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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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13 hours ago, cosmicchar said:

I think I see your point. So the Interpreters considering themselves fallible, and Scions considering themselves infallible, allows choice to exist for Voss but not for Scions.

But if the vision foretells the city's total destruction, this still feels to me like your choices don't matter. What if you want to save the city? Sure, you have control of your actions by choosing to evacuate or not, but your choices don't hold enough power when you want them to. You can't save the city. Effectively making you powerless and lacking control. Your actions are still controlled by the higher power of fate. Which is what Arcann can't stand. He believed he could control his own future by doing everything in his power to eliminate opposition to his rule, even if it seemed impossible (the Scions say he will fall). Now, he believes he controls his own future by doing everything in his power to help people rebuild from all the destruction he's caused, even if it seems impossible (can he do it in his lifetime).

Brainstorming an idea here. The reason why Arcann is healed, and not damaged, by the Voss visions is because it's the first time he's seen his possible success, whereas the Scions only provided visions of his definite failures. This one opportunity to see the light inspires him to see other possibilities, rather than him violently dismissing it as just another attempt to break him.

Let's look at Arcann's ruling style, he blitzes the Empire and Republic simultaneously and then leaves their governmental systems in tact, does not dismantle their militaries (only forbids further development) and basically only demands a tribute, to choke the galactic economy. The Star Fortresses are the terrifying control and monitor any potential uprisings. Other than that, he left everything alone. He doesn't particularly care about controlling the "fates" of others he cares about having control over his own life, his own choices, his own 'Destiny' the Voss give him that. They assure him that although he can't control events, or others, he can control himself and those actions do matter.

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Oh, then that is an extremely powerful realization that the Voss give him. Finally he's reaffirmed that he can control his destiny, when his entire life it's been drilled into him that he either can't (Scions) or isn't strong enough to do so (Valkorion).

In that case, the Voss are more about destiny than fate. Destiny allows you to have control of yourself. Your actions still matter because they cause a specific future to happen, among several possible futures. But fate is just one singular future. From what I've seen, the Voss alternate between "you can't control events but you can control yourself" and "you can do nothing because your fate is in someone else's hands."

Speaking of Star Fortresses,


why is the Voss Star Fortress not mentioned in 7.3? Especially because in one dialogue option, Arcann responds with saying he wants to make amends for Vaylin's destruction of Voss, but he doesn't mention his own invasion of it.


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2 hours ago, cosmicchar said:

Oh, then that is an extremely powerful realization that the Voss give him. Finally he's reaffirmed that he can control his destiny, when his entire life it's been drilled into him that he either can't (Scions) or isn't strong enough to do so (Valkorion).

In that case, the Voss are more about destiny than fate. Destiny allows you to have control of yourself. Your actions still matter because they cause a specific future to happen, among several possible futures. But fate is just one singular future. From what I've seen, the Voss alternate between "you can't control events but you can control yourself" and "you can do nothing because your fate is in someone else's hands."

Speaking of Star Fortresses,

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why is the Voss Star Fortress not mentioned in 7.3? Especially because in one dialogue option, Arcann responds with saying he wants to make amends for Vaylin's destruction of Voss, but he doesn't mention his own invasion of it.


The Voss didn't mean they can do nothing at all. With regard to Malgus they can't get involved. There is a huge difference there. Malgus wants to set a blaze, (he's terribly non-specific) and whatever the blaze is it will reshape the galaxy in some way. (again non-specific) that obviously could mean more bad things for Voss. But they don't have a Space Naval Fleet, they didn't even develop the technology (not that they were incapable they didn't see the need) it was when the Empire discovered them that they reluctantly started interacting with the wider Galaxy. I doubt, that's because they thought they were alone, in fact, we know they knew they weren't. But they were isolated for 1000's of years. Their biggest problem used to be the Gormak, but then Zakuul, Arcann's Star Fortress, and Vaylin threw them in the deep end and they're still doing their best to go it alone. How can they possibly handle Malgus?

Edited by JakRoanin
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I'm on cloud nine right now after reading Keith's update in




Is the game heading into maintenance mode? 

Absolutely not. As I’ve said before, we are working on future plans including more story and modernization initiatives for the game. We’ve upgraded the game to 64-bit, and are working on moving the servers to the cloud, and there are more content and tech updates on the way. 

Moving to a third party studio would allow us a lot of creative freedom, and we're very much looking forward to the opportunities that will be open to us.


Creative freedom!! Let's goooooo!


To close, I know that when something like this happens it can bring on feelings of doom and gloom. This isn't the beginning of the end, this truly is a new beginning for us. As you can imagine there are quite a few moving parts right now but we have a lot to talk about in our future. You can expect 7.3.1 towards the end of the summer, with the story continuing in 7.4 on its heels as we enter the holidays. Also on the tech side, we are working on further updates such as improved integrations with Steam and updating to DirectX 12. We'll start talking about all of this and more in the coming weeks.

I'm beyond stoked ...I'm SUPER excited for the future of these characters.  Here's to many, many more years of Arcann and Senya story content, baby!! 🙏🎉

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Speaking of our Prince, with all this progress he's making it's time he started making friends with our other Companions. I'm thinking the easiest to star with would be our other Prince of Killiks Master Vector Hyllus! 🥰 Thoughts?

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I would love to see Arcann making friends, but to be honest I find it hard to imagine him finding many among our original companions. I could see several of them accepting him and having good working relationships with him, though. 

I think Sana-Rae is his only friend right now (aside from the Commander and Senya, obviously). While I never even thought about Arcann and Vector before, I guess it could work for some of the same reasons Sana-Rae works as his friend: Vector is also an outsider with a unique perspective, he is extremely open-minded (Killik pun not intended), and focused on the good of the group (which Arcann clearly contributes to at this point). Having said that, I can't even begin to imagine what they would talk about 😄 

I could see some potential with Theron. He was there in Dragon's Maw (even extending his hand to Arcann when he boarded the shuttle), Arcann asked the Commander to show Theron mercy in the traitor arc, and they were both with us in Echoes of Oblivion (an emotionally harrowing experience for them both). I don't really see them becoming friends, but I think they probably have a good professional relationship by now (Theron being a workaholic and Arcann being utterly committed to atoning by aiding the Commander/the Alliance). 

Maybe... Torian? Torian may look like a kid, but he is actually very mature and has a pretty nuanced perspective. He even says in his break-up letter (if you leave him for Arcann) that


he doesn't care about Arcann's past, only how he treats you.

Torian is also driven to better himself as a result of his father's crimes, and though the circumstances and stakes are completely different, I don't think their attitudes are a million miles apart (Torian's alert in 7.3 made me think about this). I also think they would respect each other as warriors (I think Arcann really did admire the Mandalorians' resistance on Darvannis). 

No one else comes to mind for now. Fun topic to speculate on! 🙂

Edited by witchglove
Edited for typos (typing on my phone 😄)
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I can't read breakup letters, I just can't. I am a fierce monogamist except in cases of Abuse or Adultery. Torian I have a complicated outlook on, he's really lovely, but he goes super-orthodox Mando on Darvanis, but then is like 'come rescue me' with Vaylin. It bothers me. 

As for Vector, his entire life is dedicated to understanding different people for peace. I can imagine him saying to himself, 'We need to understand why this war happened.'

So, he'd start by talking to Senya, Arcann, and Koth, about Zakuul's history, mythologies, culture. He'll want some access to literature, music, and art. Once he's gotten everyone comfortable, and there's a good meal and some wine. He'll start asking the tougher questions. 

"What did Zakuul wish to gain by attacking rather than trade or alliances?"

"Why leave the governments and military structures of the Empire and Republic if the goal was conquest and domination?"

"How does Zakuul's spiritual values stack up against Empire and Republic?"

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Sounds like a very interesting and tense conversation/interrogation, @JakRoanin. How would Arcann react to the Killik hivemind? 

Torian is interesting. I also believe Arcann actually does admire Mandalorian warrior culture (he definitely values fearlessness in battle) and he veiled that as amusement. Much like his initial feelings with the Commander: he felt admiration while they were enemies and that angered him. Since Arcann accompanies the Commander when coming to Torian's rescue, Torian may approach him afterwards to say thanks. Maybe they can go on a hunting trip together, since they both like trophy gifts. Even though I don't think Arcann would typically do that.

Speaking of Torian breakup letter,


I would pay big credits to see that honor duel. 

Tharan Cedrax. I want my 1st and 3rd favorite companions to be friends 🙂. I imagine him helping Arcann out with his cybernetic repairs, assuming that Arcann got his new arm from Nar Shaddaa (Tharan's homeworld). They're pretty much opposite personalities, but I like to think they could get along. 

Arn Peralun and Arcann, precious cybernetic boys. They can empathize with each other about the pain from their respective cybernetics and burn injuries. There's a good fanfiction about this I read here

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I honestly think Arcann would be more curious than repelled by Vector. Part of the reason he wanted so badly to go out into the wider galaxy was for adventure and discovery. It's stated in one of the short stories.

Edited by JakRoanin
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So, wow, I got a new dialogue taking my JK (had to restart him to give him the proper Combat Styles I wanted) through Rusk's AA the first time I just hurried Rusk along and didn't tell him what happened to me, at that point I just wanted to get back to the action... But older and well... Older I slowed down tonight and told him what happened. His line was fascinating, especially since this is after The Battle of Odessan and Arcann and Senya are technically MIA. I'll paraphrase...

After JK tells him that Valky is in their mind and that's why Arcann had them in suspended animation, Rusk says, "That BOY was able to contain both you and the Emperor, now its not so surprising he managed to take over the galaxy."

The words 'that boy' really struck me for some reason...

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For the record, I read a post in this thread where someone was saying that Rusk made that condescending comment about Arcann being a boy. I had Arcann with me when I went to Rusk on Nar Shad, and when Rusk said that, if my character could've socked him, she would have. Arcann is far more manly than that horned creep. lol. Rusk would never compare to Arcann. As a matter of fact, none of the companions do. 

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I don't think Rusk is degrading Arcann tbh, he's probably like twice Arcann's age, so he would obviously see him as a kid compared to himself, and the "That BOY was able to contain both you and the Emperor, now its not so surprising he managed to take over the galaxy." seems like a "wow that's impressive from someone that young" to me, though maybe with the sound it would come off very differently.

Edited by Goreshaga
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47 minutes ago, VanessaBlackrose said:

I think what struck me the most about my characters reunion with Arcann on Voss was his undeniable sweetness, and his strength of character.  When he said to my character, "you are so captivating" it really shows how deep his love is, and how real it is. I almost cried when he hugged her. For me, he is the most real of all the companions. Definitely my favorite, I truly hope they can have a wedding some day. That would be utterly mind blowing. the whole reunion was incredible.

Sometimes I can't believe how much depth of feeling Arcann shows throughout his entire story. A fictional man, and yet he has such intense rage, hate, grief, guilt, hope, love. No other character gets to me on such a personal level, as Arcann does.

48 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I don't think Rusk is degrading Arcann tbh, he's probably like twice Arcann's age, so he would obviously see him as a kid compared to himself, and the "That BOY was able to contain both you and the Emperor, now its not so surprising he managed to take over the galaxy." seems like a "wow that's impressive from someone that young" to me, though maybe with the sound it would come off very differently.

I see. I haven't heard the actual line, so I assumed it was more degrading. Arcann is in his early 20s in KOTFE, right? In that case he is really young compared to everyone else.

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Also, Rusk's backstory is pretty harsh himself and despite his casualty rates, he is not into straight up murder. He has limits, standards, and he's very much into "no excuses, no extenuating circumstances, you just do the right thing" he's a very stark and harsh character, but he's not evil.

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I don't think its necessarily good to equate a player's real personality with their game choices. Sometimes people just want to see how things changed with what they choose. No, I'll never kill Arcann, but I can see how someone would want to know what changes.

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1 hour ago, cosmicchar said:

I see. I haven't heard the actual line, so I assumed it was more degrading. Arcann is in his early 20s in KOTFE, right? In that case he is really young compared to everyone else.

I assume he is around our character's age (at least the characters who are on the younger side, like 18-20 years old at the beginning of their class story) or very slightly younger, which would place him at early to mid-twenties pre-timeskip, and is indeed quite young to defeat both the Republic and the Empire at the same time, and in less than a year. That's honestly quite an impressive feat in and of itself.

5 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I don't think its necessarily good to equate a player's real personality with their game choices. Sometimes people just want to see how things changed with what they choose. No, I'll never kill Arcann, but I can see how someone would want to know what changes.

I'll have to make that choice on at least one of my JK's clone to be able to see (and record so that i'll never have to do it again) the romance scenes with Theron that are locked behind killing him, but i'm reeeeaaaally dragging my feet here, seriously who thought it was a good idea to lock romance content behind killing another character... ?

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