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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I'm not too bothered with a relationship starting in only a few days, my real life one was like that. Sometimes it just clicks. With Arcann the pc has known him for over a year, just with different viewpoints. So once his rage and hate went away he realized some underlying feelings that replaced them (imo) as he works with the Alliance and for the Commander he gets a new view of him/her.

It might take more time for him to dare speaking about it than developing the feelings, indeed. But they still start from quite far. On his side, why not. On the Commander's side... Oh I guess that it depends how each of us sees the character but mine would not fall in a couple of days.


My smuggler flirted even with Skavak, but Arсann did not have a single flirting option at all.:eek:

Therefore, his romanticism looks so "sudden."

Flirt options, why not. It would have seemed a bit awkward for light-sided characters. For dark ones, it could have been fun. But then the outcome might be different (no redemption, let's just rule as evil consorts on the whole galaxy).

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I actually ended up liking that there was no flirt options for Arcann anywhere.. Even with the romance there. It's not like my character loves him, but she (Agent) does care about him as a person and just decided "why not try this out further, see if we do work as a couple" more then "Omg I love you/I'm infatuated lets get together". Deeper feelings from her can come later, if it works out between them. But of course my Agent doesn't know how to care about someone romantically so it the lead up, and short time, rather works for her since the feelings will come over the time they spend together.


edit: so i guess form that it works easily for me as my character hasn't technically fallen for him the way he has for her, but she is willing to see if they work together.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Flirt does not have to be "romantic". For example, for a smuggler, flirting sometimes served as a tool for trolling. It would be interesting to flirt with Arcann, when he was an opponent.

This would give him to understand that Valky does not control the will of the PC.



And how it would have enraged the old stump!:rolleyes:

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I made cranky father mad enough jsut threatening to give Arcann back the throne :eek::D

That line was nice.

I liked the one when you can tell him that you wish there would be more of his family out there too.


Finally got a female smuggler through the class story, doing SoR right now, as I didn't like the Corso romance, I intended to try her with Theron to see if I could free my JK for Arcann and it looks like it doesn't work at all. She seems closer to Lana than she is with Theron and he looks like he could not care less about anyone else than her :eek:

Skavak was much more interested than Theron, well untill she killed him but that's another story.

Well, I guess I'll try her luck with Koth then, but it does not resolve my JK problem... :(

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That line was nice.

I liked the one when you can tell him that you wish there would be more of his family out there too.


Finally got a female smuggler through the class story, doing SoR right now, as I didn't like the Corso romance, I intended to try her with Theron to see if I could free my JK for Arcann and it looks like it doesn't work at all. She seems closer to Lana than she is with Theron and he looks like he could not care less about anyone else than her :eek:

Skavak was much more interested than Theron, well untill she killed him but that's another story.

Well, I guess I'll try her luck with Koth then, but it does not resolve my JK problem... :(


My smuggler has.. issues. Darmas was the only one for her heart and yet she still does not know how to be faithful. The class story was hilarious. I couldn't really get any of my characters to click with Koth, closest was my trooper whom I haven't touched for ages.

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My smuggler has.. issues. Darmas was the only one for her heart and yet she still does not know how to be faithful. The class story was hilarious. I couldn't really get any of my characters to click with Koth, closest was my trooper whom I haven't touched for ages.

She has issues too. She never was into Darmas, but she did things with Skavak and it was funny (well untill she killed him), and tried her luck with many other guys but it never really worked, and Corso, he's kind of sweet but he's also damn annoying being all possessive, she's someone who loves her freedom, that'd never work between them.

Koth I only tried with my Imperious and she went back with Andronikos as soon as he came back (poor Koth).


We may try my sister's Lady Wrath with Arcann and see how it looks like.


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She has issues too. She never was into Darmas, but she did things with Skavak and it was funny (well untill she killed him), and tried her luck with many other guys but it never really worked, and Corso, he's kind of sweet but he's also damn annoying being all possessive, she's someone who loves her freedom, that'd never work between them.

Koth I only tried with my Imperious and she went back with Andronikos as soon as he came back (poor Koth)


Oh boy, Kyr got with Skavak, Darmas, really my joke of her romance being anyone she can get her hands on is true! except Corso, he was too ... polite? odd for her anyway, she never touched him.

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Oh boy, Kyr got with Skavak, Darmas, really my joke of her romance being anyone she can get her hands on is true! except Corso, he was too ... polite? odd for her anyway, she never touched him.

Well, Shyan tried everone she could except Darmas, too old for her taste I guess.

Corso, I won't do that romance again I guess, he's kind of cute at first but once you strart the romance, he's the kind of guy whose girlfriend can't talk to another guy without him having something to say. That'd clearly not work with my female smuggler (and IRL that's the kind of guy who I find really annoying)

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She has issues too. She never was into Darmas, but she did things with Skavak and it was funny (well untill she killed him), and tried her luck with many other guys but it never really worked, and Corso, he's kind of sweet but he's also damn annoying being all possessive, she's someone who loves her freedom, that'd never work between them.

Koth I only tried with my Imperious and she went back with Andronikos as soon as he came back (poor Koth).


We may try my sister's Lady Wrath with Arcann and see how it looks like.


That is the same kind of feeling I had for Theron and my SI. He's sweet, but out of place for many reasons.


Hey, I'm starting playing LS sometimes, levelling a JK. Would you mind giving me a few characters name in private just to have some IG chat sometimes, Goreshaga?

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Well, Shyan tried everone she could except Darmas, too old for her taste I guess.

Corso, I won't do that romance again I guess, he's kind of cute at first but once you strart the romance, he's the kind of guy whose girlfriend can't talk to another guy without him having something to say. That'd clearly not work with my female smuggler (and IRL that's the kind of guy who I find really annoying)


Yeah Corso is a lot like that even if you don't get with him. Just drag him around as the sidekick and watch the jealousy with every flirt given to anyone but him xD . Kyr just wasn't bothered by age, just experience, also why Corso wasn't for her.. she didn't think he'd be any good. My first smuggler married him, that was my second-ever character I ever played though. Been a long time. I play Sith Warrior story as my favourite, and my honourable blood knight of a sith just clicked with Theron, no one else. So she, unlike most Sith, didn't involve herself in that particular pleasure past time.


I think my Agent works a bit with Arcann, so far. we'll see if we get anything else.

My male JC and Lana were perfect together for my character and stuff. There's a few LI's that I just haven't managed to create a character that worked with them, but it happens *shrugs*

edit: and of course my favourit romance arc, JC lass is waiting for her husband, soon!

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That is the same kind of feeling I had for Theron and my SI. He's sweet, but out of place for many reasons.


Hey, I'm starting playing LS sometimes, levelling a JK. Would you mind giving me a few characters name in private just to have some IG chat sometimes, Goreshaga?

Tried Theron with my female IA, Smuggler, JK and more or less with my SW (but 'im just started with Rishi on that character) and with my sis' male SI, but so far, Naeya (my JK) is the only one who really suits him, and even when not doing the romance they look like they actually are a thing (dunno, maybe it's the voicing, but it sound really different with my JK than with any other character, haven't tried a femal JC yet to see if it's a Jedi thing or really specific to the female JK)

Right now I'm mostly on my smuggler, Shyan Lan. other times, mostly on my Naeya clones ( Orqana, Ôrgana or Örgana, as the game doesn't let me use that family name as it is)


Yeah Corso is a lot like that even if you don't get with him. Just drag him around as the sidekick and watch the jealousy with every flirt given to anyone but him xD . Kyr just wasn't bothered by age, just experience, also why Corso wasn't for her.. she didn't think he'd be any good. My first smuggler married him, that was my second-ever character I ever played though. Been a long time. I play Sith Warrior story as my favourite, and my honourable blood knight of a sith just clicked with Theron, no one else. So she, unlike most Sith, didn't involve herself in that particular pleasure past time.


I think my Agent works a bit with Arcann, so far. we'll see if we get anything else.

My male JC and Lana were perfect together for my character and stuff. There's a few LI's that I just haven't managed to create a character that worked with them, but it happens *shrugs*

edit: and of course my favourit romance arc, JC lass is waiting for her husband, soon!

I think I'll try my smuggler with Darmas when i'll restart her, and don't do the Corso romance, and it'll work even less with Theron, I don't think she'd want to try a spy again.

Jorgan's jealousy was quite funny while flirting with Jonas, but Corso is not quite funny actually.

My favourite story is the JK's, but i'd say that SW comes second.


Yeah some romance can work for depending on how you play your character, but other are meh.

I really didn't like the Dorne romance, I felt that my trooper was harassing her, I didn't like the male force users romance with their apprentices, Mako was too young for my male BH. Haven't tried Kira, Risha and Akaavi yet.

Doc, well, it doesn't work with my JK, Vette feels more like a sister than a lover for my SW. I don't like Kaliyo, and male IA feels like a kind of mentor to Raina too...

I have problem with most female LI I guess, it leave more or less only Lana, I'm trying that romance on my SW, that could work, but I started it.

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Well, Shyan tried everone she could except Darmas, too old for her taste I guess.


Now I want to play the Smuggler and hit every flirt option... :p And I disliked Smuggler the most.


Corso is the kind of guy whose girlfriend can't talk to another guy without him having something to say.


I wounder why :D.

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Now I want to play the Smuggler and hit every flirt option... :p And I disliked Smuggler the most.

I wounder why :D.

Well, that's the only class i had not finished yet, but I had some fun with my female smuggler, I'll have to try a guy now and see if it's bettre or not.

And there are a lot of flirt options, i think female smuggler is the female PC who gets the most, followed by female IA.


Well, yeah but reacting like that is not a good solution :D

Now he'll never get the girl again :rolleyes:

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Right now I'm mostly on my smuggler, Shyan Lan. other times, mostly on my Naeya clones ( Orqana, Ôrgana or Örgana, as the game doesn't let me use that family name as it is)

Ôrgana and Örgana did not work when I tried to add them to my friends' list. Just in case, I'll be playing Ainlanna, and perhaps sometimes Shanti-Adamanta (my old consular)

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Ôrgana and Örgana did not work when I tried to add them to my friends' list. Just in case, I'll be playing Ainlanna, and perhaps sometimes Shanti-Adamanta (my old consular)

Hm, weird.

I added both of your characters on my smuggler ^^


And created a JK for my sis, so i'll probably be on that character tonight, his name is Varhees Vaam.


And now i'm waiting for tomorrow, to see if I can get Theron back :(

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