened to her and her masters upon meeting the Inquisitor, as well as her combative personality when arguing over the Jedi ideals versus the Sith philosophy comes across rather naturally because she's still just learning and has never been given the opportunity to experience the greater galaxy around her and grow as a person. So as the story progresses, Ashara comes to understand some things and ultimately comes to her own decisions and conclusions based on her own experiences rather than just relying on the Jedi teachings. She's no longer blinded by Jedi dogma, nor has she been corrupted by a Sith's rage and passions.


Just as Guss Tuno has had to discover his own path and his own way to apply his skills, so too has Ashara had to go and understand her own personal path and identity. And that makes for a great character.


Except when it comes to Inquisitor asking her to marry him she says she needs the council's permission. I honestly hope that the way you wrote her to be is the way they go about writing her, but despite sometimes sounding like she's in the gray area most of the times she still comes across as delusional about her ties to the order.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Don't think she ever said that to me. Then again, mine received the Occulus and Imperious titles. And I get the feeling she'd only be joshing about having to get the Council's permission, since we know for a fact her ties with the Jedi nowadays was tenuous at best and a number within the order don't recognize her as a Jedi. Yes, if you go full DS, what you do goes against her morale code. Which is still in character for her.


Ashara is head'n shoulders above the likes of Jaesa whose alliance and affiliation can be changed as easily as flipping a light switch. Or Kaliyo who is an entirely selfish sociopath who will backstab you and shove a thermal detonator up your exhaust port the moment you start getting too clingy and/or boring.

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Don't think she ever said that to me. Then again, mine received the Occulus and Imperious titles. And I get the feeling she'd only be joshing about having to get the Council's permission, since we know for a fact her ties with the Jedi nowadays was tenuous at best and a number within the order don't recognize her as a Jedi. Yes, if you go full DS, what you do goes against her morale code. Which is still in character for her.



Ashara is head'n shoulders above the likes of Jaesa whose alliance and affiliation can be changed as easily as flipping a light switch. Or Kaliyo who is an entirely selfish sociopath who will backstab you and shove a thermal detonator up your exhaust port the moment you start getting too clingy and/or boring.


Not really. Jaesa is swayed from her allegiance to the Jedi Order by making her question her entire worldview by exposing her Master's lies & hypocrisy and forcing her to taste the power of the Dark Side via emotional trauma.


Ashara is swayed from her allegiance to the Republic because... you showed up one day and killed her Jedi Masters.

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Don't think she ever said that to me. Then again, mine received the Occulus and Imperious titles. And I get the feeling she'd only be joshing about having to get the Council's permission, since we know for a fact her ties with the Jedi nowadays was tenuous at best and a number within the order don't recognize her as a Jedi. Yes, if you go full DS, what you do goes against her morale code. Which is still in character for her.


Ashara is head'n shoulders above the likes of Jaesa whose alliance and affiliation can be changed as easily as flipping a light switch. Or Kaliyo who is an entirely selfish sociopath who will backstab you and shove a thermal detonator up your exhaust port the moment you start getting too clingy and/or boring.


As Vengeance pointed out she's not kidding. I'm not asking her to be fine with all my atrocities though, I'm asking her to not think of herself as a Jedi even after being part of a Sith Lord's powerbase. I do think it's better to have a gray character than Jaesa whose LS version is just as boring as Ashara when she's on "Don't make me go against my teachings mode" or the DS version who's such a stereotypical evil Sith it's not even fun to have her as an apprentice (Xalek had less screen time and I'd still take him over DS Jaesa).

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